Luck Versus Fortune

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2011/10/23 11:51:19 (permalink)

Luck Versus Fortune

Probably a General Discussion Topic, but this one was worth the extra exposure.

I've noticed a steady decline in "positive" posts - particularly during "The Season." And often it's just another bastardized version of the same old "Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song." Drift jumpers. Snaggers. Poachers. Fly Snobs. Bait dunkers. "I shoulda/woulda/coulda..." and lest we forget, "I have a permit to carry."

So a story like the gentleman whose wife lost her waders and ultimately recovered them makes me hope that (A) it never happens to me, and (B) if it does, that I'll be lucky enough (and isn't it a sad commentary on life when we have to rely on "luck") that it will be discovered by a person set upon doing the right thing.

It's happened.

Unbeknownst to me, I dropped one of my fly boxes when I was leaving the ANF last night. Now between the flies that I bought and the flies that I worked hard at learning to tie, there's a significant value to that box. A gentleman walking his dog found them this morning, and called the number on the box to let me know he had them. By total and freak coincidence (or is it?), we're going to be in the exact same place at the exact same time this coming Wednesday. Looking forward to meeting him.

My luck was in retrieving something I didn't even know was missing. My fortune was a man of common decency...

Thanks, John.

Church next Sunday.

"For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley


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    RE: Luck Versus Fortune 2011/10/23 12:03:33 (permalink)
    Glad your box is being returned!! That is awesome

    Two thumbs up to the fellow who is getting it back to you!
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    RE: Luck Versus Fortune 2011/10/23 12:44:52 (permalink)
    Glad to hear you will get your fly box back. I droped one of mine in the Little "J" one time. Sad to see in float away. Maybe you and the fellow returning your box will become friends.

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    RE: Luck Versus Fortune 2011/10/23 12:48:15 (permalink)
    Thanks for sharing that.

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    RE: Luck Versus Fortune 2011/10/23 15:31:55 (permalink)
    A smart man puts his number in his box...

    Well done....

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    RE: Luck Versus Fortune 2011/10/23 17:56:39 (permalink)
    Bings, If you would see my efforts at fly tying, you would see why I put someone elses name and number on my boxes......WF
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    RE: Luck Versus Fortune 2011/10/23 18:43:16 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: bingsbaits

    A smart man puts his number in his box...

    Well done....

    How true!

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    RE: Luck Versus Fortune 2011/10/23 21:12:43 (permalink)
    good to see some good will still exists glad you got your box back
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