error of my ways.

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2011/11/16 12:23:55 (permalink)

error of my ways.

Weeks after a brutal skunking in what I understand to be "ideal conditions", I think I figured out what went wrong. It was my first trip mup this year and my nerves got to me right off the bat. We pulled into the parking area to find only one car so I had my hopes way way up. Only to get down to the spot and find over a dozen guys fishing the stretch of water. I got too caught up in finding a good spot to fish the run and was immediately set into "combat fishing mode" due to some other inconsiderate anglers. I lost focus and forgot the basics. I should've just sat back and observed the other anglers for a while, maybe set the rod down talk to some guys and play net man. Get a feel for what they want, u no? Basically my 2 biggest mistakes were that I never switched from drifting, to swinging or jigging, an active retreive. Visions of the other anglers swinging streamers and hooking up are now seared into the back of my brain when at the time this was just a depressing incarnation of my lack of steelheading skills. My other main mistake that could have prevented me from even needing to switch to an active retrieve, I never tied on a freaking swivel! I've always used one a foot or two before my hook and for some unknown reason, this time I never even thought too. Oh well, there's always next time... The moral of the story is, if you're fairly inexperienced like I am, don't let your excitement/frustration get in the way. Stick to the basics first, and most importantly, just enjoy your time on the water.

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    RE: error of my ways. 2011/11/16 12:32:23 (permalink)
    I feel your pain FishinGuy. I too get over excited when I pull in and see one car in the lot. You just go into overdrive mode to get to the spot before someone else gets there without actually enjoying everything while you're out. You always have to remember, it's just a fish, and every once in a while just stop and look around yourself. No matter how many people are out, these creeks can be a really beautiful place to spend some time.
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    RE: error of my ways. 2011/11/16 12:56:07 (permalink)
    Yea, I also have issues and not only chaseing steel. Sometimes I hurry too much and just want to start fishing and although I know better I don't pay enough attention to the knots I tie. Also, I usually have enough flies along to keep 10 guys going, but am reluctant to change. Problems that are easily fixed. Next time.

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    RE: error of my ways. 2011/11/16 21:40:18 (permalink)
    Don't be afraid to slow everything down and go for a hike. You'd be amazed at the results in both spirit and fish.

    "Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."~by Tony Blake~

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