The Nagging Wife...

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2011/12/05 15:59:09 (permalink)

The Nagging Wife...

She is continuing to ask what I want for Christmas this year. I have decided to ask her for a fly rod and reel. Since I have never fly fished and only have book knowledge on the sport, I am not sure what to ask her to buy specifically. Can some of you guys recommend a rod (brand name, weight, length) that you would recommend? I really do not want to spend over $100 on a rod. I been reading reveiws and this is what I have found to be of interest...

9' Okuma Guide Series 6 or 7 weight (can't remember which it was) for $79.95
9' Shakespeare Ugly Stick 8/9 weight $59.95
9' St. Croix Rio Santo 6 or 8 weight for $100 and $110 (still not sure what exact weight would be best for steelheading and/or spring bass fishing)
9' Temple Fork Outfitters 6, 7, or 8 weight for $110 to $120

I have decided to go with an Okuma SLV Large Arbor reel for about $60. I am still open to recommendations. though. Thanks for your help guys and Happy Holidays!

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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/05 16:55:29 (permalink)
    Ugly stick seems to only offer 8/9 or 10 weight rods.
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/05 18:07:52 (permalink)
    Wish that was what the wife nagged me about...

    I would lean toward a 7 wt. , somewhere around 9-10 feet.
    Haven't used any of those rods so can't help there.

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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/05 18:42:34 (permalink)
    Just for steel? 7wt.

    Steel and bass/trout/etc.? 6wt

    I'd go either with the St. Croix or TFO, with a preference for St. Croix.
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/06 19:47:21 (permalink)
    Thanks guys for the help. I am still searching for a rod. I ended up purchasing a Okuma SLV 7/8 wt reel for $40 from Amazon. Now I am looking to buy a matching 7 wt rod.

    Have been really considering the Okuma Guide Select 9' 7wt (here: .

    I also been reading great things about the TFO rods (here:

    Not sure if this is a good idea or not but...was thinking of going with the Ugly Stick 9' 8 wt. (Here: Would this be overkill?

    Finally, this Okuma SLV 9' 7/8 wt looks promising. (Here: Anyone have a suggestion? Much appreciated!
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/06 19:48:18 (permalink)
    I use the Ugly Stick 8'6'' 7/8wt rod for larger fish. The only negative is that it only breaks in half for travel. Otherwise, it is a nice solid fly rod with some backbone. I'd put it up there with my catfish and musky rods, but it's definitely not too heavy to cast all day. You can't beat the price. The only lower weight rods like the Ugly Sticks are the Shakespeare Ultra Lite fly rods. They're 7ft, 5/6wt and are sold for $20-25 at Walmart/Kmart.

    I paid less than $100 for my 7/8wt rod, Medalist reel, backing, line, mono, and tippet. It catches fish all day. They're all good rods. If it's a gift though, just go for the one you want the most.

    I'd rather be fishin...
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/06 20:09:01 (permalink)
    Thanks for the advice. I am thinking of going with the Okuma SLV or Guide Select rods due to their great reviews. The Ugly Stick seems great but may be a little to stiff for finessing. Thanks again.
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/06 20:14:26 (permalink)
    Not going to be doing much "finessing"with a 7wt.

    TFO and call it a day...

    The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/07 16:35:44 (permalink)
    Not going to be doing much "finessing"with a 7wt.

    TFO and call it a day...

    I worded that wrong. Rather then "finessing", I would like to be able to cast out as far as possible when bass season approaches. I am assuming I would want a very flexible rod to allow for increased casting distance. Isn't this possible with a fly rod?
    post edited by xXBeastFeesherManXx - 2011/12/07 16:36:09
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/07 19:09:46 (permalink)
    Accuracy is more important than distance. Cortland has some good combos and I've had good results with Uglystik which are very tough, and probably a bit heavier!

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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/07 19:10:27 (permalink)
    Accuracy is more important than distance. Cortland has some good combos and I've had good results with Uglystik which are very tough, and probably a bit heavier!

    God does not take from your life, the time spent fishing!
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/07 19:14:43 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: xXBeastFeesherManXx
    I worded that wrong. Rather then "finessing", I would like to be able to cast out as far as possible when bass season approaches. I am assuming I would want a very flexible rod to allow for increased casting distance. Isn't this possible with a fly rod?

    The opposite, actually. You want a faster rod to generate more line speed, and with it, more casting distance.

    It may be trickier to cast, however.

    Also: Get an Okuma rod. That's what you want someone to tell you, so there, I said it. I've never used one, never fished with anyone that used one, and have never heard any first-hand reviews good or bad, but you clearly want one for some reason, so go get one.
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/07 19:36:16 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Cold

    ORIGINAL: xXBeastFeesherManXx
    I worded that wrong. Rather then "finessing", I would like to be able to cast out as far as possible when bass season approaches. I am assuming I would want a very flexible rod to allow for increased casting distance. Isn't this possible with a fly rod?

    The opposite, actually. You want a faster rod to generate more line speed, and with it, more casting distance.

    It may be trickier to cast, however.

    Also: Get an Okuma rod. That's what you want someone to tell you, so there, I said it. I've never used one, never fished with anyone that used one, and have never heard any first-hand reviews good or bad, but you clearly want one for some reason, so go get one.

    So I am taking it as you too suggest the TFO rod. I was actually leaning towards it (as of now. lol) I just noticed they too offer a lifetime warranty with their fly rods as does Okuma. KJH offered me a TFO signature rod but it is a 6 wt. I am looking to get a 7 or 8 wt though. I will hopefully make up my mind by this weekend but as of now, I am pretty sure I am going with the TFO Lefty's signature rod.
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/07 19:41:31 (permalink)
    It was a 10th 6wt TFO professional...

    Anyone else interested... PM me

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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/07 20:58:40 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: LoganWade03

    Not going to be doing much "finessing"with a 7wt.

    TFO and call it a day...


    "Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."~by Tony Blake~

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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/07 21:12:13 (permalink)
    only ever fished  okuma spinning rods the ultra lights have been nothing short of fantastic. The noodle rods Ive had all broke 2 with cold weather and 1 with horsing a fish  to hard. I enjoyed them until they snapped. check out albright fly rods if your looking for something along the cheaper cost they always seem to have some sort of big sales going on their website. Ive used as light as a 5wt for steelhead and tho it was a tougher fight a 5 wt can handle something that big as well as being some what light enough to fish for trout. hope this helps

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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/07 21:35:41 (permalink)
    I fish steelhead with the 10ft 7wt TFO pro rod. I don't imagine there is a ton of difference between it and the lower priced series and I have no complaints with mine. I have never used the rio santo series of st croix fly rods but own an imperial fly rod and about a half dozen other st croix spinning rods and have no complaints with that brand either.

    Just go with the TFO. Can't beat the warranty
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/08 08:02:11 (permalink)
    I am pretty sure I am going with the TFO Lefty's signature rod.

    I'm pretty sure I have a couple of those I bought like new for CHEAP at a yard sale some years ago.
    i can't recall what wt they are...but "think" they're 9ft 6wt

    make a donation to any kid's charity org and I'll give you one

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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/08 09:42:06 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: xXBeastFeesherManXx

    ORIGINAL: Cold

    ORIGINAL: xXBeastFeesherManXx
    I worded that wrong. Rather then "finessing", I would like to be able to cast out as far as possible when bass season approaches. I am assuming I would want a very flexible rod to allow for increased casting distance. Isn't this possible with a fly rod?

    The opposite, actually. You want a faster rod to generate more line speed, and with it, more casting distance.

    It may be trickier to cast, however.

    Also: Get an Okuma rod. That's what you want someone to tell you, so there, I said it. I've never used one, never fished with anyone that used one, and have never heard any first-hand reviews good or bad, but you clearly want one for some reason, so go get one.

    So I am taking it as you too suggest the TFO rod. I was actually leaning towards it (as of now. lol) I just noticed they too offer a lifetime warranty with their fly rods as does Okuma. KJH offered me a TFO signature rod but it is a 6 wt. I am looking to get a 7 or 8 wt though. I will hopefully make up my mind by this weekend but as of now, I am pretty sure I am going with the TFO Lefty's signature rod.

    you can ask cold, loomis, kreamy... unless I am fishing small wild freestone streams, I fish a custom 6 wt. for trout, steelhead, and bass.  It's a fast action build and is versatile enough to throw size 22 midges with finesse down to some big, heavy streamers, as well as puts the breaks on steelhead with ease.  I am a huge fan of 6 wt.'s.  the tfo kjh presented you with is a fine rod and the guy takes care of his equipment (at least I think)
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/08 09:48:53 (permalink)
    a video of the 6 wt. in action on a decent sized hen... yes, I suck at tailing fish lol
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/08 09:52:46 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: genieman77

    I am pretty sure I am going with the TFO Lefty's signature rod.

    I'm pretty sure I have a couple of those I bought like new for CHEAP at a yard sale some years ago.
    i can't recall what wt they are...but "think" they're 9ft 6wt

    make a donation to any kid's charity org and I'll give you one


    I'll make a donation to st. judes for that offer... i'm looking for a rod for my father for xmas.  pm if at all possible
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/08 17:04:37 (permalink)
    I will make a donation. How can I receive the rod once completed?
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/08 20:35:02 (permalink)
    Lemmie find 'em fellas .
    They're buried "somewhere" in the garage ..i think ..

    St Jude's would be great.
    I'll see if i can dig them out tomorrow.
    hang tight....BOTH of you guys


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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/09 15:30:45 (permalink)
    Agree about the warrenty. Sent back a rod with a broken tip the day after Thanksgiving and received it back totally repaired today. Will be using it on Monday.
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/13 15:52:37 (permalink)
    Hey All! I ended up purchasing a TFO 9' 7wt Professional Series Rod at a closeout sale for $109.00. I also purchased a Okuma 7/8 reel. Now just waiting for it in the mail. I got to find some quality backing, fly-line and tippet line. Any suggestions on a brand of Fly-line and/or backing? Thanks again everyone for your help on my rod purchase.
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/13 16:09:29 (permalink)

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/13 21:12:57 (permalink)
    RIO 7 WF

    "Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."~by Tony Blake~

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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/15 00:48:01 (permalink)
    The cheapest line you can find for Erie tribes, color doesn't matter. Get a separate spool with good line for when you plan to cast for bass. I recommended cabelas prestige for the tribs and orvis wonder line for the spare spool. Your line doesn't need to do much in Erie. Hell a majority of the time my line doesn't touch the water until I have a fish on

    The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/15 11:22:36 (permalink)
    Thanks again folks for your help.

    Here is a list of my build....

    - TFO Lefty Krah Professional Series 9' 7 WT (love the fact of no fault lifetime warranty!)
    - Okuma SLV 7/8 WT reel
    - RIO MainStream 7 WT WF fly line
    - Cortland leader slip-on pack
    - Cortland 100' 20 lb. backing

    I hope to make many memorable angling experiences with this setup. Now if only the wind would calm down so I could get out there and learn the trade. Many thanks to all the people that helped me on my quest. To name a few...

    The friendly and very helpful staff at FishUSA and Poor Richands. My fishing buddy and experienced fly fishing friend Jim AKA FlyGuy76. And to all of you on this Forum. Merry Christmas to you and all your families. Hope to meet some of you on the streams. Thanks again.
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    RE: The Nagging Wife... 2011/12/15 12:49:41 (permalink)
    nice build.. loomis would be jealous
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