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Are they feeding on top still or is a deep swing the ticket these days? DB any good tarpon holding water by your place?
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I saw a pair of permit swimming through the other day but iwas targetting bonefish
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hot tuna
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Salmo maybe this will help him remember: Salmon River Tarpon: Funny though how they all disappear when the sharks start swimming those waters  And yes, sharks don’t feed but do strike..
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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I knew a guy who hooked one and had a skam strike it while reeling it in.... Ps... fall fish do nothing for me. When I small mouth fish I use a large enough baits or flies to keep the fall guys away... and trust me it works... pps.. if you wanna catch fallies (not smallies) right now; I suggest hitting the tail of the town pool. They tend to sip dries off the surface in the lower half of the pool.
post edited by dimebrite - 2011/08/10 20:17:39
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Hey ---with those Tarpo I am a 10/90 guy- can catchem in a dirt road with no bait.
post edited by retired guy - 2011/08/10 21:41:54
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Caught my largest dryfly brown in the lower clay while walking the river one June looking for structure changes. Casting a #8 royal coachman for tarpon when bam one turns into a brown close to 6 lbs. I lived it back in the day before DSR and you could wander around down there whenever you wanted. I also caught my earliest king just below the glide one early June day when fishing for fallfish and the "accidental" smallies.
hot tuna
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wader i LOVED the LOWER clay back in the day.. these days I'm just too lazy to do that death march any longer and its long gone now from what I'm told.. I start just below the glide and work down as far as the clay if I'm lucky.. Usually just the flats below the spring hole and I'm toast.. In aug when scouting for kings always had fun with tarpon and yes the little trouts too.. Never got anythng of size.. Just un lucky.. but still fun to flick (hurl)dries on the 8wt .. turn over the fly ? how do you say it drake ? oh forget it.. hope your doing well bro.. Got a **** pile of cd's almost ready to send you.. Thinking a post office run Friday.. Be on the look out next week..
post edited by hot tuna - 2011/08/10 21:29:01
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
retired guy
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Hey those little Tarpon/chubbie things are tasty too-like my Sushie right there streamside.
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ORIGINAL: retired guy Hey those little Tarpon/chubbie things are tasty too-like my Sushie right there streamside. Now that's something I would like to see!
retired guy
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Friends were fishing a breakwater on the Sound here in Ct and some foreign guys were catching undersized fishies cutting them up as soon as they caught them and and eating them raw right on the spot. Its been a kinda joke with us ever since.
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I may do a tuna trip out to the canyon this fall. If i get one I may be inclined to slice off a few pieces of sashimi for myself... as I prefer my tuna cold; not hot
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ORIGINAL: pafisher ORIGINAL: retired guy Hey those little Tarpon/chubbie things are tasty too-like my Sushie right there streamside. Now that's something I would like to see! they probably eat better than a river shark.
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ORIGINAL: draketrutta ORIGINAL: pafisher ORIGINAL: retired guy Hey those little Tarpon/chubbie things are tasty too-like my Sushie right there streamside. Now that's something I would like to see! they probably eat better than a river shark. Just about anything is better than the SR mud shark,I get a chuckle watching the anglers below the bridge drag them to their cars and off to the cleaning station.
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they taste pretty good when they look like this  and yes tuna i know ive posted this one before, just using it as an example... btw at this point, i might as well just hand my pics to you when i shake your hand for the first time in september...
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ORIGINAL: pafisher ORIGINAL: draketrutta ORIGINAL: pafisher ORIGINAL: retired guy Hey those little Tarpon/chubbie things are tasty too-like my Sushie right there streamside. Now that's something I would like to see! they probably eat better than a river shark. Just about anything is better than the SR mud shark,I get a chuckle watching the anglers below the bridge drag them to their cars and off to the cleaning station. then they proceed to mix-up their top secret GLAZING COMPOUND in a 5gal bucket whilst the smoker warms up.... Whatever floats their boats - I like my fish cooked in a very simple manner - hot cast iron skillet, a wee bit of oil, salt & pepper... I only eat perch & gills - when caught through the ice. Poor man's lobsta.
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ORIGINAL: dimebrite they taste pretty good when they look like this and yes tuna i know ive posted this one before, just using it as an example... btw at this point, i might as well just hand my pics to you when i shake your hand for the first time in september...
if you are yanking that bad boy onto the Pacific coast shoreline, then I agree, you gotza eater dare...
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that fish was delicious... but yes, if it were from the pacific coast, i will agree that it would look feel and taste much better in your mouth
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wIfF r wIfFoUt mYz TeETiNz?
hot tuna
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I'm with you drake: I have not found a salmon,brown,laker,rainbow or steelhead that suites my taste.. Be it as silver from the river as that pic or 100' deep from the lake where they don’t get more fresher.. I'll take a beer battered deep fried bluegill or perch or a few mountain stream brookies ANY day over those fish.. Only time I'll keep anything from there is If I know someone else will eat them.. But everyone’s tastes are different.. P.S. now I been laid up for a few weeks and find most my time has been devoted here, basically find it takes up most my time in all this chatter.. Question: Now db.. I know you said you use your phone and voice activated.. BUT how the heck are you having such free time to answer all these posts ?? And if so voice activated how the heck does it know when to use ( ) or ..... need not answer if you like.. Just trying to learn .. I'm trying to burn the last few disc's for wader so my reply if you do will be in a while..
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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ORIGINAL: hot tuna now I been laid up for a few weeks and find most my time has been devoted here, basically find it takes up most my time in all this chatter.. if monitoring/responding to a few posts on a handful of threads takes up most of your time, you gotz the date****pillz...
hot tuna
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Really must have... I see most times these things start around 8am or earlier and run well into the evening.. Now like said , I dont read books well so I'm a little slow.. But lets figure: many times a dozen or more replys per day.. I see it all the time.. But we will use 12 as a basis.. 5min. to read the response = 1 hr. right ? 5min. to reply = 1 hr. so we are up to 2 hrs of post time.. there alone.. Then stare and wait for the comback.. 1 hr.. man 3 hrs is a lot of free time.. but then again what else do i have to do, i cant fish right now and dont seem like you guys are either .. not busting balls , just wondering how its done.. besides what the heck does this have to do with TARPON anyway ??? LMAO.
post edited by hot tuna - 2011/08/11 13:23:58
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Two weeks ago I ordered a package of those Sea Monkeys (that you see in the back of magazines) for my young nephew. You just add water and they grow in a little watery habitat and have a wonderful life when properly cared for. The UPS guy dropped the package off by the garage instead of my covered porch. He must have placed it on the trash can over there. It was windy and I guess the package blew down behind the trash can and I did not find it till trash day. During that time, it had rained several days. When I opened the package I was shocked! The sea monkeys had already been growing from all the rain that soaked the package. Problem was there was no food or sunlight for them. As I examined the Habitat more closely, I found several cannibalized skeletons of the weaker monkeys that fell victim to what seemed a gang of Albino Monkeys(Lack of sunlight) that had taken over the Habitat. In one corner of the Habitat they had set up a teeny meth lab and would sell their product to the remaining sea monkeys that would pay with one of their weaker friends that would end up at the gang's dinner table. It was a horrific sight. Complete Anarchy in there I tell Ya! The non gang member monkeys cared not about lack of food as long as they got their drugs. Terrible scene Man. I had to throw the whole habitat away and buy my nephew a new lego game instead. Have a great afternoon HT.
hot tuna
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Now that there is Funny chit my man !!! I am off the prescripts and heading to the post office in a little while to ship a package to wader.. I just found an old Avenger comic book and had those same monkeys in there.. Gonna order up a double batch ...
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna tuna......... I just read 5 posts within a matter of 6 minutes. the voice activation is pretty sweet but a lot of times I am typing manually as well. For this post everything has been spoken. as for the posts and then comments; if you think that I am watching a screen the whole time don't kid yourself. I have the internet at the touch of my hand at anytime and I can make phone calls and do all other things while the internet is up and running... I have thought that maybe I should at least sign out when I am done posting so people don't think that I am always signed in looking at the screen. I'll be honest with you go yesterday I was barely able to keep up to speed with things and today I am having the same trouble.lmao... I know that I still owe you a pm. It's just that I think mine might be twice the novel as yours was so I haven't found time to do that yet Total time to read all of the new posts and then comment on this 1 probably no more than 10 minutes
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Far from 3 hours Oh yeah and drake like I've always said you are a class act my brother
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Okay for those following I have now made 1 business call went and pick up my son from daycare and now I just figured I'd check in real quick. time spent 45 seconds carry on. p s. this is all done with voice activation Except for the wink...
hot tuna
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thats cool , just wondering about those new "smart" phones.. For me to keep up with all the posts, type and at least consider a thought.. I'm in the 3hr range.. But soon as I'm healed up my time will be spent on the water..
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Hey tuna speaking of hitting the water I got out last night with my little boy and slammed a 4 pound large mouth and a 2 pounder. In the past few years I have grown a new passion for large mouth being that I cannot target my favorite species at all times... maybe 1 day though
hot tuna
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That’s awesome and gets the little ones interested.. Got burned out on bass in the 80's and never got back into it.. I had a 1986 Ranger bought new and sold about 3 years ago.. Fished bass tournaments pretty much 3 times a week for about 5 years .. Totally burned me out on bass .. Now I'm anti-competition unless for kicks and giggles.. For sure get the kid into bass and even better bluegills and perch .. Good eats there man and usually plenty action to keep him busy... If not the fly rod then use the noodle rod with a tiny float and tiny tube jug.. A blast for sure.. what no pics edit: every single time I go fishing I take pictures.. It's just part of my gear.. Believe me you guys would get sick of seeing all the times I go fishing, as if you probably havent already.. LOL
post edited by hot tuna - 2011/08/11 16:50:47
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen