Calorie count for fishing... interesting!

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2011/09/25 19:40:56 (permalink)

Calorie count for fishing... interesting!

So was reading the In-Fisherman magazine for Aug/Sept and saw this article on how many calories are burned using certain fishing types and how they compare to other activities. Considering a 12 hr day on the water as a 210lbs, that's about 6000 calories! WOW
Another great fact my wife will hear anytime she complains about me fishing.

This is a calorie count per 1 hour
Type of fishing                                     130lbs 155lbs 190lbs

Fishing from boat, sitting                        148     176    216
Fishing from river bank, standing              207     246    302
Fishing in stream, in waders                    354     422    518
Fishing, general                                    236     281    345
Fishing, ice, sitting                                118     141    173
Running, 12 minute mile                          472     563    690
Canoeing, light effort                             177     211    259
Hunting, general                                    295    352    431
Hiking, cross country                              354    422    518

post edited by SwimFishieSwim - 2011/09/25 19:46:51

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    RE: Calorie count for fishing... interesting! 2011/09/25 20:06:44 (permalink)
    I was always wondering this
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    RE: Calorie count for fishing... interesting! 2011/09/25 20:12:55 (permalink)
    Which would explain why a "nightmare" never puts weight on me. I stay the same at 297!
    post edited by indsguiz - 2011/09/25 20:13:15

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    RE: Calorie count for fishing... interesting! 2011/09/26 09:46:05 (permalink)
    Really not that much considering the average person's body burns 150 cal/hr just at rest. Sleeping 8hrs burns 700 calories? But definetely interesting...

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    RE: Calorie count for fishing... interesting! 2011/09/26 09:53:06 (permalink)
    The most surprising is the number for fishing in waders... 518!
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    RE: Calorie count for fishing... interesting! 2011/09/26 10:34:52 (permalink)
    I'll bet u burn the most when zipping those things.

    I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
    I choose Little Cleos

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    RE: Calorie count for fishing... interesting! 2011/09/26 13:00:22 (permalink)
    I don't know, "fishing from a boat sitting" evidently wasn't calculated while anchored for perch on Erie in 3' waves...
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    RE: Calorie count for fishing... interesting! 2011/09/26 14:26:20 (permalink)
    Each season Plumbob and I fish 40 or more days and we each gain 20 pounds
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    RE: Calorie count for fishing... interesting! 2011/09/26 14:54:50 (permalink)
    Wonder what the count is for NEOS in 80 degree weather ??

    Dam leaking breathbles, gonna loose another ten pounds before they get back....

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    RE: Calorie count for fishing... interesting! 2011/09/26 15:04:47 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: glen

    Each season Plumbob and I fish 40 or more days and we each gain 20 pounds

    You have to look at the other side of the equation.  1 beer = 300 calories, so more than 2 beers per hour negate the lost calories due to fishing.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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    RE: Calorie count for fishing... interesting! 2011/09/26 15:06:30 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: bulldog1

    I don't know, "fishing from a boat sitting" evidently wasn't calculated while anchored for perch on Erie in 3' waves...

    For me, 'Fishing from a Boat in any waves big enough to move the boat' would burn a few thousand calories in a matter of minutes.

    Also, I'd have to imagine fluff-chuckers burn more than bait-dunkers.
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    RE: Calorie count for fishing... interesting! 2011/09/26 22:36:13 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Cold
    Also, I'd have to imagine fluff-chuckers burn more than bait-dunkers.

    With a statement like that....I'm forced to assume your not wearing your helmet

    Which one is Lady yuk yuk?

    I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
    I choose Little Cleos

    I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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    RE: Calorie count for fishing... interesting! 2011/09/26 22:48:07 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Mr.Slickfish

    ORIGINAL: Cold
    Also, I'd have to imagine fluff-chuckers burn more than bait-dunkers.

    With a statement like that....I'm forced to assume your not wearing your helmet

    Which one is Lady yuk yuk?

    I was waiting on that one.

    While I don't think she fishes, I'd do some bait-dunking with her any day.
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