Her Lucky Day =

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Dr. Trout
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2011/10/08 19:11:04 (permalink)

Her Lucky Day =

well since I have to get up at 3am and meet my friend for a trip to Erie for Perch Fishing in the morning I decided to just sit in my blind and see what happened.. no weapon.. did not feel like having to deal with a harvested deer and then travel tomorrow for the day....

At 6:45pm ...

Two fawns came up within 35 yards of the front of the blind and then came Mom...

took pictures instead of harvesting... Her lucky day !!!

post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/10/08 19:13:06

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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/08 20:59:28 (permalink)
    That the one with the messed up ear  ?? or just the camera angle?
    post edited by retired guy - 2011/10/08 21:00:03
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/09 08:59:21 (permalink)
    Dont whack mumma! Plenty of deer in the woods to choose from.
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/09 09:52:55 (permalink)
    Why shouldn’t he just shoot the adult doe?

    R.S. Bodenhorn
    post edited by RSB - 2011/10/09 09:53:34
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/09 13:47:11 (permalink)
    Them younguns are the' eatin deer'.
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/09 22:20:59 (permalink)
    Yeah that doe has a messed up ear, no idea what caused it, never saw her with the ear that way until she showed up this spring and had her twins with her ????

    She's at least a 2.5 year old so when I am ready to harvest if it's her.. so be it...
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/10/09 22:22:08
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/11 21:36:01 (permalink)


    Why shouldn’t he just shoot the adult doe?

    R.S. Bodenhorn

    Because everyone has their own idea of what should be killed and what should walk. I wouldn't shoot a cub or a sow with cubs but you might. There is a line between what is legal and what is right in my book RSB.
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 08:10:02 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures

    Because everyone has their own idea of what should be killed and what should walk. I wouldn't shoot a cub or a sow with cubs but you might. There is a line between what is legal and what is right in my book RSB.

    Really is up to the individual hunter to make that determination.  If it is legal, we should be happy for the successful harvest by a fellow hunter. If that harvest brought them satisfaction, that is all that matters. 

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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 15:38:26 (permalink)
    When a Pa hunter has his picture posted holding a 40 lb cub ,that sends a message about our sport and our game agency to all hunters and non hunters a like. Been to the check stations a few times when cubs where brought in. The shooter took a beaten. They all had the same thing to say "It looked bigger when I shot it ".
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 17:37:53 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures

    When a Pa hunter has his picture posted holding a 40 lb cub ,that sends a message about our sport and our game agency to all hunters and non hunters a like. Been to the check stations a few times when cubs where brought in. The shooter took a beaten. They all had the same thing to say "It looked bigger when I shot it ".

    Like I said, if it is legal, we should be happy for the hunter.  Maybe take the time to explain why it is okay to shoot fawn deer, kit foxes and bear cubs instead of ridicule those that choose to do it.

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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 17:56:19 (permalink)
    Maybe take the time to explain why it is okay to shoot fawn deer, kit foxes and bear cubs instead of ridicule those that choose to do it.

    I'm all ears. Please explain why it is OK in your book.
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 18:23:20 (permalink)
    Here's my theory on not shooting a mature doe weilding two young.....................................Who the heck am I kidding? I shoot just about anything legal.
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 18:37:44 (permalink)
    Amen .... if it's brown and legal .... it's down ....

    Once it is cooked and on the plate with veggies, potatoes, coffee, and home baked bread ...

    I have no idea how old it was when harvested .. and could care less

    YUM -- YUM
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 18:44:59 (permalink)
    Let's see if I get OA right...

    Folks should never harvest or keep the young -- wait for the older and trophy ones only..

    So folks should not keep 7,8, or 9 inch trout put them all back unharmed and wait for the ones over 16 inches...

    no 16 inch Walleyes.. wait and only keep the ones over 25 inches...

    how silly is that..

    I bought a license to harvest and keep what ever it is I decide to keep or harvest that is legal to keep or harvest... same as anyone else...

    If a hunter or angler harvests an animal or fish that is legal who is he (or anyone else)to say what is right or wrong... talk about running our sport down.. Peta LOVES guys like him...

    Everyone paid the same basic price for his or her license and is entitled to keep whatever they want that is considered legal by law enforcement.

    too each his own OA !!!!!

    I'm sure PETA will be sending you a life-time membership after that rant about harvesting young legal animals or fish..
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/10/12 19:12:33
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 18:52:28 (permalink)
    Dr. Trout
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 19:16:22 (permalink)
    Been to the check stations a few times when cubs where brought in. The shooter took a beaten.

    Been to check stations a few times when the shooter of a small bear was being harassed by another hunter and saw the harassing guy get his butt kicked !!!!

    to each his own ....
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 19:20:49 (permalink)
    Been to check stations a few times when the shooter of a small bear was being harassed by another hunter and saw the harassing guy get his butt kicked !!!!

    Your telling us that several times you saw fights at a bear check station where someone got his butt kicked.
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 23:20:57 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures


    Why shouldn’t he just shoot the adult doe?

    R.S. Bodenhorn

    Because everyone has their own idea of what should be killed and what should walk. I wouldn't shoot a cub or a sow with cubs but you might. There is a line between what is legal and what is right in my book RSB.

    It is perfectly ok to harvest adult does, juvenile deer and cub bears because it has no adverse affects on the wildlife resource and in fact since it is being done in a highly controlled and regulated manner it is often a benefit to the future of the species being hunted.
    The idea of preserving and protecting the young or the old is simply an emotional response and pretty much out of the PETA handbook. If it is legal then there is absolutely no reason not harvest them. As for bears the harvesting of cubs, that could well be part of the reason our bears and bear populations are the healthiest in the world. Harvesting cubs has definitely had no detrimental affects on the future of bears in this state. Harvesting adult does can lead to higher reproduction of younger does. Harvesting juvenile deer can help prevent excessive winter mortality and higher fawn recruitment the following year.
    R.S. Bodenhorn
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 23:42:13 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout

    Let's see if I get OA right...

    Folks should never harvest or keep the young -- wait for the older and trophy ones only..

    So folks should not keep 7,8, or 9 inch trout put them all back unharmed and wait for the ones over 16 inches...

    no 16 inch Walleyes.. wait and only keep the ones over 25 inches...

    how silly is that..

    I bought a license to harvest and keep what ever it is I decide to keep or harvest that is legal to keep or harvest... same as anyone else...

    If a hunter or angler harvests an animal or fish that is legal who is he (or anyone else)to say what is right or wrong... talk about running our sport down.. Peta LOVES guys like him...

    Everyone paid the same basic price for his or her license and is entitled to keep whatever they want that is considered legal by law enforcement.

    too each his own OA !!!!!

    I'm sure PETA will be sending you a life-time membership after that rant about harvesting young legal animals or fish..

    Because everyone has their own idea of what should be killed and what should walk.

    Now how in the **** did you come up with all that BS from my post ?????????????? quote:"Because everyone has their own idea of what should be killed and what should walk."

    Kill what ever the **** you want and then post up some cub pictures and tell everyone you are the # 1 sportsman when in fact you are just really just a JOKE ! I have my own standards and I don't shoot cubs or fawns.Like I said that's me, any body else can do as they please. You Dr T Trout will take what ever you can get including scraping up roadkill. And any one who thinks that publicized pictures of cubs shot does our sport good, please tell me how !!!
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 23:46:18 (permalink)


    ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures


    Why shouldn’t he just shoot the adult doe?

    R.S. Bodenhorn

    Because everyone has their own idea of what should be killed and what should walk. I wouldn't shoot a cub or a sow with cubs but you might. There is a line between what is legal and what is right in my book RSB.

    It is perfectly ok to harvest adult does, juvenile deer and cub bears because it has no adverse affects on the wildlife resource and in fact since it is being done in a highly controlled and regulated manner it is often a benefit to the future of the species being hunted.
    The idea of preserving and protecting the young or the old is simply an emotional response and pretty much out of the PETA handbook. If it is legal then there is absolutely no reason not harvest them. As for bears the harvesting of cubs, that could well be part of the reason our bears and bear populations are the healthiest in the world. Harvesting cubs has definitely had no detrimental affects on the future of bears in this state. Harvesting adult does can lead to higher reproduction of younger does. Harvesting juvenile deer can help prevent excessive winter mortality and higher fawn recruitment the following year.
    R.S. Bodenhorn

    What about shooting a sow with 2 small cubs. Kill her or let her walk in your book RSB ? Anyone else ? Trout don't waste your time typing.
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/12 23:56:21 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: S-10

    Been to check stations a few times when the shooter of a small bear was being harassed by another hunter and saw the harassing guy get his butt kicked !!!!

    Your telling us that several times you saw fights at a bear check station where someone got his butt kicked.

    You have to realize S-10 that Trout is getting up in his years and many times he doses off, dreams and fantasizes of what he thinks he has seen and done.

    Several times huh Trout?? Bet he was getting harrassed because of a poorly placed shot. Why would anyone question a hunter for killing a small cub when it's perfectly legal to do so ? Trout, you want and try to answer that one ?
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/13 03:49:43 (permalink)
    Several times huh Trout?? Bet he was getting harrassed because of a poorly placed shot. Why would anyone question a hunter for killing a small cub when it's perfectly legal to do so ? Trout, you want and try to answer that one ?

    When the bear check station was only a few miles from here I was there as much as I could be for almost 15 years each day checking in, helping, bringing doughnuts , etc ...

    and yeah there were several fights.... mostly guys harasssing a hunter who had shot a small bear.. 40-50 pounders.. it was remarks like my dog is bigger than that, how did you get that thing in your sights it's so small. what kind of a man would shot something that small.. then a reply back,, another insult and then a fist...

    I get amazed at how some like to pretend hunters are just the greatest think that ever walked on this earth.. they are human and not all are the niciest guys you would want to ever meet... it's called reality..... and I do not avoid it trying to paint a picture that is not true of SOME hunters/sportman...

    Now how in the **** did you come up with all that BS from my post ?????????????? quote:"Because everyone has their own idea of what should be killed and what should walk."

    Well actually I got it DIRECTLY from your post that you just referred to ... only I used the WHOLE original quote ==

    Because everyone has their own idea of what should be killed and what should walk. I wouldn't shoot a cub or a sow with cubs but you might. There is a line between what is legal and what is right in my book.

    You just implied there was something NOT RIGHT with what some folks decide to legally harvest...

    so I pointed out why there is NOTHING wrong with what a person legally harvests if he or she decides to do it...

    read what you write
    post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/10/13 04:00:54
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/13 05:04:11 (permalink)
    When the bear check station was only a few miles from here I was there as much as I could be for almost 15 years each day checking in, helping, bringing doughnuts , etc ...

    and yeah there were several fights....

    Just what were the half dozen or more Law Enforcement Officers doing while all this arguing and fighting was going on.
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/13 05:10:41 (permalink)
    Harvesting adult does can lead to higher reproduction of younger does.

    R.S. Bodenhorn

    (in reply to Outdoor Adventures)
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = - 10/12/2011 11:42:14 PM

    Care to explain that one since it's the adult doe that have twins or triplets and fawns that have none or one.
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/13 05:34:45 (permalink)
    Just what were the half dozen or more Law Enforcement Officers doing while all this arguing and fighting was going on.

    They were inside checking bear ... did you read where I said it was in the parking lot ???? The "fighting" was not a brawl.. usually a punch or two, pushing etc then it was broken up by bystanders... Law enforecment never got involved .. they were not free for alls ...gheez....

    If you want to think it nevers happens ... so be it.. but it does.. take it to the bank...

    As for the ""half dozen or more Law Enforcement Officers "" I have no idea how much time you have spent at bear check stations or how often you have visited in 20 some years.. or even if you knew who was running the place you did visit... but here when it was at SGL #54 I NEVER saw 6 or more PGC personel at it... usually three guys ran the place one was not even a WCO and one guy that was there for years was from Greene County... I never saw our local WCO there, once in a while a deputy would stop by for a few minutes...my guess .. the local WCOs and deputies were out checking hunters in the woods...

    Be sort of silly to run the bear check stations with all the law enforcement folks in the area at the station rather than out check hunters don't ya think ?????
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/13 05:56:36 (permalink)
    For over 20 years I had a check station within half a mile of my house so don't tell me what goes on there. As Dardys likes to say ( I call BS)
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/13 06:08:20 (permalink)
    whatever.. it happened...
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/13 18:21:09 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout

    Her lucky day !!!

    You would have missed her.
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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/13 22:01:21 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: rollcaster

    ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout

    Her lucky day !!!

    You would have missed her.

    LMAO. He probably took at shot at her last year when she was half that size and shot her ---- ear off. Good thing you didn't kill her because she gave us 2 more deer.

    And people wonder why we don't see many deer up north (Clear Creek especially) anymore. Keep shooting all the does until they are all gone.

    I am fortunate to be able to hunt an area closer to home where the landowners do not allow anyone to harvest a doe. This has been going on for about 7 years now and guess what, it is not uncommon to see 50+ deer in one day. That's what I call deer management.

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    RE: Her Lucky Day = 2011/10/13 22:09:05 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Socom_16

    ORIGINAL: rollcaster

    ORIGINAL: Dr. Trout

    Her lucky day !!!

    You would have missed her.

    LMAO. He probably took at shot at her last year when she was half that size and shot her ---- ear off. Good thing you didn't kill her because she gave us 2 more deer.

    And people wonder why we don't see many deer up north (Clear Creek especially) anymore. Keep shooting all the does until they are all gone.

    I am fortunate to be able to hunt an area closer to home where the landowners do not allow anyone to harvest a doe. This has been going on for about 7 years now and guess what, it is not uncommon to see 50+ deer in one day. That's what I call deer management.

    X2 !
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