Erie paper article on SH

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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 07:52:03 (permalink)

Come out of your cave Dr Trout ! Many gallons of gasoline used at many of my friends and family's places during hunting season. First is several trucks that get poor mileage. Then you have the use of UTV's and ATV's. Gas is also used to mow and care for food plots. Fuel for the lawn mower and the tractor to get wood. You have to fuel the saws and also the log splitter.

And NONE of that has a thing to do with being able to hunt on Sunday.. nice try though

Many of the camps around here come from Pittsburgh area. and almost all of them come up for week-ends .... very few make it a one day trip...I doubt many would think it was worth the expenses to come for just a one day stay.. let alone the 4 hours of driving time...many also complained about not being able to come as often now that gas is so high...

sorry I'm just not buying millions of dollars just because they could hunt on a Sunday ..

will guys come up for a Saturday hunt as usual and stay and hunt Sunday CERTAINLY... but that by itself is not going to add millions....

Is there an eye doctor in your neck of the woods?  If so, go see them about your myopic condition when looking at other's posts.
I have never been a member of a camp.  I would wager most PA hunters are not either.  Comparing your narrow experience with camp hunters therefore holds no water in the bigger picture.
I drive to where I hunt and with the exception of when I only have an hour and walk across the street, I drive a minimum of 70 miles round trip to hunt deer and my main deer hunting area is over a 100 mile round trip.
My pheasant hunting (remember, this isn't just about deer) is again a minimum of 70 miles round trip.
So just for giggles, let's say I hunt that extra day for deer (being a gun hunter, that is all I would get -- archery an muzzleloader hunters could add many more days).  Let's also say that I hunt four extra days for pheasants.  That is five extra days.  Let's also take my shortest trip of 70 round trip miles.  That would be 350 hunting miles I would not normally travel.  I get 16 mpg in my hunting ride, so that translates into just short of 22 gallons of fuel at $3.75 per or $82.
Extrapolating that to other hunters, maybe they hunt the extra deer day, maybe more; maybe they don't hunt the extra pheasant days, but they hunt extra turkey days; maybe they hunt extra archery deer days; maybe they hunt extra watefowl days; whatever, they hunt extra.  Maybe they don't have the 70 mile round trip, some are much shorter, some much longer.  Some get better gas mileage, some much worse.  So to come up with a SWAG (Super Wild **** Guess), let's reduce the $82 to $75 and only apply it to approximately half of the hunters or 400,000.  That works out to $30 million in fuel costs alone.
Is that accurate?  Probably not.  The actual figure may be much higher or much lower, but in any case when talking a figure that may be in the tens of millions of dollars it is not something to be dismissed as nothing or no impact.
Of course, that does not even touch on stopping for food, which may be extra sandwich fixings bought and made at home, a stop at Sheetz for a MTO, or a sit-down restuarant meal.  What about candy bars, bottled water, energy bars, etc.?  Would this food be eaten anyway?  Some of it.  But there is an impact, an impact that is atrributable to extra hunting days.
As for sporting goods sales, will there be a whole lot extra bought?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  With respect to deer, extra ammo might not be a factor, but for small game it will be.  What about disposible hand warmers?  what about wearing out clothes or boots quicker because they are getting more use?
Can any of this be be calculated to the last cent?  Obviously not.  But the magnitude, which is in the millions of dollars if not tens of millions of dollars at a minimum, can be understood. 
All you need to do is pull your head out of the sand, put on some glasses that you can see further than your pine grove, and do a little math.
I guess that is asking too much.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 07:59:05 (permalink)
I think the biggest thing that is missing from the recent discussion is that our PGC is the agency responsible for regulating hunting in this state. 
All of the economics, land closures, deer decimation etc.. are all speculative.  What is real and factual is that we have politicians telling hunters and our game agency what we can hunt on what days in this state. 

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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 08:52:23 (permalink)

I think the biggest thing that is missing from the recent discussion is that our PGC is the agency responsible for regulating hunting in this state. 

All of the economics, land closures, deer decimation etc.. are all speculative.  What is real and factual is that we have politicians telling hunters and our game agency what we can hunt on what days in this state. 

I fully understand that.
I was just pointing out that a little bit of money spent by a large number of people adds up and does provide a significant impact.
One thing that I left out was that the single highest sales day for Sheetz is the 24 hour period starting before and concluding with the first day of rifle season in PA.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 09:34:51 (permalink)

I think I would rather side with these folks here,

Members of the Sunday Hunting coalition, including CSF, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, National Rifle Association, Archery Trade Association, Boone and Crockett Club, Cabela’s, Delta Waterfowl, Mule Deer Foundation, National Assembly of Sportsmen’s Caucuses, Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Safari Club International, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and the Wildlife Management Institute, are encouraging all sportsmen in Pennsylvania to contact their state legislators and urge them to co-sponsor HB 1760.

Than these folks,

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, which advocates against cruelty to animals, also does not support lifting the ban, saying the state should pursue other ways of generate revenue rather than disturbing animal populations.

“The last thing Pennsylvania needs is a seventh day of the week for hunters to disturb animal populations, damage ecosystems, and disrupt property owners. If the state wants to create jobs and encourage young people to engage with the environment, it should promote environmentally sound, non-consumptive activities like wildlife photography, bird watching, hiking, canoeing, kayaking, and camping,” according to an official statement from PETA.

Which side of the fence you on ??????

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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 09:49:41 (permalink)


looking into a crystal ball...

I knew it.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 09:54:31 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: tull66


looking into a crystal ball...

I knew it.

More like a bowling ball.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 10:44:14 (permalink)
From the Humane Society page Bing posted:

The current laws are intended to balance the interests of hunters and other recreationists, but expanding Sunday hunting will lead to more conflicts among property owners and user groups. Shouldn't wildlife watchers, hikers, campers, and horseback riders have at least one day a week when they can venture outdoors in safety?

The current law written in 1873 was to enforce religious standards, particularly the observance of Sunday as a day of worship or rest, not to "balance interests of recreationists". If Peta, the Humane Society, Doc Trout, communists, etc. think game animals need a day to rest and relax, lets make it Wednesday.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 10:50:22 (permalink)
In my book,
if you are against Sunday Hunting expansion, you are an anti-hunter. End of story.

That Blockus tool is just that. Talk about ammo for anti-hunters.

All other arguments aside, it is about "freedom," plain and simple. A religious blue law has no business being on the books in this day and age.
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 11:33:03 (permalink)
In my book,
if you are against Sunday Hunting expansion, you are an anti-hunter. End of story.

You do realize you are putting approx 50% of PA's hunters and 80% of PA's hunters who are landowners in the anti-hunting catagory. That may be a wee bit over the top.

How about the freedom not to have to count points.
post edited by S-10 - 2011/07/28 11:34:49
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 11:49:41 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz

In my book,
if you are against Sunday Hunting expansion, you are an anti-hunter. End of story.

That Blockus tool is just that. Talk about ammo for anti-hunters.

All other arguments aside, it is about "freedom," plain and simple. A religious blue law has no business being on the books in this day and age.

s10, you still haven't demonstrated the validity of either of the two figures you continue to throw around as gospel. 
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 12:17:44 (permalink)
Did you happen to read the other thread on the same topic. Besides, if you don't like my numbers feel free to document some of your own.

Regardless of the poll you use or article you read it is obvious that the hunters are fairly evenly divided on the issue.

When the PGC's own survey as discussed at the BOC meeting found the top two reasons for hunters leaving the sport were lack of game and lack of places to hunt I fail to see where Sunday hunting will do anything but make the situation worse.
post edited by S-10 - 2011/07/28 12:32:48
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 12:29:51 (permalink)
This should give a glimpse:
69% of PA voters are for it
86% of non PA are for it

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 12:31:25 (permalink)
S10, your numbers(not that mine are correct) are from 2005 and supplied by the PA farm bureau.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 12:36:53 (permalink)
So it is ok to use the media's interpretation on a survey that you have never seen and know nothing about, that was performed 5+ years ago?  Along those same lines, I guess you feel we should also assume that the media will perform due diligence prior to publishing the article? 

If this source is as credible as some believe and will be used as one of the major arguments of the anti-SH group, I don't understand why it isn't readily available to the public.

As for the SH polls, most of them I have seen show 60ish % of the readers of that particular outlet support expansion of SH.  These little polls consisting of a few hundred respondents on various sites are interesting, but are virtually insignificant as at best they only represent the readers of that outlet, not the Commonwealth of PA.
post edited by Esox_Hunter - 2011/07/28 12:39:44
wayne c
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 12:43:24 (permalink)
and the Wildlife Management Institute


if you are against Sunday Hunting expansion, you are an anti-hunter. End of story.


Think id like to kill a buck in velvet, a snowshoe hare at midnight in may under a spotlight and a Gobbler in August.... and my fellow sportsmen deserve that opportunity. No reason why our rights should be infringed upon or restricted, and the fact we cannot hunt all the time, anytime is an atrocity. Having said that, Im sure noone will have a problem with supporting my proposal for 24/7/365 "All game" season. Or are you one of those anti-folks? lol.
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 12:44:35 (permalink)
Hey -in keeping with my ANTI ranting--
Went to two favored Trout streams yesterday after not having been to them in a coupla years.

One--posted by a CONSERVATIONIST group- Hikers welcome NO hunting- NO fishing..
Two--posted by a Land Trust conservation group Hikers OK  fishing OK NO hunters ,but a hundred yards in was a line of Land Trust NO TRESPASSING signs.
  Landowners still own the property but allow these guys to have some rights to it in many cases.

   Two nice streams forever off limits to the URBANIAN conservationists. They are gaining numbers and we are in a downward spiral.
  I know you Rural guys pay little attention to this stuff as I get little response when writing bout it but PLEASE keep it in mind cause its gonna happen to your kids or grandkids someday. They tend to sneak up on ya over time. Would hate to see a nice place like PA follow suit.
  I remember the "old days' when Conservationists were hunters and fishermen round here too.
   BTW- those are the kind who will band together and respond to ALL surveys in ALL papers with negative responses to anything about OUR sports no matter where in or out of a particular area or State. Might kinda skew the results a bit.
post edited by retired guy - 2011/07/28 12:52:37
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 12:45:35 (permalink)

In my book,
if you are against Sunday Hunting expansion, you are an anti-hunter. End of story.

You do realize you are putting approx 50% of PA's hunters and 80% of PA's hunters who are landowners in the anti-hunting catagory. That may be a wee bit over the top.

How about the freedom not to have to count points.

And 70% of the American people were against Obamacare, but it passed any way.  I am sure that Spoonie can explain why it doesn't matter what the people want when it comes to government doing something.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 12:55:54 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: wayne c

Think id like to kill a buck in velvet, a snowshoe hare at midnight in may under a spotlight and a Gobbler in August.... and my fellow sportsmen deserve that opportunity. No reason why our rights should be infringed upon or restricted, and the fact we cannot hunt all the time, anytime is an atrocity. Having said that, Im sure noone will have a problem with supporting my proposal for 24/7/365 "All game" season. Or are you one of those anti-folks? lol.

Most of PA's blue laws have been repealed on the premise they are unconstitutional. That is the difference.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 12:56:41 (permalink)
As for the SH polls, most of them I have seen show 60ish % of the readers of that particular outlet support expansion of SH

As I said, feel free to post those big polls.

Your comments: Should Pennsylvania allow hunting on Sundays?

Published: Wednesday, July 06, 2011, 7:01 AM Updated: Wednesday, July 06, 2011, 8:03 AM

By staff



Should Pennsylvania join 43 of its fellow 50 states and allow hunting on Sundays? That's not the conclusion reached by readers.

Deer hunters case their guns after hunting opening day of firearm deer season (Mark Copier | The Grand Rapids Press)

In a poll accompanying a story outlining the contentious issue, 57 percent of readers didn't want hunting on Sundays.

As I said the public and particulary hunters are quite divided on the issue.

I have yet to hear how having more time to kill an already dimininshed game population or pizzing off the folks on whose land we hunt is going to improve anything.
post edited by S-10 - 2011/07/28 12:57:55
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 13:08:10 (permalink)
Well imagine that, the farm rich lehigh valley residents don't want SH.  Who would have ever thought that.
Again, that is interesting and all, but by no means can that be construed to be representative of the Commonwealth of PA. 
If you truly feel that the SH issue is one that should remain in the hands of the legislature and ultimately the general population, then I highly recommend re-evaluating your stance.  We will be in a continuously losing battle if we allow the general public to make hunting and game management related decisions.  There is no reason the PGC shouldn't have the authority to implement any game related action. 
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 13:18:09 (permalink)
There is no reason the PGC shouldn't have the authority to implement any game related action.

(in reply to S-10)

The PGC's own survey as discussed in the BOC's meeting showed that the number one reason for hunters quitting was LACK OF GAME. The number two reason was LACK OF PLACES TO HUNT

To counter those two issues the BOC wants to ADD more days to further deplete the game population and pizz off the landowners we rely on for places to hunt.

One could be forgiven for questioning if they are anti-hunting or just plain stupid.
wayne c
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 13:53:01 (permalink)
TUll says:
Most of PA's blue laws have been repealed on the premise they are unconstitutional. That is the difference

And based upon that alone, the old blue law should be gone....shouldve been long ago perhaps. But its not that black and white of an issue anymore. With any change, the possible ramifications must be weighed. And whether the law should or shouldnt change based on those effects is very open to debate, with neither side being completely "wrong" about the issue. jmho.
post edited by wayne c - 2011/07/28 14:22:14
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 14:01:09 (permalink)
Pa is a "traditional" hunting state and opening one more day to hunt will increase it's odds of it staying that way.
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 14:20:08 (permalink)
'If you truly feel that the SH issue is one that should remain in the hands of the legislature and ultimately the general population, then I highly recommend re-evaluating your stance."

The general public isnt the problem the problems we have are among small other interest groups. Like audubon and timber interests dictating things. All polls taken have shown strong public support in Pennsylvania for hunting among nonhunting public. And that public, we are constantly told, should have a say according to pgc and their support system. Especially when it comes to defending their failed deer program. So why on earth should this be any different with sunday hunting? Not necessarily in agreement with the sentiment, but just playing devils advocate here.

" There is no reason the PGC shouldn't have the authority to implement any game related action."

ANY action? I disagree strongly. This is no dictatorship, and not only that, the agencies credibility is in the cellar as many see it. SOme feel that they should have any option available to them... Others feel they should be asked to pick up their final paychecks immediately.

post edited by wayne c - 2011/07/28 14:24:20
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 14:21:28 (permalink)
Pa is a "traditional" hunting state and opening one more day to hunt will increase it's odds of it staying that way.

Then add another monday to the end of spring gobbler.
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 14:37:26 (permalink)

To counter those two issues the BOC wants to ADD more days to further deplete the game population and pizz off the landowners we rely on for places to hunt.

Do they? The BOC's vote  was pretty darn close just on getting the full authority to do their job.  And with some of those that voted yes on that, adding deer is not on the radar with them.
post edited by dpms - 2011/07/28 14:38:59

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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 14:50:01 (permalink)
Ha ha ha. Yeah right. Deer not on the radar. This is Pa remember? lol.

There is little indication that the majority of the board isnt of exactly the same mindset as it was 5 and 10 years ago. They had no qualms about signing off on ten bazillion antlerless allocation this past april as has become the norm.

They also have basically decided to "stay the course" in all aspects.

You also have no recourse if they decide deer ARE on the radar, and they have proven they are willing to do exactly what they want, when they want, and dont care who likes it.

I also wouldnt put much stock in what boc says. One stated that the allocation in my unit would be decreased along with split season. My units allocation then proceeded to INCREASE by 10,000 tags!! lol.

Sunday hunting WILL be for deer when it comes, and it doesnt matter if its year one or year three. I can only hope that legislators get "a set" and deal with the real problems before they are yet again magnified by something like sunday hunting, that in itself shouldnt be a problem for game populations at least if implemented properly by a trustworthy hunter friendly agency that was of a mindset that would ensure responsible rational decision making abilities.
post edited by wayne c - 2011/07/28 15:39:00
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 14:52:09 (permalink)
4 to 3 isn't close, it's the law. 4 wins over 3 every time in these votes. We all know it's mainly about deer hunting so it should be discussed as such.
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 17:25:35 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: wayne c

TUll says:
Most of PA's blue laws have been repealed on the premise they are unconstitutional. That is the difference

And based upon that alone, the old blue law should be gone....shouldve been long ago perhaps.

Agreed.  Why does everyone keep bickering about economics and regulatory control?  Let freedom ring.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: Erie paper article on SH 2011/07/28 17:35:52 (permalink)
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