Bass Rig

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2011/08/02 16:49:10 (permalink)

Bass Rig

Had an unusual problem over the weekend. I had my line snap 4 seperate times when setting the hook on a bass. I use 20 lb. spiderwire stealth braid, tied with a palomar knot. I had this happen twicw on Saturday, thought my line was too old, changed it Saturday night, happened again twice on Sunday! Got a little gunshy after that and missed a nice one. Any ideas why this would happen? My drag is not too tight, pole is a medium action 5' 10" ugly stik.


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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/02 17:07:05 (permalink)
    Check your rod guides and make sure there are no spots where the line wore a groove into them.

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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/03 14:55:59 (permalink)
    Mal, I've had this happen to me many times with Palomar knots, I don't use them anymore. They work great when I caught small fish such as perch, crappie, etc., but when I caught something big, it broke the line. It's a week knot for larger fish. I tie on all my hooks and lurers with a standard knot. It's a little more time consuming, but it's been awhile since I've lost on.
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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/03 15:47:40 (permalink)

    Do you use a snell knot? A friend of mine suggested that, since they are ment to be used tying directly to a hook. I did catch the biggest largemouth of my life after breaking off on Saturday, it seems to be inconsistent in breaking, and size doesn't seem to be an issue. (I think)
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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/03 17:13:21 (permalink)
    Try the improved clinch sheet NEVER breaks.

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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/03 18:52:21 (permalink)
    Hands down the improved clinch knot for me.
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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/03 19:48:16 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: SmMouthSeeker
    It's a weak knot for larger fish.

    Guess I've been lucky all these years catching 10# steelhead, 20# carp, 15# cats and 6# smallies on 6# line using the Palomar.  If you're getting failure at the knot, they you're tying it wrong....or unlubricated.

    Like said before, check the guides for a cracked ceramic.  A Q-Tip works quite well.  I've replaced more than a few guides on other people's Ugly Sticks that had cracked inserts.
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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/03 19:53:31 (permalink)
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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/04 00:32:42 (permalink)
    Doesn't sound like knot failure, it sounds like an issue with the line. I've been using the palomar with braid for over 10 years. If the knot fails, you'll almost always see a number of small curves at the end - showing that the know literally "untied." That is user error most likely. And that's happened to me maybe 3-4 times.

    Sounds much more like you're breaking the line, possibly from shock on a hookset. Could also be nicks in the line from rocks. Braid is amazing in many conditions, but sharp rocks can easily slice it enough to cause easy break offs. Could somehow be a bad spool of line too. I haven't used Spider Wire of any kind in over a decade. I recommend trying Power Pro, Suffix PB or Suffix 832, among others.

    Finally, many people recommend a double palomar for tying braid knots. Which I believe was described - a second time through the hook before tying the loop around the lure. I've never used it because I haven't had issues with the regular palomar.

    If you check the studies conducted on sites like Tackle Tour and through various articles, the palomar has the highest breaking strength of almost any knot in any direct tie situation (i.e. not for line to line). Only real issues come with higher end fluoro - in which every single knot tested breaks at a lower rate than with other lines.
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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/04 08:45:55 (permalink)
    Braid had almost zero stretch so you can, and need to, tone down your hook set when using it-I too have found that a fast and forceful hook set can snap it especially with a heavy rod. I started tying a "Trilene Knot" when using it and that helped as well, it includes threading the line twice through the eye, as was mentioned above. When bass fishing, the main utility I see for braid is fishing thick weeds/heavy cover, in which case you may as well just up the poundage of the line and eliminate any possibility of line break.

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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/04 09:06:26 (permalink)
    I also agree that it sounds like line failure and not a knot slippage or breakage problem. I use a palomar for everything and never experience problems with braid.
    My guess is the line is somehow getting nicked and that's causing the breaks. What was not mentioned, and what I'd be interested in, is what type of cover or structure was being fished. Rocks, weeds, etc? That would tell alot on how the line was failing.

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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/04 12:17:36 (permalink)
    Take a Q-tip and run it around the inside of each of your guides in both directions, if they have a sharp edge, the cotton will pull off and snag on the bad part. It's not your knots, it is your line being cut. Another tip, reverse your braid, run all your line off, then connect the old portion to the spool and the new portion will be what you're using twice the use out of the same line!

    Good luck

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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/04 13:40:51 (permalink)
    My two cents I too have had plenty of knots break on hookset while bass fishing with texas rigged plastics with a free sliding bullet weight and carolina rigged plastics using a barrel sivel with a bead or no bead and it didnt mater what the knots where palomar, improved clinch, trilene they broke etc.
    I think the knots fail because of the free slideing sinker i'm guessing possibly slamming into the knot with a hard snap hook set.
    I almost never have a hookset break a knot when fishing plastics wieghtless or on a jighead.
    The problem with the carolina rig was solved for me a few years ago by using a carloina keeper instaed of a sivel plus with the carolina keeper it is very easy to adjust the leader length from the stop/ keeper to the hook it does not matter what type of knot is tied at the hook palomar, trilene etc they dont break.
    With the texas rig this year I startred using the Homer Circle knot that I seen a tv segment called knot wars and it holds up very well to hook sets when the sinker smacks into the knot.
    Try it, it may help
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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/04 13:42:39 (permalink)
    Thanks everyone for the tips. I have been using the spiderwire braid and palomar knots exclusively for the past 6 years or so, and this is the first consistent issue I have had. I have been eyeing that powerpro line, might have to pick some up....

    Ready2fish- I was fishing 2-3 foot of water near lily pads and stumps, but not directly in the pads or on top of the stumps. Weeds are definitely there, but not so thick as to put much friction or weight on the line.

    jah1317- I will try the q-tip trick as previously mentioned, sounds like a good idea. Turning my line around on the reel, it was brand new off the spool, so I will keep that in mind for later use.

    P.S. If anyone can help me upload a picture, I will show everyone the big pig I caught after the two line breaks on Saturday.

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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/04 16:27:44 (permalink)
    Either knot failure or a cracked guide.
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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/05 07:35:41 (permalink)
    Myself and a friend have both had bad luck w spiderwire stealth in 50 lb. Seems a fray and break much easier than powerpro . Also tie a few feet of mono or flouro leader w a uni-uni splice or an alright knot. This will stretch a little and take some shock out of the hook set .
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    RE: Bass Rig 2011/08/05 10:30:11 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Mr.Slickfish

    Try the improved clinch sheet NEVER breaks.


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