LockedDid Ya see this new law ===

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2011/09/28 21:05:08 (permalink)

Did Ya see this new law ===

As part of the regulation changes approved today, boaters will be required, beginning Nov. 1, 2012, to wear life jackets on boats less than 16 feet in length and on canoes and kayaks during the cold weather months from Nov. 1 through April 30. The change is intended to protect boaters from the dangers of coldwater shock if they fall into the water

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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 07:27:05 (permalink)
    I have mixed feelings about this.  I am glad that it's not as bad as NY's regulations which require the same, but on boats less than 21'.
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 07:34:53 (permalink)
    Apparently the experts have decided you get cold faster falling out of a 16 foot boat than you do falling out of a 17 foot boat.
    Just another example of big brother taking over our lives.
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 08:36:26 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: S-10

    Apparently the experts have decided you get cold faster falling out of a 16 foot boat than you do falling out of a 17 foot boat.
    Just another example of big brother taking over our lives.

    No, the point is the chances of falling out of a 16 or 17 is a lot greater than out of a 20 or 21 footer with higher sides. I don't necessarily think its such a bad law considering it won't cost you anything really and it shows concerns for boater's safety obviously. Hypothermia is nothing to mess with when water temps drop. I know people will bi*ch about the "choice" factor and I can sympathize with that I guess. Places like Alaska require a survival suits which can run upwards of $300 to $500. Just my .02

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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 08:43:01 (permalink)
    I'll be relinquishing my PA fishing license. There's much better water in MD, WV, and VA anyway. Screw PA.

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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 08:58:07 (permalink)
    Why shouldn't you have to wear a life jacket to wade the Yough, or any other cold, dangerous river?

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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 10:25:33 (permalink)
    Don't ask, you might get your wish
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 10:41:02 (permalink)
    I think the law is a VERY good one.  Those with any degree of rational thought would also concur.

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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 10:44:25 (permalink)
    Quit blowing yourself

    "Part of being a Leftist is the smug conviction that you and people like you are smart, while everyone else is stupid and/or evil"
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 11:15:19 (permalink)
    How many boaters died last year from cold water and no life jacket? Now how many motorcyclists died from not wearing a helmet? So wear your life jacket but forget about that helmet.
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 11:24:55 (permalink)
    Sounds like a way for the PFBC to raise more money easily, through fines.
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 11:40:37 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: D-nymph

    Sounds like a way for the PFBC to raise more money easily, through fines.

    exactly! when the law if losing money because more people are obeying the law, they make new rules that ****es more people off.
    i never understood why the govn't makes laws to warn us from ourselves.
    helmet laws, seatbelts and life jackets do not create accidents. they may help but it should be a choice an adult can make. 

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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 11:42:55 (permalink)
    I think the law is a VERY good one. Those with any degree of rational thought would also concur.

    Do you own a 16' boat or a 17' boat?
    post edited by S-10 - 2011/09/29 11:43:15
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 11:56:42 (permalink)
    I'm in no way an advocate for the PFBC, I actually question a lot of the laws and sh*t they do...however, I agree that sure this will generate more revenue for the organization; but I doubt its the reasoning for it to go into effect. I to am tired of this overregulated society sometimes, but in regards to boating, I'd support this one because its about overall safety and common sense. I'd also be ALL for a license requirement for boaters...There are WAY too many ignorant people out there operating vessels who are not only putting themselves in danger, but also others on the water including rescuers.

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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 11:57:21 (permalink)

    Nymph and Taper, you guys have right, it's about the fine money. They know that people won't abide by it so they can then sit in the woods with bino's and bust people.

    There is no excuse for government to be telling us what risks we can and cant take in this country, especially regarding recreational activates where the consequence of the risk can only possibly affect the risker.

    It is true that if someone fell in the water w/out a life jacket then they could be rescued by the government, so that means that the government has a say in the safety practices. That is a valid argument, but it also proves the point of: for every-thing you get from the government, you pay with a piece of your freedom.

    You should not look to the government to solve your problems, solve them yourself!
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 12:46:14 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: doubletaper

    ORIGINAL: D-nymph

    Sounds like a way for the PFBC to raise more money easily, through fines.

    exactly! when the law if losing money because more people are obeying the law, they make new rules that ****es more people off.
    i never understood why the govn't makes laws to warn us from ourselves.
    helmet laws, seatbelts and life jackets do not create accidents. they may help but it should be a choice an adult can make. 

    post edited by moose22dog - 2011/09/29 12:48:01

    your "game fish" is my bait.....got flathead!!
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 12:48:26 (permalink)
    This couldn't have anything to do with the PFBC's funding being slashed? Just another example of an agency figuring a way to get back their cut funding. Add that to my increasing local taxes, and I am so much better off than I was with Rendell??? I'm yet to find anything better with this new administration, other than he doesn't look as creepy.
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 12:51:23 (permalink)
    Every time someone goes missing from falling in the water there is a lot of organization that spend a lot of time and money looking for you. Coast Guard,Fire departments,water rescue, police. If you have a jacket on it won't take as long and you may still be alive. They could say well someone was reported missing well thats his problem he's probably not floating anyway.
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 13:00:04 (permalink)
    Shoot a 12ga. out of the front of a canoe with a bulky life vest.  Wait...better not lol.  Waterfowlers are not going to be happy with this law.   Come next year (Nov, 1 st ) should be very close to the duck opener on PI.  The PFBC will be licking their chops.   Guess I will have to buy one of those expensive inflatables.
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 13:48:23 (permalink)
    Keep your eye on some internet bargain sites. I grabbed an inflatable jacket for $30. I also purchased a Navy issued float coat (extreme weather jacket) off of the internet auction site (non USCG approved pdf - but good enough for the Navy for years - it does keep you afloat, but a bit stiff). If a WCO ticketed someone for using it, he/she has issues.
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 13:50:07 (permalink)
    Your treating the symptoms of the problem and not the problem it's self. People aren't falling out of life vests, they are falling out of BOATS. Outlaw them damm boats and the problem is solved. Sounds like the life jacket makers have a lobbyist in Harrisburg with a briefcase full of convincers. May be the next hot stock to buy.
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 13:50:45 (permalink)

    How was the PF&BC funding "slashed"?

    The total amount of revenues generated by boating violation fines, was $182,000 for fiscal year 2009-2010. While total boating fund revenues were $12.3 million, and total PF&BC revenues were $51 million.

    Now if this new law increased fine generated revenues by an unlikely 10%, you're talking about adding a whopping one tenth of one percent to the boating fund, and a fraction of THAT to total PF^BC revenues.

    Pretty hard to make a case for it being "all about the money".

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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 14:01:48 (permalink)
    If it sucks so bad, go buy a dam 16'+ boat!

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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 14:02:20 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Sharpefly

    Every time someone goes missing from falling in the water there is a lot of organization that spend a lot of time and money looking for you. Coast Guard,Fire departments,water rescue, police. If you have a jacket on it won't take as long and you may still be alive. They could say well someone was reported missing well thats his problem he's probably not floating anyway.

    Right on the money Jim! However, do not try to make sense to most of these conspiracy theorists out there - to them it is all about them being hounded once again...good grief! Pay all the cash they want on booze and smokes but can't afford a life jacket! Come on...

    The strength of a person isn't measured by the muscle in their arm or how tall they stand, but rather, by the amount of knowledge and area of versatility they can cover. CM ~ 1987

    Not a fan of Burgh teams. Get over it...
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 14:06:54 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Grendel

    ORIGINAL: Sharpefly

    Every time someone goes missing from falling in the water there is a lot of organization that spend a lot of time and money looking for you. Coast Guard,Fire departments,water rescue, police. If you have a jacket on it won't take as long and you may still be alive. They could say well someone was reported missing well thats his problem he's probably not floating anyway.

    Right on the money Jim! However, do not try to make sense to most of these conspiracy theorists out there - to them it is all about them being hounded once again...good grief! Pay all the cash they want on booze and smokes but can't afford a life jacket! Come on...
    Who said anything about "can't afford"?

    If Sharpefly is right about the justification for this new law, and I think he probably is, how about this for a solution instead: Someone causes a search and rescue mission to happen, they pay the bill for it.
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 14:13:09 (permalink)
    Someone causes a search and rescue mission to happen, they pay the bill for it.

    +1 Why should everyone be punished for some one elses carelessness? It's my right to wear or not and my responsibility for the results of my actions or inaction.
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 14:21:58 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: S-10

    Someone causes a search and rescue mission to happen, they pay the bill for it.

    +1 Why should everyone be punished for some one elses carelessness? It's my right to wear or not and my responsibility for the results of my actions or inaction.


    B... b... but... shouldn't the government do everything for us as well as think for us? I mean, we surely can't be held resonsible for our own actions, they need to protect me from myself.

    Think of 'the children'!
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 14:23:16 (permalink)
    While I can see it WILL save some lives, people are getting tired of being micro-managed by the Govt.

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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 14:25:24 (permalink)
    It's starting to look like the "Big Government knows best Liberals" VS the "Small Government personal responsibility Conservatives" debate again.
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    RE: Did Ya see this new law === 2011/09/29 14:29:44 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: spoonchucker


    How was the PF&BC funding "slashed"?

    My bad, just figured cuts accross the board, meant cuts accross the board... I guess wildlife management is more important than education or those "accross the board" that didn't get spared. Heck, if my taxes weren't going up from my local municipality trying to make up the difference in Corbett's cuts, I probably wouldn't even have an issue with the guy...

    I'm split on the law itself. My boat is over 16', so doesn't apply. Although, probably close enough to 16' to get stopped and questioned. When it is cold out, I wear an inflatable jacket, so really wouldn't matter. It would just be those Indian Summer days, 70 degrees in early Novemeber that would get me... I also see the point of those saying the same about wading in the same temps or comparing to seatbelt and motor cycle helmut laws.
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