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Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
Elk hunt in a short fashion. There were three others in camp. Packed in Saturday morning. Outfitter took us out and showed us where the wallows were and the hotspots. Not even settled in camp, one guy (from Erie, PA btw..) took off towards the hotspots. No communication where he was going. Just seemed important that he beat everyone else to the spots. To summarize, he got lost and screamed his head off for two hours. We had a bull bugling and cut our hunt short to find him. By the time we got there, his two other buddies were hollering. 3 guys in between the 2 best spots yelling at the top of their lungs. Took two more days to find good sign then it rained four straight days. Worst thunderstorm I've ever seen. Raingear didn't matter; soaked to the bone. Saw one elk (a calf), some mule deer, and some other critters. Good experience, sure, elk numbers, not so much. Some pics below of elk hunt and PA trail cam pics from my hunting counterpart. Hail Some elk sign. pine marten Vallecito Reservoir Kitchen and shtt Canyon we had the bull bugling in when the little weasel got lost. Up 9700 feet in the moonlight Good elk country. Lots of recent sign. None new after the hollering. -- Deer Buck I had under me November 4 last year. Buddy missed it. God bless him. Unicorn. Strange for my part of the woods.
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RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/20 22:08:35
Sorry to hear that you had a rough go at it, but I bet it was still quite the experience. At least you learned (albeit the hard way) one person not to invite back next year! Good luck on the buck as well, he is a beast.
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RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/20 22:33:54
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RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/21 04:32:31
Elk are sensitive to a lot of human noise in their living area and will shut up or move out every time. Sounds like you need to get your own group to book the full camp. Anyone who has shared camp with strangers very often(sometimes even former friends) can relate horror stories like yours. Weather is weather and not much one can do about it. Just be glad it wasn't snow. Hunting in 4' of that can suck too.Us old timers carried a compass to prevent getting lost and I assumed all you younger guys were married to those hand held GPS. Some of your deer pics are quite impressive. It's getting close.
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RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/21 05:54:53
great pics. looks likes a wondersfull exspierence even though younz didnt tag out. those are a couple giant bucks, good luck with them.
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RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/21 08:25:43
Nice pics and bummer about the poor camp mates. Good luck with those bucks as the time is drawing near.
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RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/21 08:31:12
Feel your pain...but looks like a great time anyways. Beaut of a buck! Hope ya whack him! I learnt my lesson years ago on hunting with someone that claims to be the worlds best slayer. He would not stay still when a bull moose was coming in. Decided to eat a granola bar at the worst time. All heck erupted 5 yds.behind him. He looks up at me ( I was in a stand above him ) and says what was that? I even told him there was one coming. Can,t fix stupid!
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RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/21 10:35:00
Have you been able to retrieve your boot from that dude's butt yet? Elk tolerate a lot of things. People noise is not one of them.
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RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/21 14:24:24
Nice pics. I'd let them bucks grow up a few more years
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RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/21 17:26:41
Just whack a doe. That way you will still have nice pics on your trail cam next year.  ..WF
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RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/21 20:25:29
Couldnt imagine goin on a trip like that and havin idiots in camp. Woulda gone nutso an they woulda known it - straight away too. Wayyyy to much invested to be all huggy and nicey bout it with idiots. When THEY are in camp- time to fly yer own boat someplace they AINT. Kinda your side of the Mtn and that over there is Mine- KEEP OUT.
post edited by retired guy - 2011/09/21 20:27:17
RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/21 20:47:41
Nice pics. How far was the spike camp from base ?
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RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/22 08:05:16
Didn't spike OA. We talked about it previously, but didn't get the necessary gear to do so.
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RE: Elk hunt, deer pics, other thoughts
2011/09/22 10:07:17
He needed a boot in the arse. Went babyride last night. Saw the big fella.. not poached yet! Love to get a pic of him to show yinz.. his rack height is insane. Doesn't even look like a whitetail. It's ****ed impossible to commit to one deer and kill it in big public woods but I'm gonna try.
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