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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 11:37:57
ORIGINAL: Litl Dude If you're legal do what you want to do. That was
post edited by Pork - 2011/08/18 11:38:32
"If you ever get hit with a bucket of fish, be sure to close your eyes." ><)))*>
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 11:39:33
It's not about "legal"...it's about ethics. I feel very strongly about this....put the darn things back unharmed...they taste like crap anyway.
post edited by Mr.Slickfish - 2011/08/18 11:40:43
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 11:42:26
abiding the law and staying legal, is uh, way for it.... ETHICAL
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 11:46:47
Thanks for the vocabulary lesson  ...and I think you meant " wait for it"  Maybe ethical isn't the right word. It just seems the "right thing to do". Numbers are dwindling, why not protect your resource?
post edited by Mr.Slickfish - 2011/08/18 11:47:56
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 11:51:09
I think implying that it is unethical to keep steelhead is taking things a bit too far... Bear in mind that these are stocked fish we are talking about. The great white fleet will back in the spring with a million more.
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 12:00:04
I'm with you slick. if i have to hear one more time about the tribs being a "put and take fishery" and it's my "God given right to keep 3 steelhead every time i come mup, just so it can sit in the freezer and rot." why can't we think about what might be going on on a bigger scale than "your right". how about the future of this fishery. I'm not against someone keeping a fish hell I've done it, but the goal of fishing should not be about keeping a limit every time out.
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 12:03:39
I dont keep a limit every time out, but if someone wants too then do it, PFBC says you can legally. Moderation is the key
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 12:04:20
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 12:40:00
Lesser Steels = More Eyes...Then Kill em all
Split Shot
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 12:44:47
My head is starting to hurt! rope'em (yellow)and smoke'em! They will continue to put back millions of them, because it means millions of $$$$$. I do not feel the same way about fish that have to reproduce on their own. Never heard anyone say "Please release your perch".
post edited by Split Shot - 2011/08/18 12:45:47
My Wife said, if I go fish'n one more time, she'll leave me! God, I'm going to miss her!
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 12:51:34
ok for as the stocking goes Im sure alot of the smolt stocked end up as a buffet for the walleye lol. But They have to be stocked when they are younger to know where to run back to the ultimate way would be to raise jacks then stock them then you would see a big turn around. I myself I keep two or three fish a year. Just enough for me to smoke and eat. The rest get thrown back. The sad part is there are laws and the only way to change them is goto the PFBC meeting and take a petition asking them to lower the limit on steelhead for a couple years. This would work. I drive 5 hours to come up there and fish now and I still feel the same way I will catch and release. I want my kids to be able to enjoy what i enjoy and to retire fishing for the bullets. ITs simple though convince the commission to lower the limit then its noones god given right to catch 3 fish ever day every trip. I heard stories from my grandpap about this place called fishermans paridise its on spring creek. when he was younger you had to wait in line to get tickets to fish there, You couldnt use barbs, and you could only take three fish a year I believe. Or look at West by god virgina where they preseason stock have a opening day then shut the streams down for a month to do their inseason stockings. There are ways to fix this just have to have the guys that want to make a difference peace out
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 13:02:38
Well said! I hope there are some left for my kids and grand kids.
I don't always snag fish, but when I do... I choose Little Cleos I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 13:28:18
ORIGINAL: Mr.Slickfish Well said! I hope there are some left for my kids and grand kids. You do realize that you are "protecting" a man-made fishery that resembles Disneyworld with the rediculous #'s of stocked fish - put there for thousands of "sportsmen" that think catching 30+ fish a day = Normality. You must be smokin the good stuff.
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 13:32:37
How can there NOT be any left for your kids and grand kids, if they keep stocking over a million per year? It's not a self sustaining fishery, that can be harvested beyong it's cappacity to replenish itself. Just like the pelletheads ( which see a much higher rate of harvest ), there will ALWAYS be fish. Because they keep PUTTING more in.
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 13:39:07
ok so they keep putting more in but if you lower the limit for a couple years the ones that dont get eaten or all the poacher russians or the guys you see with a 12 inch smolt on their stringer will produce higher numbers its math its simple statistics. But if you keep he 3 trout a day, then add the poachers, the smolt that get eaten, then you have alot less fish than if you lowered the limit and cracked down on people keeping illegal fish or catching twenty limits a day by snagging like the russian group does
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 13:49:21
Ok, say a fish gets caught then it gets released and actually makes it back to the lake. Then fast forward about 9 months and the fish comes back into the stream. Guess what. I bet it got bigger, but if the first time the fish was caught the angler kept it that fish will never see the potential for it's size. That's all I'm saying
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 14:00:13
ORIGINAL: steelhound Ok, say a fish gets caught then it gets released and actually makes it back to the lake. Then fast forward about 9 months and the fish comes back into the stream. Guess what. I bet it got bigger, but if the first time the fish was caught the angler kept it that fish will never see the potential for it's size. That's all I'm saying Do you think there is ample lake forage base for the increased #'s of survivors? How much bigger do you think the fish will get? Case in point - the do-gooders successfully lobbied for Steelhead trib creel reductions on the Lake O tribs in NY from 3 to 1. Several years later, the average size of a Salmon River steelhead are "Erie Sized" cookie cutters. The chances of landing one in the 15-20lb range are miniscule compared to years past. Quantity <> Quality... Call me old school - but I'd rather fish all day with a couple hookups - with a bona-fide chance of landing a 20lb trophy - vs- catching the same 6-8lber over & over& over again - some of you dwell way too much on #'s...(a.k.a Instant Gratification Generation)
post edited by draketrutta - 2011/08/18 14:04:44
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 14:03:13
Let 'em go if you want, but after yanking that cleo's treble out of their jaw they're probably not feeling too good anyway... Should ban treble hooks on the tribs... Thinking about buying some yellow 1/4 nylon rope and making stringers to sell along the cricks...
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 14:04:31
Killum all, let God sortum out...  ...WF, member of good standing in the Goon and Thug Rank and File
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 14:07:00
Big, You are assuming that those that are not harvested, will keep returning year after year. That is simply not the case. Very few of the fish ( other than jacks ) that make it back to the lake post season, survive to return the following year. NOW, rather than lower creel limits, raise the size limit to 18-20 inches. You might protect some number of jacks, and see some increase in overall numbers. But not much. The numbers each year, are really all about recruitment of smolt stocked 2 years prior. Years with high Walleye populations, will se lower recruitment, and lower returns 2 years later. Disease, or poor water conditions at the time of stocking may also result in poor recruitment. Lowering creel limits though, will have NO impact on recruitment. And very little ( if any ) impact on the size of the following year's run. We've seen two "down" years, with numbers that are STILL ridiculously high for the size of our streams. And everyone panics like it's never happened before. If you need more fish than there were the past two years to have a "good/great fishing". Then you are either unskilled, or spoiled ( by prior "boom" years ) into unrealtically high expectations.
Get Informed, Get Involved, And Make A Difference. Step Up, or Step Aside The next time you say "Somebody should do something", remember that YOU are somebody. GL
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 14:14:07
blah, blah, blah...same old crap every year. I couldnt care less but thought I'd add to the total to reach at least 5 pages. Headin to MI for some Kings and won't think about erie trib chrome until Thanksgiving. Hopefully most of the retards will have given up by then, and if not its no big deal. 90% dont know what they're doing and refuse to walk further than the access points anyway. I always get my share...then let 'em go.
"Some go to church and think about fishing, others go fishing and think about God."~by Tony Blake~ "Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in. Its thin current slides away, but eternity remains." ~by Henry David Thoreau~
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RE: Catch&Release
2011/08/18 14:23:22
ORIGINAL: kingnuke32 ORIGINAL: Eriefisherman69 ORIGINAL: kingnuke32 I am not a member nor would I be it's their land they can do as they please with it just as you can do as you please with yours. Let them buy fish then..... You and I pay for them they buy licenses too Thanks Captain Obvious ...... I never would have known that........ Lets say you go to the grocery store the same time I do ok.... You buy groceries I buy groceries.... When we get out to the trucks load yours in my truck along with mine and I'll drive away leaving you standing in the parking lot with a dumbfounded look on your face.... If you can't understand that I don't know what else to say except maybe you should get an education in the real world .....
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