Calorie count for fishing... interesting!
So was reading the In-Fisherman magazine for Aug/Sept and saw this article on how many calories are burned using certain fishing types and how they compare to other activities. Considering a 12 hr day on the water as a 210lbs, that's about 6000 calories! WOW
Another great fact my wife will hear anytime she complains about me fishing.
This is a calorie count per 1 hour
Type of fishing 130lbs 155lbs 190lbs
Fishing from boat, sitting 148 176 216
Fishing from river bank, standing 207 246 302
Fishing in stream, in waders 354 422 518
Fishing, general 236 281 345
Fishing, ice, sitting 118 141 173
Running, 12 minute mile 472 563 690
Canoeing, light effort 177 211 259
Hunting, general 295 352 431
Hiking, cross country 354 422 518
post edited by SwimFishieSwim - 2011/09/25 19:46:51