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Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
[image]  [/image] Caught a bunch of fish at Arthur on Labor Day. The Park Ranger happened to be there finishing his shift just as I caught this one and offered to snap a picture. First Pike I ever caught. Not very big but never fished for them before so I was surprised I never caught one fishing for Bass and Walleye before. Anyway, found a good spot that I thought that I would share. Last summer, I took my kids to the North Beach so they could swim while I fished...seemed like almost every cast you'd get hit. So I finally got back there Monday. North beach, just to the left between the beach and the docks. Wade out about waist deep and use plastics. I catch a lot of Bass in this spot but it appears that there are a few more fish hanging there. The Park Ranger explained (since he dives that area often) that the North Beach is surrounded by huge boulders...these boulders hold all of the sand in place for the beach. That explains why you really need to get out there 50+ yards. It seems that the farther out you cast, the deeper the water (he said it drops from 6-12' on that ledge) and that's where they are hanging out. It's tough to find a good spot from shore sometimes and this is the best one I've found. I hope this helps. I also hear that the same tactic, wading out to the left of the Sailboat launch is a great spot for catching stripers but have not tried that area yet. I know that I am not going to catch any fish there anymore since I posted this. Fishermen are going to go to that spot and catch every fish in Arthur. Spot Burn right? Guess we'll see if there is any such thing. If I get shut out next time, I'll know that I burned myself. My guess is that there might still be a fish or two in there when I go back.
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/09 20:23:52
Check out the scars and wounds on this fish too. I saw a dead Pike a few months back on shore and it looked the same way. It looked sick. Does anyone know if there is something up with the pike at Arthur?
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/09 20:56:54
Sorry to bust your balls but that's where I've been fishing
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/09 21:24:38
Have you ever tried the right side of the Beach? Every time I go, I say that I'm going to try the right side but action is so good on the left, I never make it over there. Also had a good conversation with the Ranger. He told me that once the ropes are removed from the beach, fishing is allowed there. He explained that the rule is 100 feet from a swimming area but once those ropes are gone, it is no longer a swimming area. Imagine that you could wade WAY out there from the beach area. BTW, the spot burn was a joke. I laugh ever time I hear someone say it. Clearly this spot hasn't been burned yet.
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 09:22:10
Spot burning is not the act of people catching all the fish out of your spot...... that's impossible due to the fact that fish swim..... the reason we don't spot burn.... what u actually are doing now is because one when u joined these forums you agreed not to spot burn which is the act of giving thousands of anglers viewing as guests on this site a spot that you and others have spent time and research on finding..... we understand u want to share your sucess but other guys that fish there don't want these random spoon feeders to show up and crowd them when they are fishing...... yes there are going to be others fishing the spot at times because they put the time and effort into finding this spot just as you did..... if you want to share spots with a couple buddies that's one thing but there are so many idiots viewing these forums that will ruin things for the guys that put the time and effort into finding a good spot or honey hole as some would call it...... this is the reason why myself and others blur pictures on here.... we are more than happy to share spots with guys on here if they pm and are decent guys but not in the open where guys and gals across the state can view it and show up and litter and cause havoc in your spot...... so next time before you try to make a joke or use sarcasm make sure u have facts and info to back it up
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 09:36:03
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 09:51:30
Weak huh? Your brain cells are weak.... grow up and act your age. I'm just trying to explain something to you and you come back with a smartass remark......
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 09:55:51
Like Kreamy said spot burning isn't about catching all the fish in a spot that's just silly/near impossible. People who have to look on-line for spot burns probably cant catch many fish anyway. Its more about how it attracts people who litter, have no manners, and no respect for the wildlife. An example is this one guy who fishes the spot I have fished since I was a kid. He sets up four bait rods..2 in the creek and 2 at the mouth of the creek so you cant throw a lure anywhere. He leaves dead minnows/chubs all over the shoreline and ends up accidentally stepping on them smashing their guts out and really stinking up the place. He leaves cheap mono line everywhere with hooks still on it sometimes. Leaves garbage everywhere. I have seen him shoot beavers/ducks/squirrels. The rare times he does get a fish it looks like it got beaten by a crowbar by the time he gets his hook back. So yeah spot burning might be a joke to you now but trust me you don't want to fish near people like that.
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 10:45:43
It's just simply the rules of the site.... Please respect them in the future. If you want someone to share your spot. You can pm someone who posts general knowledge of that body of water. I didn't make the rules. I just follow them.
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 12:37:42
ORIGINAL: lagzalot7 An example is this one guy who fishes the spot I have fished since I was a kid. He sets up four bait rods..2 in the creek and 2 at the mouth of the creek so you cant throw a lure anywhere. He leaves dead minnows/chubs all over the shoreline and ends up accidentally stepping on them smashing their guts out and really stinking up the place. He leaves cheap mono line everywhere with hooks still on it sometimes. Leaves garbage everywhere. I have seen him shoot beavers/ducks/squirrels. The rare times he does get a fish it looks like it got beaten by a crowbar by the time he gets his hook back. Obviously he's been doing this for quite some time. Why would you let this guy get away with that crap? You should've reported him long ago.
post edited by ridgehunter - 2011/09/10 12:38:11
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 13:53:02
ORIGINAL: ridgehunter Obviously he's been doing this for quite some time. Why would you let this guy get away with that crap? You should've reported him long ago. He is friends with a guy I knew for years that's how I think he found the spot. Plus he carries a gun and I don't want to start trouble someone that looks like they just spent 10 years in jail and packs a gun. Trust me after the beaver incident I was sick and close to calling the cops/warden. Anyway after he left that night a guy that owns the property on the other side of the creek was up on the trail waiting for him. He must of heard the 12 shots from a 9mm it took the guy to kill a beaver that got too close to him. After that he stayed away for 2-3 months but recently started fishing there again.
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 15:29:42
He looks like a hard guy that carries a firearm and shoots wild game illegally not to mention how he litters and how unethical of a fishermen he is.....and you're afraid to report him to a WCO?? How do you expect this situation to change if you don't make the call? I and many I know would've made that call a long time ago. He isn't a sportsmen, he's a slob and needs reported.
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 16:49:50
its easier to cry over spilled milk than to do something about it  . just sayin'
post edited by **commander** - 2011/09/10 16:50:08
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 18:34:18
its easier to act brave on the internet than in real life  .just sayin' Anyways I just fish mornings now instead. Catch more fish then. If I still had to deal with him I probably would have snitched by now. But I would rather just avoid him than rat out a drugged up convict that knows where my family lives.
post edited by lagzalot7 - 2011/09/10 18:40:16
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 19:52:52
ORIGINAL: lagzalot7 its easier to act brave on the internet than in real life .just sayin' Anyways I just fish mornings now instead. Catch more fish then. If I still had to deal with him I probably would have snitched by now. But I would rather just avoid him than rat out a drugged up convict that knows where my family lives. apparently so or you wouldnt have brought it up on here instead of real life  . just sayin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 21:02:30
ORIGINAL: **commander** apparently so or you wouldnt have brought it up on here instead of real life . just sayin' Oh no he knew we didnt approve of shooting the beaver I think thats one of the reasons he stayed away for a few months. Im just sayin Im not gonna mess up someones life and give them a reason for revenge. keep on trollin
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 21:53:39
i hope next time lenny goes to his hot spot its so over run with ppl he cant get in there to fish and then maybe he will understand what spot burning is all about. also as others have mentioned hope he will enjoy wading through all the litter that gets left behind by the infantry...spot burning is not a joke
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/10 22:36:44
Ya really I saw two cars parked down there tonight so I had to carry on
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/11 00:06:19
ORIGINAL: lagzalot7 ORIGINAL: **commander** apparently so or you wouldnt have brought it up on here instead of real life . just sayin' Oh no he knew we didnt approve of shooting the beaver I think thats one of the reasons he stayed away for a few months. Im just sayin Im not gonna mess up someones life and give them a reason for revenge. keep on trollin  You should change your screen-name to "wussy", cause that's what you are. I guess deer poachers have a free pass in your area also. You should be ashamed of yourself. Grow a set kid.
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/11 03:24:31
rofl..judging people over the internet without knowing all the facts or the person is pathetic. you should change your screen-name to god You should be ashamed of yourself. Grow a brain kid. lol
post edited by lagzalot7 - 2011/09/11 03:32:28
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/11 03:39:57
ORIGINAL: ridgehunter ORIGINAL: lagzalot7 ORIGINAL: **commander** apparently so or you wouldnt have brought it up on here instead of real life . just sayin' Oh no he knew we didnt approve of shooting the beaver I think thats one of the reasons he stayed away for a few months. Im just sayin Im not gonna mess up someones life and give them a reason for revenge. keep on trollin  You should change your screen-name to "wussy", cause that's what you are. I guess deer poachers have a free pass in your area also. You should be ashamed of yourself. Grow a set kid. lol. pm me big fella. we'll get together  . just sayin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/11 09:00:04
ORIGINAL: **commander** ORIGINAL: ridgehunter You should change your screen-name to "wussy", cause that's what you are. I guess deer poachers have a free pass in your area also. You should be ashamed of yourself. Grow a set kid. lol. pm me big fella. we'll get together . just sayin' rofl commander...I just got your angry pm. wtf? You got that mad cause I said keep trolling? And you just quoted what ridgehunter said to me and challenged him too..drunk? Anyways since you both want to tell me to grow a set I fish the wall behind the Heinz building in Northside every morning between 3am-8am. I bet neither of you even have the balls to get out of your car in Northside during those hours..lmao this is cracking me up...
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/11 10:37:01
For anyone that has ever went to the Moraine State Park North Shore beach/picinic area, I am pretty sure you fished this exact spot, with 10 others every Summer weekend day. This by far is not a secret spot... The success that he had, seems to be much more than the average person I see fishing there though. Although the average person seems to have either a push button snoopy rod, ocean surf rod, and almost always has a hi/low crappie rig with 1 oz. lead weight. Usually fishing from or too close to the docks for boats to dock safely. Spot burning as defined by this site, is PRIVATE property. The unwritten policy amongst most on this site, is to be a bit more vague with the description. Near North Shore beach area, would be a good vague description. Not like this spot could hold more fishermen than it already does, but is why most anglers on here follow the unwritten spot burn policy. Some much more vague than others. Heck, mentioning catching a fish out of this lake can get some steaming... Another note, per the WCO saying that you can fish the beach section after the ropes are removed. Why would you want to fish a public swimming area? I can see at the ocean, where salt water will disinigrate a hook and tides carry broken lines off almost instantly (not to mention not many snags in the ocean). You do realize that 90% of those using this beach area are kids under 18 years old. Much of those are little kids. I'm sure some fish are attracted to sandy/rocky (not really much sand in the water there...) areas in 4' or less water, but there are other very similar spots around the lake, that don't risk having a kid possibly have a severe infection / tetanus. Some folks just lack common courtesy for others well being, why many laws are made in this country.
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/11 10:39:59
BTW - Congrats on the pike.
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/11 12:49:21
ORIGINAL: lagzalot7 ORIGINAL: **commander** ORIGINAL: ridgehunter You should change your screen-name to "wussy", cause that's what you are. I guess deer poachers have a free pass in your area also. You should be ashamed of yourself. Grow a set kid. lol. pm me big fella. we'll get together . just sayin' rofl commander...I just got your angry pm. wtf? You got that mad cause I said keep trolling? And you just quoted what ridgehunter said to me and challenged him too..drunk? Anyways since you both want to tell me to grow a set I fish the wall behind the Heinz building in Northside every morning between 3am-8am. I bet neither of you even have the balls to get out of your car in Northside during those hours..lmao this is cracking me up... lol. angry? thats funny. especially when it was titled "lol". dont be like others and be so sensitive  . just sayin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/11 14:39:21
hahah yeah im too sensitive...im not the one trying to fight strangers on a message board...i come here to laugh thanks again..
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/11 15:28:05
youre upset because you got criticized because your kahunas arent big enough to do whats right and turn in the poacher. when they drop, do whats right and you wont get criticized and get upset  . just sayin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/11 19:23:16
oh you assumed I was upset cause I took the time to explain the situation...I cant imagine how upset you get that makes you challenge people to fight on the internet lol. Sorry but I dont take the internet that serious. upset...rofl!!!!!!
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/11 19:48:49
never challenged you to anything and like i said, when/if your kahunas drop, do the right thing instead of crying over spilled milk online and perhaps you wont get criticized and so upset  . just sayin'
"I'm sick of all the fairytale stories of how this is destiny and how the saints have rebuilt new orleans.Sorry but you can write the script anyway you want but the actors(sean payton and crew)do not have the talent to step on the stage."---Logan Wade
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RE: Spot burn challenge-Lake Arthur
2011/09/11 21:25:23
It may not be a spot burn, but when this same picture is posted a month from now in an attempt to pass it off as a new or different fish, it will be a fish burn (just like the last time).