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Best fishin' buddies
My son Isaac has been fishing with me since he was 2. "Best fishin' buddies" is what he calls us, and it's true. He doesn't care to fish all the time, but when he does, he's really impressed me with his patience and his willingness and ability to learn. Last year when he turned 7, we started a new tradition for his birthday. A fishing trip to Erie during the week. Just me and him. Big sister and baby brother stay at home with Mama. We got the green light from Mama early this week to head up Wednesday night and fish all day Thursday. The creek he wanted to fish wasn't high on my list of priorities for yesterday, but I wanted him to call the shots. When we got there, it was a ghost town. I thought, "This isn't good." But we walked the stream a little bit and found a motherlode - for us anyway. Consistent action all day on this stream and another - lots of quick hookups and lost fish as he got the hang of drifting, which I tried to let him do on his own. Lots of missed hits. But in the end, he brought 5 steelhead and a beautiful brown trout - bigger than any brown I've ever caught - to the net. We had action on everything - single eggs, sacs, P-dubs and jigs. Pink P-dubs provided the most action. Still LMAO at the thought of using those things, but they work. I was net man all day, and it was better than any solo trip I've ever had. I'd trade it for a solitary, 50 fish day any time. As we headed south on 79, he was grinning from ear to ear, and about to drift off to sleep, he said, "Dad, we're still the best fishin' buddies." Yes, yes we are. Happy 8th birthday buddy.
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 09:10:34
That's great man, way to go! Got a best fishin' buddy of my own...pretty special, every trip. Days like that are the icing on the cake. Congrats on the success, sounds like he's a natural. And Happy Birthday to Isaac!
"If you ever get hit with a bucket of fish, be sure to close your eyes." ><)))*>
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 09:14:42
Awesome...lookin' forward to those days with mine. Still a little young but getting there, slowly but surely.
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 09:16:00
Sweet dude looks like a great time.
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 09:33:22
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 09:35:02
Congrats on the successful trip. Sounds like a banner day for sure. And a very Merry Birffday to Isaac.Great pics too.
The Deetz Fishermen are born honest,but they get over it
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 09:48:44
Absolutely awesome! Thanks for sharing!
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 09:59:25
great day for sure. glad you took the time and got the ok!!!! i've been fish'n with my son since he was a little tad. he's 30 yrs old now and when we fish together it is still special! as you said, better than any solo trip!!
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 10:17:26
Too cool! Sounds like about the perfect day! I can't wait til my two little fishing buddies get big enough to take steelheading with me. but at 3 and 4 yrs old i think i still got a few seasons to wait
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 10:41:47
Happy Birthday Isaac! Congrats on the fish, hope you guys catch many more! We have our own little fishing buddy too, can't wait for the day she can actually walk on the stream with us. (Which is going to be real soon)
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 11:20:37
F-ing awesome !!! Thats what's it is about...............
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 11:26:06
ORIGINAL: rookie5781 Happy Birthday Isaac!  Congrats on the fish, hope you guys catch many more! We have our own little fishing buddy too, can't wait for the day she can actually walk on the stream with us. (Which is going to be real soon) Rook, Walking vs. walking and navigating a muddy/rocky stream bank is two different things. I too and dying to get my girls on the stream, but I'm not going to rush it. Too dangerous if the fall and hit their head or into the H2O. I limit them to lake and pond fishing for now. Plenty of time for them to master walking around/in a stream later on. Just my $.02 on that. I see your's if having a 1st Bday soon, wow, it doesn't seem like it's been a year yet...
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 11:46:25
that's good stuff right there
"Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."~by Tony Blake~ "Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains." ~by Henry David Thoreau~
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 11:50:44
Jeb - Your right on the walking, however, by next year we will be able to at least take her to the beach to fish and ponds. And some of the streams where they have banks. It will be nice that she can just stand there and cast a line rather then sit in her stroller. And yes. 1 years old......They grow way to fast. We have another one coming up too....Porks daughter 5 days after Autumn! So Happy Birthday Violet too!
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 13:09:09
Most excellent! My daughter loves to get up as well, and everytime is special no matter how many fish you catch. Get em hooked now so they can tie on your flies later.....
If I would have asked what everyone wanted, they would have responded that they wanted a better horse....Henry Ford
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 13:32:59
My best fishin' buddy is 10 and usually sleeps in the cuddy til 10 or 11am or so...even in 3-4 footers.  Then he crawls out rubbing his eyes and asks how the fishing is, lands or nets a fish or two and back into the cuddy to listen to music or whatever. Still is great to have him aboard though.
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 14:54:38
best post i have read in a long time on here i have a 5 year old and he is my best fishin buddy
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 15:32:54
Great post
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
Plum Bob
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 15:44:08
Wonderful to see kids enjoying the outdoors. Father/son relationship fishing, hunting, hiking, whatever the activity, is something special. Developing hobbies/interests for life.
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 17:07:46
that's a beautiful thing!! Happy birthday, Issac!!! ..L.T.A.
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/18 17:53:55
Great pics, Dave. You're the man, Isaac! Happy Birthday!
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/20 15:22:18
Nice pics.......My best fishing buddy is now 30 years old. I have tons of memories and photos throughout our years of fishing. Time moves way too fast seems like yesterday when my son was that age. Always take that time for photos...............they are the memory frozen in time!
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/21 13:10:42
Awesome report. It reminds me of my trips with my Dad. Hope my kids will be interested enough, and wife willing enough to have similar outings. Still a good bit off for me though, and CAN wait, with how fast time flies when you introduce kids into this world!
Split Shot
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/21 13:32:09
ORIGINAL: CAPTAIN HOOK Nice pics.......My best fishing buddy is now 30 years old. I have tons of memories and photos throughout our years of fishing. Time moves way too fast seems like yesterday when my son was that age. Always take that time for photos...............they are the memory frozen in time! You sure are right CAPTAIN! I remember taking my son when he was very little and he is now 42yrs old. Now we take my Grandson and Granddaughter who are 10 and 13. It is just unreal how fast time goes by. It seems the older you get the faster it goes. I told my wife, if the next 20yrs. goes as fast as the last 20, then I'm already dead. I just ain't buried yet!
My Wife said, if I go fish'n one more time, she'll leave me! God, I'm going to miss her!
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RE: Best fishin' buddies
2011/11/22 11:07:00
Great Story! Remeinds me of my Dad and I. He got me started whe i was about 3 or so and i never looked back. I remember whe he used to take me out on his boat and that was the most awsome thing in the world to me. Im now 30 and he is 65 and now i take him out on my boat lol. We have a tradition to go up to Erie every spring for smallies and we have an absolute blast every year! Im sure someday i will have a lil one to start traditions with.