2010 One Fly trip

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2011/07/27 18:06:54 (permalink)

2010 One Fly trip

Thanks to Jack, Skip,and the other One Fly staff I was on the recieving end of 2010's One Fly guided fishing trip donated by a very generous Greg Senyo. After being selected for the trip, we set the wheels in motion to make this a memeorable experience for some lucky JR Anglers. Greg and his staff at Sheelhead Alley would make themselves available for as Greg said, as many mentored kids as you want to bring. Thats where this story starts:

Greg and I began phoning each other regularly and it seemed each time I was asking about adding another kid to the trip. Greg's response was always the same "No Problem, just don't leave anyone out" I truly couldn't believe he and the rest of his guides were willing to help these JR's and not only not charge, but refuse any compensation that was offered. Okay, a spring date was set and we planned on meeting at Elk Creek in the morning for some streamside instruction and then having the true professionals show these JRs how to work a fly rod on some steelhead.

As the date grew nearer the number of JRs grew larger I hoped the guys knew what they were in for. These kids were FIRED UP. We set the official day as the Saturday before Easter. I would leave Westmoreland County on Good Friday, Stay at my camp and meet up with Greg and his staff of volunteers early Saturday. No problem right? Well, mother nature spoke and the streams were unfishable and unsafe for even an experienced angler let alone a group of JRs. Greg called Saturday morning and my stomache fell. I was sure he was calling to cancel and I had 14 JRs between the ages of 8 and 15. Boys and girls I would have to break the unfortunate news to. "Crap", I thought as I answered the phone. The voice on the other end was a re-assuring Greg. He told me he knew of a small stream about an hours drive from us that the kids could get some Brook trout lessons on. I was all ears. He proceeded to give me directions and informed me that he had arranged for a stocking for the kids so there would be plenty of fish.

When we did meet up and completed the introductions, We were told the JRs would have the opportunity to help stock the stream they were about to fish. I don't think I could have beat the smiles off of them. The stock truck arrived right on schedule. I can't describe the looks on these JRs faces when the first net of fish was dumped into the bucket. I couldn't believe it myself, a stock tank with 80 brookies and 20 tigers all between 13 and 20 inches!! These kids, the same kids the complain about household chores, were lugging these buckets of fish as fast as they could to stock this section of creek. hooting the whole time until the last fish disappeared into the stream.

Now it was time for some fishing and streamside instruction. There was everything from what to use, how to cast, how to swim your fly, how land a fish, release a fish, and everything in between. Those guides were great with the JRs and every JR caught fish. I was impressed at how willing the kids were to stop what they were doing to help when one of the others needed it. Even if they had a guide in their back pocket they all displayed something not all that common anymore..manners.

I cant say enough about Jack and all the folks that make the One Fly such a success for their awarding this trip. Nor, can I say enough great things about the guys at Steelhead Alley Outfitters and JAG flys for making it happen. I know there are 14 more dedicated fly fishermen and fisherwomen because of you folks. THANK YOU!!!

I will follow this up with some pics soon. In the meantime I know there were some on Steelhead Alley Outfitters web site....Enjoy and God Bless


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    RE: 2010 One Fly trip 2011/07/28 14:39:39 (permalink)
    A WooHoo to Greg and yourself....

    My son was the one who generously won and gave away some of the Junior Prizes lasst year (Rocco Frisco).

    I have found myself teaching him and trying to get him as interested as I am. Just for the sake of a future fishing buddy..

    I also have a Outdoors club at the High School I teach at (West Mifflin) and we usually make 2 trips up there per year. Spring and Fall.

    Last year we went up when it was low and clear and with a big group (usually 10-12) it is hard to move around into the holes where the fish are.

    We took a walk along the high trail over Elk Access and the kids were amazed at how there were so many fish staging... They never gave up and tried to fish all day..

    It would be nice to break a few up on those trips and send 2 students per elder...

    My thanks go out to you and Greg for making those kind of things happen for our youth..

    Hats off to you guys!

    Rick Frisco
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