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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 09:18:32
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 10:37:54
ORIGINAL: Cold ORIGINAL: Skip16503 ORIGINAL: Mr.Slickfish I'm just here for the chics. Mary Jo? (dumass) Or Sabrina? Jenna. jenna young,ruff, rugged and raw so hOt if you only knew hpope thsi help[:) truMped tite nVr sloPPy
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 11:46:27
ORIGINAL: fishlesswonder  Looks like a sauger to me...Can see the distinct saddle bags on the back, the small white spot on the tail and the more distinct white stomach. If the pic was a little clearer I could tell a bit easier.
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 12:07:34
Without a doubt, that is a walleye.
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 12:08:58
then it would be a saugeye not a sauger. Saugeye and walleyes are the only ones of the 3 to have a white tip on the bottom of the tail. but sauger and saugeye both have distint saddle lines that go down their sides while the walleye does not. This fish is a walleye with out a doubt
post edited by eyeassassin - 2011/09/13 12:11:09
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 12:11:33
I say walleye too judging by the picture provided.
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 12:27:26
"He gave up on the minnows and smoked me on the way back to the car. I went home cold, wet, and defeated." yikes.
post edited by 6point7 - 2011/09/13 12:28:29
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 12:34:10
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 12:45:34
ORIGINAL: Accountant on a similar topic.... for those of you who fish by yourself, how the hell do you manage to land the fish, keep all of your tackle from going haywire, get your camera, not hurting the fish, not having the fish flopping around, and take a halfway decent picture? Fish doesn't come out of the water unless and until I'm ready to take the pic. I hold my breath...quick pic and release. If I can't get it done in one breath, the fish gets released and the pic has to wait until next time.
"For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 13:32:55
In fishlesswonders defense, he went home cold and wet because it snowed and was freezing rain most of the time we were out there. Defeat, however, is in the eye of the beholder. I caught one more fish than him, maybe two, but we had a blast and didn't have to work that day, so I say it was a win-win. Also, it's MY island. As for the walleye debate, I have a few other pics from a few different ones I caught from that same area, I will try to post them tonight, it may not help with that particular fish, but you never know.
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 13:44:29
ORIGINAL: bingsbaits  Guess I deleted that pic of DT in the hot tub too soon....
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 13:56:25
walleye debate is boring jis sayin can we please get back on topic sherpas and hot tubs and jenna hopethis helpa
World Famous
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 16:53:21
Its a snakehead. Wait, where did you get the chicks in the tub???..WF
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 19:49:49
ORIGINAL: Mr.Slickfish I'm just here for the chics. the man speaks truth. Pick them up... beagler?
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 21:03:38
ORIGINAL: kylerloveshotdogs ORIGINAL: Mr.Slickfish I'm just here for the chics. the man speaks truth. Pick them up... beagler? Well, they kept asking about how to pick up chicks. So when they ask I show them with a picture
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 22:16:47
Saugeye faint saddles and the white on tail, need a better pic to tell for sure I'll ask the 500 walleye in my freezer and see what they think...
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/13 22:43:50
They probably haven't got a clue what a saugeye looks like if they came from a certain large body of water with no sauger in it I ran into a PFBC biologist while fishing the 3-rivers a few years back. He politely informed me that the "sauger" I had kept was actually a saugeye. He went on to state that there is virtually no discernible distinction between a sauger and saugeye other than the spot pattern on the dorsal and coloration at the base of the tail. He also told me that someone fishing in the 3-rivers would not be cited for a keeping a sublegal saugeye (15" min) that was improperly identified as a sauger (12" min) provided it was >12". Check this pdf out if you still don't believe the fish pictured above is a walleye: www.kdwp.state.ks.us/content/download/7063/34347/file/
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 12:15:59
Here are a few from a few hundred yards upstream from where I caught that one. [image][/image] [image][/image]
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 14:32:19
Yup. Those are sauger. Just like the other you caught.
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 14:59:28
negative. more walleye. just sayin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 15:40:40
i'm 110% sure you are all full of ****, because thats a creek chub
go back to spain 11-12-11: the last time i got punched in the face
Jenna James
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 15:52:27
ORIGINAL: steeLpunishment ORIGINAL: Cold ORIGINAL: Skip16503 ORIGINAL: Mr.Slickfish I'm just here for the chics. Mary Jo? (dumass) Or Sabrina? Jenna. jenna young,ruff, rugged and raw so hOt if you only knew hpope thsi help[:) truMped tite nVr sloPPy You can only wish Halupka. lol
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 16:11:28
dude that isn't Halupki ok? halupka like you jenna, you know that
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
Jenna James
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 16:18:30
You must really like hot dogs from your picture. i love them too.  So Kyler, do you fish or do you just like hot dogs? My favorite part of this site is always the pictures. It used to be alot more fun but some guys need to get a life and quit being so mean.
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 16:26:16
well, Jenna, when I walk to a stream, i make sure i have my fly rod in my hand. but, when i start wading, i look around to make sure loomis is not around and wacky rig power worms. heck, i even post threads about this fishing as it does take some skill. i frequently break from the fishing to snack... my cholesterol has been up so cheetos are gone as well as hot dogs. I'm not onto sardines and crackers, but little does my wife know, i slip stringed cheese in there and stop at the gas station to pick up sticky buns just in case i get a craving.
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 16:27:40
bigslick is looking at this thread.. i bet he is salivating
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
Jenna James
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 16:29:14
that sure is a biggun. I don't know if I could handle that one.
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 16:35:57
ORIGINAL: BIGSLICK Yup. Those are sauger. Just like the other you caught. Sauger do not have the white tip on the bottom of the tail fin Tim...and a young walleye, just like a muskie, will have more pronounced markings than an adult. The fish in the photos are most definitely either walleye or I would settle on saugeye, but not sauger. Just sayin' Below is a walleye from Georgian Bay...has the sattle bag markings which you mentioned....definitely a walleye. Ontario or lake walleye look a whole lot different than Erie walleye...especially the markings.  Hope you don't mind me borrowing your pic D-steel
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 16:53:49
Shutup, what's your cell? We need to fish. I will show you how to wallis correctly ok? Will show you proper technique. heard rumors that you snag?
MMM hotdogs in my belly make me happy guy. My wife says no no kyler, you stop eating you getting bigger you will need new waders
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RE: My favorite part of this site.....
2011/09/14 16:56:36