WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?!

Triple B
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Saturday, November 26, 2011 7:53 PM (permalink)

WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?!

So I just get a call from my Dad - 71 year old guy, still getting around but having a rough time to some degree and dealing with the loss of his wife of 20+ yrs. this past March. He's finally getting back to being a little motivated to hunt and looking forward to Mon. He heads down in his woods this afternoon to pull the seat cushion out of his 2 man ladder stand we put up 3 years ago so it'll be dry for Mon. and it's gone!! Not the seat cushion, the whole &^*#?ing stand. It was there less than 2 weeks ago. It took the 2 of us and a Kawasaki mule to get the thing there and erected. Had to be a pretty serious plan to get it out. He owns 50 previously unposted acres adjacent to a small SGL outside of Townville, PA. and has always been happy to let anyone hunt that asks and of course many that don't. Thought I'd post on the off chance that someone somebody knows showed up with a 2 man ladder stand in the neighborhood in the last several weeks. I realize it's unlikely and the chances of finding the perps are nill but thought I'd throw it out there. I'll be praying they fall out of it while putting it up, break both legs and are still alive when the coyotes find them. I'd prefer to think they stay alive for a while too while the critters begin by eating away from the legs up. Sorry for the rant but things like this sure do shake ones faith in our fellow man. Good luck to everyone who will be out ther Mon. & be safe.

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    Big Tuna
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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Sunday, November 27, 2011 4:47 AM (permalink)
    Sorry,I lost a ladder stand and a camera in past years.I hate thieves.I hope your dad gets to hunt and kill a buck.
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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Sunday, November 27, 2011 9:34 AM (permalink)
    That sucks! Does he by any chance have his name or other ID somewhere on it in the event you do stumble on it say in the back of someones truck or in the woods. That will help prove ownership and justify the beating!

    Good luck.
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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Sunday, November 27, 2011 1:06 PM (permalink)
    Been there. Sucks bad. Very simple rule if its not yours dont touch it.
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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Sunday, November 27, 2011 3:36 PM (permalink)
    I can understand your frustration. We have a good size piece of land that is posted well enough for anyone to know to stay out. About 5 or 6 years ago 1 week after the close of the rifle season we went to take down the ladder stands we had through out the parcel, 5 of the 6 ladder stands were gone (they were not cheapie stands either).

    They were put up just before the start of the rifle season, so in a month time someone found almost all the stands we had out and took them. We called the police, they took a report and said "if they hear somthing they will let us know, but so you know it is highly unliky we can do anything about it" It sucks and very understandable that once they are gone...well they will not be found again.

    We chaulked it up to lessons learned. I feel your pain
    Triple B
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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Sunday, November 27, 2011 9:21 PM (permalink)
    It's happened to me several times with hang-on stands too but this one got me with the effort it had to take to get it out. Spur of the moment crimes are bad enough but the obviously pre-planned deal somehow seems worse. Wish there was a way to theif proof things like this that are out in the woods. Wishing even more that we didn't have to worry about it and folks could just respect others and their property.
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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Sunday, November 27, 2011 9:28 PM (permalink)
    If you own the land - build the stands the old fashioned way - out of wood..

    One time project - will last ten years.
    No one will steal/mess with them.

    Trees on your private property - drive all the nails in them u want.

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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Sunday, November 27, 2011 10:43 PM (permalink)
    There aint no thief proof way but I lost so many that I now use a very hard heavy chain and lock on all stands. The folks at the hardware store claim the stuff  will defeat most any idiots  standard bolt cutter. They are big , heavy and expensive but its better than showin up in the AM to an empty tree.
    BTW this stuff is pretty much immune to a hacksaw too the metal is just too hard and thick.
    Looks kinda silly up there cause the chains are so thick you could pulla locomotive with them but they dont get stolen. Crooks hate to have to work too hard at it.
    post edited by retired guy - Sunday, November 27, 2011 10:44 PM
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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Sunday, November 27, 2011 10:55 PM (permalink)
    Don't forget anyone caught trespassing with the tools to defeat even a light locking device don't have much room for explaining away the whopping about to be bestowed upon them.
    retired guy
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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Sunday, November 27, 2011 11:02 PM (permalink)
    RIGHT_ gettin a little old for it but anybody round my trees with a hacksaw or bolt cutters got issues to deal with- right then too - not later- no callin a friend or asking the audience for their opinions-no conversation bout it either- sometimes ya see a job needs doin and ya gotta just get right to it.Then be sure you were someplace else that day - with witnesses.
    post edited by retired guy - Sunday, November 27, 2011 11:05 PM
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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Monday, November 28, 2011 4:54 PM (permalink)
    I know some one is reading this who has stolen stands in the past. My question to you is this: how do you feel safe hunting out of a stand that you stole? I am cautious enough hunting out of my own stands, let alone one that I know **** well I deserve to fall out of.

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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Monday, November 28, 2011 4:54 PM (permalink)
    you can't say dam on this site? sorry didnt realize.

    retired guy
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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Monday, November 28, 2011 8:27 PM (permalink)
        Now thats all settled hows the huntin??? Thats why I like it here -despite our differences we are all hunters and have a general standard of ethics.    
        Would LOVE to put some kinda tracking beeper devise in a stands frame-they would probably never steal that one though- Murphys law.   
    post edited by retired guy - Monday, November 28, 2011 9:09 PM
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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Monday, November 28, 2011 11:33 PM (permalink)
    There aint no thief proof way but I lost so many that I now use a very hard heavy chain and lock on all stands.
    I secure my stands with a cable/lock I bought from Cabelas. You can't cut threw it, I've tried.
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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Tuesday, November 29, 2011 0:10 PM (permalink)
    I feel for you. This has never happened to me, but it's happened to other people I know. I get ticked off when people hunt my stand without my permission when I'm not there. There should be an insurance policy to protect hunters against theft like this.

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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Tuesday, November 29, 2011 1:01 PM (permalink)
    It really sucks that people can't leave somthing that isn't thier alone.
    I have a 3/8 coated steel cable around my ladder stand -- at the top.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: WTF?, WTF?, WTF!?!?! Tuesday, November 29, 2011 5:07 PM (permalink)
    I know how you guys feel when you have something stolen from you. This march I had a contractor put in a a/c for me and on the last day of work he stole my Colt Sauer 300 win mag S/N CR11338 I called the police but I can't prove he did it,I trusted this guy cause he installed a new boiler for me in febuary. Found out later he was hooked on cocain,my guess he sold it for drugs.Well come to find out in july he died of a drug overdose,so I hope the guy who bought it from him shoots himself with it.I feel really violated and sick to my stomach. Turned in in to my insurance company they gave me $2500.00 for the loss but I'd rather have my rifle back!!!!
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