Trout Run Access ?

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2011/11/04 16:18:36 (permalink)

Trout Run Access ?

I see they put up a barricade blocking out fishing about 125 yards on the right side of trout run looking at the lake.   Does the landowner own the shore line there?  I thought you were allowed to fish the shore line.

The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.

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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/04 16:21:23 (permalink)
    What kind of barricade? fence? wall? other?
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/04 16:24:47 (permalink)
    Cement barricades.  The first sign says you have left public water.  No trespassing.   The next sign says private beach ahead.

    So from the pig pen wall to the barricades you have like 125 yards of access to fish.  
    post edited by Panfisher - 2011/11/04 16:35:39

    The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/04 18:41:32 (permalink)

     I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/04 19:01:37 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Panfisher

    Cement barricades.  The first sign says you have left public water.  No trespassing.   The next sign says private beach ahead.

    So from the pig pen wall to the barricades you have like 125 yards of access to fish.  

    Definitely not legal. Nobody owns the lake. You can even fish at the mouth of six mile creek, if you stay in the lake.
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/04 19:04:55 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Panfisher

    I see they put up a barricade blocking out fishing about 125 yards on the right side of trout run looking at the lake.   Does the landowner own the shore line there?  I thought you were allowed to fish the shore line.

    old newz..........

    were yu been?

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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/04 20:27:40 (permalink)
    Way it understood the law on shore access was you were allowed to be up to where the tide or waves washed sticks and junk up on shore. ?
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/05 09:39:51 (permalink)
    I've talked to both the DEP and the Fish Commission about this issue and the answer isn't as simple as where the water goes to.  I was told that if I wanted to risk walking in the water just off the shoreline of a beach that some property owner has posted private and he or she chose to ask me to leave and I didn't then there is a good chance I could still be arrested for trespassing on private property.  If I chose to battle it out in court, I don't even think I could possibly win because the actual high and low water marks that people talk about and still use for reference, even though no one is sure they apply to Lake Eire, could be ten feet out in the lake.  If I were you then I would be happy you have the 125 yards to fish and not push the issue, because I deal with the Fish Commission on a fairly regular basis with my job and they are doing us a huge favor by not enforcing the No Fishing within 50 yards of the mouth rule at Trout Run.  Just something to think about...
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/05 11:25:49 (permalink)
    According to the article that Bings posted, the high water mark easement is 572.80 ft.
                                                                   The landowner pays taxes to 568.60 ft.
                                                                   Right now, the lake level is... 571.60 ft.,
    So, right now you pretty much have to either be in the water a bit or just offshore on a flat lake.
    I guess you could carry an altimeter just to be safe.
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/05 13:00:09 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Piscator

      If I were you then I would be happy you have the 125 yards to fish and not push the issue, because I deal with the Fish Commission on a fairly regular basis with my job and they are doing us a huge favor by not enforcing the No Fishing within 50 yards of the mouth rule at Trout Run.  Just something to think about...

    yu hav absolutly no idea of what you talk abowt


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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/05 13:36:11 (permalink)
    So Dano, you have an altimeter that the accuracy is guaranteed to be within a few feet because that is all we are talking about.  I wouldn't trust one of those or the altimeter on a GPS units if it means I could have cop hauling me off the beach for trespassing.  We need the law to be simplified to state something like " Public Access 10 feet onto the shore from waterline" so even if the lake level changes or the shoreline shifts the access stays the same.  Plus it would be easy to understand for everyone...
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/05 21:10:51 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: steeLpunishment

    ORIGINAL: Panfisher

    I see they put up a barricade blocking out fishing about 125 yards on the right side of trout run looking at the lake.   Does the landowner own the shore line there?  I thought you were allowed to fish the shore line.

    old newz..........

    were yu been?


    Haven't been down there in years.  First time I saw them. 

    The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/05 23:28:03 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Piscator

    So Dano, you have an altimeter that the accuracy is guaranteed to be within a few feet because that is all we are talking about.  I wouldn't trust one of those or the altimeter on a GPS units if it means I could have cop hauling me off the beach for trespassing.  We need the law to be simplified to state something like " Public Access 10 feet onto the shore from waterline" so even if the lake level changes or the shoreline shifts the access stays the same.  Plus it would be easy to understand for everyone...

    The altimeter mentioned was just a joke, hence the postscriptum  smiley.
    Unless you can find an organization with lots of money to fight this in federal court, I'd recommend getting a boat.
    Or,. you can do what I do. that is either ask for permission or move on.
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 00:26:23 (permalink)
    Sorry Dano, when I read your altimeter post and replied, it was from my cell phone and it doesn't show the smiley faces.  All I could think was now someone was going to try this half baked idea and make some land owners mad and give fisherman an even worse reputation.  I'm sorry if made you mad with my comments.

    On another note, steelpunishment: what did you mean when you said "yu hav absolutly no idea of what you talk about" in regards to my comment about the no fishing within 50 yards of the mouth of Trout Run rule.  Anyone who goes fishing down there and who can read English will tell you that there is a sign at the gate right before the beach at Trout Run that says No Fishing within 50 yards of the Mouth of the Stream.  So I'm pretty sure that the Fish Commission is give us fisherman a break by letting us fish right next to the mouth of Trout Run...
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 00:28:59 (permalink)
    Piscator, the 50 yard rule at Trout Run is only in effect from 10 PM to 5 AM.

    post edited by rsquared - 2011/11/06 00:29:41
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 04:42:37 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: rsquared

    Piscator, the 50 yard rule at Trout Run is only in effect from 10 PM to 5 AM.


    I've never fished there, but I've been there quite a few times, and always wondered where it is actually OK to fish. If you are in the lake, 20 yards out, but in the outflow of the creek, are you considered to be in the creek?
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 13:42:04 (permalink)
    rsquared: thats not what I was told by the Fish Commission and if you think about it that wouldn't make sense anyways.  Due to the fact that you can't night fish there anyways, can you?  At least it is not list as a designate area for night fishing in the regulations book.  Also the sign would state the time restriction.  I was told as long as the fisherman aren't directly hindering the steelhead from getting into the mouth of Trout Run, that the fisherman would be allowed to continue fishing in the flow of the water from the stream.  The Fish Commission Officers know the steelhead mostly  run up the mouth at night when no fisherman are allowed to be there so they leave us alone during the day.  I could very well be wrong but that is what I was told...  
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 17:25:59 (permalink)
    The way I understood it from the article is that in the state of PA, the area between the low and high watermark is a public easement but must be accessed legally without trespassing on private property or useing private roads. Pretty sure that situation at Trout run isn't quite legal.
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 17:30:31 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Piscator

    rsquared: thats not what I was told by the Fish Commission and if you think about it that wouldn't make sense anyways.  Due to the fact that you can't night fish there anyways, can you?  At least it is not list as a designate area for night fishing in the regulations book.  Also the sign would state the time restriction.  I was told as long as the fisherman aren't directly hindering the steelhead from getting into the mouth of Trout Run, that the fisherman would be allowed to continue fishing in the flow of the water from the stream.  The Fish Commission Officers know the steelhead mostly  run up the mouth at night when no fisherman are allowed to be there so they leave us alone during the day.  I could very well be wrong but that is what I was told...  

    I very seldom fish at trout run, but guys have told me that you are allowed to stand in the water overnight to secure your spot for the next day as long as you aren't fishing from 10p to 5a. Could be wrong about that as I just heard it through the grapevine that if the lake is forecasted to be flat on a fall day, you better get there at 2 or 3 in the morning if you want a spot anywhere near the mouth of the creek. Also, I'm pretty sure there aren't any restrictions during daylight hours as to how close to the mouth you can be, as long as you aren't fishing in the actual creek.
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 18:38:57 (permalink)
    Just do what the sign says and don't look for trouble. It's as simple as that, My Gosh!!!
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 18:40:11 (permalink)
    i get there at 1am and have a folding chair to sit in

    been doin this for years so i get the best spot

    the guys who sleep in get nothing

    so do it

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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 19:50:55 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Piscator

    rsquared: thats not what I was told by the Fish Commission and if you think about it that wouldn't make sense anyways.  Due to the fact that you can't night fish there anyways, can you?  At least it is not list as a designate area for night fishing in the regulations book.  Also the sign would state the time restriction.  I was told as long as the fisherman aren't directly hindering the steelhead from getting into the mouth of Trout Run, that the fisherman would be allowed to continue fishing in the flow of the water from the stream.  The Fish Commission Officers know the steelhead mostly  run up the mouth at night when no fisherman are allowed to be there so they leave us alone during the day.  I could very well be wrong but that is what I was told...  

    Now I'm really confused. This is from the PA regulations:

    It is unlawful to fish from 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. on the following day within 50 yards of the mouth of both Trout Run and Godfrey Run while fishing the Lake Erie shoreline.

    To me this sounds like you are allowed to fish at night, as long as you stay 50 yards from the mouth.
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 21:09:49 (permalink)
    This whole thread has confused me now so I think I'm going to email Brook Tolbert for clarification on this subject.  He is the WCO that works out of Walnut Creek Access and he is a really nice guy.  He should be able to shed light on what I've been told, what the 50 yard sign at Trout Run means, what the regulation in the book means and if people can night fish at all near or in the area of Trout Run.  Anybody else have anything that want clarification on while I'm emailing the Fish Commission?
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 21:36:40 (permalink)
  • From September 6 until the opening day of trout season in April, all Lake Erie tributary streams are closed to fishing from 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. on the following day except for Walnut Creek north of the Manchester Road Bridge and Elk Creek north of the Route 5 Bridge.
  • It is unlawful to fish from 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. on the following day within 50 yards of the mouth of both Trout Run and Godfrey Run while fishing the Lake Erie shoreline.

    The way it is written... you can't night fish (10pm to 5am) anywhere except elk access and walnut access from route 5 to the lake (that's what north of route 5 means), and during these times which you can't even fish... you can't fish within 50 yards of the mouth of godfrey and trout run.

    Pretty black and white (yes, it's blue above) as it's written unless you're blind.  As long as you are not night fishing, you can fish anywhere at trout run and godfrey.  The only thing that can be argued is fishing the actual flow and impeding the fish trying to get into the stream itself.  That comes down to how lenient the WCO wishes to be or if you're Dreamcatcher because he likes standing in the flow.

    post edited by heyiknowyou - 2011/11/06 21:37:09

  • go back to spain
    11-12-11: the last time i got punched in the face
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 23:42:38 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: heyiknowyou

  • From September 6 until the opening day of trout season in April, all Lake Erie tributary streams are closed to fishing from 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. on the following day except for Walnut Creek north of the Manchester Road Bridge and Elk Creek north of the Route 5 Bridge.
  • It is unlawful to fish from 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. on the following day within 50 yards of the mouth of both Trout Run and Godfrey Run while fishing the Lake Erie shoreline.

    The way it is written... you can't night fish (10pm to 5am) anywhere except elk access and walnut access from route 5 to the lake (that's what north of route 5 means), and during these times which you can't even fish... you can't fish within 50 yards of the mouth of godfrey and trout run.

    Pretty black and white (yes, it's blue above) as it's written unless you're blind.  As long as you are not night fishing, you can fish anywhere at trout run and godfrey.  The only thing that can be argued is fishing the actual flow and impeding the fish trying to get into the stream itself.  That comes down to how lenient the WCO wishes to be or if you're Dreamcatcher because he likes standing in the flow.

  • can fish in the lake at Trout Run, as long as you are 50 yards from the mouth? The lake is not a tributary stream. If you can fish in a boat, why can't you fish the same water wading?
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/06 23:50:46 (permalink)
    AMAZING! Hundreds, thousands actually have been able to understand the rules about fishing at TR & Godfrey for years. And now ( without any changes ) it's confusing?

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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/07 00:52:59 (permalink)
    i can not believe this is a on going topic, the private property is far enough down the shoreline to not even effect fishing at Trout Run.
    and one of the biggest myths is getting there in the middle of the night for THE so called best spot...i've never had a problem catching fish consistently arriving about 730am or later.
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/07 00:53:54 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: spoonchucker

    AMAZING! Hundreds, thousands actually have been able to understand the rules about fishing at TR & Godfrey for years. And now ( without any changes ) it's confusing?

    Excuse my ignorance, Spoon. I've never fished there. And from the way I read the regs, you can fish in the lake at night.
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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/07 01:03:32 (permalink)
    I wasn't referring specifically to you. And YES you can fish there at night. Just not within 50 yds of the mouth from 10-5.

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    RE: Trout Run Access ? 2011/11/07 01:06:31 (permalink)
    and like Spoonchucker said why are the rules so confusing now about night fishing? people NEVER had problems understanding them for 20 yrs or more until now. come on people its common sense and easy to understand, follow these simple rules for 7 hours a day is all that is asked of us fishermen.
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