Bad bear encounter

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2011/11/02 15:04:15 (permalink)

Bad bear encounter

Seeing bears in archery season is nothing new to me.  I've actually had 4 encounters this season and saw 3 in the last week.  Well the one this morning had me truly concerned over my safety.  I don't carry, but I will be from now on.

I was just getting into a 15' ladder stand settled in a narrow piece of woods between a large river and heavy brush, when I heard some noise from within the brush.  I obviously had big bucks on my mind having seen the biggest of my life the previous evening (different stand, same area).  To my disappointment a bear appeared at about 40 yards and continued in my direction.  He was not large, 200lbs guessing.  I was just hoping he would pass through and not ruin my morning.  Wrong.  After crossing my trail (drag line), his demeanor changed from indifference to curiosity.  He sniffed and followed the line for a few yards and then turned directly toward my stand.  In a matter of seconds he was directly under my ladder sniffing around.  Didn't take long before he had my backpack, sat down, and began chewing on it.  That's when it occurred to me that this bear was the one who threw the seat out of the stand a few days ago and broke a wooden stabilizing block.

I was still hoping that he went on his way without seeing me.  I was even willing to give up the backpack b/c it only contained my orange vest at this time.  Nope, and this is when it went from amusing to scary.  He put both front legs on the second rung of the ladder.  Arrow nocked, ready to draw, I yelled at him to git!  That only resulted in him backing off a whopping 5 yards.  After some more yelling, (hunt was ruined anyway), he slowly went back on his way.  Yeah, on his way tracing my every step with the drag line.  When he got to the end of it proceeded to eat the cloth and rope.  At this point I was now hoping he'd choke on it and keel over.  Then he just licked all the estrous from it and spit out.

More tense moments as he returned to my ladder, yelling and all, this time more aggressive.  The bear began to get irritated and started scratching nearby trees and swatting brush.  After more yelling and arm waving he finally started to leave for good, on my back-trail to the stand.  I had other options as there was another way out of this stand.  After he cleared the edge of the swamp and out of sight I quickly climbed down grabbed my backpack and put some distance between us, but only after pulling my trail cam...(which he molested as well but semi-protected by a metal box).

Here's the only picture that wasn't up close bear face.  With my morning hunt ruined and having to work tomorrow, I quit and drove home to Erie.

I won't give up hunting this stand, but I will be packing more than a bow and hunting knife from now on.

post edited by Claypool313 - 2011/11/02 16:01:05


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    RE: Bad bear encounter 2011/11/02 15:08:31 (permalink)
    One other thing.  The bear had a tag in his left ear.  This property is adjacent to SGL's.  What are the chances that this was a relocated nuisance bear?
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    RE: Bad bear encounter 2011/11/02 23:32:16 (permalink)
    Your more patient than me, that arrow would have been right in his head after those front feet hit my ladder. That is the reason I stopped using most scents, that has happened to me before with fox urine cover scent. Only one way to get rid of a nuisance bear in my opinion. Good luck and do what you have to do,,,safety first. Btw,,I've decided to start carrying as well, for the same reason. I have heard alot of "experts" say the worst defense is a loaded gun against a bear in the woods but, its called peace of mind.
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    RE: Bad bear encounter 2011/11/03 08:23:02 (permalink)
    Interesting story regarding that bear's behavior. I have encountered a good number of bear up here in the Poconos while out in the woods. Never had one hang around or pester me like what you described. Maybe the scent turned it on.

    My biggest fear is getting stuck between Momma and small cubs.

    A few years ago, I was night hunting yotes near Hickory Run State Park (an area that is filthy with bear) and had a big bear crash through the laurels toward me as I mouth called a fawn-in-distress call. I had a 12 ga loaded up with 3 shells of #4 buckshot. Bear got within 30 feet of me - I yelled (actually screamed like a schoolgirl) and it headed back in the brush. Scared the bejeezus out of me. It was a long walk back to the truck that night, with every light I had shining... I no longer hunt that specific area at night - especially in the spring months.

    For those of you that contemplate shooting a bear in self-defense while in the woods, I would think twice about reporting it if you do not have a bear tag in season. Not trying to promote outlaw behavior, but I am willing to bet that the fines and license suspension imposed by the PGC would be quite painful.

    In the case of the OP, if he did shoot the bear, my bet is that the WCO would tell him he should have yelled at the bear when it was visible to him at 40 yards to prevent a close encounter, as he wrote out a very costly citation.

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    RE: Bad bear encounter 2011/11/03 11:06:59 (permalink)
    was on the ground hunting many years ago and had one charge at me. lucky it was a bluff and he stopped about 10 feet before putting the brakes on.....that's when I started carrying....never came that close again and never care to
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    RE: Bad bear encounter 2011/11/03 12:32:35 (permalink)
    Have had bears with both paws up on my tree before. Get a can of spray, you'll end up in less trouble. Personally I would fire a warning shot with my carry weapon only if he got all 4 feet off the ground on his way up. Spray is way more effective anyway.

    Better too far back, than too far forward.
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    RE: Bad bear encounter 2011/11/03 17:59:16 (permalink)
    wasp spray shoots 25 eye shot will do it

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    RE: Bad bear encounter 2011/11/03 19:14:15 (permalink)
    Not a bad idea with the spray.  I'll probably stick to the peace of mind with a warning shot.  I really tried hard to do the right thing and was fortunate that only my morning's hunt was ruined.

    Not speculating here or anything, but am also torn as to the reporting the incident if it came to that.  Number one this is not my property and the owner may not be so agreeable to having a warden sniffing around.  I'm sorry but also I do not trust a stranger to believe my story, especially if I did not suffer physical harm.  I might be paranoid, but I don't think this will be the last I see if this particular bear.  Got all next week off and plan to spend a few days in that stand.  I have a bear tag and actually hoping I get an archery buck so I can move some vacation around for the legal bear season.

    For fun, here is why I won't give up that stand to no stinkin bear.


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    RE: Bad bear encounter 2011/11/03 20:31:33 (permalink)
    Had to drive a vehicle at one once at camp after she busted out the window and clawed the door, that didnt do the trick but a couple of shots with the 308 into the shooting range did the trick

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    RE: Bad bear encounter 2011/11/03 21:55:05 (permalink)
    What would the odds be if you got some time in that stand Nov.14-18
    and that bear returned??? What a story that would make....
    I know I would give it a shot........Just a thought.........Good Luck.........
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    RE: Bad bear encounter 2011/11/04 11:55:14 (permalink)
    Did you level your trailcam after the bear messed with it? Looks like it was a little "off" before he got to it!

    My cousin had a run-in this season with a momma w/ 3 cubs and he was b/w them and it was dark. One of the little ones chewed on his Ranger's plastic fender. All ended well for him but he was pretty puckered up.
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    RE: Bad bear encounter 2011/11/04 18:31:10 (permalink)
    Did you level your trailcam after the bear messed with it? Looks like it was a little "off" before he got to it!

    He messed with it a couple days before too.  I figure that's when the stand got broken and seat went to the ground.
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    RE: Bad bear encounter 2011/11/04 18:34:25 (permalink)
    What would the odds be if you got some time in that stand Nov.14-18
    and that bear returned??? What a story that would make....
    I know I would give it a shot........Just a thought.........Good Luck.........

    Well, I won't have any vacation left if I can't save some, meaning I tag out on a buck tomorrow or early in the week.  I'd really like to try.
    post edited by Claypool313 - 2011/11/04 18:35:14
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