Big Tuna
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011 12:15 AM (permalink)


I have a good friend that has hunted and killed more stuff than 20 guys,he has a big game room full of 20 or so big bucks and 20 bears (3 Pa) 17 (Can.) Giant toms in every pose,on tree limbs,stumps,flying.Ducks geese birds yotes well you get the pic,he sort of lives for hunting.We hunted Ohio for geese for several years and hunted deer together,but he HAD this 20 plus year hunting buddy that just was a pure and simple first class D-ck.That I just could not take.Every time we goose hunted HE got them all,because he shot trap.How can a man shoot them all when maybe 8-10 birds fall from 4 guys shooting?Every time someone shot a banded bird,HE GOT IT. It came to a point that hunting with him was just to blanked up.So my son and I hunt geese on our own and have way more fun (thats what its about fun) not fighting.My friend has called in 15-20 toms for his a-hole buddy,taken him to Can. bear hunting for 20 years,taken him to some of the best deer spots (where Mr a-- hole has got giant bucks) brought him to every goose field in Ohio we ever had,MR I KOWN EVERYTHING never scouted nothing in his life . He was a mooch a tag along,then he would brag about what a great hunter he was.My good friend John calls me yesterday to get and update on our Ohio hunting,I tell him about my sons nice buck on Monday and bring him update him on how the seasons been going.He has a spot in Cameron Co. that he's killed 3 bears in 7 years and has taken other that have also shot bears.He has asked me and my son to go but I'm really not into bears(it's great time to kill a big Ohio buck) so I pass on the bear hunt.So on Sat. morning John makes his way to his little ground hooch as we call them (a little ground blind of logs piled up on 4 sides)he see all these bright eyes on every tree,he starts to feel a little uneasy,he's 50 yards from his hooch and a light start blinking,5 yards from his hooch sits another hunter on a rock. John goes on to tell the guy he's been hunting this spot for 8 years an asked the guy to please move at least 50 yard away the guy said you don't own the woods and to blank off.The bell goes off John said is that you Cliff? Yea,blank off I'm not moving.So they both sit there in the dark screaming at eack other till daylight comes.Well it gets better,here comes YOGI,John see it but it's behind Cliff and is not a safe shot wizzing a bullet by a guys head so Cliff wheels around and made a fast gready shot(way back in the gut)the bear take off running and stops behind a tree and looks back,John can only see his head and neck so he put the crosshair under the chin and drills him,bear down.John starts up the hill for his bear,well Cliff running and dam near filling out the tag on the way.Cliff tags the bear first and the pushing starts and yelling and threats.Well I'd say the friendship is over(I told you for years John that mans not right)Is it REALLY WORTH IT? I'm glag I stopped hunting with him years ago.What would you do to a guy like that? Sorry for the long story but I just had to tell it.

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    RE: OLD FRIENDS GET UGLY Wednesday, November 23, 2011 9:14 PM (permalink)
    yea i would agree with you on that tuna the guy saids like a major ahole some guys just dont realize when you are out hunting with good friends that its not a competition its for the good times and also to bust their balls when they miss atleast you can hunt with your buddy again now and not have to worry about the idiot ruining you r hunts anymore

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    RE: OLD FRIENDS GET UGLY Wednesday, November 23, 2011 10:28 PM (permalink)
    Knew a guy like that when I was  kid- hunted with him ONE time. Every time a bird went up and a coupla guys shot " I GOT IT " was his immediate outcry--and he always shot no matter who was nearest the flush.
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    RE: OLD FRIENDS GET UGLY Wednesday, November 23, 2011 10:53 PM (permalink)
    Nothing worst than competition over a game animal. I always try and help friends who hunt around me. You'd be surprised at how many are tight lipped and want everything for them selfs.
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    RE: OLD FRIENDS GET UGLY Friday, November 25, 2011 11:47 PM (permalink)
    Sorry to here that Tuna. Im glad to have the friends i have.

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