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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/08 22:37:25 (permalink)
Wouldnt even think bout on public lands - landowner permission only. Some have even asked me if I wanna build a permanent tree blind ( house?)
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 00:31:51 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: retired guy

  Do a similar arrangment as Doc. Have the top tied around the tree so it wont slip when I stand and it gets bumped and I have it tied to the bottom section as well on the back side. Its always the section with no weight on it that slips when bumped so when they are attached they cant separate more than the tied length. Clearly ya always have weight on one of them.
  Have put in a nail or screw on some trees to slip the back of the top section over at the desired height just so it cant slip even when tied, that insurs the bottom aint goin down either when tied together.
Just too much to think bout anymore--ladder stands forever. Dont get so high but just sit still and use a little brushy camo or limbs.

Just too much to think bout anymore--ladder stands forever. Dont get so high but just sit still and use a little brushy camo or limbs.

I usually put em up and leave em up except for the seat. Not something I enjoy moving around.

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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 08:00:06 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: Esox_Hunter


Having seen banner years, I am qualified.

Who isn't qualified to define a banner year is someone that thinks what they have now is one.

Someone who exerts roughly 2-3 days of effort towards deer hunting annually and knows nothing about my current or previous hunting situation is not qualified to define a banner year on my behalf.

I guess I should have known better than to express my excitement for the upcoming season and post anything positive about deer hunting in PA on here

I should have known better than to think that you would get the point.

Saying that you are going to have a banner year because you have the opportunity at a deer is like saying you won the lottery because you have the opportunity to buy a Power Ball ticket.  There is a vast difference between opportunity and results.

As Tull said, I guess you have a lot lower standards when you define banner for yourself.

So I will stand corrected.  You will have a banner year for you, for what you define as banner, and what you have come to know as banner from your perspective.

For those that have experienced the past, however, it would be impossible to have a banner year.   If you want to define that as negative, so be it.  I define it as the truth through 40 years of experience.  We seem to have a difference in how we define things.
As for your offhanded 2 to 3 days of effort smartarse comment, when that is all it takes to be successful, why put in any more effort?  Has all your time in the woods produced five 8-points over 18" wide?  If not, maybe oyu need to be out there 24/7/365.
Time served only counts for prison, you don't get any brownie points for spending more unsuccessful time in the woods.  What type of twisted logic says that the more time you spend failing means that you are better at what you are attempting?
I certainly didn't mean to quell your excitement.  Your excitement is your excitement.  But don't confuse excitement over the potential of something happening with something banner or even being good.  
post edited by DarDys - 2011/08/09 08:06:30

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 08:12:25 (permalink)
    Each and every year I get out and hunt is a 'banner year' no matter if the 'bigun' is around or not-aint the killin- just the huntin.
   Had years with more than one big guy- years with just an eater and years I passed - all the same--great.
    Matter of fact- some of the very best memories are when ya didnt score at all just that something happened to make it a great hunt.
   That said, I understand where Esox is coming from- the anticipation of a season with all the preseason scouting and preparation and subsequent expectations is most certainly a great part of what we hunters do and enjoy so very much. Particularly if one is sure that quality animals are with the confines of the area to be hunted.
    Makes it even better if ya decide to pass all others working out that one particular deer. Can be a hoot.
post edited by retired guy - 2011/08/09 08:28:14
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 09:23:47 (permalink)
That said, I understand where Esox is coming from- the anticipation of a season with all the preseason scouting and preparation and subsequent expectations is most certainly a great part of what we hunters do and enjoy so very much.

And I agree... most Pa deer hunters never set the high standards that Dars does to be successful or to be excited about the up-coming season.. But as Dars said to each his own on what they think is great, good, successful or BANNER.... but Essox certainly had the right to say he is looking forward to a BANNER year...

.. most Pa deer hunters could never just spend 2-3 days and be successful.. Obvioulsy he has had that success souly based on the areas he is lucky enough to be able to hunt.. that's not the case for most Pa deer hunters.. If it were - just imagine the succss rate and harvest numbers...

If everyone set his standards to be successful or have a banner year as Dars does .. we would have lost 600K hunters by now..

Not everyone is as lucky, successful, or great as Dars... """five 8-points over 18" wide"""

post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/09 09:28:33
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 09:44:59 (permalink)
I am probably not making myself clear on what I would define as "banner."  So I'll try with something other than deer.
I have gone to the Florida Keys for the last 12 years to fly fish for tarpon.  Each year I get excited.  Each year is filled with anticipation.  Each year is filled with promise and opportunity.
But is each year a banner year?  Absolutely not.
This past trip was the first one were I did not catch a tarpon.  I had two of the biggest tarpon hooked that I had ever seen, let alone stuck a hook in, but I lost one on a jump and had another break the class tippet.  Since I not only saw, but hooked the two biggest tarpon in my limited experience, was this a banner year?  Absolutely not.  A banner year would be the trip where I caught 11.  Were any of them as big as the ones that I encountered this year?  Nope.  Not even close.  Those two fish wer ein the 150 class, a fairly rare occurance.  There were a few 100 pounders in those 11, but most were smaller fish -- 70 to 90 pounds.  But, that was, to me, a banner year.  I accomplished my goal, catching tarpon, and I did it by catchign some decent ones among a bunch.
You see, not every year can be a banner year because that term is comparative in nature, like worst, bad, average, good, banner.
To take the definition to even a different, hypothetical plane, let's be a player on an imaginary team.  The period leading up to each season is full of anticipation, excitement, opportunity, and promise, but each season doesn't always pan out that way.  Let's say that the team plays five seasons.  During those seasons they go undefeated one season at 10-0; 8-2 another season; 5-5 another; 2-8 for another season; and 0-10 losing every game.  Was the 0-10 season a banner season?  No, it was the worst.  Was the 2-8 season a banner season?  No, it was a bad season.  Was the 5-5 season a banner year?  No, it was average at best.  Was the 8-2 season a banner year?  No, it was merely a good year.  Was the 10-0 season a banner year?  Yes it was.
So while you can all look forward to it being a banner year in your own experience, there is a great possibility that it won't be.  And further, when Esox makes the statement that this is going to be another banner year, particularly with regard to bucks as it pertains to hunting in PA as a whole, those of us that have experienced the banner years find it impossible for that to be the case when the buck harvest has been almost cut in half.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 09:55:11 (permalink)

No need to keep explaining your "deep seated" beliefs.. we know... you're one of those that has to be #1 ... anything else is un-exceptable... we get it ...

just hooking a monster fish means nothing to you.. you got nothing from it...

we get it !!! ..

Many of us "OTHERS" would have just loved to be out there fishing for trapon.... and it may have been the high spot in our "little lives" to even hook such a fish...

we get it ==== you do not have to contiune to put the rest of us down based on your experiences and opinions... at least IMHO it explains why you are such a negative person
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/09 09:58:18
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 10:11:20 (permalink)
    I to want a banner year........BUT, to me I am just thankful to have the ability (physically)to get out there.
If I am able to get 12 or 15 times for deer that's a good year for me. My frustration is going out there and seeing NOTHING. I hunt a private farm near Mt. Pleasant Pa. on the first day and usually see 15-20 deer and hear 150 shots.....yes I count them....LOL. But, after the first day they all go into hiding. I also hunt around the house here in southern Allegheny County.  Still, even around home getting to see--or getting close enough for a clean shot--- those chances come VERY few and far between. I remember hunting as a kid with dad  a a friend's cabin near Wellersburg Pa. and seeing 50 to 100 on the first day. My dad yelled at me the one time because I was busy counting this herd and not looking for a rack...there was 48 by the way....and none with horns.....My luck is I see gobblers in deer....and bucks in turkey season...
  I don't hunt doe season or look to kill a doe in archery or muzzle loader. I have not killed a buck for about 20 years, but I still go out there.  My wife says, "Glad we don't survive on your track record...We would have starved by now!" OUCH ! My reply is, "You will never no if I get one the first day. Because it will be at the  butchers and in my buddys freezer. I tell you in January. After I went hunting 10 more times."
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 10:18:00 (permalink)
To take the definition to even a different, hypothetical plane, let's be a player on an imaginary team. The period leading up to each season is full of anticipation, excitement, opportunity, and promise, but each season doesn't always pan out that way. Let's say that the team plays five seasons. During those seasons they go undefeated one season at 10-0; 8-2 another season; 5-5 another; 2-8 for another season; and 0-10 losing every game. Was the 0-10 season a banner season? No, it was the worst. Was the 2-8 season a banner season? No, it was a bad season. Was the 5-5 season a banner year? No, it was average at best. Was the 8-2 season a banner year? No, it was merely a good year. Was the 10-0 season a banner year? Yes it was.

So if the player is like you he is upset at the teams performance and has to consider it a loss in the poor years... but can brag about the winning seasons..

he is not allowed to feel that terrible season was still a bannner year for him because he had the most home runs he ever had...

He should instead hang his head because the team did not succeed... maybe he should even quit because he was not on a successful winning team .. inspite of his record year...

I think most would feel the team did it's best, and from most interviews I see most baseball players LOVE PLAYING THE GAME first... they love playing.. they have fun...winning is a bonus for their efforts ,,, but they all realize = you can't win them all.

I'd be afraid that a team with your standrds would just stop playing once they realized they were not going to be in first place... what would be the sense in continuing if it's all about winning first prize ????

So once a driver gets a lap or two down in Nascar just go to the garage.. you're a loser... not successful... no banner year for you..I can't rememebr a race where Joe Nemechek has been in the top 5 or won.. but he's out there every week... MY GUESS is.. he loves to race win or lose..... and enjoys the sport..

WOW.. I am so happy I have never allowed or been asked to put that pressure on me...

I'm a do the best you can, average guy, and am proud of my efforts win or lose........

So maybe deer hunting was the team and the years were deer seasons.. that team wins (high harvest) verus losses (low harvest).... that does not mean in any one of those seasons a player that particapted could not say they had a banner year..

you are basing everything on winning (success) ... not everything in this world is based on just winning........
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/09 10:28:12
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 10:22:08 (permalink)
Big Wag..

thanks for the reply..

I love reading that I am not alone in the love of hunting whitetails in Pa.. win or lose...

shooting a B & C buck (or any buck for some of us) has nothing to do with the everyday love of hunting deer... it's just a added bonus...

Hope you get that banner year !!!
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/09 10:23:30
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 10:37:27 (permalink)
I like investing in the stock market, so I had a "banner day" yesterday according to Doc's definition, and a "0-10 season" using Dar's.
Hmmm, It sure felt like a loser yesterday.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 10:38:08 (permalink)
Did you ever stop to think Nemech is out there because they pay him to be out there?  While a lot of people say they would do this or that for free because they love the game, would they really?  Ask the NFLPA.  They all love the game, but the weren't about to play without their piece of the pie.
Okay, you didn't like, or more likely didn't understand, the team concept.  I'll try again.
You, as an individual, let's say, golf, bowling, tennis, shot put, chess, etc. have the same record.  Which was your banner year?
Or try this one.  You like to play the lottery.  One year you won the Power Ball alone, one year you won the Daily Number only and that was a one time deal, and one year you won nothing.  Which was the banner year?
Or how about, one year you worked full time at a job, one year you worked part time at the same job, and yet another year you were completely unemployed.  Which was the banner employment year?
As with my tarpon example, yes, there are some that would just like to go.  That is the difference of perspective.  The Pirates may have a winning season this year and if they do, they will have a banner year compared to the last 17, 18, 19 (I am not sure which it is ) losing seasons.  Will it be a banner year compared ot those that win their pennent (presuming the Pirates don't)?  No.  Will it be a banner year compared to those that win the World Series (presuming the Pirates don't)?  Obviously not.
And I don't know how to break this to you Doc, everything in the world is based one winning.  Who gets paid more and stays employed longer?  Not losers.  Which company's stock prices continue to go up and provide a positive ROI for investors?  Not losers.  Who stays on a team and gets to play?  Not losers?  Who gets into post season play?  Not losers?  Who gets to eat venision?  Not those that don't harvest one (unless some winner gives them some).
I understand that we have a different view of life.  Luckily.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 10:39:13 (permalink)


he is not allowed to feel that terrible season was still a bannner year for him because he had the most home runs he ever had...

No, it was a football team.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 10:45:41 (permalink)

 I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 10:59:58 (permalink)
    I understand exactly what Dar is saying. It is after all a subjective thing. For one guy his one and only trip for Tarpon or Elk or Moose would be his 'banner year' afield as it was unique to his experiences afield.
For some who participate in a type of hunting or fishing frequently their expectations and experiences are defined  in a way unto themselves.
Each of us perceives things differently and to try and place a singular word on how we 'feel' about it cannot be the same for all.
    Expectations and experiences differ and what may be mundane to one may be the greatest ever to another.
   Example--Took a guy up to  my place at Salmon River a year or two back for his first time and he only caught one Salmon in bout 3 days of fishing. On the way home I apologized for a poor trip- he couldnt believe it - he was absolutley thrilled with the fish he caught and released. He has photos of it all over his office. For him it was a BANNER trip- to me it was mundane.
    Now--if he comes back for a few more trips he may be in the group that Dar suggests and his BANNER year might well become the one where he caught the most or biggest fish.- Again-subjective.
post edited by retired guy - 2011/08/09 11:10:19
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 11:05:13 (permalink)
Or how about, one year you worked full time at a job, one year you worked part time at the same job, and yet another year you were completely unemployed. Which was the banner employment year?

banner employment year based ON WHAT.. that's the point based "on what" makes a banner year...

.. banner year based on money for working === The banner year would be the year I got paid and did not have to go to work (unemployment)...

.. banner year for wages === the year I made the most money

... banner year for enjoyment === the year spent at the job I liked the most

... banner year based on health === all of them I was healthy enough to work

so IMHO a year can be a banner year based on what the person sees as being a banner year

What could make a BANNER year deer hunting for someone ...

... seeing deer.. how many one sees that year
... harvesting a deer
... harvesting a trophy deer
... adding another year to one's hunting career
... continuing a streak of successful seasons
... being able to hunt more days than ever
... seeing more bucks than ever
... maybe seeing something in nature one never saw before while hunting
... in my case.. missing the biggest buck I have ever taken aim on

it could go on and on... each person has the right to consider his season a banner year based on what ever crtieria he/she wants...

as for Nemo.. see that's the way you are. rather than try to see how someone else can have a different opinion you find something to throw in to "cloud" the conversation... It had nothing to do with getting paid...

how about the drivers at the local tracks that DO NOT get paid.. in your book I guess, as I said they should just quit after they realize it is not going to be a #1 season...

with your reasoning I can easily see if there are alot that share it why so many have quit deer hunting..

but with the success ratio the way it is and has been.. It's amazing to me anyone would even start to think about hunting when they know the odds are they are NOT going to be successful...

How many seasons should a hunter give it before they realize it's a losing battle, they are not going to be successful every year and are going to have only ONE BANNER YEAR in their life...??
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 11:08:04 (permalink)
Unusually good; outstanding: a banner year for the company.
Recieving unemployment, for some.
post edited by tull66 - 2011/08/09 11:10:02

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 11:17:23 (permalink)
I understand that we have a different view of life. Luckily.

okay, I was waitng for that.. we have had this conversation before about expectations,, etc...

I'm the one with according to many the lower expectations.. but I also believe those lower expectations and thus less stress have allowed me to have the life style I have now and for the most part look, feel, enjoy my life more than the average 66 year old man...

I have had friends MUCH younger die of stress related problems,

family heart conditions, poor diet and smoking have been blamed (by the doctors) on my condition.. not stress or high blood pressure.. don't know what those are... course it could not be because I have lower expectations could it ????

I have a monthly phone bill, electric bill, cable bill, auto insuranse bill, and a life insuranse bill.. that's it ... credit card paid off monthly..

YEP lower expectations !!! GOTTA LOVE THEM....
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 11:24:18 (permalink)
We all do have different outlooks on life......that's why we are individuals.....

We all got up today made to to our computers and discussed a topic back in forth...is this a banner day ????

Somewhere there is a mom and dad clutching to a premature baby.....is that a banner day??or banner hour???

What if you have someone in the military and they came home safe.....is this a banner day????

Maybe they came home injured and or disabled BUT alive....is this banner???

I think the "Banner" is what you as an individual hold it to.

Should we even use the term "Bar" ......one sets the bar for the year.....

My bar is to be alive and have the body to get me out there and get some down time.....

               (I have never slept more soundly than against a tree that hour before sun up)

WOW.................Maybe we should change the term "Banner" to "Successful" 
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 11:44:34 (permalink)

Or how about, one year you worked full time at a job, one year you worked part time at the same job, and yet another year you were completely unemployed. Which was the banner employment year?

banner employment year based ON WHAT.. that's the point based "on what" makes a banner year...

.. banner year based on money for working === The banner year would be the year I got paid and did not have to go to work (unemployment)...

.. banner year for wages === the year I made the most money

... banner year for enjoyment === the year spent at the job I liked the most

... banner year based on health === all of them I was healthy enough to work

so IMHO a year can be a banner year based on what the person sees as being a banner year

What could make a BANNER year deer hunting for someone ...

... seeing deer.. how many one sees that year
... harvesting a deer
... harvesting a trophy deer
... adding another year to one's hunting career
... continuing a streak of successful seasons
... being able to hunt more days than ever
... seeing more bucks than ever
... maybe seeing something in nature one never saw before while hunting
... in my case.. missing the biggest buck I have ever taken aim on

it could go on and on... each person has the right to consider his season a banner year based on what ever crtieria he/she wants...

as for Nemo.. see that's the way you are. rather than try to see how someone else can have a different opinion you find something to throw in to "cloud" the conversation... It had nothing to do with getting paid...

how about the drivers at the local tracks that DO NOT get paid.. in your book I guess, as I said they should just quit after they realize it is not going to be a #1 season...

with your reasoning I can easily see if there are alot that share it why so many have quit deer hunting..

but with the success ratio the way it is and has been.. It's amazing to me anyone would even start to think about hunting when they know the odds are they are NOT going to be successful...

How many seasons should a hunter give it before they realize it's a losing battle, they are not going to be successful every year and are going to have only ONE BANNER YEAR in their life...??

Did you invent T-ball?

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 11:45:54 (permalink)
And then guys would start guaging success by the size or number of the
deer - Personally - I like the way Tull put it.
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 11:52:52 (permalink)
As for your offhanded 2 to 3 days of effort smartarse comment, when that is all it takes to be successful, why put in any more effort?  Has all your time in the woods produced five 8-points over 18" wide?  If not, maybe oyu need to be out there 24/7/365.

Time served only counts for prison, you don't get any brownie points for spending more unsuccessful time in the woods.  What type of twisted logic says that the more time you spend failing means that you are better at what you are attempting?

Does 3 bucks (2 10's and an 11pt) over 120" including one over 140" gross in the last 5 years count?  How about another 3 with more than 8 points and 16"+ inside spread in the last 10 years? 
And since you brought it up, I do have cameras in the woods working for me nearly 365 days a year.    
Of all people, I would expect you to understand that success is relative to the amount of effort put forth.  If you really consider time spent in the woods without harvesting "failure" then why in the world do you even bother hunting?  I learn something new everytime I am in the woods that will help my odds for the next time. 
Please read Tull's post carefully:
ORIGINAL: Tull66 ban·ner:
Unusually good; outstanding: a banner year for the company.

I said it "should be another banner year" meaning that I fully expect to have another banner year as I experienced last year.  Evidence gathered while scouting has indicated that this year should be "unusually good" or "outstanding".  
You can nitpick all day about the definition of "banner", but you know what the original post meant...
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 11:54:19 (permalink)
I wouldn't let Hugh Hefner define MY banner peice of tail.  Like I wouldn't let ANYONE define MY banner bow season. 
I think that either yinz guys either have prior beef, or DarDys woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 12:27:01 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: Esox_Hunter

As for your offhanded 2 to 3 days of effort smartarse comment, when that is all it takes to be successful, why put in any more effort?  Has all your time in the woods produced five 8-points over 18" wide?  If not, maybe oyu need to be out there 24/7/365.

Time served only counts for prison, you don't get any brownie points for spending more unsuccessful time in the woods.  What type of twisted logic says that the more time you spend failing means that you are better at what you are attempting?

Does 3 bucks (2 10's and an 11pt) over 120" including one over 140" gross in the last 5 years count?  How about another 3 with more than 8 points and 16"+ inside spread in the last 10 years? 

And since you brought it up, I do have cameras in the woods working for me nearly 365 days a year.    

Of all people, I would expect you to understand that success is relative to the amount of effort put forth.  If you really consider time spent in the woods without harvesting "failure" then why in the world do you even bother hunting?  I learn something new everytime I am in the woods that will help my odds for the next time. 

Please read Tull's post carefully:

ORIGINAL: Tull66 ban·ner:
Unusually good; outstanding: a banner year for the company.

I said it "should be another banner year" meaning that I fully expect to have another banner year as I experienced last year.  Evidence gathered while scouting has indicated that this year should be "unusually good" or "outstanding".  

You can nitpick all day about the definition of "banner", but you know what the original post meant...

Since I am not into measuring antlers, couldn't tell oyu even where to begin, I really don't care.  As I have stated numerous times before, to me antlers don't make the deer, antlers make the deer legal.  As for posting a few of my harvests, that was in response to Doc who thinks that there were never any "decent" deer before Lord Alt.  All of those came before AR and none since.  so it didn't work for me.  To be honest, it really didn't matter to me at the time if they were 8-points or spikes at the time and if the spikes were still legal (I have only ever killed one), it wouldn't matter to me now.
But it sounds like you have found success.  Good for you.  Not so good for the 100,000 other hunters that used to harvest a buck and now don't because their entire life does not revolve around it and they refuse to turn recreation into a second job.  It is good that you want to, can, and do.  Congratulations.  Maybe if you put as much time into researching how to not buy a vehicle for sticker as you do deer hunting, you would have gotten a decent deal without my help.  I guess it is a matter of priorities.  Deer hunting isn't one of mine.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 12:34:40 (permalink)
Ironhed - if you are reading this, Shawn expects to limit out in 4.5 minutes on Saturday. All from the same spot. And they all better be 18 inches.

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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 12:40:33 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: SilverKype

Ironhed - if you are reading this, Shawn expects to limit out in 4.5 minutes on Saturday. All from the same spot. And they all better be 18 inches.

24 inches.
And he has a few hours.
But limits are expected, not wished or hoped for.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 12:45:44 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: tippecanoe

I wouldn't let Hugh Hefner define MY banner peice of tail.  Like I wouldn't let ANYONE define MY banner bow season. 

I think that either yinz guys either have prior beef, or DarDys woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

No, just a difference of opinion.
That happens in a discussion forum.  If it didn't, then the forum would go somehting like this:
Poster 1: I think X.
Poster 2: Yep.
Poster 3: I agree with Poster 1 and Poster 2.
Poster 2: Yep.
Poster 4: That's how I see it.
Poster 2: Yep.
Poster 5: You guys are so right.
Poster 2: Yep.
And then no one posts any more.
Kind of like Doc's board.
(Sorry that was a joke, shamelessly aimed at Doc.  I have no idea what goes on at his site becuase I have no desire to go there.   I apologize in advance.)

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 13:26:13 (permalink)
Sounds more like HPA...

 I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 13:33:41 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: SilverKype

Ironhed - if you are reading this, Shawn expects to limit out in 4.5 minutes on Saturday. All from the same spot. And they all better be 18 inches.

He has the full day. 
But ask him if we don't catch anything, but had the opportunity to do so because we saw fish on the sonar, if he considered it a banner day or not just for "being out there."  Or if only half a limit is caught (weather dependant, of course).  Says here the answer is "no."

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Good Morning 2011/08/09 13:50:38 (permalink)
He probably would say a banner day would be limiting out. He'd also probably agree that if you're cranky, we'll throw you in for the lake erie sharks.

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