Can,t thank you enough!
I have to say Saturday was the happiest day I have had in over 30 years.
All I was wanting to do was show some heros a good time but I have to say
that Skip and Deb gave me far more. I was soooo surprised to see my daughter
I thought I was halucinating. It took a few seconds to realize it was real. How in the
world did you guys keep this a secret is beyond me. Thanks just seems to not exspress
how much that ment to me. I love you so much, better friends you can not find.
There are so many here that I want to thank; Vickie,Hans you made this event so special with your hard work. You really went to extra measures to make this a special day. You have a special
place in my heart.
Tom, your plaques were so beautiful and with such heart. You gave those vets and myself
a sence of pride and everytime we look at it we will think of you with great gratitude and love.
You are beautiful brother.
Karen..I still have a swelling in my eyes for what you did. When you gave me the plaque
my heart grew two sizes. Such a generouse thing to do. I will never forget how much that
ment to me.
My guides were awesome! I know these vets went home with happiness and will be telling
their friends and family of the fantastic time they had. Even if their legs hurt from a mile
walk upstream.

You all are my heroes.
I thank all those who donated and went out of thier way to get what we needed to make
this work so well. Their were many of you and many more who called me that wanted to help
in someway. You are my heroes.
I want to thank everyone for making my family feel so welcome. My sister said it best when
she said I have such wonderful friends. She said she was treated like she was part of this sight for a long time. And that we are a family. We are you know.
The one fly is a great place for us to get to know each other and put faces on names.
We meet new friends and share our love of fishing. I want to thank Jack for starting this
and making such a wonderful gathering. You have done a wonderful thing here for sure.
The food was beyond great! Wow! Thanks to all who took the time to make all the fantastic eats!
If I were to die tommorrow I will have a smile on my face for knowing so many beautiful people.
Thank you all so very much, I love you all!