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With all the chatter about this subject, are we all under the assumption that if Sundays are a go, will it be the Sunday following opening day Monday? Or will PA go as NY State has and start deer season on a Saturday? Will the game commission finally eliminate PA tradition and start deer season the Saturday following Thanksgiving? I'm all for Sunday hunting, but would like to keep a semblance of some of our traditions.
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2011/10/04 11:25:18
ORIGINAL: pikepredator2 With all the chatter about this subject, are we all under the assumption that if Sundays are a go, will it be the Sunday following opening day Monday? If Sundays are considered for firearms deer, I would like to see the traditional Monday opener remain. For many, the weekend before the opener is the highlight of the season and the reason many make the drive to camp.
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2011/10/04 13:35:03
If Sundays are included in the PA firearms season I would like to see it open on December 1st no matter what day that fell on and run for 12 consecutive days. Same for the other seasons, start on a certain day, irrespective of day of the week, and run for the number of days they do now. Tradition in PA went out the window when archery expanded ot six weeks, an early youth/senior season was created, an inline season was created, buck and doe seasons became concurrent, etc.
post edited by DarDys - 2011/10/04 13:36:52
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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2011/10/04 14:33:01
ORIGINAL: pikepredator2 I'm all for Sunday hunting, but would like to keep a semblance of some of our traditions. I think the only way to get back to a traditional "Deer Camp hunt" is to change the opener to a saturday. Here is why... Back when we had a "traditional" camp, lots of guys had mill jobs with 4,5, even 6 weeks of vacation. It was no big deal to take 3 or 4 days of to go to camp and hunt. Now guys are lucky to have a week of vacation, so going up for 1 or 2 days of hunting is not worth it, but if we had a saturday opener after thanksgiving, they could head to camp after thanksgiving dinner, and stay till tuesday and have 4 days to hunt. It might be worth it to a lot more guys...just my 2 cents.
Better too far back, than too far forward.
2011/10/04 15:12:27
I have to agree you musky mastr. I think tradition is still a big part of the hunting world in Pa. Lots of friends and family look forward to going to camp for buck every season. While some elect to hunt closer to home for multiple reasons many still make the traditional trip to camp. I believe also that keeping it traditional and starting the rifle season the Monday after thanksgiving will also benefit the businesses in small towns. I will have to say that camps stayed occupied longer when deer numbers were up. Also that last Saturday and the first day of a 3 doe season they were also occupied. Peoples lives change and so do regs but the Pa traditional hunter is still found in many parts of Pa. We still have Traditioal Flintlock season also, lets hope they don't tryin screw that up also.
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2011/10/04 18:15:09
In NY I get 5 days of hunting in the 9 days prior to PA without using any vacation days. Adding up the 2 additional weekends, I can hunt there 9 days without using a vacation day. In PA I can hunt 2.
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wayne c
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2011/10/04 22:23:20
Will the game commission finally eliminate PA tradition and start deer season the Saturday following Thanksgiving? Seeing as how every change they are making for the last several years, and supporting sunday hunting was for one goal...slaughtering more of the deer herd, I wouldnt put it past them to make that a priority a few years after sunday legalization. They will have their little unofficial mascots push for it until it happens. Its like the movie groundhog day. Same thing over and over and over....
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2011/10/05 13:34:54
As long as they don't touch the length of archery season, they can have the gun opener on whatever day they choose as far as I am concerned. I fear one of these days school districts will start to take away that "off day" on the first Monday due to less kids partaking in hunting. For that reason, I think a switch to a Saturday opener may be good but until that change happens, doesn't really bother me either way.
Over the Hill
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2011/10/05 15:11:28
Living in a state with Sunday hunting and seeing how it works for people, I agree with it. Make it a specific date as mentioned above.
OVER THE HILL Some people are like slinky's; not really good for anything, but, they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs...
wayne c
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2011/10/05 16:28:58
To make a saturday opener and sunday hunting would add at least 3 nowork nonschool days to the rifle season. Given our current deer situation, yeah, thats what we really need here....that and a few more tags along with a few nice hard kicks in the ****. lmao.
2011/10/05 17:40:19
ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz As long as they don't touch the length of archery season, they can have the gun opener on whatever day they choose as far as I am concerned. I fear one of these days school districts will start to take away that "off day" on the first Monday due to less kids partaking in hunting. For that reason, I think a switch to a Saturday opener may be good but until that change happens, doesn't really bother me either way. What about adding an early flintlock season say the first week of November? Flintlock hunters always wait till after x-mas and never get a chance to hunt the rut . You could still use your bow until the end of the second week in Nov.
2011/10/05 17:59:04
Missed this . Anybody ? COMMENTS : Keith Arnold 1 day ago I am all for Sunday hunting, as it provides those that work during the week and kids who are in school (and have sports on Saturdays) another opportunity to spend time in the outdoors. One thing many forget about State Game Lands, is who purchased them and that is the Hunters. No other sport or activity is mandated as to which day you can participate in it, so it is most certainly unfair to single out hunting. Those who do not want to hunt on Sunday, or do not want hunters on their property are more then welcome to make that decision for themselves, but that should be up to the individual. Flag 7 people liked this. Like ReplyReply GS 4 hours ago Actually this bill only allows the game commission to regulate hunting on Sundays and does not add one Sunday to any existing season. After all, the game commission is the agency that has the responsibility to regulate hunting in this state. If we have a leaking faucet, we call a plumber. The old blue laws that exist in this state pertaining to Sunday hunting forces us to call a bricklayer. There is no viable reason for politicians to maintain control of hunting regulations in this state. This bill does not tread on anyone's rights, despite the claims of some. Landowners control who is on thier property for whatever reason. Whether hunting, birdwatching or mushroom picking. This bill does not change that. Non-hunters are no more entitiled to a exclusive day than are hunters. I, as a hunter, understand that my hunt may be affected by others actions. I accept it as should non-hunters accept our use of the forest and fields. It is well documented that hunting is one of the safest recreational sports that exists. Much safer than the many other forms of outdoor recreation that those opposed to this bill for safety reasons engage in. It is also well documented that the most heavily used day by non-hunters engaging in outdoor recreation is Saturday. It seems the fears of safety are selective if it helps to bolster ones position. It is time for Pennsylvania to join the 43 other states that allow their game agencies to fully regulate hunting. It is time for our well trained wildlife professionals to manage all of our wildlife resources for all of our citizens. It is time to move forward and stop the bickering that is doing much harm on many fronts. This bill changes little for the citizens of this state. About the only thing that will come from it are some bruised egos and proper management of our wildlife resources. Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Shaun Alexander 1 day ago I am for hunting and all outdoor sports in our Forests and Game Lands. I don't need to hunt on Sundays, and am very much opposed to any bills allowing Sunday hunting. I appreciate being able to use the PA State Forests on Sundays in fall & winter without fear, and without bothering hunters. In fall/winter, Sundays are the only day of the week to recreate in the woods. To ask all other outdoor tourists and recreationists to stay out of the woods for 1/4 of the year is unreasonable. Flag 6 people liked this. Like ReplyReply kegsilas 21 hours ago in reply to Shaun Alexander Never thought of it that way. I post signs: No Hunting! But I still don't feel safe in my own property ....except on Sunday (well mostly)...........I pay the taxes on my land & I allow a very few people to hunt it...........I need that Sunday!!! (Unless I have a scheduled hunter!) I agree with you now. Karin Silas Attached files Flag Like ReplyReply Billebob_99 20 hours ago If your a landowner and don't want Sunday hunting then post it "no sunday hunting" that was easy, what about the 6 day a week taxpayers that need a day to get some time afield with their friends and family? You naysayers have your own agenda and no consideration for the rest, shame on you for being so selfish! Flag 4 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Miboxerz 1 day ago I am for Sunday hunting also. Like stated before, alot of hunters work alot of hours to supply for their families and only get to hunt 1 day a week. For what it costs to hunt, give us another day...and raise the non-resident prices, like all the other states. Bruce Flag 4 people liked this. Like ReplyReply eric 7 hours ago Opose Sunday hunting more strongly after reading posts by supporters. If they are this ignorant on the issue I would hate to encounter them with a gun in their hands! Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply L0u_1961 21 hours ago I am for sunday hunting ... state game lands are bought by who ? ... the people that hunt .. not the people that hike or ride bikes .... i mean hunters only have what a month to hunt in 12 months let these other people step back and let the hunters enjoy what they like to do . just think if you couldn't fish hike or ride your bikes on sunday . I am sure that they would think twice about shooting this down so fast .!! Flag 3 people liked this. Like ReplyReply eric 8 hours ago Looks like the big dollars generated from Sunday hunting are going to come from all the additional sales of hunter orange clothing to non hunters so they can share the outdoors on Sunday. Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply W Antonishen 20 hours ago We are one of only 7 states that dont allow Sunday hunting. When stores were closed and you could not buy alcohol or a lottery ticket I never even considered hunting on Sunday. It was just not an option. Now I can do anything on Sunday except hunt and I think it is silly. Landowners who dont want people on their land have that option every day of the week. I respect landowners rights every day of the week and if anyone who allows me to hunt on their land said "you can hunt here any day except Tuesday" I wouldn't hunt there on Tuesday. I wouldn't even ask why. They dont need to explain anything. The same would go for Sunday. I have spent quite a few Sundays on state land. Looking for new places to hunt, tracking/recovering game, adjusting treestands, etc and have only seen 2 other people that I can remember (by the way they would have been just as safe on any other day of the week) so the arguement about getting to enjoy the outdoors is weak to me. I really feel like this whole issue is smoke and mirrors to some other issue. Oh wait!!!! What about the "give the animals a day of rest" arguement? That one i totally agree with. Lets make everyone stay out of all wooded areas on Thursday. (animals dont have calenders! they wont know what day it is) Flag 2 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Joe dailey 20 hours ago penns. needs to come out of the stone age and allow sunday hunting. some people agree and some disagree, I feel that it should be up to each person to decide whether or not to hunt on sundays and the same for property owners to decide whether or not anybody could hunt there property which most already do and it should not be a law that tells people they CANNOT . Flag 2 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Mark 20 hours ago I am all for Sunday hunting! I love how farm Burea acts like they speak for all farmers,well they're not speaking for this one! This is just another reason I would never join there organization. I also cant believe the comments made about people not feeling safe on there own lands if sunday hunting is allowed???What the hell does that even mean? They act like everyone that enjoys this sport just run around shooting,looting and tresspassing everywhere they go. What a joke! Flag 2 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Frank Page 19 hours ago well this shows he,s a real jackass ,,this****wants to tread on ur rites just to get his name on a huntin bill ,,& changs a 138 year old rite to hunt on sunday ,,what people dont EAT THE MEAT they hunt on sunday ,,what a jackas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flag Like ReplyReply Doug Pinkerton 1 day ago Am I wrong in my understanding that this doesn't just apply to Game Lands? What about all the State Parks/County Parks that allow hunting? Sunday is the only day other visitors can enjoy these parks without safety concerns for themselves and their children. I organize a large volume of volunteer work at these parks. These volunteer efforts are increasingly essential as park budgets continue to shrink. This will greatly hinder my efforts to convince volunteers to show up on weekends. Flag Like ReplyReply Frank Page 1 day ago well leave this jackass ,,to tread on ur rite just because he wants his name to change a 138 year rulein ,,what people dont eat the meat they hunt on syunday ,,what a****he is ,,, Flag Like ReplyReply Doug Pinkerton 1 day ago in reply to Frank Page Am I wrong in my understanding that this doesn't just apply to Game Lands? What about all the State Parks/County Parks that allow hunting? Sunday is the only day other visitors can enjoy these parks without safety concerns for themselves and their children. I organize a large volume of volunteer work at these parks. These volunteer efforts are increasingly essential as park budgets continue to shrink. This will greatly hinder my efforts to convince volunteers to show up on weekends. Flag Like ReplyReply Billebob_99 20 hours ago in reply to Doug Pinkerton Get a life Doug, 40 other states allow Sunday hunting and they all have parks and volunteers your arguement is lame and not factual, I suspect you probably tend your marijuana plants on Sunday and this is your main objective! Flag 2 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Rybo826 20 hours ago in reply to Billebob_99 yeah realy doug no really goes the state parks any more but maybe on a labor day or some thing like that i am all for hunting on sundays i see no reason y u can not hunt on sundays. Thats when most people are off from work. That would give ever on a chance to hunt and in joy the outdoors. if u don;t like it then post your land and let only the people that u want in there and for the people that hunt and and that dont like sunday hunting that is retarded and selfish so let hope for sunday hunting thanks have a great season in the outdoors Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Speedy_3333 18 hours ago in reply to Doug Pinkerton there's only two weeks of rifle season, dont schedule anything for them weeks, that still gives you 50 weeks, really how many do you need? Flag
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2011/10/05 19:49:25
Didn't miss it. One of those comments may be mine.
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2011/10/05 21:33:31
2011/10/05 21:35:37
Allentown, Pa. - The question of whether opportunities to hunt on Sundays should be expanded in Pennsylvania might wind up being a legal one. Certainly, supporters of Sunday hunting said as much on two different occasions. The first was the second of three public hearings being held on House Bill 1760 by the House of Representatives Game and Fisheries Committee. It was held Sept. 15 in East Allen Township, just north of Allentown. Bill 1760, sponsored by Rep. John Evans, a Crawford County Republican and chairman of the committee, would remove the prohibition on Sunday hunting and allow the Pennsylvania Game Commission to include Sundays in seasons as it sees fit. At the first hearing, held in Somerset County, supporters touted the economic benefits of Sunday hunting. They also talked about how adding a weekend day to the hunting calendar would help recruit new, young hunters. There was some of that at the East Allen Township hearing. Tim Rieger, vice president of the Lehigh Valley Chapter of Safari Club International, was one of six people to testify. He said kids - who are otherwise busy with school activities - and parents - who work up to six days a week - could hunt much more if they had Sundays as an option. "It's not about me. It's not about you. The average age of everyone in this room, and excuse me if I offend anyone, is 45-plus, with the exception of one young lady here," Rieger said. "Where's our youth? That's who this is for." Most of the hearing, though, focused on fairness: specifically, who gets to decide what people do with their time, on their land, and when. Janet Nyce, a member of former Gov. Ed Rendell's advisory council for hunting, fishing and conservation, said people can golf, go to the mall, fish or even buy liquor on Sundays. That they can't hunt is wrong, she said. "It's discrimination at its finest and I am truly tired of it," she said. "This is about an antiquated law that's robbing us of privileges other people have." Jennifer Saeger, president of the United Bowhunters of Pennsylvania, agreed. "Really, this boils down to one thing: choice. It's about what people want to do. For some on Sundays, that's soccer. For some it's hunting," she said. Not everyone agreed. The main opponent of expanded Sunday hunting has long been the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, and that was evident again in East Allen Township. There, Ray Mack of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau's Northampton-Monroe County Chapter likewise said that organization opposes expanded Sunday hunting under all circumstances. "Farmers work six days a week. Sunday is the one day they've got to rest, relax and spend time with their families," he said. They don't want to deal with hunters on that day, he said, and oppose any expansion of Sunday hunting for that reason. He maintained that position, even when Evans asked how farmers - who could post their land against Sunday hunting - could justify keeping other landowners from hunting on their properties on Sundays. Right now, under current law, a person who owns 200 acres of woods cannot hunt their own property on a Sunday, Evans said. If the law were to change, he could, and the farmer doesn't want Sunday hunting could post their land against it, he said. The Farm Bureau opposes that, though, and Evans said he can't understand why. "What we have essentially is one group telling another that, no, you can't hunt on your land. Is that fair?" Evans asked. That exchange left Rep. Ed Staback, a Lackawanna County Democrat, visibly frustrated. "For the Farm Bureau to say we want no Sunday hunting under any circumstances is wrong. That's the Farm Bureau dictating what other private landowners can do with their property," Staback said. He also expressed frustration with the Farm Bureau's unwillingness to compromise. He and Evans both said they've tried multiple times to get together with the bureau to look for possible compromises, such as amending the law to provide greater emphasis on trespass enforcement in exchange for the group's support of Sunday hunting, all to no avail. "What is wrong with trying to work this out? Why does it have to be with the Farm Bureau and Grange that everything is so black and white?" Staback asked. The Farm Bureau wasn't completely alone, though. Robert Krause of the Northampton County branch of the Pennsylvania State Grange said members of that group also oppose Sunday hunting, for a number of reasons. "Our main objection is the disturbance, even the danger, it would pose to hikers, backpackers, birdwatchers and others who use the woods on a Sunday," Krause said. When asked by Crawford County Republican and committee chairman John Evans, though, he could offer no evidence of even a single hiker ever being hurt by a hunter's bullet. Allen Bear, a member of the Northampton County chapter of the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, said some sportsmen have concerns about Sunday hunting, too. Namely, they worry its approval would lead farmers to post their land against all hunting. Gaining Sundays but losing access would be a bad trade-off, he said. "Pennsylvania has some of the best hunting in the East. And we're tinkering with it," he said. The federation as a whole, however, slightly favors the legalization of Sunday hunting, and overwhelmingly favors changing the law to allow the Game Commission to decide the issue. That was its official testimony earlier this summer, and nothing different was announced when the group held its fall convention in Camp Hill the day after the East Allen Township hearing. Members did hear debate on the issue, though. Russ Schleiden, of Centre County, a former game commissioner, said he's unhappy that House Bill 1760 says the commission "shall institute Sunday hunting" and "shall promulgate appropriate regulations" within one year of the bill's passage. "That's mandating them to do it. The only thing left to do is decide if it's going to be for deer or small game or some other species or whatever," Schleiden said. "If they don't change that word ‘shall' they really are superceding the commission." John Kline, representing the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance, one of the groups that are part of the state's Sunday-hunting coalition, said that word could be changed. But, either way, he expressed confidence that the bill will pass, in a tough fight, because of fairness and the question of whether the state can prohibit people from using their own land on Sundays. "It's a private property issue, is what this is going to come down to," Kline said. That's not to say the fight is won. If it gets through the House, the battle will likely be even tougher in the Senate, he said. And it might not even get that far. At the East Allen Township hearing, several members of the Game and Fisheries Committee said they remain undecided, in part because of public opinion. Fayette County Democratic Rep. Deberah Kula said the comments so far have been "a mixed bag." Evans said hunters need to be more vocal in supporting Sunday hunting if they really want it because, right now, its chances of getting past the committee are too close to call. He's not sure he's got the votes to move it out of committee, he said. That's going to be problematic if the members don't hear from sportsmen," Evans said.
post edited by Outdoor Adventures - 2011/10/05 21:41:57
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2011/10/06 07:55:10
ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures Evans said hunters need to be more vocal in supporting Sunday hunting if they really want it because, right now, its chances of getting past the committee are too close to call. He's not sure he's got the votes to move it out of committee, he said. Yep. Still a surprising number of hunters that prefer the emergency room for broken bones Mon-Sat but opt for a pastry chef on Sundays.
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2011/10/06 08:31:36
ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz As long as they don't touch the length of archery season, they can have the gun opener on whatever day they choose as far as I am concerned. This is a prime example of the I-got-mine-so-screw-you-if-you want-more stance that I was talking about. It's a good thing that the 70% of PA deer hunters who aren't calling for a reduction in the season that sees 30% of the bucks harvested before they even get to enter the woods don't have the same mindset.
post edited by DarDys - 2011/10/06 08:53:18
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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2011/10/06 09:54:20
ORIGINAL: DarDys ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz As long as they don't touch the length of archery season, they can have the gun opener on whatever day they choose as far as I am concerned. This is a prime example of the I-got-mine-so-screw-you-if-you want-more stance that I was talking about. It's a good thing that the 70% of PA deer hunters who aren't calling for a reduction in the season that sees 30% of the bucks harvested before they even get to enter the woods don't have the same mindset. Actually, if they open up Sundays to all deer hunting, I'd get a whole bunch more (in theory). Already don't get a whole lot of peace and quiet due to all the other "intrusions" into archery season but you know what, I don't complain about all these new seasons. It gives people more opportunities so I "DEAL" with it and actually welcome all the expanded MY and junior hunter special seasons. For those against Sunday hunting, they should learn to "DEAL" with it when it is eventually passed, just like HR and AR. Learn to adapt or sit on your couch. Personally, I could care less. I'll be out there enjoying my opportunities and trying to expand them for myself, and others, at every turn. As far as the guys that don't get a chance at those 30% of the bucks, they have just as much opportunity as I to partake in the 6 week archery season and if they choose not to, F... them. Let them beotch, moan and complain from their couch. Selfish, nahh, just realistic. And it isn't an "I-got-mine-so-screw-you" attitude. I just prefer the bow to the gun, plain and simple. I'll still hunt rifle season if I need to (sometimes with a rifle, sometimes with a bow) and truthfully, I could care less if it starts on Monday or Saturday. I do not want it to affect the current length of archery season in PA though as we already have one of the shortest seasons in the country and we do not get to hunt the rut like the majority of other states.
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2011/10/06 10:03:13
ORIGINAL: DarDys ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz As long as they don't touch the length of archery season, they can have the gun opener on whatever day they choose as far as I am concerned. This is a prime example of the I-got-mine-so-screw-you-if-you want-more stance that I was talking about. It's a good thing that the 70% of PA deer hunters who aren't calling for a reduction in the season that sees 30% of the bucks harvested before they even get to enter the woods don't have the same mindset. You just have a problem with archers, and/or archery season,Shawn. Just admit it. So many comments point to it so often. You, like everyone else, have the opportunity to participate. Don't complain if you choose not to.
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2011/10/06 10:06:13
PA Archery season: October - January by 2021.
My reports and advice are for everyone to enjoy, not just the paying customers.
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2011/10/06 10:30:18
ORIGINAL: SilverKype PA Archery season: October - January by 2021. How about mid September till the end of January. It'll get here at some point.
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2011/10/06 10:41:07
ORIGINAL: SilverKype ORIGINAL: DarDys ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz As long as they don't touch the length of archery season, they can have the gun opener on whatever day they choose as far as I am concerned. This is a prime example of the I-got-mine-so-screw-you-if-you want-more stance that I was talking about. It's a good thing that the 70% of PA deer hunters who aren't calling for a reduction in the season that sees 30% of the bucks harvested before they even get to enter the woods don't have the same mindset. You just have a problem with archers, and/or archery season,Shawn. Just admit it. So many comments point to it so often. You, like everyone else, have the opportunity to participate. Don't complain if you choose not to. Actually Jon, I don't have any issues with archery season, or archers. What I have a problem with is a decided minority getting advantages over a vast majority -- and then when the majority says, how about a little for us, but the minority deems that its not possible -- in anything. As an example, let's say that we all trout fish. The streams are stocked (yes, I know they don't stock deer, but let's just call it a "pre-season population), but instead of everyone getting a chance to fish, only a chosen minority, let's say those with Snopy rods or pinners or fly guys or any angling subgroup other than the majority, get to start early and fish for six weeks and in doing so remove 30% of the fish that will be caught all year, before the rest of the population, which is in a majority, gets to even cast a line. Sound fair to you? If read what I wrote, I said its a good thing that the majority doesn't have the same mindset and that includes me. If the PGC really wanted to apease those that fill their coffers, all of the minority groups -- archers, muzzleloaders, youths, seniors -- would have their special season after the majority was done, not before. And since when should the majoirty have to choose to do something they don't want or like to do, just to become part of a minority group so that they can enjoy the special privledges given to the minority group? Its not an archers vs. firearms thing, its a 30% vs. a 70% thing where the 30% gets advantages and when the 70% ask for soemthing as little as one extra day, its not possible.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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2011/10/06 11:05:48
ORIGINAL: DarDys I said its a good thing that the majority doesn't have the same mindset and that includes me. If the PGC really wanted to apease those that fill their coffers, all of the minority groups -- archers, muzzleloaders, youths, seniors -- would have their special season after the majority was done, not before. We have just below 300,000 archers and I believe the PGC says we have about 700,000 folks that claim to hunt firearms deer. So archers are representing about 43% of deer hunters.
post edited by dpms - 2011/10/06 11:20:10
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2011/10/06 11:06:49
I will hold on to my opinion. Let's talk a little about that 70 versus 30. Archers, which account for 1/4 - 1/3 of hunters, take 30% of the kill a year. The % of hunters equals their % of kill from a statewide point of view. That is as fair as it'll get. That % is largely inflated too. The SRA archery % kill is higher. I know you love to throw that 30% around but the truth is most of the state archery harvest accounts for 8-17% a year, usually falling in the middle. The SRA's archery kill is 30%+ and in some cases 40% of their harvest and the area size is less than 1% of the size of PA. So the big picture with SRA (1% remember) excluded, is that rifles take over 3/4 of the kill. Majority versus minority does not matter. What matters is the impact of the hunting tool being used. Rifles are high impact. Bows are not.
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2011/10/06 11:10:15
ORIGINAL: DarDys ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz As long as they don't touch the length of archery season, they can have the gun opener on whatever day they choose as far as I am concerned. This is a prime example of the I-got-mine-so-screw-you-if-you want-more stance that I was talking about. It's a good thing that the 70% of PA deer hunters who aren't calling for a reduction in the season that sees 30% of the bucks harvested before they even get to enter the woods don't have the same mindset. You make it sound like they are unable. Not unable, just unwilling. oh well.
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2011/10/06 15:42:46
The problem with your whole perspective is that you assume that archery hunters wouldn't hunt(ie buy a license) if not for archery season and that archery hunters ONLY bow hunt. The FACT of the matter is that most if not all of them GUN hunt too. This means that your conjured up "30% vs 70% where the 70% gun hunters should rule over the 30% bow hunters because they have more of a financial impact" idea can be thrown out the window and ignored. We all buy the same license. And as a matter of FACT, the PGC makes EXTRA money from ARCHERY stamps. This means that if they eliminated archery season in order to appease the 70% gun hunters, the PGC would actually LOSE alot of money. You are entitled to your opinion regarding the season lengths and order. But, the idea of gun hunters having more power than bow hunters is factually incorrect. ORIGINAL: DarDys ORIGINAL: SilverKype ORIGINAL: DarDys ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz As long as they don't touch the length of archery season, they can have the gun opener on whatever day they choose as far as I am concerned. This is a prime example of the I-got-mine-so-screw-you-if-you want-more stance that I was talking about. It's a good thing that the 70% of PA deer hunters who aren't calling for a reduction in the season that sees 30% of the bucks harvested before they even get to enter the woods don't have the same mindset. You just have a problem with archers, and/or archery season,Shawn. Just admit it. So many comments point to it so often. You, like everyone else, have the opportunity to participate. Don't complain if you choose not to. Actually Jon, I don't have any issues with archery season, or archers. What I have a problem with is a decided minority getting advantages over a vast majority -- and then when the majority says, how about a little for us, but the minority deems that its not possible -- in anything. As an example, let's say that we all trout fish. The streams are stocked (yes, I know they don't stock deer, but let's just call it a "pre-season population), but instead of everyone getting a chance to fish, only a chosen minority, let's say those with Snopy rods or pinners or fly guys or any angling subgroup other than the majority, get to start early and fish for six weeks and in doing so remove 30% of the fish that will be caught all year, before the rest of the population, which is in a majority, gets to even cast a line. Sound fair to you? If read what I wrote, I said its a good thing that the majority doesn't have the same mindset and that includes me. If the PGC really wanted to apease those that fill their coffers, all of the minority groups -- archers, muzzleloaders, youths, seniors -- would have their special season after the majority was done, not before. And since when should the majoirty have to choose to do something they don't want or like to do, just to become part of a minority group so that they can enjoy the special privledges given to the minority group? Its not an archers vs. firearms thing, its a 30% vs. a 70% thing where the 30% gets advantages and when the 70% ask for soemthing as little as one extra day, its not possible.
2011/10/06 16:17:54
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2011/10/07 05:29:23
It's a good thing that the 70% of PA deer hunters who aren't calling for a reduction in the season that sees 30% of the bucks harvested before they even get to enter the woods don't have the same mindset. Don't forget that the 30% bucks and does) harvested is inflated by 26-28% per the PGC's own research into the error created by the incorrect way in which they calculate archey harvest.
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2011/10/07 11:49:13
It does not say that it is of by 26-28% for every year, it said that it may have been inflated by as much as 26-28% for the year of the publication (2004 was it?) based on data available at that time. Without current, detailed reporting rates broken down by area, weapon, season, A/AL, ect. you can't make the claim that it is off by 26-28% for current years.
wayne c
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2011/10/07 14:43:10
I think the fact it hasnt been addressed and therefore still equates to unnecessary inaccuracy and numbers bloating regardless of the exact percentage speaks for itself. This should not be acceptable to anyone, the least of which pgc. Although it is rather convenient for them I guess given that it pads the stats instead of the inverse.