RE: New to Lake Erie
2011/07/29 20:55:13
Those are referred to as "cribs" by some people, but the cribs that you mostly hear about are the "Sunoco cribs" (2 big round drums) that are 4 miles east of those cribs. in about 20ft. of water. Around there and north of there in about 40ft. of water is good, but keeps getting better the more you move east. Not sure how big the boat is but keep an eye on the weather, it gets rough real quick! Even if the boat is fairly big you WILL get wet in a bowrider if there is only a 2 ft. chop and you want to get there in a hurry!

You could also put in at Shades beach and be closer to the cribs. also, Welcome to the boards!
post edited by Split Shot - 2011/07/29 20:59:31
My Wife said, if I go fish'n one more time, she'll leave me! God, I'm going to miss her!