LockedSteelhead Numbers Diminishing????

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 11:59:59 (permalink)
 "Folks, like Grendel, Joebaker, and Skip, must remember fishermen lining 12 mile from the mouth all the way to the tunnel. Same thing with 4 mile, from the mouth to the dam."
I do remember those days pete, but I have to be honest with you on something: i am not convinced that the lower numbers of fish on the eastside, or westside is such a bad thing.  As I have gained experience in life (with the help of a wise woman and an 8 yr. old), I learned that the challenge of things is what makes the value of it.  If it comes too easy or in copious amounts, how can that be special or rewarding?  I can recall fishing 7-mile all day long (only seeing maybe 1 or 2 other anglers) at the Aquarium hole.  Yeah, at first it is cool; all those fish and easy to catch.  But after awhile, I asked myself, "Is this really fishing."  Towards my final days in Erie, I would go fishing stop after catching 3 (mostly releasing them at that point - but always loved to keep em for smokin').  I think it would be a good thing for the sport if the numbers went down some more.  From what I have been reading and hearing from friends up there, it is still too easy to catch a limit. I have not been up to fish for steel in 2 years - quite honestly I do not miss it at all.
post edited by Grendel - 2011/11/25 12:01:50

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 15:30:03 (permalink)
Don't worry Top...as Double aptly pointed out...the shelves will be re-stocked next year.
In your opinion, which was well articulated, continual implanting of millions of steelhead make those issues better, the same, or worse?
Or should we wait and get an "expert opinion" as to why the slime return rate is....for some...a cause for concern.?
post edited by Grendel - 2011/11/25 16:10:00

The strength of a person isn't measured by the muscle in their arm or how tall they stand, but rather, by the amount of knowledge and area of versatility they can cover. CM ~ 1987

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 16:12:11 (permalink)

my opinion is a dying lake erie aka dead zones
no oxygen
no life
no steelheds

yes it exists

That may be true...but can u give us a bit of proof? Beyond just saying "it exists."

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 16:16:39 (permalink)
Amen Dog ! Very depressing ! Ever think about taking a friend, a neighbor or a young person up to catch Steelhead when times were very good. When the creeks were loaded in the past I took up many a novice fishermen to enjoy catching several fish. Sure it was easier for veteran fishermen to catch big numbers but taking up a new fishermen was always a blast and a pleasure to enjoy.   I never had anyone ever say " boy that was easy" lets go try something else ! Nothing worse on holding intrest in kids than fishing all day and catching nothing. After I would catch a certain number of fish I would always try new techniques and experiment with new items. Try using 2 lb. test on Steel like I did one whole season if you want a challenge when it gets too easy. You think this guy thinks it's too easy ! Yea..................he's ready to catch more ! And he did thanks to lotsa fish in those Fall runs.   

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 16:33:16 (permalink)
Seriously?  I guess in a society that leans towards the "give me more" side of the spectrum, there is a problem.  I am willing to bet it has nothing to do with fish neither. 

The strength of a person isn't measured by the muscle in their arm or how tall they stand, but rather, by the amount of knowledge and area of versatility they can cover. CM ~ 1987

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 17:17:38 (permalink)
I think it has something to do with the whole eco system in lake erie.  If resources are depleted and not replenished things will change, the enviorment of the lake will be taxxed, less steelhead will survive etc, etc.  Maybe in lake erie's case less is more as far as stocking goes until some of the other issues are solved.

Reading some of your responses, and ideas has helped me to look at things differently.  More is not More!!

Great responses guys,  I really enjoyed reading your theories!
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 17:25:41 (permalink)
If I'm seeing 20 fish go by on stringers, I'm going to ask what they were caught on...WF
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 17:27:20 (permalink)
For the guys who want to poach, it doesn't matter what the limit is.
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 17:30:01 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: camemup

ORIGINAL: FiveMilePete

Wow, I never thought of that. Thanks a bunch. I'll have to try that. I haven't caught one steelhead this year yet.

no offense pete, but you're not that impressive.

Never said I was. But I'm not a beginner like you implied.
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 18:47:21 (permalink)
Wonder where those other guys found the 20 fish on their stringers? Must have brought them from SOME where else, since there's hardly any in the streams

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 19:23:24 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: World Famous

If I'm seeing 20 fish go by on stringers, I'm going to ask what they were caught on...WF

I did once. The gruff reply was "Don't you worry bout what we caught them on." Found out later from a young guy who lived on the creek and was watching them, it was 1 ounce spoons under large floats.

And Spoon, nobody said there's no fish, just less fish. Much less on the east side, and never even mentioned 20 mile.
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 19:43:17 (permalink)
I do not think the numbers are nearly what they used to be. But that being said the fishing is still pretty darned good. Especially if you are persistent and look for the right water. In the past I always fished the deep pools with bunches of fish. I have since changed and fish more moving water. It has made be a better fisherman that's for sure.
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 20:23:58 (permalink)
Bottom Line - There may not be the fish numbers that were present in the mid 90's to early 2000's, but if someone cant find enough fish in the erie tribs to warrant a worthwhile outing, the expectation level is WAY to high.
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/25 21:00:21 (permalink)
Topdog I read the article. It is from 2002, but that's some scary stuff. Does anyone know if more research has been done on all this?

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 06:28:55 (permalink)
I haven't been up to steelie fish in quite a few years. There was a lot of fish to be caught. Maybe with the HYPE from the web,TV,News papers how the steel-head fishery in ERIE IS world class!! Not sure how many they stock now as compared to then,But I am sure that the numbers fishermen has more than likely doubled or tripled since last i was there. Maybe this is the problem ( large amount of fishermen with roughly the same amount of fish being stock and taken )
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 09:43:02 (permalink)
Erie,world class numbers of fish, maybe. Definitely not world class water.
post edited by Plum Bob - 2011/11/26 09:44:42
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 10:24:12 (permalink)
When glen, plumbob and slick grace Erie waters, they ARE world class.

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 10:40:08 (permalink)
Seems to me like alot of the guys complaining about the old days are spoiled little kids. Just be happy you have a place where you can catch a 30" fish in knee deep water. Not many places around like that. Around my parts(western ny) its hard to find a stream without a nice oil film floating on top of the water. If you can manage to catch one fish over 12", you consider your day a success. Just be happy for what you have and quit crying because you cant stick your hand in a barrel and come out with a fish everytime
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 11:20:15 (permalink)
+ 1,000,000,000

The strength of a person isn't measured by the muscle in their arm or how tall they stand, but rather, by the amount of knowledge and area of versatility they can cover. CM ~ 1987

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 12:10:15 (permalink)
No doubt the good old days are long gone along Elk Creek as well as other Erie tribs. The days you could fish a stretch of water, land and release a number of fish and actually "walk up" to the next hole and fish, without worrying about being squeezed from either direction. The days you could actually play a fish without the pressure of hurry up and land it because others are waiting to fish the drift. The days you could get to the creek at daylight and not see 20 cars already there because guides and others are already there holding a spot before light. The days you came back to your car and didn't see styrofoam coffee cups scattered all along the parking area. Yea those were the good old days for me. Spoiled ? You bet and so would anybody else who had that solitude with great fishing. To each his own, I had the best of the best for years but like the saying goes sooner or later " all good things come to an end".  
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 12:23:45 (permalink)
This is so true - and it all will come to an inevitable conclusion as well.

The strength of a person isn't measured by the muscle in their arm or how tall they stand, but rather, by the amount of knowledge and area of versatility they can cover. CM ~ 1987

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 12:35:04 (permalink)


This is so true - and it all will come to an inevitable conclusion as well.

This is true. All we can do is be diligent with the resources we currently have and enjoy them.

I have to say that the days that I catch only one or two fish are much more memorable than the 30+ days. I know that Erie is all about the numbers, but I couldn't relay the detals of each of those thirty, but the challenge and the thrill of that "one fish" on that "particular day" under "those conditions" with "that fly" are forever stored in the old memory bank.

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 12:37:09 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: campbell8272

Seems to me like alot of the guys complaining about the old days are spoiled little kids. Just be happy you have a place where you can catch a 30" fish in knee deep water. Not many places around like that. Around my parts(western ny) its hard to find a stream without a nice oil film floating on top of the water. If you can manage to catch one fish over 12", you consider your day a success. Just be happy for what you have and quit crying because you cant stick your hand in a barrel and come out with a fish everytime

I don't think anyone's really crying or complaining. Just disagreeing with the folks that are saying, oh hell, the numbers are the same as they've always been. And when the numbers are decreased and the number of fishermen are quadrupled, it's getting harder and harder to find a spot to fish where you're not rubbing elbows with a neighbor, especially on the east side. I hardly ever fish weekends anymore, and I can usually find somewhere to fish that's not a circus. I've gotten a NY license the last few years, too. Like I said before, and Capt. Hook said, sure we were spoiled. But don't tell us nothing has changed.

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 12:38:03 (permalink)
The reason as to why  fish numbers are not what they used to be is multi-factorial . Yes , stocking numbers are down which of course has much to do with it . The Fish Commission can tell you stocking numbers for whatever year , so it's provable , not just my opinion . Keeping your limit isn't a problem as that is one factor that is considered in stocking . No , the numbers aren't what they used to be , but if you're out on the right day , consider the amount of fish you see . It's impressive . There are probably other reasons also . Weather conditions [ amount of rainfall ... ] , an increase in the number of anglers [ another factor that is considered in stocking numbers ] , etc ... . Overall , I believe the Fish Commission is doing a good job . I know there are others that have the completely opposite belief . Evryone has their own opinion . I can tell you , the PFC is highly regarded across the country as being one of the finest , most efficent wildlife organizations in the country . And no , I don't work for them .
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 12:48:46 (permalink)
The huge numbers of the "good ole" days, that you pine for are the REASON for this.

" it's getting harder and harder to find a spot to fish where you're not rubbing elbows with a neighbor, especially on the east side."

If you would have had HALF the number of fish all along. You would have been happy then, and just as happy today.

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 14:06:06 (permalink)
The numbers diminish by 3 everytime I show up with my rope..WF
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 18:15:17 (permalink)
I read the original post , nothing more of this thread and all I have to say is that I am having no trouble finding and catching steelhead.

That Is All .........

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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 18:21:28 (permalink)
After reading some of the posts, I had to go back and re-read the original poster.
The guy NEVER said that he wasn't catch'n fish. Yet some people were say'n if you can't catch fish your doing someting wrong or giving tips on Technique. He said he was a young guy and heard of the "Glory Days" and it's been down the last few years and what did people think! I have been fish'n the tribs since the 70's. When there was a wooden shack at walnut and a cable across the road, that we waited in line in our cars for the wco to unlock in the morning. Fish'n has gone up and down over the years BUT there was always plenty of fish to keep most people happy. I don't care how many go out on a rope, they will continue to put more in. Just Say'n!

My Wife said, if I go fish'n one more time, she'll leave me! God, I'm going to miss her!
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 19:17:53 (permalink)
With the exception of the Catt., the NY Erie tribs are just as small as the PA tribs. Lake Ontario has the Salmon river, which I used to fish years ago and consider it to be bigger water suitable for 2 handed swinging and the lower Niagara which is about as big as it gets. Grew up in Lewiston on the lower Niagara. Back then it was crammed full of silver bass, which were a lot of fun for kids to catch, but no trout or salmon.
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RE: Steelhead Numbers Diminishing???? 2011/11/26 22:09:33 (permalink)
You have reached the last post. Now go outside and catch some fish.
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