Favorite bait (non fly category)

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2011/10/17 22:56:12 (permalink)

Favorite bait (non fly category)

A buddy and I are heading up this week.  We are hoping to hit the shores and maybe a few holes in the creeks.  What's everyone's bait of choice when spinning? 

We plan on bringing the following....

Cleos, rooster tails, powerbait, minnows, jigs with maggots. 

Your choice?

Wading Pymatuning and Presque Isle since '85.

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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/17 22:59:36 (permalink)
    Yes to the above, have had luck with each.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/17 23:01:35 (permalink)
    I guess the best thing to do is just throw it all and see what happens?

    Wading Pymatuning and Presque Isle since '85.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/17 23:06:49 (permalink)
    Black woolly bugger. Yes, on a noodle rod.

    Aside from that, if I fished with the unclean thing, it'd be skank every time, all the time.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/17 23:12:16 (permalink)

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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 03:25:02 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Billy35Litt

    A buddy and I are heading up this week.  We are hoping to hit the shores and maybe a few holes in the creeks.  What's everyone's bait of choice when spinning? 

    We plan on bringing the following....

    Cleos, rooster tails, powerbait, minnows, jigs with maggots. 

    Your choice?

    Single eggs or wax worms if clear, wax worms, sacks if stained, skein if chocolate.
    post edited by FiveMilePete - 2011/10/18 03:46:08
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 04:30:03 (permalink)
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 09:15:30 (permalink)
    What are the benefits of a noodle rod?

    Wading Pymatuning and Presque Isle since '85.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 09:17:19 (permalink)
    Wow...didn't know mice was in a steelhead's diets.

    Wading Pymatuning and Presque Isle since '85.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 11:20:17 (permalink)
    My favorite bait for both spinning and fly rod:  Swinging live medium size fatheads threaded onto a 6lb floro leader using a needle with a size 14 treble!  A couple tiny split shots, depending on the flow, and absolutely no indicator.    Usually I'll let it drift through a pod a couple times first and then start swinging right in front of their face, if the fish are visible.  If fish aren't visible just drift it through any kind of current or faster water.  I have great success doing this, and more success with medium fatheads than emerald shiners. 

    I rarely ever gut hook or snag anything, not sure why everyone assumes people using bait gut hook all their fish?  When it's super low, like walnut guage less than 20cfs, I'll switch to single eggs from poor richards and a 4lb floro leader.  
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 11:28:23 (permalink)
    Use anything and everything.

    As far as motion lures, it is hard to beat a flatfish.  Use the smaller ones F-4 size.  3" Gulp minnows have also proved themselves this year for grouped up fish in slow water.  Use a size 8 hook through just a sliver in the nose, fish weightless and let it dart/sit in a bunch of fish, the more spooked they are the better they take in this situation so don't worry about plopping it in easy.  We did best on Smelt, Rainbow and Silver Pearl.

    Sacs are a mainstay no matter what the color of water, if clearer tie smaller.  Get yourself a few yards of petticoat mesh from Wal-Mart fabric department, better and cheaper than the spawn netting they sell, just don't get carried away and make yourself a skirt w it.

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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 11:52:36 (permalink)
    the way i see most people catchin them is to sight fish them with small black flies and big hook sets

    or casting spoons with big treble hooks

    i fish with wax worms, garden worms, berkley power bait worms or extruded eggs, and black crystal buggers, and egg sacks
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 12:12:40 (permalink)
    What # line do you use on your spinner?  I was rolling with 6#, but if you are using a 4# leader, I imagine you can go bigger on your spool?

    ORIGINAL: SteelSlayer77

    My favorite bait for both spinning and fly rod:  Swinging live medium size fatheads threaded onto a 6lb floro leader using a needle with a size 14 treble!  A couple tiny split shots, depending on the flow, and absolutely no indicator.    Usually I'll let it drift through a pod a couple times first and then start swinging right in front of their face, if the fish are visible.  If fish aren't visible just drift it through any kind of current or faster water.  I have great success doing this, and more success with medium fatheads than emerald shiners. 

    I rarely ever gut hook or snag anything, not sure why everyone assumes people using bait gut hook all their fish?  When it's super low, like walnut guage less than 20cfs, I'll switch to single eggs from poor richards and a 4lb floro leader.  

    Wading Pymatuning and Presque Isle since '85.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 12:17:42 (permalink)
    I don't want to foul hook anything...I don't see the fun in that at all?  I like fishing with spoons and will only do that in the main lake by the mouths.

    I just don't see how a spinner can be successful in the flats compared to a fly fisherman.  Sight fishing with a spinner has to be very challenging.  I'm looking for deeper holes!!!!

    ORIGINAL: bigbear2010

    the way i see most people catchin them is to sight fish them with small black flies and big hook sets

    or casting spoons with big treble hooks

    i fish with wax worms, garden worms, berkley power bait worms or extruded eggs, and black crystal buggers, and egg sacks

    Wading Pymatuning and Presque Isle since '85.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 12:19:27 (permalink)
    i prefer not to see them
    because i always fish them not snag
    i was simply saying that is how i see most people going after them
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 12:22:59 (permalink)
    That's too bad....

    ORIGINAL: bigbear2010

    i prefer not to see them
    because i always fish them not snag
    i was simply saying that is how i see most people going after them

    Wading Pymatuning and Presque Isle since '85.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 13:10:55 (permalink)
    What # line do you use on your spinner? I was rolling with 6#, but if you are using a 4# leader, I imagine you can go bigger on your spool?

    On my spinning setups, I spool 8lb mono and use a 6lb floro leader 90% of the time.  If it's super low and clear then I'll switch to a 4lb floro leader, but I find that 4lb is rarely ever needed.  4lb definitely won't be needed this week. 

    If the water is high and brown, then sometimes I'll just use my 8lb mono for a leader and use semi-large size bright colored egg sacks.  Like loomis said, sacs are a mainstay and they definitely work.  Check out Poor Richards for sacs and single eggs, there eggs are better than anything you can buy from a sporting goods store.

    Also, don't forget to loosen your drag after fighting a fish for a while if you tighten it down.  I've lost to many fish on their initial run by forgetting to do that!
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 13:26:12 (permalink)
    I just don't see how a spinner can be successful in the flats compared to a fly fisherman.  Sight fishing with a spinner has to be very challenging.  I'm looking for deeper holes!!!!

    Don't get hung up fishing deep slow holes containing big pods of non-active fish all day.  You'll have much better luck fishing the top and tail end of deeper holes for fish holding in the current even if there's less fish holding there.  I always have more luck fishing moving water than the middle section of deep slow holes.

    A spinner can be very successful sight fishing in the flats.  It depends more on the angler at the end of the rod, than the gear being used.  Don't walk right up on top of fish in shallower runs if the water is clear, try to spot them and then back off a little first.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 13:31:19 (permalink)
    Remember....we are rookies!  Those of you doing this for years know what's going on...

    One thing I can appreciate is trying different things.  If the bite is slow, we'll move around and see what trouble we can get in....change different baits...maybe find the closest pub.

    Thanks for everyone's info!!!

    ORIGINAL: SteelSlayer77

    I just don't see how a spinner can be successful in the flats compared to a fly fisherman.  Sight fishing with a spinner has to be very challenging.  I'm looking for deeper holes!!!!

    Don't get hung up fishing deep slow holes containing big pods of non-active fish all day.  You'll have much better luck fishing the top and tail end of deeper holes for fish holding in the current even if there's less fish holding there.  I always have more luck fishing moving water than the middle section of deep slow holes.

    A spinner can be very successful sight fishing in the flats.  It depends more on the angler at the end of the rod, than the gear being used.  Don't walk right up on top of fish in shallower runs if the water is clear, try to spot them and then back off a little first.

    Wading Pymatuning and Presque Isle since '85.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 13:34:52 (permalink)
    well billy best of luck to you
    hope you learn on your own, cause i sure won't be sharing any more info with you
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 13:38:02 (permalink)
    I'll remember that next time...thanks!  I have 6# spooled, I'm going to stick with it and see what happens.  I've landed Pike with 6# in the bay, so we should be alright.

    We will be stopping at Poor Richards to get an idea of what is hot....I just hope we can stop there after we are done and trade in for some of that smoked salmon!

    ORIGINAL: SteelSlayer77

    What # line do you use on your spinner? I was rolling with 6#, but if you are using a 4# leader, I imagine you can go bigger on your spool?

    On my spinning setups, I spool 8lb mono and use a 6lb floro leader 90% of the time.  If it's super low and clear then I'll switch to a 4lb floro leader, but I find that 4lb is rarely ever needed.  4lb definitely won't be needed this week. 

    If the water is high and brown, then sometimes I'll just use my 8lb mono for a leader and use semi-large size bright colored egg sacks.  Like loomis said, sacs are a mainstay and they definitely work.  Check out Poor Richards for sacs and single eggs, there eggs are better than anything you can buy from a sporting goods store.

    Also, don't forget to loosen your drag after fighting a fish for a while if you tighten it down.  I've lost to many fish on their initial run by forgetting to do that!

    Wading Pymatuning and Presque Isle since '85.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 13:51:35 (permalink)
    Thanks BigBear....

    I have a broad idea of what to do, I was just trying to get a little more detail.  I'm very appreciative to those who did offer their opinions and have no problem sharing my opinions in the areas I have better knowledge in with those who help me.

    My biggest concern is going up there and pi$$ing an old timer off.  If I can avoid that, it'll be a good day!!!!

    ORIGINAL: bigbear2010

    well billy best of luck to you
    hope you learn on your own, cause i sure won't be sharing any more info with you

    Wading Pymatuning and Presque Isle since '85.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 14:22:54 (permalink)
    Am I getting excited for nothing?

    ORIGINAL: capcity_tim

    Good luck on the smoked salmon........

    Wading Pymatuning and Presque Isle since '85.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 14:27:41 (permalink)
    I think you meant Smoked Steelhead. He was just giving the usual smart reply.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 15:05:06 (permalink)
    Aaaahhhh....I didn't even notice that slip.....D@mn new guys......

    ORIGINAL: Jenna James

    I think you meant Smoked Steelhead. He was just giving the usual smart reply.

    Wading Pymatuning and Presque Isle since '85.
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 16:40:55 (permalink)
    i normally use strawberry doughball if that doesnt work then you start stripping the water with a 5/0 hook
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 17:14:43 (permalink)
    This thread actually contains some helpful info...pay attention to it Billy35.

    I am not a very good flyfisherman, but i like using flies instead of constantly putting new bait on the hook. Try drifting a crystal meth fly on your noodle rod, or jigging a wooly bugger. Sometimes that works for me.

    Good luck!

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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 17:15:33 (permalink)
    Billy you can use spoons in the creek!!!!!Paper weight cleo's and dare devil's work very,VERY GOOD!!!!!! And you don't snag them.....
    Look at epinger.com for the dare devils....They are 1/16oz all color's hammered silver is the BOMB!!!!!!!

    Good luck......
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 17:18:54 (permalink)
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    RE: Favorite bait (non fly category) 2011/10/18 17:40:42 (permalink)
    Squid and chicken necks.

    I apologize,,,,, I don't know what got into me and where that came from..........

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