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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/18 18:16:42
ORIGINAL: carpin06 Billy you can use spoons in the creek!!!!!Paper weight cleo's and dare devil's work very,VERY GOOD!!!!!! And you don't snag them..... Look at for the dare devils....They are 1/16oz all color's hammered silver is the BOMB!!!!!!! Good luck...... first off  welcome to the site nVr heard of this so call paper waight spoon hoo makes it and you reel fast or slow let me no hopisyukohelpaespanol
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/18 18:42:53
Don't forget the white and pink trout worms and the Glulp Goby Magic.
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/18 22:32:12
the only obvious answer to this question as always is the sandwich. waxie, mealie, waxie. now, if you got a lot of money like me, you can fish butterworm, waxy, then mealie. on the real, I hammered saimen one time fishing a caddis larvae with a minnow on hook point on the centre pin
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/18 22:33:21
ORIGINAL: carpin06 Billy, Billy don't you lose my number... cause you're not anywhere, that I can find youuuu!. Good luck...... i always knew it was a phill collins thing
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/19 08:56:20
eppinger,the maker of the daredevil has the paper weight 1/16th....I get the straight from the maker... And you can get the light weight cleo's from fish usa In fact i think you can get both from them....They work very good when pulled very slow and they wont snag....The fish slam the dog snot out of them!!!!! Hope I helped!!!!!! ORIGINAL: steeLpunishment ORIGINAL: carpin06 Billy you can use spoons in the creek!!!!!Paper weight cleo's and dare devil's work very,VERY GOOD!!!!!! And you don't snag them..... Look at for the dare devils....They are 1/16oz all color's hammered silver is the BOMB!!!!!!! Good luck...... first off welcome to the site nVr heard of this so call paper waight spoon hoo makes it and you reel fast or slow let me no hopisyukohelpaespanol
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/19 11:26:56
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/19 13:02:15
Drifting Brown Trout eggs is the best for Steelies
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/19 21:57:02
ORIGINAL: steely34 Squid and chicken necks. I apologize,,,,, I don't know what got into me and where that came from.......... Take it easy on The Hennessy .....It will make you evil
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/20 07:06:25
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/20 17:20:23
I'm still saying ya got it all wrong......... about the pin outfit. Now the Hennessy------ that's something different.
"They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it..... you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore." John Gierach
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/21 11:16:54
I prefer hard boiled eggs over single eggs any day of the week
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/24 10:20:46
Well, none of the above worked!!! But, I think it was the day more than the bait. We didn't see many caught at all on Wednesday, October 19th. I remember seeing steelheads fighting there up way up the creeks all around you when I was younger, but we didn't see one fish moving that day. There were a few being caught, but all the deeper holes we tried we heavily fished and nothing were getting pulled out of them. We did catch a small one on an egg sac and a possible strike on a chartreuse rooster tail. It was a good day, we spoke to several old timers up there and gained some knowledge on holes. We'll be up again. Thanks for everyone's suggestions.
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/24 22:06:21
FLATFISH have outdone themselves for me everytime I use them. Also white trout worms trimmed ORIGINAL: Loomis Use anything and everything. As far as motion lures, it is hard to beat a flatfish. Use the smaller ones F-4 size. 3" Gulp minnows have also proved themselves this year for grouped up fish in slow water. Use a size 8 hook through just a sliver in the nose, fish weightless and let it dart/sit in a bunch of fish, the more spooked they are the better they take in this situation so don't worry about plopping it in easy. We did best on Smelt, Rainbow and Silver Pearl. Sacs are a mainstay no matter what the color of water, if clearer tie smaller. Get yourself a few yards of petticoat mesh from Wal-Mart fabric department, better and cheaper than the spawn netting they sell, just don't get carried away and make yourself a skirt w it. Hopaishelpa
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RE: Favorite bait (non fly category)
2011/10/25 20:25:44
I always laughed at the idea of trout worms for steelhead, especially pink. I bought some this morning - pink of course - and absolutely crushed fish this afternoon like I never have before.