Evening hunts

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2011/10/25 13:36:40 (permalink)

Evening hunts

So, Im trying to change my work schedule around so that I can get out a few evenings and hunt. Since Ill be pressed for time, I was wonder what other people think is 'too late' to head into the woods for an evening. thanks.

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    RE: Evening hunts 2011/10/25 13:45:22 (permalink)
    Never. It only takes one second.

    My reports and advice are for everyone to enjoy, not just the paying customers.
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    RE: Evening hunts 2011/10/25 13:45:37 (permalink)
    all depends on your stand and what the deer are doing. When I was still coaching, I killed several bucks when heading out and getting in the tree for only the last 1/2 hour. I don't reccomend it, but I knew what time those deer were moving usually and that I could get in quietly.

    Better too far back, than too far forward.
    retired guy
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    RE: Evening hunts 2011/10/25 14:03:54 (permalink)
    Have climbed up in the late afternoon and had deer come in while I was setting up. They are on the move then so any time is good time.
     Just dont hurt yourself by having to go too far in to be setup. Not a time of day to be wasting time.
    post edited by retired guy - 2011/10/25 14:04:58
    redneck steel
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    RE: Evening hunts 2011/10/25 14:57:22 (permalink)
    This time last season I was seeing as many deer in the evening hunts as the mornings. Hunt as much as you can this time of year, whether its just mornings, or the last hour of the day.
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    RE: Evening hunts 2011/10/25 15:27:01 (permalink)
    Thanks for the opinions!
    retired guy
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    RE: Evening hunts 2011/10/25 18:37:16 (permalink)
    Just went for a ride here in my overpopulated central Ct City and saw 19 in bout 45 min. Only one fork all the rest flat heads cept one button with little one inchers.
      They were out early tonight- way before dark- probably rain tomorrow.
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    RE: Evening hunts 2011/10/26 01:11:21 (permalink)
    Never too late for an evening hunt. If you pressed for time and plan on hunting the same set for morning I would pass. If not, go for it and pay attention as to where you place your set. Cooler air will fall in the evenings. Thermos and wind should be your main concern along with sweat. Don't get sweated up being in a hurry.
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    RE: Evening hunts 2011/10/26 08:46:48 (permalink)
    I've got into my ladder late 6:00 pm and killed at big doe at 6:05,last year got into my ground blind at 5:30 at killed a big buck at 6:30.It more or less depends on a sneaky set up getting in with very little noise and not to far back in the woods.
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    RE: Evening hunts 2011/10/26 09:36:29 (permalink)
    It only takes minutes but it definetly is about getting in and out quiet. That's why I gave up on the climber and went with a loc-on 2 years ago. Sure saves some sweating as well.
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    RE: Evening hunts 2011/10/26 12:19:04 (permalink)
    Yep, pre-set stands help a lot and if you are hunting an area with some other guys, I'd just say try and be considerate if you know you'll need to get close to someone elses set when trying to get to yours.

    I would hate to spook something away from someone when I was getting in late.
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    RE: Evening hunts 2011/10/26 13:30:44 (permalink)
    better safe then sorry, I used to do a lot of late evening hunting in HS, learned the hard way several times that you shouldnt push too deep. does are generally out first, but spook them and you are screwed.  watch you wind, take you time walking in, dont skyline yourself, and try not to make much noise.  all pretty obvious things, but you have to pull it all off simultaniously, or else it wont work out for ya.  i hunted almost entirely on the ground in those days, so sneaking into a pile of round bales, field edges, etc were my primary game plans.  a ground blind in a staging area would prolly do you good too, just keep a path to it so you dont make a ton of racket.  try not to get too stinky and huffing a puffing and coughing etc.  you gotta have a couple places set aside to do these sorts of hunts, i wouldnt blow a good morning or afternoon stand spot on a 45 min evening hunt.  just my 2 cents.
    the one buck i killed on the ground in those days doing that was one of the most rewarding of my life.
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