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Hello and Help Please.
Hello Guys....new to the site. I am from Southeast Mighigan and call the CLinton River my homewaters. When I get a chance, I fish the Pere Marquette in Baldiwn Michigan. I flyfish and release anything I catch...Unless they are Bluegills or Perch. Love some fish fry in the summer! Anyawys... My buddy and I are taking our first trip ever to Stelhead Alley the first weekend in Decmeber. We plan on fishing Pennsylvania. Elk and Walnut creeks (Unless someone would recomend the Mile Creeks). All we have are Maps and a license. Would anyone be willing to share some basic info on starting points? Flyshop contact information? We would really like the opportunity to catch some fish...(I said in my intro that I practice catch and release...thats easy when you havn't caught anythign yet this fall! ha ha) I have also herd that there is a Steelhead Expo/Tournamnet? Are we even going to ba ableot find a place to fish? ANyways...any info would be very appreciated...if I could ever repay the info, let me know if you head over to any of the streams in my neck of the woods! Happy Thanksgiving!
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/24 23:27:56
This place usually has all the info POOR RICHARD'S BAIT & TACKLE 6821 West Lake Road • Fairview, PA 16415 • Phone 814.474.5623 http://www.poorrichardserie.com/
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/24 23:30:10
Elk Creek and Walnut Creek are good starting points. In general the closest you are to the mouth of each stream the more crowded it will be. Most times after a major rainfall Elk is fishable in about 48 hours. While most times Walnut will be ready after one day. Checkout the gauge on Elk. http://waterdata.usgs.gov/pa/nwis/uv?04213075
changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes....nothing remains quite the same The Beerman ~ Greg
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/24 23:36:15
ORIGINAL: beerman Elk Creek and Walnut Creek are good starting points. In general the closest you are to the mouth of each stream the more crowded it will be. Most times after a major rainfall Elk is fishable in about 48 hours. While most times Walnut will be ready after one day. Checkout the gauge on Elk. http://waterdata.usgs.gov/pa/nwis/uv?04213075 I am familiar with the guages for Michigan stream flow...what is considered a high, medium and low flow for the Elk?
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/24 23:55:56
just make sure you factor in turbidity and everything... a gauge that reads 1000 one day could mean something different on another... sure you already know that though. google uncle johns live webcam.. u will be able to see a live feed of the stream conditions
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/25 11:04:14
Welcome to the boards. Not sure if you have accessed these maps yet, but this will give you a great idea for starting points: http://www.fisherie.com/Maps.asp Parking and access areas are well marked on the maps, and if you go to the PA Fish Commission website and follow the links for steelhead fishing, you can find even more detailed maps with public access and easements. All the info on starting points you could want is just a few clicks away. If by starting points you mean you want someone to tell you where the motherlode of fish is located, that might be a little tougher. On Elk you'll find fish from top to bottom right now. You really can't go wrong anywhere on Elk. You might have to walk a little to find fish. Walnut might be a little different. Runs of fish on Upper Walnut the past few years have been been pretty poor. Not sure what this year is like though. You'll always find fish on Walnut near the lake though in the Project Waters. Smaller streams can be hit or miss, depending on recent rainfall amounts and water levels. I think on some of the smaller ones, steelhead go back to the lake on low water. Some areas and holes can get hit hard and fished out. But if there's been recent high water, you'll probably find fresh fish. Read through this thread to understand how to read the stream gauges in Erie: http://forums.fishusa.com/HELP!!!/m_437076/tm.htm
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/25 20:00:58
ORIGINAL: pghmarty This place usually has all the info POOR RICHARD'S BAIT & TACKLE 6821 West Lake Road • Fairview, PA 16415 • Phone 814.474.5623 http://www.poorrichardserie.com/  I agree. They are very helpful here. Second choice, hire a fishing guide. It'll cost you in the area of $250 give or take. You'll be one on one and they will help you. If I were heading up to your woods, I'd consider it.
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/25 21:08:46
I'd target upper Elk in December. Bring light line and small flies as you're more likely to find it low and clear than otherwise. Used to fish the Clinton and PM when I lived in MI. It's a way different game here. You'll soon find out. Hit me up, PM, a few days before and I can give ya a conditions outlook.
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/25 23:09:30
Guys...I cant thank you enough for all of the tips! I will give a report...not too detailed of course  when I get back. Thanks again.
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/26 06:35:46
Do yourself a favor and skip Walnut, or just go there to watch if you need a laugh
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/27 22:27:28
Guys...the help throught he PM's and posts is amazing..thanks a lot..I hope I can repay teh favor sometime...I looked on line and noticed the the hunting season starts this weekend (is that correct?) If it is, do you guys wear something orange when on the river? Or is it not really necessary?
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/27 22:46:15
Depends on what stretch and what creek you are fishin if you are going to be around any hunters. It's never a bad idea during hunting season to make yourself visible. I used to hunt the woods surrounding a golf course and most of your golfers there would wear orange or bright colors. BH
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/28 01:48:19
ORIGINAL: 1siena Guys...the help throught he PM's and posts is amazing..thanks a lot..I hope I can repay teh favor sometime...I looked on line and noticed the the hunting season starts this weekend (is that correct?) If it is, do you guys wear something orange when on the river? Or is it not really necessary? Like Bloodyhand said, depends on where you're fishing. If you're fishing Walnut, below Rt. 5, not necessary. Any east side creek, besides upper 20 mile, not necessary. Reason is, hunting not allowed in any of those areas.
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/28 10:34:15
Only time I fished on frst day I wore orange, a hunting license and a 629 44mag
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RE: Hello and Help Please.
2011/11/28 16:15:05
ORIGINAL: pghmarty Only time I fished on frst day I wore orange, a hunting license and a 629 44mag That will keep folks from crowding you.