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2011/08/11 18:06:16 (permalink)


what line do you guys like for steel
i been using the trilene xt 6 pound never broke when new but gets old fast

getting ready for some punishment and need to get ripped its killing me

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    RE: line 2011/08/11 18:09:03 (permalink)
    4# Pline. 3.7# and 4.8# seagar max leader.
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    RE: line 2011/08/11 18:13:08 (permalink)
    thats a nicew coyote in yout picture
    i blast them alot myself
    how much that weigh? theswe cool nights man
    blast or punish steel never can pick what to do its a fun time of year
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    RE: line 2011/08/11 18:13:41 (permalink)
    yeah that line is good
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    RE: line 2011/08/11 19:53:50 (permalink)
    i like a 280g skagit

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    RE: line 2011/08/11 20:18:07 (permalink)
    Going with a different approach this year.

    Ill be using 15lb. High vise power pro and with a uni to uni knot Ill be using 3' of 6# seagar flouro with my 10'6" noodle rod. For the first 2 months of the season. Then Ill be onto the fly rod from november on.

    If Im daring enough Ill bring out the 3' spongebob rod and 20 mono with a red and white bouy to present my porkchop at the right depth.

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    RE: line 2011/08/11 20:28:21 (permalink)
    4# suffix elite clear no leader needed
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    RE: line 2011/08/11 20:42:12 (permalink)
    Seagar Deetz said , the double uni knot is the way to go for running line/leader to tippet
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    RE: line 2011/08/11 22:10:12 (permalink)
    DAM Tectan from fishUSA in 9.2 I use it for leader on my flyrod and mainline for my noodle. I just got 2 new spools on low towards the end of the season last year and was not cool with that! Great stuff!

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    RE: line 2011/08/11 23:53:47 (permalink)
    Powerpro with 4-6lb PLine or Seagar fluorocarbon

    Results I expect from this question:
    25% use some type of braid
    25% mono
    25% will recommend some type of fly line. Was this about flyline?
    25% will change the subject and start an unrelated argument
    post edited by pghmarty - 2011/08/11 23:54:57

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    RE: line 2011/08/12 06:50:36 (permalink)
    R da Feesh up 2 da top sine ho yet?
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    RE: line 2011/08/12 08:51:41 (permalink)
    I am curious about using heavy line with a fluoro tippet on a noodle rod. what is the advantage of that vs. just using fluoro?
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    RE: line 2011/08/12 09:17:01 (permalink)
    I think your just fine using regular flouro on a noodle rod set up. The comparison between bulk spools of flouro line for spinning...and other gear and small 30-50 meter spools of flouro tippet intended for fly fishing is, small tippett spools are treated more and generally more subtle and smaller gauge for the pound test rating they are given. I use the larger spools myself for tippett when targeting Steelhead, now when I might be dry fly fishing I will use the tippett intended for that purpose.
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    RE: line 2011/08/12 09:51:56 (permalink)
    there defenetly no comparison between floro and mono on any rod. i will argue that all day. i and many other people have many many more hook ups on 100% floro. there is nothing bigger than 4# Pline for steel. with many more hook ups my fish landed ratio is way higher than my break off ratio. check your line for nicks and retie after catching a couple fish you should not have any problem.
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    RE: line 2011/08/12 10:00:17 (permalink)


    i like a 280g skagit

    do you reload those 280's?
    been messing around with 30o wins...

    always liked the ballistics
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    RE: line 2011/08/12 10:43:53 (permalink)
    No need for anything less than 6# test mainline for Erie steel....I don't go less than 12# mainline on my C-pin and no less than 6# flouro leader....This debate has been covered every year since I've been on this board, its so redundant, but certainly funny. Akitadog I'd love to fish with you come this fall with your 4# test and we can compare results.

    Finally, although I have fallen to the flouro ads and claims and use it myself, I still feel it is way overrated. JMHO

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    RE: line 2011/08/12 11:16:00 (permalink)
    I'm curious to others opinions on this.............
    Flouro sinks, mono floats. Since that is the case, and most noodle users are using a float and trying to acheive a natural drift, wouldn't it be most prudent to use mono mainline and flouro leader? It makes sense to me that one would want the line to stay on top with the float so that you could "mend" the line so to speak, so a more natural drift is acheived. I would think a sinking line like flouro would make that impossible.

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    RE: line 2011/08/12 11:40:29 (permalink)
    when the water conditions are low and clear thats when im spooled with the Pline and seagar. when the water is that clear i dont use a float. when your floating a float through a school of fish when the water is gin clear and the fish are moving aside of your line, they see it. start by taking the float off. THEY CAN SEE IT. that by its self will give you more hook ups. when the water has some color and some flow, just to get that good drift,(and you do need the rite drift) i have a spool filled with 6# siglon ff swiveled to my seagar. thats when i use the 4.8 seagar. when u can drift a single egg through a school of fish and have them eat your egg almost every cast instead of getting out of the way, then you got it figured out. i could noway do that with 4# mono no matter how i tryed. i would be glad to hook up and do some fishing with you shut up. come sept. i get up there every chance i get, we have probably fished by each other already and didnt know it. im there alot.
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    RE: line 2011/08/12 13:42:45 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: akitadog

    when the water conditions are low and clear thats when im spooled with the Pline and seagar. when the water is that clear i dont use a float. when your floating a float through a school of fish when the water is gin clear and the fish are moving aside of your line, they see it. start by taking the float off. THEY CAN SEE IT. that by its self will give you more hook ups. when the water has some color and some flow, just to get that good drift,(and you do need the rite drift) i have a spool filled with 6# siglon ff swiveled to my seagar. thats when i use the 4.8 seagar. when u can drift a single egg through a school of fish and have them eat your egg almost every cast instead of getting out of the way, then you got it figured out. i could noway do that with 4# mono no matter how i tryed. i would be glad to hook up and do some fishing with you shut up. come sept. i get up there every chance i get, we have probably fished by each other already and didnt know it. im there alot.

    Your theory may hold true, in fact it probably does in clear conditions. But ANY seasoned float fisherman/drift fisherman knows that your ultimate goal is to make the fish see the presentation first. When one can master THAT technique is when he/she got 'er licked. I don't care if you're using a florescent rope attached to your hook!

    By the way, I have a buddy who uses 8 and 12lb. Berkley clear XT with NO leader and I'm willing to bet he catches and gets more steelhead hook ups than you and I combined.

    IMO, the key to consistant success on moving water is PRESENTATION before and above line, tackle, hooks, floats and even bait in most cases.

    I'm curious to others opinions on this.............

    Flouro sinks, mono floats. Since that is the case, and most noodle users are using a float and trying to acheive a natural drift, wouldn't it be most prudent to use mono mainline and flouro leader? It makes sense to me that one would want the line to stay on top with the float so that you could "mend" the line so to speak, so a more natural drift is acheived. I would think a sinking line like flouro would make that impossible.

    You are correct in thinking that floating line is an advantage to float/drift fishing. However, the line beneath your float is meant to sink and reach the bottom as effectively as far as flouro leader is concerned, I only use about 18" or so and no less than 12". It is the line above the float/indicator/bobber that you want to stay afloat so that you can easily mend your line as it bows or drifts down stream ahead of your float. In most cases, I try to eliminate any line on the water as I can by keeping a direct tension to my float via rod tip to top of my float (hence the longer rods).....this is the most effective way to achieve instantaneous hook sets.

    post edited by ShutUpNFish - 2011/08/12 14:08:04

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    RE: line 2011/08/12 14:02:41 (permalink)
    10 4 on keeping the line off the water. another think that gets me is when u can see all the fish just under the top of the water and everybody in the hole has a 3 and 4 foot leader under their float and wonder why they arent catching any. i have walked into hole surrounded by fisherman not catchen a **** thing, and put my smallest float 3 to 5 inches above my egg and just hammer fish and then have people make smart remarks.
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    RE: line 2011/08/12 16:53:23 (permalink)
    I use 6lb seaguar fluro most of the time, but 4lb when the water is both really low and crystal clear.
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    RE: line 2011/08/12 17:09:58 (permalink)
    what do you guys think about using braid with a mono leader? i have a perch rod rigged with braid and might try casting some spoons. it might not cast to well but good hookups
    if you do get a bite.what do you think?
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    RE: line 2011/08/12 19:32:06 (permalink)
    that would be fine when the water was some color and some flow. braid floats it will help with the drift. clear water, no way.
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    RE: line 2011/08/12 19:36:51 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: ShutUpNFish

    I don't care if you're using a florescent rope attached to your hook!

    Wait until you see the florescent rope I'm spooling up the pin with this year. Better make sure you have your sunglasses on.
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    RE: line 2011/08/14 08:20:27 (permalink)
    Pinner , you mean its going to be brighter than the hot pink line you used last year.   Sheesh .....

    If so then remind me when we go fishing together again to wear 2 pairs of polarized sun glasses. One pair for the water glare and the other pair for the line glare.

    The Deetz
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    RE: line 2011/08/14 08:32:46 (permalink)
    As far as flouro vs. mono ..... floating / sinking deal , Most of the places you fish in Erie tribs you wont need to worry about mending line unless your fishing very slow/stagnant moving water. Even then , unless your pinning and have the room, your not fishing a long stretch of water. With a longer pole like a noodle rod 10' or longer keeping the line off the water to your float is not a problem due to the size of the tribs here anyways. IMO. In many of my experiences in fishing these tribs its not the deep slow holes where I get consistent hook ups. Its the faster moving water where I have my best results,again JMO. However with the right presentation you can hook up in any situation.

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    RE: line 2011/08/14 19:18:32 (permalink)
    line size should only depend on hook size example: single egg size 20 hook 2-4# test  as opposed to fist size ball of skein size 2 hook 15-20 # test i also hear steelhead are attracted to color more so than scent so maybe cajun line would be best..........

    but in all seriousness use what you are comfortable with especially if you plan on catch and release fishing the line should be strong enough so as not to have to kill the fish to bring it in   
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    RE: line 2011/08/14 19:49:04 (permalink)
    6 lb Vanish
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    RE: line 2011/08/15 06:05:42 (permalink)
    4 lb McCoy
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    RE: line 2011/08/15 07:50:43 (permalink)
    4lb seguar invisx handles very nicely and has good knot strength. got my first confirmed 10lber on it last Nov. The line from last years still in pretty good shape too. Caught a few nice smallies on it last month and it still held up good. Will change it before fall though. I spent almost a whole day on the tribs in low and clear conditions using 6lb fireline up to the float and a flouro 4lb leader From there. Only landed a couple small browns in about 6hrs. Switched to all flouro and hooked up in less than15 min. I'll keep the braid for cloudy water. They make clear floating fly line?
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