9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE??

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2011/09/29 23:03:26 (permalink)

9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE??

I was lucky enough to be working in the Erie area this week.  Headed to Walnut at 5AM Wednesday am, to find gin clear conditions after the heavy rain the night before......I decided to head to the Manchester hole and look for myself what had moved upstream in the rain.  As I walked upstream, I was joined by a guy carrying a flyrod.  We started talking and immediately said "you're stupid for using spincasting gear for steelhead"......I laughed and immediately corrected him as it was spinning gear (I use 9' noodle rods and smallOkuma spinning reels).  I then asked him how long he had been fishing "Mup here"...he said it was his 4th season......I informed him it was my 29th season fishing Erie, and that I did just fine using spinning gear to catch steelhead.  He explained that it took too long to cast when you were "fishing"in the Chutes, and that flyfishing was the best way. He also explained that he was a flyfishing "teacher"......WOW, I was floored.....I mean here I am walking to fish at 5AM and told I am stupid.......and by a flyfisherman expressing his superiority no less...in my opinion, the CHutes is an area of shallow water where the fish are desperately trying to move upstream,when flies / bait whatever is forcefed to them........I guess in his mind I was stupid for NOT crowding into that spot with the others......I continued to the Manchester hole and looked around with my flashlight (as I was the ONLY person there) and saw about 30-40 steeliessitting in a "puddle" with no current....NO WAY was I going to ish there......left there and went to ELk Creek.  I went to the access area, and had a prime spot all to myself......Fishing jigs under a lighted bobber, I hooked a steelhead just as the sun started to get light.....After a short fight it took me around the logs, and broke off.....as I tied up, several flyfisherman approached to my side and waded in.....another two flyguys and two "centerpinners" filled in to my right......I only had about 1.5 hours to fish, and proceeded to land one nice 8 pd steelie, a smaller one and broke another nice one off in the logs, missed a few hits and got some chubs too(all fish released).......I saw one 14 inch steelie caught between the others there.  I did notice that when the centerpinners bobber SLIGHTLY moved,there was a huge rip upwards that sounded like a sword shredding the air.
The point of my post was to both give some creek reports but also to ponder what the hell has happened here??  I have been a member here for a long time, fish in Erie 15-30 times a year but seldom post as I dont live nearby.  I generally fish nearer to the Lake, and have never seen so many fly/pin rods in my life.....I mean it looked like everyone had just got them for CHrismas and were all dressed up and there to use them...I really dont care how people fish, but the comment from the flyfishing "teacher" started me off in a bad way.........anyone else see a problem trend here?? I guess I should know better by now then to hit the "nut".........

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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/29 23:13:29 (permalink)
    I have been a member here for a long time,

    have never seen so many fly/pin rods in my life.....I mean it looked like everyone had just got them for CHrismas and were all dressed up and there to use them...

    else see a problem trend here??

    Yes...yes I do...
    post edited by mohawksyd - 2011/09/29 23:15:11

    "For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley

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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/29 23:19:20 (permalink)
    Must of been wearing camo and a Steeler cap-Like I do.
    To fit in you need to shop for clothes at Orvis to flyfish
    For normal fishing at least stop at the WallyWorld south of Erie and buy a stadium coat with a local high school football team.
    Cover any reference to a Pittsburgh sports team with a Buffalo Bills sticker.

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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/29 23:32:02 (permalink)
    Very good read. Sorry for the "wake up" call but it is what it is. I myself am totally over the whole scene. The 3am wake up calls, the 9 zillion experts you meet everyday, the whole thing is just a joke. What hurts is, the fishery is cranking out guys like the one you met every year. Like they re-invented the wheel when they have not a clue. Uncle Dave says it best.." They dont know that they dont know".

    I'll wait till the snow flies if I even go at all, just sayin.......

    post edited by pensfan1 - 2011/09/30 08:09:44
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/29 23:35:18 (permalink)
    What I got is that pinners and flyguys are a-holes and that you were fishing the most accessible and most populated areas of either stream. The spots you mentioned, have been as crowded since when I first fished them in the 80s. It was actually/probably worse then.
    post edited by ShutUpNFish - 2011/09/30 00:05:06

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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 06:40:33 (permalink)
    We call those guys, like the one you ran into on the stream, " sexual intelectuals "
    F'in Know-it-alls
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 06:55:17 (permalink)
    It is what it is. Fish away from the crowds
    I won't fish Walnut, I fished Elk 4 times in the last 30 years
    If I did go to the spots you did, I would expect to be surrounded and just smile and make the most of it
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 07:02:53 (permalink)
    All I see is yet ANOTHER spinng vs. pinning vs fly fishing thread.

    You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 07:05:56 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: ShutUpNFish

    What I got is that pinners and flyguys are a-holes and that you were fishing the most accessible and most populated areas of either stream.

    Thats the same message I got. That and WG teaches vocabulary.

    I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
    I choose Little Cleos

    I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 07:27:41 (permalink)
    Sounds like everyone on the creek is a clueless ahole except you.
    I should just stay home.
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 07:37:33 (permalink)
    it just people
    they are what they are and we can't change em
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 07:46:06 (permalink)
    Brush him off. For every a-hole you come across in Erie, there's 5 other guys that are willing to share a spot and conversation with you. 
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 08:03:02 (permalink)
    he was probably one of those guys that think they are flyfishing, using giant floats and making wakes from smacking their line on the water and spooking the hell out of the fish all day. i would of went and fished right next to him and would of had him netting all my fish for me while using my noodle. 9 times out of 10 i catch way more on my noodle rod than i see guys around me trying to so called flyfish. let them do what they want we know what catches more fish.
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 08:55:59 (permalink)
    .anyone else see a problem trend here?

    i don't see a "problem" , but have recognized an insecurity issue with many anglers .
    They buy a flyrod to feel more "evolved"  to their imagined peers .
    Then rig and fish with  it just like a spinning rod ..ie..right angle drifting under a float .
    They rarely discover some of the advantages a flyrod offers

    The pinning phenom that's taking place can be attributed to the same insecurity issues, me thinks .
    pinning in "general" is seen as "more evolved" than a regular spinning outfit.
    Likely due to expense of the gear???

    These  are just general observations and don't apply to EVERY duud that dunks their junk with the outfit of their choice .
    But there is definitely and "tag-a-long"  effect or   what's "cool de jour" mentality  among the "pack of followers"
    Which by and large is why folks do what they do ...cause they're too insucure to dam the torpedoes and make their own way


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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 09:03:34 (permalink)
    The pinning phenom that's taking place can be attributed to the same insecurity issues, me thinks .
    pinning in "general" is seen as "more evolved" than a regular spinning outfit.
    Likely due to expense of the gear???

    For some perhaps genie, but for me its about effectiveness....I could care less what people think about my gear or methods. I simply choose what I feel to be the most effective way to catch fish in moving water....and not just steelhead either.

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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 09:06:41 (permalink)
    I fish with with a flyrod cause I suk at it....way more challenging fo me. No ego or evolution involved.

    I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
    I choose Little Cleos

    I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 09:24:54 (permalink)
    Going to the Circus and complaining about the Clowns. That's funny.
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 09:46:02 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: genieman77

    .anyone else see a problem trend here?

    They buy a flyrod to feel more "evolved"  to their imagined peers .
    Then rig and fish with  it just like a spinning rod ..ie..right angle drifting under a float .
    They rarely discover some of the advantages a flyrod offers
    But there is definitely and "tag-a-long"  effect or   what's "cool de jour" mentality  among the "pack of followers"
    Which by and large is why folks do what they do ...cause they're too insucure to dam the torpedoes and make their own way


    the word for them is


    hopais helpa
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 09:50:45 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: rippinlip

    All I see is yet ANOTHER spinng vs. pinning vs fly fishing thread.

    As I said:

    Yes...yes, I do...

    "For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley

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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 09:51:28 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Mr.Slickfish

    I fish with with a flyrod cause I suk at it....way more challenging fo me. No ego or evolution involved.

    plus it keeps you in touch with you feminine side

    hopa helpa
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 09:54:33 (permalink)
    That was former member whatasajob614 that you met, he was scouting for his guided trip this weekend.

    I personally and kind of over fly fishing in Erie until the fish get further upstream where you can have some room.  Fishing with a spin rod in the lower sections is much easier than trying to attempt fly fishing, although I see some guys who do good with a fly rod who know what they are doing.  It just all depends how good of an angler you are in general, some are just naturally better than others and pick up steelhead fishing quickly, others take longer.  However, a bad attitude can come from anywhere whether it has nothing to do with fishing, fly fishing, pinning, lining, snagging, boat fishing whatever.  This guy will get over his delusions of grandure at sometime, but you are bound to run into all kind of "interesting" personalities if you fish around enough people. 
    ><>er man
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 10:15:03 (permalink)
    some people just have to be better than everyone the 1 upers no matter how good you do they can do better with less gear
    gotta love that personality but still i think there are more helpful people along the tribs than the latter i have also found that some people just act like an a** to keep people away i myself am guilty of this but i will also give up my hard earned spot to let someones boy/girl have an oopportunity to catch some fish i've even given up some tackle to aid their cause
    pinner fly noodle snoopy rod ice gear as long as your having fun
    that's the point anyway isn't it?!?!?!?!?!
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 10:16:57 (permalink)
    i fly fish because that's what i like to use. there are times i'm sure i can catch more fish if i used bait, which i can on my fly rod. to me it's not all about #'s.
    think of it this way for you guys who fish for #'s. if snagging was legal for pa steelhead would you do it so you can brag about how many you catch?
    as far as pinners go, most i see that do well is that they are using bait, again i don't! you can talk about drifts etc. against a pinning set up, i feel i could come pretty close if not better using a 10' fly rod and reel, and with whatever a pinner is using for bait, and catch just as many fish. i also don't care to drift my flies 50 yards down creek in front of everyone else to catch fish!!!!
    i have to say i never seen a pinner out fishing the lake!

    as far as the 'flyfishing teacher' there are people as ignorant as he about. oh wait, i guess i never was inrtroduced to a spin fishing instructor so i don't know if they're ignorant also.

    we meet all kinds on erie cricks and lake. loomis makes a good point, there is a time and place for all types of rods. if you don't know how to controll your rod in crowded conditions than go to something easier. will be best for everybody.

    and remember, you can't fix stupid.

    ~UFA, Uber Flyfishing club member.

     to you bait casters and 50yard pinners

    post edited by doubletaper - 2011/09/30 10:40:16

    it's not luck
    if success is consistent 

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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 10:26:53 (permalink)
    Gentlemen, I've been fishing the tribs since the early 70's. And I've seen a lot of evolution. I started with a fly rod catching steel, (Big rainows). Moved to a spinning rod, went back to fly, then back to noodle, then back to fly. Each and every type of rod has it's own best uses. For casting Wayyy out: Noodle. For fishing tight: fly rod. For fishing long, moving uninterrupted stretches of water: pin set-up. I think what irratates me the most is when you have tight quarters (shoulder to shoulder) and somebody drifts a pin set up right thru a group of fishermen (because he can) and then complains because he gets snagged by other fishermen. Same goes for a person who insists on ripping a spinner thru a crowded hole (and casting over others' lines). Know the best use of your gear and fish it appropriately. Don't pin Walnut from the lake to rt 5. Same with spinning. It's overrun with fly "experts". Don't pin Elk from the launch to the the cascades falls, same rule applies. Do spin/pin around Struetchen flats, along the lake front, Above Folleys' and city park. Don't spin/pin the Legion hole. And even if you did get there at 4:30 am; that doesn't give you any more right to 300 feet of creek than the guy who came at 9. Heck by 9 you should have already caught your fill and should be on your way to the Avonia for a beverage. Just my opinion, derived from 40 years of being there.
    By the same token, those awe inspiring 70 foot fly rod casts on middle Elk are wasted effort. and interfere with others enjoyment of the sport.
    Let's face it the tribs are crowded. We have to accommodate and share water (unless you are willing to really walk far). If you practice some common curtesy and use appropriate gear for the siuation/conditions then you will generally have a better experience, than when you try to do it your own "special" way with no regard for the other people around you.

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 10:39:02 (permalink)
    WG666 will NOT be receiving a membership application for the UFA in the mail.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 10:40:57 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: doubletaper

    i fly fish because that's what i like to use. there are times i'm sure i can catch more fish if i used bait, which i can on my fly rod. to me it's not all about #'s.
    think of it this way for you guys who fish for #'s. if snagging was legal for pa steelhead would you do it so you can brag about how many you catch?
    as far as pinners go, most i see that do well is that they are using bait, again i don't! you can talk about drifts etc. against a pinning set up, i feel i could come pretty close if not better using a 10' fly rod and reel, and with whatever a pinner is using for bait, and catch just as many fish. i also don't care to drift my flies 50 yards down creek in front of everyone else to catch fish!!!!
    i have to say i never seen a pinner out fishing the lake!

    as far as the 'flyfishing teacher' there are people as ignorant as he about. oh wait, i guess i never was inrtroduced to a spin fishing instructor so i don't know if they're ignorant also.

    we meet all kinds on erie cricks and lake. loomis makes a good point, there is a time and place for all types of rods. if you don't know how to controll your rod in crowded conditions than go to something easier. will be best for everybody.

    and remember, you can't fix stupid.

    ~uberflyfishing club member.

     to you bait casters and 50yard pinners

    Wow! You just made this personal...lol Way too much generalization going on in your post, but maybe thats just my sensitive side getting the best of me...stuff like number hungry, bragging, insinuating that bait is "not fair". I'm glad you at least admit that bait will catch more fish. Who cares though dude....you seem to have this soft spot for pinners or something, I don't know, maybe you're just joking around here. I don't see how what you're writing there is any different from whats going on in the original post itself. You're coming across like, you are somehow better because you don't use bait to catch fish and that your not so greedy to get caught up in the numbers game yadda yadda yadda. And what/who ever made wanting to catch MORE fish such a bad thing?? I'm a pinner, I'm proud of it cuz it brings me joy....you're a fly guy and have the same feelings for fly fishing I'm sure. THATS great, but when you cross the line and start bashing the other side or other methods or come across as if your method makes you better somehow, you're making yourself look much like the guy who pizzed the thread starter off. There are idiot pinners out there, I know....maybe you had a bad experience with some along the way. However, like anything else in life...theres good and bad. I'm a pinner and I'm as respectful a fisherman as you will ever find...I don't need to be a slob fisherman to catch fish. Besides this story was about an idiot fly guy, remember? Just sayin'

    I'd be willing to bet that most people would truely answer NO to your snagging question, you may think otherwise, but I'll give most fishermen out there the benefit of the doubt when it comes to being "sportsmen"

    And you're absolutely right about "You cannot fix stupid"

    Maybe this is exactly what the thread starter was intending to do....seperate/segregate...Somebody bit!...C'mon, lets not succumb to that.
    post edited by ShutUpNFish - 2011/09/30 10:56:35

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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 10:42:32 (permalink)
    I informed him it was my 29th season fishing Erie.

    I generally fish nearer to the Lake, and have never seen so many fly/pin rods in my life

    29 seasons, and you're surprised at what you encountered while fishing the nut and elk access?  Now that's something to ponder.

    I think your seeing more fly and pin rods because they are longer rods and allow you to land bigger fish using lighter line.  Obviously light line can be a key to success when the water is low and gin clear.
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 10:48:06 (permalink)
    ..I am just confused....
    I like to fly fish...pin fish ...and sometimes noodle fish for steelhead....
    ...what am I?..tricurious poser...?

    PS: Cold weather and snow scares the trendy folks away. I love the solitude of 20* weather and snow flakes falling
    in any state on any stream!

    GET SUM!
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 10:48:51 (permalink)
    why can't we all just get along?

    i go up for the fishing, and now that i'm starting to know some of the good people, the company
    but to me its all about having fun
    if you're not, you shouldn't be there
    i fish all kinds of equipment and enjoy each for what it has to offer
    i try not to be a richard cranium to anyone when i am fishing and hope they do the same
    but if they don't its not going to spoil my day or my trip
    there are lots of fish and lots of water, and i don't mind walking

    have fun ya'all
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    RE: 9/28/2011 Report aka what has happened to ERIE?? 2011/09/30 10:58:29 (permalink)
    shutupnfish, i had some sarcastic remarks but didn't mean to get personal. truly sorry about that.
    you pinners get razzed more than most on the boards so i had to give my UFA snobbish remarks.(i forgot to use the sarcastic font)
    sometime i'll have to fish with you while you're pinning. i'll use whatever you are using to see if i can keep up with my fly rod techniques.
    one thing a fly guy, using imitations, can't imitate and that is smell. yes i agree we are at a disadvantage. that's the kind of challenge i like.

    it's not luck
    if success is consistent 

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