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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/19 20:32:54
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/19 20:42:29
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/19 20:43:08
Dude you in my spot! Was the stripper chick workin the counter?
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/19 20:45:50
its open for biz ness trustme payyu  kiontohelpa
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/19 20:54:34
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/19 21:04:29
tell me about your dogs man? SeRIouslY
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/20 00:07:23
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/20 06:00:36
Now THAT brings back memories.
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/20 06:10:41
no mousies ya know dem CohO's kant rEsIsT deM mouSies ..... 1994? when powerbait became legendary : )
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/20 11:53:09
i was 8 in 1994. what is this about?
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/20 12:33:20
man i would love to go bak in time and fish there again really make me remember the good days of erie 1000s of fish all day, all nite.. no flee posers you guyz should have seen when the the gates were pulled open fSh would flood in there 5 ft thick thanks stillhed hopshelpa
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/20 12:38:22
in the second pic..... the duud with a hOllywOOd glasses on seen better looking hEdz in the PRODUCE dept at Shop "n Save .... ..L.T.A.
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/20 14:23:41
vEst iz smal duWed
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/20 16:35:54
Used to be an option for me when the cricks were blown out.Some of the dudes used to use heavy test line. You'd hear a drag going and the fish would wrap around one of the piers and it sounded like a .22 going off when it broke.
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/20 19:38:45
3 bucks a shift. I always liked the midnight to 8 am shift. We would bring a bunch of beer in and some whiskey and have a good ol time. I can remember seeing gobs of assorted colors of play powerbait all over the water. Got booted a few times from there. Ah....the good ol' days.
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/20 20:33:13
one thing i wish i had the chance to experience sounds like it was a blast!!!!!!!!
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/21 08:08:32
yeah, until the drunk guy keeps casting across your line and blaming you for it. I'm all for having a good time but those guys were obnoxious. It wasn't you Loopy lol One time when we were there, I couldn't believe how many guys were trying to fish the mouth, and that woman kept coming out and yelling at them "Hey all you Happy Hookers, come and get some of my chilli!!" entertaining to say the least.
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/21 18:01:10
cut my teeth steelhead fishing at Trout Run over 20 years ago.on a calm day the lake looked like somebody dumped a giant box of Trix ceareal in it. multi-colored powerbait floating everywhere. didn't really fish the Pen much but the whole circus was entertaining as hell. and they had good soup. remember the guy who sold bait out of the little trailer? you'd knock on the door to wake him up. We'd come home tired as hell and smelling of skein and beer.had a lot of fun and made some good memories.
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/21 21:00:00
I believe the guy who sold bait out of the trailer took a job at Poor Richard's when the pig pen closed.
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/21 21:23:34
That was the masterbaiter
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/22 09:47:56
ORIGINAL: bird dog cut my teeth steelhead fishing at Trout Run over 20 years ago.on a calm day the lake looked like somebody dumped a giant box of Trix ceareal in it. multi-colored powerbait floating everywhere. didn't really fish the Pen much but the whole circus was entertaining as hell. and they had good soup. remember the guy who sold bait out of the little trailer? you'd knock on the door to wake him up. We'd come home tired as hell and smelling of skein and beer.had a lot of fun and made some good memories. That does sounds fun, I bet you have a good time thinking back on that. The trix cereal thing is funny, too haha
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/22 11:25:13
I remember a guy that did the backstroke in november there
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/22 13:08:11
Used to like sitting in a friends boat 2 docks over from the water flow gate before they would open it up for everybody and just cast for cast or flip you would hook a screamer on skein and have to try to keep your line off the dock poles took fishing in a barrel to new heights ..... * snap
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/22 17:01:03
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/23 06:35:47
ORIGINAL: chartist1 You folks sure ain't purdy....yeesh I'm glad that's how you feel, because from reading your posts, I always figured you were someone who went fishing looking to "hook up". Not that there is anything wrong with that.
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/23 10:17:44
what year was that picture taken
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/23 11:18:25
ORIGINAL: FisherChic yeah, until the drunk guy keeps casting across your line and blaming you for it. I'm all for having a good time but those guys were obnoxious .... . " .... . " [ I deleted the remainder of FisherChics' post ] FisherChic stated two reasons it was known as the Pig Pen . I've glanced at the Pen while fishing Trout , but never fished it . Many times the Wall can be frustrating due to the behaviors of some [ which is why I don't fish it ] and also has the above behaviors plus others , but the Pen seemed to have a concentration of bad behaviors . Just an observation . Don't get me wrong , poor behavior exists all over the creeks , but some places has more of it than others .
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/23 19:01:48
ORIGINAL: koda what year was that picture taken I really can't remember, I'd guess somewhere between 96 and 1999, but I'd have to think about that a while.
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RE: hAamMeRd tHe sAMein iN ThE iGPen tUDay
2011/10/23 20:09:41