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"One Fly" Updates!
Gentlemen, With just over a month to go before the event I sending out a reminder to all who plan on attending. Be sure you bring Two identical flies to sign in! One to fish with and one for the 1st out box. Bring a tape measure! "That one looked like about 47" just ain't going to cut it! LOL! try to arrive early to sign-in and please be patient! If you find out you cannot attend please let me know in time to open your spot up for another person. We still have places available at the "Night Before" dinner! Please come and help welcome our guests, the Vets. Food items need to be pm'd to Skip and any Prizes that can be delivered need to be sent to Rookie so she can start sorting. Friday afternoon we will have a set-up party at Folleys' to get things ready. TBA but we can always use some help. Usually around 2pm! I'm looking forward to a great event this yea! Let's make it the best of all. AND a special thank-you goes out to the people who have volunteered to assist the vets. And to John who is making sure it all happens! ALso, Don't forget SKIP! He is a major player in this event and it wouldn't happen without him. IF you have any questions/comments now's the time to post em up here , or pm me.
Illegitimis Non carborundum
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/01 10:34:19
jack, i was wanting to know. i'll be helping with the vets. am i going to be guiding two vets in the contest or will it be a vet and I as partners?
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/01 13:12:28
Jerry...each guide will have a vet as a partner. Both will fish.
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/01 16:26:39
thanx john. i hope to get up there friday early. if my partner's there i can show him/her around.
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/01 21:04:00
Jack I will be there thursday - Sunday so I can help with set up. Besides if there is enough to play poker friday night I need to set up for that too. I will be using the Grey Woolie Buggers I tied for the give away flys for my fly and the first out box. They are that good 
The Deetz Fishermen are born honest,but they get over it
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/01 21:13:27
You need wood on Thurs. Deetz ???
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/01 21:48:12
I should be there early friday afternoon when I am done with class if there is anything that needs set up.
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/01 22:08:00
Bings you need help getting the wood< I'll be there Weds, maybe we can wet a line Bruce
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/01 22:11:49
We of course will be there.
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/01 22:40:28
I should be bringing the big tent. We might need some collapsable tables and chairs. Poss should make the big tent the "cherry juice" area.
Illegitimis Non carborundum
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/01 22:42:35
ORIGINAL: deetz4352 Jack I will be there thursday - Sunday so I can help with set up. Besides if there is enough to play poker friday night I need to set up for that too. I will be using the Grey Woolie Buggers I tied for the give away flys for my fly and the first out box. They are that good   You should see the abominations I tied! I couldn't do any correctly so I you-tubed buggers, and I tried to tie one of each. I think I sent 30 up. Some strange stuff there.
Illegitimis Non carborundum
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/02 10:02:13
I,ll be up somewhere between 12 and 2 Friday.
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/04 12:24:38
Jack, If you need to open up more spaces, Plumbob and I don't need to fish. Give us a food job. Glen
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/04 13:39:10
ORIGINAL: bingsbaits You need wood on Thurs. Deetz ??? Bingsy yes that would be great. Like I said I can help you with any transport loading and unloading of the wood any time.
The Deetz Fishermen are born honest,but they get over it
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/05 10:53:07
Gentlemen, We will be having a representative from the fish Commission attending the event! I am asking if any volunteers would like to be this mans' partner for the fishing part of the event. He will have some handouts and will be answering questions (and listening to your complaints) during the picnic. Please be kind and respectfull. He is going out of his way to attend. And he may be in uniform so if you want a bigggg stretch of the creek to yourself? ? ? ? Heck I may partner with him and go to the Stop Sign Hole LOL! We already have a person who will partner with the gentleman! Way to go volunteer!
post edited by indsguiz - 2011/09/06 18:47:26
Illegitimis Non carborundum
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/05 11:07:23
We can show up in the afternoon to help. Smitty
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RE: "One Fly" Updates!
2011/09/06 10:40:12
Just had a cancellation! We now have openings for 4 more attendees at the "One Fly"! pm me to sign up!
Illegitimis Non carborundum