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2011/08/17 21:16:37 (permalink)


Since alot of you seem to have steelhead on the brain...

I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage each and everyone of you to release each and every fish you catch this season.

I always see those yellow rope things full of fish early in the season, and then there are not very many fish left for winter fishing. Think of all the fish that would be left in the winter!

And with numbers on the decline..It would really help the overall population.

Remember...every one you release... you can catch again!

Any thoughts?


I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
I choose Little Cleos

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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/17 21:21:00 (permalink)
    "Any thoughts?"

    Bring out the equine carcass, and let the senseless flogging begin.

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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/17 21:22:15 (permalink)
    I agree 100 % Keep none is my Motto

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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/17 21:27:19 (permalink)
    Ill cave in.........release them all 

    5 pages??? taking bets.......
    post edited by deetz4352 - 2011/08/17 21:38:39

    The Deetz
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/17 21:45:07 (permalink)
    OMG! No, really I agree with ya. I don't have a problem with anyone wanting to harvest a fish or two on occasion, but we need to start managing the fishery ourselves to enjoy better quality fishing. I wouldn't mind seeing a 2 fish limit instead of 3, that would be a start.
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/17 22:04:28 (permalink)
    If people wanna keep 3 then keep 3, its legal to do so. People love to keep limits of crappies, perch, walleye, catfish, bluegill and we see very little if any criticism on this forum for doing so, but god forbid someone take 3 steelhead to feed his/her family much like the other fish I listed

    Get off your high horse

    post edited by psu_fish - 2011/08/17 22:05:24
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/17 22:21:52 (permalink)
    I'm not even going to get into this one! But the pain, the pain! At least 5 pages.

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/17 22:38:51 (permalink)
    I'll bite, I agree whole heartedly to reduce the limit to 2 to start. As far as comparing keeping crappie/bluegill to steelhead..... come on.,,seriously. Too many times I've seen guys leave with a stringer, only to come back for more as well. I have no problem with guys keeping fish, but with the decreasing numbers as slick said let em go more than b4. More enjoyment for all. Projections for this year are down as well. Canada has netted many many. We need a cool summer to keep them on this side or a shock collar for leaving USA. Doggone emmigrants anyhow.

    Flytierwon, last time I saw you was on the Garden River, I assume it's you, how ya doin??

    No working during fishing hours
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/17 22:43:47 (permalink)
    Doin Great!
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/17 23:30:53 (permalink)
    Thanks for the support guys! I also agree with limit reductions.

     I read the feeding your family posts...if thats what your doing....keep em all, you can have mine to. Any of us that r sportfishing should never rope one...jmo

    I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
    I choose Little Cleos

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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 07:11:46 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: psu_fish

    If people wanna keep 3 then keep 3, its legal to do so. People love to keep limits of crappies, perch, walleye, catfish, bluegill and we see very little if any criticism on this forum for doing so, but god forbid someone take 3 steelhead to feed his/her family much like the other fish I listed

    Get off your high horse

    It's not as much a "high horse" as a deceased one.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 07:22:54 (permalink)
    We don't need more government regulation.
    They tell us what fish we can kill, when we can kill em', how many we can kill, and how big they have to be to kill em'.
    Abolish the Fish Commission and get the govt. out of our lives.
    Unleash the private sector. If we let the industry regulate themselves, we will have a viable fishery.
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 07:38:45 (permalink)
    one start would be for fisherman to get together and get these foreign snaggers off the creeks you know who im talking about i see groups of the showing up and leaving coming back three four times a day using a size 2 treble with one maggot on.  If we stop this there will be plenty of fish left in there
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 08:02:28 (permalink)
    5 pages??? taking bets.......

    It will be lucky to make 2.  Trust me.


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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 08:11:13 (permalink)
    I haven't fished PA in a few years..at least during crowded times. Why are numbers declining ? Less returning or less stocked ? It's nice to hear the numbers are declining, if it's less stocked. Tell me when the tard numbers start declining.

    Indiana's limit is five on summer fish. That's a number that could be altered especially considering the fish run the streams multiples times a year and are there June-March. Have to wonder what people do with five 10-15 steelhead a day. I'll tell you what they do.. throw them in dumpsters and port-a-poopers.

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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 08:42:52 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: SilverKype

    I haven't fished PA in a few years..at least during crowded times. Why are numbers declining ? Less returning or less stocked ? It's nice to hear the numbers are declining, if it's less stocked. Tell me when the tard numbers start declining.

    Indiana's limit is five on summer fish. That's a number that could be altered especially considering the fish run the streams multiples times a year and are there June-March. Have to wonder what people do with five 10-15 steelhead a day. I'll tell you what they do.. throw them in dumpsters and port-a-poopers.

    You experienced the reason first hand last Saturday.
    As for a reduction in the crowds, I am afraid that is a bell that cannot be unrung.  Even if stocking were cut 25%, 50%, darest I say, 75%, with the steelhead fishery being about the only fishing for large fish game in town during that time of year (especially November, December, and January), it is doubtful that the reduction in anglers would be anywhere near proportional to the reduction in stocking.  Sure, some would stay away, but the impact on the ratio of fish per angler would likely remain unchanged or even deteriorate, especially in the short run (pun intended).

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 08:48:20 (permalink)
    Raise the limit and kill em all. 
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 09:16:40 (permalink)
    Should definitely stock more, the walleye are starving... Is a cleo considered a wet or dry fly or is it more of a nymph or streamer?

    Surely 5 page potential, but when the guy with his finger on the trigger says 2...
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 10:08:02 (permalink)
    While we are on Elitist subjects ............. Whats with all the private clubs posting water that we pay to stock? I hear they have water on 20 mile , Elk, Walnut and even little 6 mile

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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 10:13:18 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: bulldog1

    Should definitely stock more, the walleye are starving... Is a cleo considered a wet or dry fly or is it more of a nymph or streamer?

    Surely 5 page potential, but when the guy with his finger on the trigger says 2...

    hey bulldog i would say they would be more of a streamer.
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 10:33:57 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: steelhound

    ORIGINAL: bulldog1

    Should definitely stock more, the walleye are starving... Is a cleo considered a wet or dry fly or is it more of a nymph or streamer?

    Surely 5 page potential, but when the guy with his finger on the trigger says 2...

    hey bulldog i would say they would be more of a streamer.

    I think it;s the other way around.
    A streamer would be considered more or less, a Cleo.
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 10:37:54 (permalink)
    Doctor says eat fish - take fish oil! Rather have my own - fresh - than buy from the store!

    God does not take from your life, the time spent fishing!
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 10:42:22 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Eriefisherman69

    While we are on Elitist subjects ............. Whats with all the private clubs posting water that we pay to stock? I hear they have water on 20 mile , Elk, Walnut and even little 6 mile

    You don't like it buy your own land it's a free country.

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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 10:51:41 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: kingnuke32

    ORIGINAL: Eriefisherman69

    While we are on Elitist subjects ............. Whats with all the private clubs posting water that we pay to stock? I hear they have water on 20 mile , Elk, Walnut and even little 6 mile

    You don't like it buy your own land it's a free country.

    Well I see you are a member of one of the clubs Figures

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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 11:01:47 (permalink)
    I am not a member nor would I be it's their land they can do as they please with it just as you can do as you please with yours.

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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 11:06:19 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: kingnuke32

    I am not a member nor would I be it's their land they can do as they please with it just as you can do as you please with yours.

    Let them buy fish then..... You and I pay for them

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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 11:11:30 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Mr.Slickfish

    Thanks for the support guys! I also agree with limit reductions.

    I read the feeding your family posts...if thats what your doing....keep em all, you can have mine to. Any of us that r sportfishing should never rope one...jmo

    Yup - Keep them all - and lower the limit to 1..

    Gotta love the PETA mentality when applied to a put&take fishery.
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 11:28:44 (permalink)
    If you guys are takin stabs at me about using cleos....that's not very nice.

    I catch (and release) alot of fish on them. I also pinch down the barbs on my treble hooks so it is less stressful on the fish.

    Its a put and take fishery....It seems fairly logical that when you take fish, there are less to fish for...right?

    I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
    I choose Little Cleos

    I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 11:32:42 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: Eriefisherman69

    ORIGINAL: kingnuke32

    I am not a member nor would I be it's their land they can do as they please with it just as you can do as you please with yours.

    Let them buy fish then..... You and I pay for them

    they buy licenses too
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    RE: Catch&Release 2011/08/18 11:34:47 (permalink)
    If you're legal do what you want to do.
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