I copied this from the Fishing Reports page

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RE: I copied this from the Fishing Reports page 2011/09/09 12:27:26 (permalink)
I'm just curious to know how people know that there are freezer-burned fish in other people's freezers? Do people actually inspect the contents of the freezers of others when visiting at a friend's house? Is it customary to do this during commercial breaks during a game or during a critical 4th down and 1 play?
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RE: I copied this from the Fishing Reports page 2011/09/09 12:37:56 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: gonefishin

I'm just curious to know how people know that there are freezer-burned fish in other people's freezers? Do people actually inspect the contents of the freezers of others when visiting at a friend's house? Is it customary to do this during commercial breaks during a game or during a critical 4th down and 1 play?

Must be like the medicine cabinet?
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RE: I copied this from the Fishing Reports page 2011/09/09 12:40:05 (permalink)
FREEZERS; The NEW Medicine Cabinets!!


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RE: wtf 2011/09/09 12:42:03 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: eyedreamn

The steel head guys are a bunch of cry babies. Blah, blah, blah......
I never hear any walleye or perch guys **** like this.
Those stupid trout don't even reproduce in the wild. They are all stocked.
Hows that saying go "shut up and fish"

Second best thing I read in here so far!!

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RE: wtf 2011/09/09 13:05:07 (permalink)
now that is some funny sh**

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RE: wtf 2011/09/09 13:43:09 (permalink)
Here's my two cents. I think they should lower the limit to
2 1/2 fish. That way there would be more to reproduce. Then we could have a thread about which 1/2 is the best to keep. I'm thinking the front half tastes better, plus it's easier to rope. On the other hand, the back half would have more eggs.
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RE: wtf 2011/09/09 13:51:31 (permalink)
i take the front i like head part

glen take tail part he like butt

hope this helpis
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RE: wtf 2011/09/09 13:54:11 (permalink)
I'm killin' every fish I catch this year....

I'm gonna mount both of em'

I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
I choose Little Cleos

I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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RE: wtf 2011/09/09 13:54:20 (permalink)


Here's my two cents. I think they should lower the limit to
2 1/2 fish. That way there would be more to reproduce. Then we could have a thread about which 1/2 is the best to keep. I'm thinking the front half tastes better, plus it's easier to rope. On the other hand, the back half would have more eggs.

I beg to differ Glen, I've always been partial to the bottom half!

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RE: wtf 2011/09/09 14:13:37 (permalink)
but what if i cut it in half and give the other half away would i be hurting the species

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RE: wtf 2011/09/09 14:21:01 (permalink)
I never even realized that it was legal to keep fishing with your limit on a stringer until now.  I think after a limit is kept then you should be done fishing for the day.  How can anyone predict the future and know that they are not going to kill another fish by accident.  What a stupid rule, why would the PFBC even allow that? 

Also, you guys that think fishermen keeping fish is the cause of the lower returns the last couple years are crazy!  When a big run happens these fish usually flood into the streams by the thousands in huge schools all at once.  If keeping fish was really the cause, then you would hear about a big run that came in and has all of a sudden vanished from the streams.  The problem is that a mother load run hasn't come in over the last two years.  So it's not due to people keeping to many fish!

That being said, I've found plenty of fish over the last two years on each of my Erie trips.  I've caught more Steelhead per day than is possible almost anywhere else.  I really don't see what the problem is.  If these lower numbers of Steelhead than in the past keep some people away, then I hope we never see a mother load run again. 
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RE: wtf 2011/09/09 14:39:23 (permalink)
I've caught more Steelhead per day than is possible almost anywhere else.

Many people do not realize this, simply because they have never fished for steelhead anywhere else in the world or have not taken the time to research steelhead fishing elsewhere. We have have insanely stupid numbers of steelhead returns in PA compared to anywhere else in the world due to immense stocking. Its quite simple, but so many people seem to have such a hard time understanding this and it baffles me really)Take those blinders off people). Also, they are not only un-natural in numbers, but also in genetics. As Nuke said, clearly a munfactured fishery stocked with oversized pelletheads.

I admit, I sure do have fun catching them though
post edited by ShutUpNFish - 2011/09/09 14:41:44

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RE: wtf 2011/09/09 18:40:07 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: SteelSlayer77

mother load run


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RE: wtf 2011/09/09 23:38:32 (permalink)
HI guys, i just wanna say that i think a lot of these steelhead can reproduce naturally in erie tribs. I mean, one time i saw some gravel on Walnut. Whatdya think, Cold?

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RE: wtf 2011/09/10 09:13:22 (permalink)
And it get better......

Date Fished: 9/9
Location: elk/20mile
Water Conditions:
Posted By:  "pakingfisher"
     9/9/2011 7:49:19 AM   Report ID: 26025

Report: i agree with erie.you people taking the limit out each day,is it to show everybody you can catch them? be a sportsman keep 1 if you have to keep any let other sportsman enjoy.it was unreal last year the amount of people i seen carrying out three

Date Fished: sept 8th
Location: Erie
Water Conditions: Low
Posted By:  "mike55"
     9/8/2011 10:01:18 PM   Report ID: 26022

Report: If you can purchase a 50 dollar fishing license you do not need to be keeping fish. We all pay to have those fished stocked so we all can enjoy fishing them. Stick to the fish that do not need to be stocked to put in your freezer, then allow them to get freezer burnt and eventually throw them out because you ate mcdonalds fish sandwiches that night. The major problem is 15 people being on a charter on the lake then hanging them on a fence after a day of fishing and taking pictures of the fish dead on a chain link fence acting as if they were cool. The tribs were horrid last year compared to years in the past, use common sense, catch and release and enjoy your day.

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RE: wtf 2011/09/10 10:02:15 (permalink)
Thats just hillarious right there

Like all the "identified" students/children we hove runnin' around out there in the world...I also think we need to start identifying these fishermen. That last guy would be identified CWGOAD - Clueless to What Goes On Around Him Disorder! The First guy has JPDD - Just Plain Dumb Disorder.

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RE: wtf 2011/09/10 11:34:52 (permalink)
You want more fish, bigger fish, then practice C&R......The Douglaston Salmon Run has gone to C&R for all trout species this year....Now that is a progressive attitude that will pay dividends.
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RE: wtf 2011/09/10 11:41:32 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: fisherofmen376

HI guys, i just wanna say that i think a lot of these steelhead can reproduce naturally in erie tribs. I mean, one time i saw some gravel on Walnut. Whatdya think, Cold?

Science says otherwise
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RE: wtf 2011/09/10 11:45:29 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: chartist

You want more fish, bigger fish, then practice C&R......The Douglaston Salmon Run has gone to C&R for all trout species this year....Now that is a progressive attitude that will pay dividends.

As long as that trout does not run up to the town pool and get caught again, that should work.
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RE: wtf 2011/09/10 11:50:22 (permalink)
...We all pay to have those fished stocked so we all can enjoy fishing them. Stick to the fish that do not need to be stocked to put in your freezer...

you can't fix stupid

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RE: wtf 2011/09/10 14:05:51 (permalink)
I agree kjh, that's about the most backwards thing I've ever heard... Naturally reproducing fish are the ones that need laid off of a bit.
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RE: wtf 2011/09/10 22:43:22 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: psu_fish

ORIGINAL: fisherofmen376

HI guys, i just wanna say that i think a lot of these steelhead can reproduce naturally in erie tribs. I mean, one time i saw some gravel on Walnut. Whatdya think, Cold?

Science says otherwise

not so, bro
some  1 inch steelie fry were seined out of a hole one summer from  an Erie Pa trib
I "know" this, cause i helped on that project.

There's surely "some" natural repro going on.
The majority of it happens in the no trespassing sections , I reckon .
It's surely not enough to sustain the monster that's become Pa steelie fishing ...but it happens


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RE: wtf 2011/09/11 12:27:40 (permalink)
Fine....so clip the stockies and order all natural fish be released back into the wild....DONE...Other places do it and it works out fine.

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RE: wtf 2011/09/11 12:38:57 (permalink)
SUF, but they are not dealing with the PA anglers....

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RE: wtf 2011/09/12 00:11:41 (permalink)
not so, bro
some 1 inch steelie fry were seined out of a hole one summer from an Erie Pa trib
I "know" this, cause i helped on that project.

It's more than most people think, depending on the year and conditions.
Science/biology HAS proved that.


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RE: wtf 2011/09/12 00:13:22 (permalink)

And it get better......

Date Fished: 9/9
Location: elk/20mile
Water Conditions:
Posted By:  "pakingfisher"
    9/9/2011 7:49:19 AM   Report ID: 26025

Report: i agree with erie.you people taking the limit out each day,is it to show everybody you can catch them? be a sportsman keep 1 if you have to keep any let other sportsman enjoy.it was unreal last year the amount of people i seen carrying out three

Date Fished: sept 8th
Location: Erie
Water Conditions: Low
Posted By:  "mike55"
    9/8/2011 10:01:18 PM   Report ID: 26022

Report: If you can purchase a 50 dollar fishing license you do not need to be keeping fish. We all pay to have those fished stocked so we all can enjoy fishing them. Stick to the fish that do not need to be stocked to put in your freezer, then allow them to get freezer burnt and eventually throw them out because you ate mcdonalds fish sandwiches that night. The major problem is 15 people being on a charter on the lake then hanging them on a fence after a day of fishing and taking pictures of the fish dead on a chain link fence acting as if they were cool. The tribs were horrid last year compared to years in the past, use common sense, catch and release and enjoy your day.


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RE: wtf 2011/09/12 06:51:37 (permalink)
Natural reproduction by unatural fish in a system (Oximoron)....NOTHING natural about it! I don't care how much of it takes place, theres NOT enough to sustain any sort of steelhead sport fishery without stocking. No "natural" mutt breeding has ever taken place before man ever dumped them into the great lakes system in the first place.
post edited by ShutUpNFish - 2011/09/12 14:23:05

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RE: I copied this from the Fishing Reports page 2011/09/12 13:06:34 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: spoonchucker

"i do think that swapping a fish off a stringer is wrong and should be illegal"

Culling fish IS illegal, with the excepetion of organized Bass tournaments.
That said, in over 20 years on the tribs ( 3-5 days a week at one time ) I have not ONCE, EVER witnessed anyone cull fish. I really doubt it's a major issue.

I saw folks culling fish on 4 mile years ago. Of course, that was back in the days when 4 mile had actual runs. Several even had 3
on a stringer and took one off, so they were in possession of 4 fish also, until they released the culled fish. I mentioned this to a couple guys who were doing this, and was ignored and sworn at, so I gave up saying anything. Same thing with littering. Easier to pick up the slobs' trash than confront them.
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RE: wtf 2011/09/12 13:16:49 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: fisherofmen376

HI guys, i just wanna say that i think a lot of these steelhead can reproduce naturally in erie tribs. I mean, one time i saw some gravel on Walnut. Whatdya think, Cold?

And you probably walked through the gravel. With the number of yahoos fishing these days, I doubt there could be more than .1 % natural reproduction, and these would come from private water, or tribs of tribs. Too bad the steelhead aren't fin clipped, and prizes awarded for pics of naturally reproduced fish.

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RE: wtf 2011/09/14 19:47:09 (permalink)
Just wanted to take time and say thank you to all who contributed. Great read.

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