Lack of deer

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Dr. Trout
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RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 15:55:46 (permalink)
One thing PSU and I do agree on === going back to county by county specs...
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RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 15:59:57 (permalink)
I feel the PGC biologists can get a better handle on deer populations at a county level, not a WMU level.
2F covers parts of 7 counties
Big Tuna
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RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 17:29:14 (permalink)
Beaver 1A 2A 2B the real problem is the tiny part of 2B that give all the poachers the unlimited tags for 1A and 2A.
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RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 18:56:39 (permalink)
I dont think poachers use tags...
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RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 21:31:49 (permalink)
Each year Im totally amazed by the so-called sportsman that are in the truck with a dead doe loaded while they wait for their hunting buddies; and as I stop to chat usually the first thing out of their mouth is; " Where are all the deer"? "This is the only one I saw, so I shot it" The deer numbers are down very low in some areas and moderately in others. With the amount of predators around and high anterless tags available the deer numbers will change very little or drop even lower. I'm the only deer hunter left from my family at this time. Had 2 sons who quit hunting and my wife has also quit last year. Our hunting cabin at Glencoe has lost most of the non-res. hunters also. They are still owners but will not buy a license. Would you spend over 100 dollars to see few or no deer? The Pa. Game Comm. has a very serious problem at this time and will only get worse as more folks quit hunting. Deer has always been the main reason for lic. sales. Stocked Pheasants are a good example of a wasted program and wasted money. Half tame and a lot are eaten by preators before the hunt begins. We use to have lots of wild birds and they were a challenge to hunt. Now; it's like trout fishing. If the state didn't stock trout; how many folks would fish? Maybe we should rename it to; "The State Game and Fish Welfare Comm."'
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RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 21:39:13 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: retired guy

    Hey Drake- whats the deal up there any hooo- didnt even buy tags for Pooolasky this year- with 2 blocks and 2 corn feeders in the backyard by the woods all spring and summer never saw ONE deer there. Used to be loaded.

Lots of poachers up there RT. Unlike the Russians that steal the fish to sell them, at least the deer grabbers feed their families. Not saying what they do is right, it is what it is. NY should rename the Happy Valley section of the StateForest along Rte 104 to Poacher Alley.

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RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 21:54:52 (permalink)
to the Pa Guys - good luck on week 2.
I have 3 full days to hunt this coming week.

I jumped a big racked buck early this morning while scoping out a new area that has a nice stand of beechnut trees. He was laying down next to a blowdown tree rootball. He must have been dozin off pretty good, considering that I got within 10 yards of him b4 he bolted away. I was amazed that he only ran about 20 yards, then stopped, turned around and snorted a few times at me b4 he walked off into the thick stuff. (The Day of the Sabbath saved his Azz).

I'm pscyched up for manana's pre-light crawl into the woods. Hope the wind is in my favor, cause there is only one way to get in there without a chainsaw/brushcutter... I'm hoping that Mr. Buck provides a repeat performance.

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