Law Enforcement

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2011/09/30 12:44:15 (permalink)

Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement

Late night weekend patrols are finding many boaters and anglers using the Walnut Creek Access Area parking lot for overnight sleeping which is construed as camping. PFBC controlled property does not permit overnight camping. As of late, anglers and boaters using the lot for overnight sleeping have been issued warnings and citations will be issued if necessary to alleviate this problem should it persist. With the daytime crowds that this area is now experiencing, one could only imagine the chaos that would develop if this practice were allowed to continue. The Erie area offers many reasonably priced campgrounds and angler friendly motels for those staying overnight.
I can't figure out why the PFBC is hell bent on prohibiting sleeping in a vehicle, which I don't see as camping, I have a two hour drive and many times I must pull into a rest stop to get a few winks, and what if my partner is night fishing and I want to take a nap?? And the reason as stated in the above statement about the daytime crowds is a bunch of hooey, especially after the marinas are closed, the parking lots are practically empty the rest of the season, and as far as recommending hotel's, who wants to pay $50 and up for a few hours sleep not to mention the sanitary conditions of some of these places.
post edited by oncorhynchus - 2011/09/30 13:32:06

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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/09/30 12:47:05 (permalink)
    just tell them you not sleepin
    just sitting there with eyes closed

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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/09/30 13:10:56 (permalink)
    LOL...Sleeping in a vehicle all night and taking a short nap are two different things...I doubt you'll get arrested or fined happens all the time...Hell they park full campers down at Elk access overnight all the time. However, you will spend the money in gas, equipment, bait and all the rest, but won't flip and extra $50 or $60 (most likely split between you and a partner or two)??

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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/09/30 13:27:51 (permalink)
    this thread got me sleepy
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/09/30 20:45:24 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: oncorhynchus

    Law Enforcement

    Late night weekend patrols are finding many boaters and anglers using the Walnut Creek Access Area parking lot for overnight sleeping which is construed as camping. PFBC controlled property does not permit overnight camping. As of late, anglers and boaters using the lot for overnight sleeping have been issued warnings and citations will be issued if necessary to alleviate this problem should it persist. With the daytime crowds that this area is now experiencing, one could only imagine the chaos that would develop if this practice were allowed to continue. The Erie area offers many reasonably priced campgrounds and angler friendly motels for those staying overnight.
    I can't figure out why the PFBC is hell bent on prohibiting sleeping in a vehicle, which I don't see as camping, I have a two hour drive and many times I must pull into a rest stop to get a few winks, and what if my partner is night fishing and I want to take a nap?? And the reason as stated in the above statement about the daytime crowds is a bunch of hooey, especially after the marinas are closed, the parking lots are practically empty the rest of the season, and as far as recommending hotel's, who wants to pay $50 and up for a few hours sleep not to mention the sanitary conditions of some of these places.

    Two word answer........ Wal Mart.
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/02 15:07:53 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: coldfront

    wal mart=the poor man's koa.

    It depends on the manager at the store, but I've never had any problems. An other place to "rest your eyes" is Sheetz. As long as the store is open, it's not trespassing.
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/02 15:51:43 (permalink)
    Sleep in a car? We used to bring a chaise lounge and a sleeping bag and sleep on the wall. Cover up with a tarp when it rained and burned coleman fuel in a coffee can to keep warm.  The fish aren't in the parking lot.
    ><>er man
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/02 18:44:11 (permalink)
    if the pfbc would sell a season pass for overnight parking lets say in the top parking lot at the elk creek access i would think it would be a win win people get to sleep and the fish cops would have more money to line their pockets with or put it to angler access or stream clean up but what do i know
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/02 19:23:35 (permalink)
    I've been driving minivans for many years and enjoy sleeping and changing clothes in them, motels are a bummer especially with the bed bug problem, and did you all notice the price to camp in a van plus extra of each person!! Also looks like fisherie forum is getting a lot of competition from Comedy Central, Jon Stewart is in real trouble.  Just saying. r
    post edited by oncorhynchus - 2011/10/02 19:24:43

    better to be silent & thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/02 19:53:05 (permalink)
    I sleep between drifts
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/02 20:05:30 (permalink)
    "if the pfbc would sell a season pass for overnight parking lets say in the top parking lot at the elk creek access"

    They don't own it.

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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/02 20:59:08 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Big Casino

    I sleep between drifts

    Harry WTH Am I missing something You just registered here this year........


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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/02 22:47:14 (permalink)
    Walmarts always too loud same with sheetz tried em last year
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/03 04:05:42 (permalink)
    try kmart. nobody goes there.
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/03 10:36:46 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: dano

    try kmart. nobody goes there.

    Maybe if you want to be towed while in your car, atleast the one I work at that is what they would do. If the store is closed your car cannot be there, several have been left overnight and they were all towed
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/03 11:27:33 (permalink)
    Walmarts always too loud same with sheetz tried em last year

    try kmart. nobody goes there.

    Here's an idea for all the guys who don't like the no camping law.  If your planning on sleeping for a few hours before fishing, then why not just sleep at home and leave a few hours later?  Problem solved!  We all know exactly how long it takes to travel from where we live. 

    If your staying in the area for more than a day, just get a cheap camp site at $10 - $15 a night if you can't afford $50 a night for a motel.  There really isn't any need to use the PFBC access lots as a personal camp ground.  Resting your eyes during the day in your vehicle is a little different than sleeping/camping there over night.
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/03 13:32:04 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: dano

    try kmart. nobody goes there.

    "KMart Sucks"

    246 toothpicks
    post edited by troutsnagger - 2011/10/03 13:46:28
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/03 14:18:11 (permalink)
    i was going to post my new 'cabin on wheels' but after reading this i think i won't!!
    it's a $75.00 fine sleeping in the walnut access area. i've slept in the rest stops along I90 & I79. the sign says only 2 hour parking but no one has warned me yet.
    watch out for the lot lizards!!
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/03 16:42:43 (permalink)
    Take turns sleeping in the trunk-nobody would think to look there.
    Hope your buddy remembers to let you out or did not loose key

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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/03 17:23:43 (permalink)
    coming up 79 ? there is a rest stop befor the Edinboro xit , grab some winks there if ya got too.
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/03 17:26:51 (permalink)
    Just fish hard, and sleep when you get back to work

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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/03 17:31:51 (permalink)
    the lost access requires the spoons attension

    thank you
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/03 20:33:45 (permalink)
    Skip I was a member to this forum along time ago, I used to use the nickname Ilovetofish ( can't remember how I spelled it exactly ) and I couldn't remember my password either so I just  registered for a new nick
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/03 20:36:21 (permalink)
    HAHA OK I thought so Must be that old timers again......... You not me


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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/03 21:53:41 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Big Casino

    I sleep between drifts

    That's what i do up here in January. Nobody bothers me then.
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/04 07:08:08 (permalink) Eries exterminators.

    I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
    I choose Little Cleos

    I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/04 10:57:38 (permalink)
    I spend plenty of money in Erie and don't mind spending it on things that I enjoy, but sleeping in a lousy motel for $50 buck isn't one of them. And to spend more for a nice place just to sleep isn't worth the money for all the amenities that I never use. I luv my mini van especially when changing clothes in foul weather and a snack & rest on a long day's fishing and a fine meal in Erie. I can get a prime rib for ½ the price of a flea bitten bed bug infested room.
    post edited by oncorhynchus - 2011/10/04 11:01:09

    better to be silent & thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/04 12:01:59 (permalink)

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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/04 12:37:59 (permalink)
    Right on brother, I see you got the message

    better to be silent & thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
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    RE: Law Enforcement 2011/10/04 16:07:52 (permalink)
    I can understand you not wanting to spend money on a room, but the reality of the situation is this, if they permitted people to sleep in their cars then people could and possibly would stay there the whole freakin weekend, or even longer, there isn't enough parking to allow everyone to park there and remain there. I see people fight over "their" fishing hole I couldn't even imagine playing bumper cars trying to get a spot from a "camper"
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