Lack of deer

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2011/12/01 18:22:27 (permalink)

Lack of deer

After 48 years of Bow and Gun hunting I can truly say that this has been the worst ever. I've killed my fair share of deer in Somerset, Adams, and some in Maryland also. But our hunting group felt the same as me after spending the first day and most went home after the second. Very few deer seen in an area that use to be prime; (Glencoe) So. Somerset Co. If this is what I have to look forward to for my remaining years, I might as well stick to New York fishing in the fall.Traveled approx. 200 miles; south to north at the end of Oct.on rt. 219 in the early morming and saw 1 live deer and 2 road kills on our way to New York. Good indicator of the deer numbers I would say. And the Pa.Game Comm. is trying to figure out why we are losing hunters?

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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/01 20:33:27 (permalink)
    Sorry to hear your season isnt as good as you hoped. Hang in there there is still over a week left in the rifle season.
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/01 22:12:20 (permalink)
    Hello henhouse...I used to hunt that area years ago also. Close friend had a cabin just outside of Wellersburg, just south of Glencoe. I remember spotting on Sunday night before first day and counting 200-250 deer in the fields. Then seeing 30 -50 deer the first day. I remember the one time my dad pushed out a patch of laurel and had 38 deer run across the logging road in front of me. Dad yelled at me for counting them and not shooting one---- tried to explain that none had a rack.....LOL....I was 15 and that was 1975......
             I hunted 2C this year, as I have for the past +20 years, saw 13 for the day and only one shooter.....and I missed him....
             I have two sons and neither of them caught the itch to be a hunter. My youngest got his license and got a turkey the first time out. I thought I got him hooked.....BUT he went out for the first day of rained, it was cold, we only saw 6 deer all day and none within range....He never went back. 
            Heck 20 years ago we had 20-25 guys for bear season....this year just two of us....Looks like I will grow old hunting with just a few of my buddies.

    TIMES HAVE CHANGED................
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/02 07:33:17 (permalink)
    I saw three bucks and four antlerless by 11 AM on the first day.  I couldn't tell if the first buck was legal, but someone shot at it before I saw it.  It was flying low.  It could have been a junior, although I haven't seen a junior hunting there since I was a junior, which was a few years ago -- LOL.  If it was legal, it wasn't anything to get amped about.  I shot the second one, which wasn't great, but legal and good enough to make sandwiches.  I couldn't tell if the third one was legal -- I jumped it while going to get the one I harvested (killed, whatever), but someone shot at it after I saw it.  It too was nothing special.  Of the anlterless, three were girls and one was a BB.
    One the way home I ran into the landowner that has the property adjacent to the property I hunt -- I travel through it to get to where I am going.  When I told him about the sightings, he just shook his head and said "Not bad for now.  But do you remember when it was fairly normal to see three bucks and four does in a herd, not in half a day?"  Sadly, I do.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/02 07:41:41 (permalink)
    Even though I wasn't hunting, I sat in a stand with my cousin till 4:30 Monday afternoon.  We saw zero deer.  Our crew of six saw 4 deer total for the day. 

    Second day, 5 guys saw about 40 deer. 
    post edited by dpms - 2011/12/02 07:54:34

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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/02 11:26:15 (permalink)
    The PGC just isn't stocking as many as they used to.  I think they should stock more trophy bucks and adult does, rather than those little fawns that just get eaten right away.  Drift stocking them in the forest would have a higher survival rate than just dumping them in the field from the road.
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/02 12:17:05 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: pole_doc

    The PGC just isn't stocking as many as they used to.  I think they should stock more trophy bucks and adult does, rather than those little fawns that just get eaten right away.  Drift stocking them in the forest would have a higher survival rate than just dumping them in the field from the road.

    I thought they dropped them from helicopters?
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/02 15:05:25 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz

    ORIGINAL: pole_doc

    The PGC just isn't stocking as many as they used to.  I think they should stock more trophy bucks and adult does, rather than those little fawns that just get eaten right away.  Drift stocking them in the forest would have a higher survival rate than just dumping them in the field from the road.

    I thought they dropped them from helicopters?

    That is grey wolves.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/02 18:48:10 (permalink)
    And ticks !

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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/02 19:21:56 (permalink)
    Not many hunters on the local gamelands but I did see a guy in a green uniform leading a group of birdwatchers on one of the gated roads. Lots of orange and binoculars but no guns. One guy mentioned he couldn't wait until he didn't have to wear orange in the fall tours.
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/02 19:56:03 (permalink)
    it's been rough this year. i usually hunt on my own property but this year was just different all around. the big hollow behind my house got logged off. the mountain on the other end got logged off. the deer were in my yard pre-rutt, which never happens, then, they all disappeared. i hunted here the first day and saw 1 squirrel. only heard maybe 7 shots within hearing distance. nothing close at all.

    i'm hopeful for tomorrow as i am on a short list of lucky folk that get to hunt some of melons property in ligonier. i hunted it this morning. saw 15 deer. 3 of them bucks. 2 that were not legal and one that vanished before i got it in the scope. but my uncle and cousin both shot monsters on the first day. only a 6 and an 8, but the size on the animals was unbelievable.
    sadly i can't archery hunt there.
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/02 22:29:23 (permalink)
       I know all you fellas are down on the PA Deer numbers but here in Ct ( the Deer State) its not uncommon to go  a few days at a time with no sightings. Guess its all relative to what was and what is to be expected.
     Back when I hunted PA as a kid and had those times you all wish were back we here in Ct  (the Deer State) had just about no deer at all. Now we have a genearl dispersion of around 8 to 15 PSM- when I was a kid ya never saw Deer or Deer sign in the woods- now its all over.
      I know ya dont like to hear anybody say ' count your lucky stars' when making those old day comparisons but---count your lucky stars.
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/03 05:32:23 (permalink)
    When you make 60K at your job and they cut your wages to 30K so they can build a plant elsewhere would you count your lucky stars.
    They cut the deer herd to support a political change to Eco-System Management not because the deer were starving.
    I don't hunt states like yours because of lack of deer numbers just as the non-residents are staying away from ours.
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/03 10:52:41 (permalink)
    Understand exactly what your sayin 10- Just pointing out that its all relative to expectations- A guy who isnt working at all would say 30 is great- That said it dont make it right so hope things over your way eventually improve.
      Your right- if PA was still like the old days I'd be back up huntin Warren on occasion and I aint.
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/03 14:37:35 (permalink)
    I was pumped up for todays hunt,but back at 2:00,sat from daylight till 2:00 and saw 7 flatheadss. I hunted every day this week,1/2 on tuesday. total deer count 27 does 1 6pt. Not to great a year but things can change in a second. I'm not looking for numbers "JUST THE ONE" Last year I hunted 5 days bow,2 days Ohio gun and first Sat. of Pa. gun total 8 hunts and killed 2 bucks and 2 does.What a diffference a year makes. They shot alot of does around me today. I have 2 tags for does but may not shoot any.3 or 4 years ago I saw 29 does and a small 8pt on the last day of Pa. gun from the same stand.Thing are changing and not for the good,PLEASE PGC GO BACK TO TWO DAYS OF DOE HUNTING.THIS BROWN IT"S DOWN BULLS GOT TO STOP.
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/03 17:29:30 (permalink)
    Hunted the same stand on first day as usual for the past few years have been seeing 30+ deer each sit and only saw 1 this year and that was a 8 point I shot. Numbers are really down.

    Lets Go Pen's!
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/03 18:55:04 (permalink)
    I went to clear creek for an hour before work this morning had 8 does under my climber at 7:30am .. had my pick and took the biggest one... easiest hunt EVER !!!!!

    My next day off is Tuesday so I'll hunt my ladder stand behind the house all day and try for #2.....
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/03 22:50:53 (permalink)
    The PGC has a plan, and thats how much money can we milk from the insurance companys and lumber companys buy reducing the deer herd. PA was and I still believe holds the largest sales in hunting license in the US but the numbers are in decline so lets put on antler restrictions so we can get more money from out of state hunters coming here in hopes of getting a trophy buck, like TX, but they fail to see that when you hunt in those trophy states hunters see a ton of deer not just 1 or 2. When you stop an look at it, it all started with the antler restrictions and running a 2 week doe season together. Many states had the antler restrictions and did away with them because after time they found that they were killing off the gene pool of big bucks. Im sure the PGC will say that weather kept the numbers low again this son killed a 5 point that had to be 5 to 6 years old real boxed face and worn teeth, I've seen bigger spikes. Like to see them go back to the old ways.
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 00:35:14 (permalink)
    Anyone ever find/seen a deer that has starved to death?  They claim that the habitat was so bad that deer starved to death?

    I've seen deer that were killed from major ice storms but never seen deer that starved to death because of lack of food.

    If there was deer that starved to death in Pa., it was remote.  Probably in RSB's area, which is a bunch of bull chit.
    post edited by ridgehunter - 2011/12/04 00:36:05
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 06:45:24 (permalink)
    PGC plan is to make us ALL OLD DOE HUNTERS. After that plan all old squirrel hunters.Nothing wrong with taking a doe but enough is enough,the herds very fragile in some areas and taking does mean less deer next year,do the math.If the laws where old school any buck,most guys would be out of the woods and happy,but the longer guys hunt the more does get shot.A buck and a doe per year should make MOST GUY'S happy. 6 week bow to shoot a DOE, 1 week muzzyloader/gun,2 week gun (up north 1 good change)too shoot alot more does,2 weeks flint,then a month in 2b,then people wonder why they don't see many deer any more.PGC is making two types of hunters trophy hunters or doe hunters.
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 08:49:29 (permalink)
    The whole 3-up to me is another way to get you to settle for a doe/BB.
    By making more legal bucks illegal, hunters will whack the first doe or button buck to walk by. Lot's of button bucks arent living long enough to make it 3-up legal status. Cutting the season to only a week may help, but I truly believe that the PGC could care less about antler size. AR was the bait and switch for HR
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 08:57:52 (permalink)
    i'd like to see a doe tag limit.  1 for archery\muzzle loader and 1 for rifle season. there's no reason for people to have 6 or 8 does tags per person, per family. i know people who are just mowing down every patch of brown they see. just because they have 10+ does tags to fill. they didn't even hunt the first week. they said they didn't want to have to look at what they were taking down before it was shot. i can't even wrap my head around that kind of thinking. i can't believe the PGC lets this go on. or even facilitates this kind of thinking by not imposing limitations on doe tag numbers. i personally won't be shooting at does til the last 3 days of rifle season, maybe not until 2nd archery season.  
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 10:30:45 (permalink)
    When push comes to shove it's still a matter of one's opinion versus another...

    The hunter that hunts an area where he/she sees few deer complains and wants the PGC to put limits on the doe harvest to increase the herd... they think the entire WMU is the way it is where they hunt.. NOT TRUE... while harvests are down from years past, they show there are still deer to hunt...

    Why should the PGC listen to the ones hunting poor areas and cause the thousands who hunt better ares and do not complain and harvest a deer ever year.. Many of us have no problem seeing and harvesting deer each year.. Yesterday sounded like a war zone around here... I saw more cars on the road to work thru SGL#54 than I can remember in years...

    As I mentioned I only hunted for an hour at an area I had scouted and knew there was LOTS of beechnuts and the deer were feeding on them ,... just after first light 8 feeding and I had my pick...

    So why limit MY CHANCES by not getting a doe tag so someone else can possibly see more deer... silly IMHO...

    If they are hunting a poor area - what is me not getting a doe tag going to do to improve it therewhere he has decided to hunt ... ??? and some one in that same area whos sees and does harvest a deer.. why should he suffer by not getting a tag... he's having no trouble getting deer..

    2G is a perfect example for me.. guys complaining "NO DEER' -- others I know and on post on the Internet about getting multiple deer EVERY year in 2G... how mad will they be if told they can not do that now because some one hunting some where else is not happy ???

    First day around here was terrible... NO HARVEST AT ALL.... only one legal buck was seen and it was wounded in the front shoulder, a small 5 point..... and I talked to 16 hunters Monday night... all hunted within 5 miles of here.. we all know there are legal ones here, they are spot-lighted in the fields at night... but 16 guys could not find one on Monday... that's why it's called hunting... and not seeing or shooting... the avergae sightings was 8 deer.. BUT 4 guys in the same basic area saw ZERO... so again - are there deer in the area or are the ones who saw zero right and there are no deer because they did not see any ...

    I'm dying to see what happens to the 2F harvest because of no doe 1st week.. with the shots heard yesterday I'm guessing it will be back to normal for the season. And talking with hunters late in the day at the hardware.. many harvestd bucks that they did not see on Monday.. so the 12% increase in buck harvest that happen in other WMU when they tried the 1st week no does idea in the past may hold true for 2F this year.. we shall see

    Butcher said he was about "normal" for bucks and naturally no deer til yeserday. I was there at 4:45pm with mine and he already had 25 does droped off and there were 2 behind me waitng and many (I am sure) were still in the woods or on their way there. with harvests..

    and BTW .. I still get a "kick" out of those wanting more restrictions on does but then post they will be hunting them in the same area they say have few deer ..

    just don't get that one at all... and they say it's the PGC's fault for giving them a tag they then feel they must fill... goodness.. if the herd is low.. set an example and don't fill a tag...
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/12/04 10:33:33
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 12:07:38 (permalink)
    As I mentioned I only hunted for an hour at an area I had scouted and knew there was LOTS of beechnuts and the deer were feeding on them ,... just after first light 8 feeding and I had my pick...

    Should have been a excellent place to whack a buck with all the doe and lots of feed and the rut still in progress. Doc got his deer so all is well in Penns woods. The rest of you guys need to quit complaining.
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 13:13:05 (permalink)
        Here in Ct  ( the deer state) we get 4 archery tags-3 rifle tags- 3 muzzel loader tags and another tag or two  on State lands with a gun - oh yea in coastal areas with high DPSM you just keep gettin new replacement tags as you take does.
        The singular issue to me is simply -how many deer can you eat ????- Dont know the cumulative harvest possibilities  in PA but IMHO anyone taking more than a gross of 2 to 3 Deer a season oughta call it quits for the year.
       Have always hoped my State would come up with a 3 tag system--one buck-  one any deer and one doe tag  and simply say - fillem with any weapon ya want . Give out the various season dates and thats IT.
       Just cant see how guys keep shootin and shootin then wonder where the Deer went. Personally I get about 10 to 11 tags a year when buying all the various lisences and wouldnt even THINK bout fillin more than one or two.
    post edited by retired guy - 2011/12/04 18:39:29
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 13:22:53 (permalink)
    RT - good thing you get to shoot them CT deer.

    it is quite a contrast to upstate NY

    as you probably know - the local boyz up near your Pulaski camp don't require any stinkin tags to keep their freezers packed

    guess they gots ta eat something- since all the Lako O feesches have mercury warnings

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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 13:32:02 (permalink)
    RT - good thing you get to shoot them CT deer.

    it is quite a contrast to upstate NY

    as you probably know - the local boyz up near your Pulaski camp don't require any stinkin tags to keep their freezers packed

    guess they gots ta eat something- since all the Lako O feesches have mercury warnings

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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 13:42:32 (permalink)
        Hey Drake- whats the deal up there any hooo- didnt even buy tags for Pooolasky this year- with 2 blocks and 2 corn feeders in the backyard by the woods all spring and summer never saw ONE deer there. Used to be loaded. Toorkies too-same thing zippo.
      Hey those feeders and bocks are always gone well before any season but this year I leftem out cause I wasnt huntin- still NO ACTION all fall- I means not one stinkin track even around that stuff.
      Dont even seeum in the fields around my place anymore.

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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 13:52:17 (permalink)
    I would like to see the WMU's go away and go back to county by county allotment.
    Venango is cut into 1A, 1B, 2D and 2F that is crazy
    post edited by psu_fish - 2011/12/04 13:54:22
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    RE: Lack of deer 2011/12/04 15:47:00 (permalink)
    The biggest difference I have seen the past couple of years is lack of hunters. Harvested a buck Monday morning, went for a drive to see how many people were out and was surprised to see roads that used to be lined with cars only having a vehicles on them. Yesterday was more of the same. No one out. We pushed deer on public land all day and only saw two other groups of hunters. We did quite well yesterday harvesting two 8 points and 4 doe between 5 of us.Lack of deer is no issue in my area, but every year there is less and less people out. This was in 2D.
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