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Monday, December 05, 2011 11:22 AM (permalink)


I am headin up to erie tomorrow to set some hooks on some steelys (notice my beaming confidence there ha ha) actually this be my first time fishin up there in the erie tributaries and was wondering if anyone knows the conditions of the water right now talkin bout water temp hi low levels clear muddy stuff like that anything ya got will help. also i'm a catch and release guy, for the most part, however i wouldn't mind keeping one for the grill what's the best stream for catchin an eater? I hear it is not recommended in certain streams. Ok thats all from me thanks

hookum hard!

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    New Angler
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    RE: conditions Monday, December 05, 2011 2:17 PM (permalink)
    It will be blown out . First rule of Steelheading is obsess with the forecast.
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    RE: conditions Monday, December 05, 2011 2:24 PM (permalink)
    This chart is a good place to start:,00060,00010

    Already been a couple of threads in the past few weeks about what it means for stream conditions. Use the search feature and you should get plenty of info. Basically, if flow is over 250 CFS and rising (subjective depending on your tastes) Walnut and Elk are on their way to being blown out.

    Best stream for catchin' an eater? Tell us what the difference is between an eater and one you would release, and maybe we can help you out.
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    RE: conditions Monday, December 05, 2011 2:52 PM (permalink)
    this should help!!!

    New Angler
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    RE: conditions Monday, December 05, 2011 6:42 PM (permalink)
    an eater for me would be one smaller sized fish the rest would be releasers thanks for the concern. just a potentiality i'd like to have if the oppourtunity presented itself at the right time ya know like right before lunch, it would only be one between the three of us planning on going up the rest go back safe and sound to go make babies someday. I fish down in blair county out of the little juniata river alot and have seen first hand the benefits of catch and release we have designated catch and release areas there and i can go catch trout there practically any day any time of the year it's great I highly recommend it. Every once in a while though i think it's our god given right to eat one and it is pretty cool to know that you can still go out and real in a tasty fillet o fish from a stream or lake or wherever. Now you got me goin because it really ****es me off when I'm reminded that there are areas where it isn't safe to eat a fish caught from there because of the actions of careless greedy uneducated stupid morons! Hey good luck fishin man um done headin up north woo!

    hookum hard!
    New Angler
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    RE: conditions Monday, December 05, 2011 7:48 PM (permalink)
    We got a good amount of rain today and Elk and Walnut are pretty much blown out right now plus it is still raining.  I don't know about the mile streams but looking at the radar, I would think they would be about the same for tomorrow unless the rain stops really soon.  I think you may be out of luck for tomorrow but there is still a slim chance that you'll find some where to fish if you drive and check enough spots.  Good luck...
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    RE: conditions Monday, December 05, 2011 7:53 PM (permalink)
    4 Mile is up and running


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    RE: conditions Monday, December 05, 2011 8:15 PM (permalink)
    Rick Rd should be good. They are there, oh yeah.
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