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2011/11/02 07:57:44 (permalink)


While wading a familiar spot in the bay today, I got quite the scare. I took out a newb for his first bay trip. We were standing on shore, about to enter the water, and the kid asks me "how deep is that?". I looked and said "looks bout knee deep". I took one step off the bank and sunk in the leafy mush past my waist, with no bottom in sight. I Quickly made the decision to throw my upper body backwards and laid down in the water. I filled the top half of my waders to the belt, and crawled back to shore.

While I was wet and cold, I was thankful to have made my quick decision, for all I know...it was 12 feet deep.

Point is....right now in the bay...bottom aint always bottom...wade carefully.

I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 08:26:35 (permalink)
    Back when I did lot of wading back in lagoons I bought a small set of plastic snow shoes thry really work for soft bottom. Since then saw a show about using them down in the Keys wading on soft sandy flats fishing for bonefish.
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 08:30:10 (permalink)
    That is a fantastic idea. I never thought of that...

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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 08:47:02 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Sharpefly

    Back when I did lot of wading back in lagoons I bought a small set of plastic snow shoes thry really work for soft bottom. Since then saw a show about using them down in the Keys wading on soft sandy flats fishing for bonefish.

    no one get the idea that flippers will work as well. they don't! TruSt mE

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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 09:31:21 (permalink)
    Well, at least I hope you learned a lesson.... ALWAYS send the new guy in first...

    Glad you got away with just a cold bath...
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 10:42:51 (permalink)
    It just goes to show how quickly Life can change . Scary experience . Both Coldfront and Slickfish were very fortunate as I know many of us have been .  
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 10:53:05 (permalink)
    i had a similar thing on the SR a few years ago
    i was on a large log there was about 7feet of foam on the water between me and what i could clearly see was only 4 inch deep water, i stepped off the log and was in over my head, then was swept under the log jam...valuable lesson learned with only a soaking and hurt pride
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 12:20:45 (permalink)
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 12:32:48 (permalink)

    I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
    I choose Little Cleos

    I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 12:39:56 (permalink)
    good, leave em alone for the weekend.
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 13:07:20 (permalink)
    I was fishing in a trib to Yellow Creek lake early one spring many years ago, just below the bridge on Rt. 422. An old timer who was leaveing told me to avoid a certain section of the creek. I don't recall his exact words but something on the order that the bottom was soft and mucky. I had a pair of Ranger insulated rubber chest waders on. The stream in that spot is not very deep but the water was cold. I continued to wade and fish close to the bank. Next thing I know I started to sink in the mud. I couldn't pull myself free. No one around to help and it was starting to get dark. I managed to use my rod to pull a branch down and used it for leverage to pull myself out. Now I'm an ol' timer, and this post brought back memories of what happened to me, oh so many years ago.
    post edited by bigfoot - 2011/11/02 16:54:53

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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 13:36:46 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: bigfoot

    I was fishing in a trip to Yellow Creek lake early one spring many years ago, just below the bridge on Rt. 422. An old timer who was leaveing told me to avoid a certain section of the creek. I don't recall his exact words but something on the order that the bottom was soft and mucky. I had a pair of Ranger insulated rubber chest waders on. The stream in that spot is not very deep but the water was cold. I continued to wade and fish close to the bank. Next thing I know I started to sink in the mud. I couldn't pull myself free. No one around to help and it was starting to get dark. I managed to use my rod to pull a branch down and used it for leverage to pull myself out. Now I'm an ol' timer, and this post brought back memories of what happened to me, oh so many years ago.

    I know exactly where and what you mean, I'm from around there. Many years ago I wet on a little canoe trip at Yellowcreek. I decided to hop out of the canoe and wade around a little bit near that creek entrance. Bad idea. That muck is horrible and man does it smell.

    I heard someone say one time that a body was found in that area from a murder that happened in the 50's and the body was perfectly preserved. Who knows how accurate that is though.....
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 15:04:06 (permalink)
    I can add...not quicksand or mud but dropoff...

    Was on a SGL(__) duck hunting that I had never been to before. My bud told me the PGC had just "mowed" new "channels" out in the swamp we were in. Low and behold I drop a wood duck on the other side of that channel. I could see the dang thing sitting over there. So I ask - how deep do you think it is? oh - bout 4 1/2 feet. I stepped off the side of that cut and - water rushed right in. Well it ended up being more like 5 feet. We had alot of rain and I didnt think of the swamp level being higher. Had my old rubber hodgemens on that came up bout half way up my chest. Already wet - I went over and got the duck. Glad I didnt sink in the bottom. Went back to his house and got his back-up waders. Finshed out the day. Laughing our fannys off. That was prolly 15 years ago. Duck sickness...
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 16:58:17 (permalink)
    After reading some of these post's, it's a wonder more of us don't drown!!!!!!!!!

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    If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 18:16:07 (permalink)
    After reading some of these post's, it's a wonder more of us don't drown!!!!!!!!!

    You said it.  On a related story, many years ago, I had just bought my first pair of chest wader, neoprene.  Thought I was invincible and decided to cross a heavy flowing river in MI that just had the dam let out for the winter.  Got about half way across when I started getting lifted off the bottom.  Did I mention it was the middle of December?  Long story short, I ended up floating / kicking bottom to the other side.  Soaked and freezing walked a couple miles to a bridge to get back to my truck.  It's never worth it.  Lesson learned the hard way.
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 19:17:47 (permalink)
    Scary duud.....Glad you made it through your unwanted bath. Sorry you got skunked..but there will be other days.

    Having waded the bay a lot as well , just as soon as you feel confident where you are and where your walking the unexpected can happen.

     Always look before you leap even if you cant see.

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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 21:18:19 (permalink)
    I was fishing the black hole at Salmon River in Pulaski. I saw an open spot next to another angler who was in about knee deep, and hopped down the bank into the water. I kept going down. Finally stopped just below the tops of my waders.
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    RE: Qiucksand! 2011/11/02 22:48:54 (permalink)
    Slick...sorry to hear of your plight. But I'm glad you're able to laugh about it...now.

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