What Anchor?

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2011/08/17 21:06:35 (permalink)

What Anchor?

I have a 20' Thompson with a #8 Fluke Style Anchor. It will not hold the boat in Lake Erie in 50' of water with 1-3's. Will a #13 work any better? What's the best Lake Erie anchor for a 20' deepV boat? My Grandson gave me specific instruction to get this boat to hold over the school!!!. Thanks for suggestions.

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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/17 21:24:44 (permalink)
    that anchor should hold your boat in 1-3's. You may just need to let more rope out so the angle of the rope is less vertical. Do you have at least 5' of chain from the rope to the anchor? That helps the anchor to dig in also.  

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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/17 21:45:52 (permalink)
    I beleive the "rule of thumb" is 3 times the depth of the water... So if you are anchored in 50'..let out 150 of line.. Of course this is only a general "rule" in 1 -3's you shouldn't need that much...
    Dream Catcher
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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/17 23:54:31 (permalink)
    Buy an 18 lb danforth with 10 feet of chain and forget about using rode x7 . My 24ft hardtop will stop on a dime in 3-6footers with 2-3X rode . Be sure the anchor is galvanized with NO PAINT or rubberized coating on it ; they tend to slip in the mud and not grip .
    post edited by Dream Catcher - 2011/08/17 23:55:01
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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/18 08:49:44 (permalink)
    I have a 12# danforth with about 12' of chain that'll stop anything with enough rode out.

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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/18 15:17:31 (permalink)
    Thanks again for the good input. I think I'll stay with the anchor I have, get 150' of rope, and invest in a anchor retrival ball rather than Break-Out-Another-Tho!
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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/18 15:36:11 (permalink)
    Add 5' chain

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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/18 15:37:18 (permalink)
    As long as you're gettin rode, I would get at least 200', the chain will make a big difference but it never hurts to have extra rode... your anchor should do fine...
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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/18 15:52:01 (permalink)
    agreed....the length of the rode is more important.

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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/18 15:57:04 (permalink)
    What not to do with your anchor..

    Fished Chautauqua one day and had the anchor hanging over the side of the boat on one of those anchor locks with the wheel.

    Forgot to put it in the boat when I left. The anchor holder didn't hold and the anchor must have been trailing down the road 50 feet behind the boat and trailer.
    Not sure where I lost it(rope broke at the boat) but I bet some of the pedestrians in Panama had to be ducking when some fool rode through town swinging a 10lb anchor on 50 ft of rope....

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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/18 16:14:10 (permalink)
    There are some well known deep water hot spots on Sayer's Lake.  Typically, the first 3-4 boats out at a tournament head straight there.  One year, a club member of ours drew the first boat out and immediately headed for the best spot.  When he got there he deployed an anchor, something that tournament bass anglers rarely do.  With an anchor down and trolling motor stored, by tournment rules he was able to claim a 50 yard berth from any other tournment anglers.  He parked his butt there almost all day and while he knew where the spot was, he didn't really know how to catch fish off the type of structure that was present. 
    When we passed him late in the afternoon, he hollered over to us and asked if we wanted the spot, he wasn't doing anything on it.  Since we had done well there in the past, we were glad to take over for him.  Being careful not to set ourselves up for a possible protest by other anglers for violating the anchor distance rule, we told him we would move on the spot after he left.  Not thinking about it, he tied down his rods, popped on his lifejacket, and tried to jump the boat up on plane.  He forgot that he was anchored (it was probably the first time ever for him doing that).  The boat just stood up like a bucking bronco.  He settled it back in the water and tried again.  Same results.  At this point we are laughing so hard that tears are coming.  He had no idea what was so funny about him not being able to plane his boat.  On the third attempt, the prop cut the anchor rope and the boat shot out of the water like a submarine making an emergency porpoise with the prop coming out of the water and spinning wildly in the air.  The boat slammed to the water and since the prop hadn't caught, the nose dove in and completly soaked the occupants.  He let off the throttle and water washed over from behind as well.  And of course, he had lost his anchor, chain, and all but about two feet of rope (he was tied off the stern).  I bet he never anchored again for as long as he boated.

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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/18 19:23:11 (permalink)
    I was crappie fishing at crooked creek one day and heard something strange when a boat accelerated away.I turned to look and saw someone take off w the anchor still out. The anchor had came up the the surface skipped on the surface for a bit then caught in the water stretching the rope and launching the anchor like a sling shot back at the boat. It hit one of the passengers knocked em on their****but they seemed ok. It happened so fast and was about 200 yds,away I'm not sure where the person got hit but we could kinda hear them talking. Crazy to see something like thathappen
    Dream Catcher
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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/19 00:13:51 (permalink)
    if u fish it daily you will quickly learn... this IS lake Erie sand & mud bottom ... with an occasional water spout or 3 ......... 2foot or less eventually end up at 4-6 fters .... go big or go home( anchor that is ) : )

    post edited by Dream Catcher - 2011/08/19 00:20:37
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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/19 18:06:53 (permalink)
    plenty of rode and a chain is the first step.  even with rode and chain the wave action can break your anchor loose. i have  a anchor bungee thingy. i cant remember what it is called anchor buddy maybe? it is a bungee cord that absorbs some of the wave action and keeps the anchor from popping lose during the wave action.  it works well for me.  another trick that may help is most people anchor off a cleat. this puts your boat diagnal to the waves and will make matters worse. if your still not holding use a robe conected to both front cleats with a clevis in the middle to tie your anchor too. this will point yout bow into the wind and waves and lessen the stress on the anchor.
    or you can just get a big****anchor! 
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    RE: What Anchor? 2011/08/19 19:54:00 (permalink)
    Practical laws of physics do not explain why a 12lb anchor weighs 3 times as much as an 8lbwhen lifting from 80 fow.

    No one has mentioned setting the anchor.
    After anchor is out- pull it with the boat to dig in.

    After main anchor is set sometimes in tight conditions I drop a 15lb crabclaw over the side to reduce moving sideways (pendulum swing)

    200 ft of rope can be easier to handle in 100 ft pieces with a swivel in between.
    Metal loops whipped at ends protect rope.
    Anchor buddy can be made by tying heavy bungee cord into a loop in main line.
    4-5' of bungee between knots 10' apart on main line work.
    Buddies are sometimes also known as snubbers

    I am not going to buy another anchor or dock buddy-seen a few float away because of crew

    Trailer buddy is OK and very hard to loose.

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