Tying braid onto reel

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2011/11/12 16:59:42 (permalink)

Tying braid onto reel

What is the best knot to use in order to tie braid onto your spool? I use an arbor knot for mono, but everywhere I check for braided says not to use this knot for any superline. Thanks guys!

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    RE: Tying braid onto reel 2011/11/12 17:32:18 (permalink)
    You should probably put some mono backing down on your spool before putting the super line on. I've only used fireline before but if you don't do this, the fireline just spins around the spool of your reel when you try to bring it in, a very frustrating finding.

    I usually throw about 20-30 yds of the mono, just enough to get a small base layer and cover all of your spool. Tie the superline onto the mono with something like the albright knot (http://www.tnoutdoorsmen.com/knots.htm) and then you're good to go.

    I always use the palomar knot to tie hooks and stuff on while using superline. If you use some other knots they will just slip under pressure.
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    RE: Tying braid onto reel 2011/11/12 17:32:24 (permalink)
    put about 25 yds of heavy mono on first then tie the braid to the mono with an albrightknot.  if you tie strait to the spool the braid is so slippery it slips.
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    RE: Tying braid onto reel 2011/11/12 17:36:37 (permalink)
    RIZ, get out of my head!
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    RE: Tying braid onto reel 2011/11/12 17:39:08 (permalink)
    Thanks, guys, I will do that!
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    RE: Tying braid onto reel 2011/11/12 17:57:44 (permalink)
    If you don't want to use mono I would suggest using hockey tape. I put one wrap around the spool and this prevents any slipping. I use straight braid on all my reels this way with no mono backing. Hockey tape is water resistant and streches so the cold weather will not make it brittle.
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    RE: Tying braid onto reel 2011/11/12 18:44:05 (permalink)
    That's an interesting idea. If you take the hockey tape off, does it leave behind a nasty sticky residue like most tapes?
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    RE: Tying braid onto reel 2011/11/12 18:55:59 (permalink)
    It doesn't have a ton of heavy adhesive on it like most tapes. when I respooled mine before all I did was take goo gone to the residue and it came right off. The only reason I do full braid is after a year or two I wind it onto my other reel so the line that was closest to the spool will be new which will not be on top once wound onto my other reel so you get a few more years out of it.

    ORIGINAL: Pafisher4

    That's an interesting idea. If you take the hockey tape off, does it leave behind a nasty sticky residue like most tapes?

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    RE: Tying braid onto reel 2011/11/12 21:56:30 (permalink)
    Good quality medical tape works too...........
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    RE: Tying braid onto reel 2011/11/12 23:59:55 (permalink)
    I fill my whole spool with braid, when its worn....I end for end it....New line off the arse end, worn line as backing.

    I do however put one wrap of electrical tape on my spool, then tie a simple slip knot....never had any slip.

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