Beside Simms
What brand name waders do you recommend for durability and that you would recommend to anyone? I am seeking a good pair of breathable waders. Thank you.
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 18:20:38
reddington sonic pros patagonia
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 18:47:32
i would listen to kev if you have the cash... go with 'gonia. however, if i were you, i would buy 2 pairs of ll bean flyweight's... they are 69.00 i have went through 2 pair, this pair is on year 3. replaced the first time no questions asked. they were so bad; stunk, a different color from being exposed to uv, and dirty. great for a back up pair of waders. Will have g3's in a few days but will always pack my beans as a back up pair. edit: everytime i am done fishing, i wash my waders off with a gallon jug of spring water, fold them once and put into my tote from walmart. As soon as I get home, they are hung up by the strap to dry. I believe this is what keeps my waders in good condition for so long.
post edited by kylerloveshotdogs - 2011/10/06 18:49:13
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 19:04:21
my Gander Mountain Guide Series (the top of the line ones) are holding up very well after 4-5 (?) seasons ..l.T.A.
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 19:06:05
kylerloveshotdogs, what kind of waders are the ll bean flyweights? Breathable, neoprene, bootfoot, stockingfoot, etc.. I currently have a pair of Orvis breathables, and I have had them for only 2 years now and the neopreme stocking is leaking, and I take pretty good care of my waders. If I can't repair them I don't want to spend the $$ on another pair of Orvis'
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 19:20:24
Got six years out of a pair of William Joseph V2 waders. I unintentionally ruined these by being stupid lol! When my low cost replacement waders wear out, I'll more than likely get another pair.
"If I'm not going to catch anything, then I'd rather not catch anything on flies." Bob Lawless "Something to think about: If you fish the wrong fly long and hard enough, it will sooner or later become the right fly." John Gierach
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 19:43:43
If you are fishing PA any ole pair of camo hip boats will be just fine. I use beans and if you start getting wet drop them a line and a few days later a new one is at your door. Same goes for Cabelas. All waders suck. Go with a good warenty. But dont abuse it.
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 19:54:17
Steeler Fan
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 20:02:35
I agree with hanging the waders. But I hang mine upside down by using the hooks that hook onto the boot strings. I also make sure that the insides are dry turning them inside out for a period of time.
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 20:04:21
Wright McGill has treated me real good. Even sent me a free pair after warranty was over.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 20:08:03
my Gander Mountain Guide Series (the top of the line ones) are holding up very well after 4-5 (?) seasons I loved my Gander Mountain Guide Series breathable waders too! Got 5 or 6 seasons out of mine with heavy use. Unfortunately when they did finally start leaking this past spring, I went to buy another pair but found out they don't make waders anymore. Replaced their Gander Mountain brand with frogg troggs which I don't like at all.
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 20:17:06
I've had great luck with Cabelas Cabela's Premium Dry-Plus® Breathable stockingfoot $149
changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes....nothing remains quite the same The Beerman ~ Greg
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 20:31:53
I've had Frogg Toggs for about 3 years now. no complaints.
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 20:36:21
Cabelas Brand always work for me and the prices are reasonable. Plus they always stand by their products
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 20:47:24
ORIGINAL: xXBeastFeesherManXx What brand name waders do you recommend for durability and that you would recommend to anyone? I am seeking a good pair of breathable waders. Thank you. i have pategonia something or another very thick and have ingeneeis strap that make it eazy to pee expensiv an thick should lasst but only 1/2 year old hopethishelp
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 20:53:02
tip: Do not stretch the neoprene stocking foot when pulling them off after fishing. They could be damp/wet thus you could tear a hole in them. I was told this by a tech at Cabelas. He said this is the cause for a leaky stockingfoot.
changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes....nothing remains quite the same The Beerman ~ Greg
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 20:57:51
ORIGINAL: troutguy kylerloveshotdogs, what kind of waders are the ll bean flyweights? Breathable, neoprene, bootfoot, stockingfoot, etc.. I currently have a pair of Orvis breathables, and I have had them for only 2 years now and the neopreme stocking is leaking, and I take pretty good care of my waders. If I can't repair them I don't want to spend the $$ on another pair of Orvis' Ran into the same problem with orvis waders. In both feet. Orvis will repair for $30 or free if you complain loud enough. One season later, they were leaking again and went with Simms G3's. For $69, you can't go wrong with the ll beans, but you will go through several pairs if you do any hiking in them. Look into Dan Bailey's, higher end $$-wise but very reliable, rugged, and comfortable.
"Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."~by Tony Blake~ "Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains." ~by Henry David Thoreau~
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 21:07:44
ORIGINAL: troutguy kylerloveshotdogs, what kind of waders are the ll bean flyweights? Breathable, neoprene, bootfoot, stockingfoot, etc.. I currently have a pair of Orvis breathables, and I have had them for only 2 years now and the neopreme stocking is leaking, and I take pretty good care of my waders. If I can't repair them I don't want to spend the $$ on another pair of Orvis' they are stockingfoot breathables.. cheap and effective. the only thing is they tend to be a little baggy. you just have to wear a wading belt with them. skinny (logan) wore them for awhile and we called him mchammer behind his back. (i'm not gonna get my ride to erie this weekend if i keep it up lol)
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 21:09:20
ORIGINAL: Steeler Fan I agree with hanging the waders. But I hang mine upside down by using the hooks that hook onto the boot strings. I also make sure that the insides are dry turning them inside out for a period of time. i always spray mine with febreeze and prop them open with a hanger to adequately dry. I also stack towels under the booties so the floor does not get wet and there is no stress from them hanging.
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 21:15:36
ORIGINAL: bird dog I've had Frogg Toggs for about 3 years now. no complaints. Maybe I am just unlucky but I bought a pair of Frogg Toggs Pilots 14 months ago from FishUSA. They did fine for the fall but the first time I had them out for spring trout both legs leaked horribly at the seams. I emailed them to get a warranty return number and it took them 2 weeks to respond. It then took another 6 weeks to get the new pair after I paid to ship mine out and they shipped them to my old mailing address even though I had them make a note to ship them to my new place. The new ones leaked exactly the same as the old ones immediately (yes I am sure they sent me a new set). I got another return number, they ignored my request to give me paid shipping for the leaky ones they sent me and then shipped my new set to the wrong address again. I could have bought half a pair of Simms in the shipping costs  I have yet to try the new pair out but I am done dealing with Frogg Toggs either way.
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 21:19:15
ORIGINAL: Riverbum ORIGINAL: troutguy kylerloveshotdogs, what kind of waders are the ll bean flyweights? Breathable, neoprene, bootfoot, stockingfoot, etc.. I currently have a pair of Orvis breathables, and I have had them for only 2 years now and the neopreme stocking is leaking, and I take pretty good care of my waders. If I can't repair them I don't want to spend the $$ on another pair of Orvis' Ran into the same problem with orvis waders. In both feet. Orvis will repair for $30 or free if you complain loud enough. One season later, they were leaking again and went with Simms G3's. For $69, you can't go wrong with the ll beans, but you will go through several pairs if you do any hiking in them. Look into Dan Bailey's, higher end $$-wise but very reliable, rugged, and comfortable. river, trust me when i say this, I put over 600 hard uses on my beans before they leaked. you simply have to take care of them and be careful when walking. take the time to walk 20 yds past that brush pile. some people are just more accident prone. I take care of my gear even if it's cheap. my buddy wears the emerger's from llbean and for the extra 20 bucks they are a bit more reinforced and not as baggy. a few other notes for those buying gear for the season: ll bean is all free shipping now if you are going w. beans, consider the ll bean emerger wading jacket. this thing, for 79.00 is out of the park. I spend my money on rods rather than wading equipment. hoping my cloudveil 8x wading boots hold up better than most who have used them report about, but only time will tell. 'gonia's layering system is also bomb proof... i talked about this somewhere else, but if you layer with capilene 3 and 2 you will NEVER get cold on your upper half. I also bought their funky hat showed below and it's the warmest thingy for my head i've ever worn. stylish too huh dnymph (i remember taking slack about it from you last year) lastly, wool socks and these wool gloves are of the MOST importance for cold temps there, I'm done... everything I wear probably costs around 500 dollars, but w. the exception of the boots, I get more than 3 seasons out of it all by taking good care of everything. The tote is key.
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 21:22:52
ORIGINAL: BehrendFisher ORIGINAL: bird dog I've had Frogg Toggs for about 3 years now. no complaints. Maybe I am just unlucky but I bought a pair of Frogg Toggs Pilots 14 months ago from FishUSA. They did fine for the fall but the first time I had them out for spring trout both legs leaked horribly at the seams. I emailed them to get a warranty return number and it took them 2 weeks to respond. It then took another 6 weeks to get the new pair after I paid to ship mine out and they shipped them to my old mailing address even though I had them make a note to ship them to my new place. The new ones leaked exactly the same as the old ones immediately (yes I am sure they sent me a new set). I got another return number, they ignored my request to give me paid shipping for the leaky ones they sent me and then shipped my new set to the wrong address again. I could have bought half a pair of Simms in the shipping costs I have yet to try the new pair out but I am done dealing with Frogg Toggs either way. my dad bought frog toggs this past spring.. they leaked 3 times out. He is finally going with ll beans. he's the kind of guy that rolls them up and throws them in his tote haha. must be nice to have money to throw around. I have him his first fly rod this year as a fathers day gift; a 8.5' 5wt. fenwick glass coupled with my nicest reel. little bragging but in less than 10 days, i'll have a pair of g3's at half price... boooya!
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 21:33:16
Dan Bailey's Available at Orvis stores. Comparable to Simms, for less.
Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, No one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again." John 3:3 "Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."~by Tony Blake~
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 21:34:44
ORIGINAL: SteelSlayer77 my Gander Mountain Guide Series (the top of the line ones) are holding up very well after 4-5 (?) seasons I loved my Gander Mountain Guide Series breathable waders too! Got 5 or 6 seasons out of mine with heavy use. I went to buy another pair but found out they don't make waders anymore. well that bites cause any gear that stands up to my abuse is good chit . I ride 'em hard and put 'em away wet ...literally they get jammed in a ball in the back of car and get jammed in a ball on a shelf in the garage the only other waders I've got more than one leak free season out of were Orvis No Sweat boot foot breathables . i got 5 leak free HARD fishing seasons out of them til one day I squatted down to release a fish and whole seam split ..L.T.A.
post edited by genieman77 - 2011/10/06 21:35:30
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 21:38:10
I readily admit that I'm hard on equipment.  and I have that hat. I'll pay a little more for a great warranty, though I thought that's what I was doing when I bought the Orvis waders.
"Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."~by Tony Blake~ "Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains." ~by Henry David Thoreau~
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 22:21:54
check out the Dan Baileys waders, very nice and durable and great warranty
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 22:44:39
I wore a pair of 90 dollar gander mtn neopremes for 8 years before the rubber of the bootfoot rotted out on me. The only thing frogg togg waders seem good for is burning for heat if I get lost in the woods.
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 22:48:57
I just sent back a pair of patagonia for the second time. They are watermasters which are by no means top of their line. They called and said they did a pressurized test and have determined the waders failed. Second new pair for free. They even pay for return shipping. Do that with simms.. you'll be payin.
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/06 23:01:23
Patagonia or Pataguchi, whatever you want to call it. Best products on the market in Waders/Jackets/Fleece. Can't argue with the guarantee, especially after this last change. The only thing not worth it is probably their boots. Rio Gallegos are the cat's meow
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RE: Beside Simms
2011/10/07 00:13:52
Just get the freakin' Simms. You know you want em'.