$100 fines

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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/03 19:28:42 (permalink)
Do you ask for permission to enter or fish on others property if it isn't posted ?  Should you ask ?  After all its somebody elses property.  Is that also an abuse of anothers property owner rights if you don't ask first ?   Is it Ok to assume that just because the property is not posted that you are welcome to come and go as you please without their consent ?
Please, give me responses to the questions I raised.   I'm interested to see how all you concerned fisherman feel and what you do as far as respecting a property owners rights.
bird dog
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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/03 19:55:22 (permalink)
tricky question, and a good one. it is my understanding (and I'm sure others will be more than happy to correct me if I'm wrong)that in PA if land isn't posted then it is to be assumed that access is granted. that said, I would never walk across property that is obviously someone's back yard without asking permission first. this is a gray area IMO. I would be happy to ask permission if it was apparent who the property owner was but that is not always clear. if that information is not readily apparent, as long as I'm not obviously trespassing or walking across someone's "personal space" I think the implication is that access is allowed.

that's my story and I'm sticking to it. OK, let me have it.

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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/03 20:03:58 (permalink)
When a person owns property such as real estate it assumed he or she pays taxes on that land. Maybe the person wanting to "use" someone elses land for there enjoyment should offer to pitch in a few dollars to cover property taxes. To trespass is esentially stealing,Right?
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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/03 20:07:00 (permalink)
Thanks for the honest answer bird dog,  Anybody else like to offer an opinion ?
just keep a few
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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/03 20:10:56 (permalink)
A Fine is a Tax for doing wrong and a Tax is a Fine for doing well...hahahah
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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/03 21:20:17 (permalink)
Learned at a very young age...if it ain't yours...ask if you can use it.

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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/03 21:23:57 (permalink)
Me personally, If I lived or owned property along an Erie trib and I wanted people to stay out, I would have signs up on both sides of the creek and probably a wire across the creek with signs on it. That way there is no question the land is posted. On the flip side of that equation, if I permitted fishing on my property, I wouldn't want 20 knocks on the door everyday from people asking permission to fish.
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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/03 22:07:33 (permalink)
This has nothing to do with posted property or NO tresspassing, it has to do with signs that state there are to be NO motor vehicles parked in the farmers field. The signs went up for obvious reasons and are blatantly being ignored. Posted and NO Tresspassing signs are soon to follow.

A land owner is NOT obligated to post his/her land to keep people from tresspassing on it PA, OH, NY or anywhere else....period.
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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/03 23:11:53 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: coldfront


Learned at a very young age...if it ain't yours...ask if you can use it.

doc, we're just old school, i guess.

Thanks for reminding me of "old!"  I am reminded daily by the lack of hair on the noggin and the ones that are there are off-white.

The strength of a person isn't measured by the muscle in their arm or how tall they stand, but rather, by the amount of knowledge and area of versatility they can cover. CM ~ 1987

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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/03 23:20:34 (permalink)
I actually know someone who owns land that is open to the public for fishing steelhead on one of the Erie tribs and Livinfishin makes a good point that he would probably agree with. He owns both sides of the stream so he could shut down the whole stretch of creek if he wanted to but he like to share the resource with the public and see people enjoy it as long as they respect the land, the water and the fish.  He understands that people are just trying to be respectful by asking permission but it makes his family nervous to have strangers coming to the door at all hours of the day.  They have put up a few signs to try to make it clear that people can feel free to fish the one side of the stream to avoid having people entering the other side which is the private space of their actual yard.  So even asking permission can be a stressful thing for the landowners so consider that when you guys are approaching their homes to ask to fish.  If it was my house and land and I left it open the public yet people still rang my doorbell 20 times a day to ask permission, I would get tired of that really quick and it would only be a few year before sharing the stream and that would have me posting the place so he is a better man then I am.  I guess the message has gotten out there and not that many people come to the house any more.  Asking permission really depends on a lot of factors but in my opinion if you have to go anywhere near a house, building or in a yard then you better be asking unless there is sign giving the okay.
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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/04 06:50:20 (permalink)
A landowner with some common sense then.
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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/05 16:15:10 (permalink)
You make a good point. It would be nice if the Fish Commish would take some time to talk to land owners and agree on some sign posting in populated areas. I remember a sign in the past by a land owner that said this property was open on a trial basis and would continue to remain open as long as people followed the basic rules. Mainly litter, parking and noise. I am not surprised at the posting along the tube R.R. track area above 5 on Elk. I fished there a few years ago one day, and when I came up later in the day to my vehicle, I filled a garbage bag full of litter that was left along that parking area by fishermen ! I knew then that area was destined as are others. As I said before " the beginning of the end".
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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/05 16:33:45 (permalink)
" It would be nice if the Fish Commish would take some time to talk to land owners and agree on some sign posting in populated areas."

The local WCOs DO talk to the landowners on a regular basis. They are very active in resolving, or trying to resolve landowner issues.

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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/05 18:09:48 (permalink)
Get it through your heads.....if landowners dont want you there, dont go there...its simple really, except for the simple minded.
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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/05 18:59:06 (permalink)
It amazes me how often this topic comes up with anglers asserting their "right to access". There is no right to fish and there is no right to access. You purchase the privilege to fish public waters and you may be granted the privilege of access to posted property by the owners. Period.

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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/06 01:02:40 (permalink)
I agree with Riverbum. We as fisherman are only buying the the chance to try to catch a fish in Pennsylvania waters.  Nowhere does it say on our license or in our regulation book that this license entitles us to fish ALL PENNSYLVANIA WATERS public and private. 
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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/06 04:22:16 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: Piscator

I agree with Riverbum. We as fisherman are only buying the the chance to try to catch a fish in Pennsylvania waters.  Nowhere does it say on our license or in our regulation book that this license entitles us to fish ALL PENNSYLVANIA WATERS public and private. 

Well, you're half right with that statement. I think a license does entitle you to fish any public Pa. water.
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RE: $100 fines 2011/11/06 09:05:54 (permalink)
What do you consider any public water?
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