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2011/07/21 14:05:02 (permalink)


To stinkin hot to work today so I made my rounds to the local fly shops for much needed supplies. 4 shops later and I'm still short of what I need...

When I stopped in and BSed with the fella at Folleys he began telling me about how someone came in the day before and bought all of his capes. He couldn't beleive it, $600 dollars they spent and cleaned him out.

Then I mentioned to him about the hackle going for upwards of $400 a cape and he looked at me kinda skeptical.
He then called his supplier to see if and when he could order some more.
The clerk told him there would be no more hackle available till next year...

 I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB


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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/21 14:38:37 (permalink)
    It's killin' the newbie/wannabe/gonnabe fly tier in me. Friggin stuff's harder to find than an honest politician.

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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/21 14:56:06 (permalink)
    per weight... worth more than any drug or gold

    there is still a lot available it you know where to look
    but anything that needed the high-demand hackle.. there are good substiutes

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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 08:18:58 (permalink)
    Neshannock Fly Shop is advertising they will buy your hackle. They are in desperate need.
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 08:44:36 (permalink)
    I'm sure this will not be liked by all... but

    F Neshannock Creek Fly Shop

    That guy sold all his hackle to the fashion industry months ago for about $300 a saddle (60 saddles worth)
    he was bragging about it to anyone who would listen

    now he realizes his business needs the hackle and want to buy back from his customers
    only problem... he's trying to buy back from unspespeting people who don't know the market value of hackle
    now claiming "I'm not invloved in the fashion industry, i'm a fly shop and need feathers for flies"

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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 09:02:47 (permalink)
    Some shops recognize that this is a fade and have kept the hackles behind the counters for their long-term customers. Others are sellouts, trying hard for the short-term gain. Hope they made enough to retire as I hope the fly tyers tell them to stick it.

    I understand the business side trying to make a dollar but the fly shops that fail to value customer loyality I won't return to. At least the ones I know that sold out...aka soul doubt.

    Flyfishers paradise racks are empty. I haven't been into spruce creek outfitters. Couldn't imagine Alan putting up with that ****. Course, I didn't think Steve would have either.

    I have to wonder what this does to the price of hackles in the long term. Bet they never drop to the previous values again.

    My reports and advice are for everyone to enjoy, not just the paying customers.
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 09:19:03 (permalink)
    I was in a "famous" shop in Michigan lst week that had 2 Whiting Olive grizzly 1/2 saddles (midge size) on the wall

    They were activly vigilant to ensure the hackle only went to fly tiers
    at $30ish retail... they could have easily gone for 300 on ebay or more if split out

    i've made a good chunk on this hackle thing... but have been open with my intentions
    i'm not burning bridges or purchasing from shops

    it pi$$es me off to see what Neshannock Creek Fly Shop is doing... and i will never spend another dime there
    and encourage anyone i talk to to do the same
    but he is more that welcome to buy my feathers.... for market value
    post edited by KJH807 - 2011/07/22 09:35:23

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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 09:28:45 (permalink)
    what hackle do you need?
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 09:39:40 (permalink)


    I'm sure this will not be liked by all... but

    F Neshannock Creek Fly Shop

    That guy sold all his hackle to the fashion industry months ago for about $300 a saddle (60 saddles worth)
    he was bragging about it to anyone who would listen

    now he realizes his business needs the hackle and want to buy back from his customers
    only problem... he's trying to buy back from unspespeting people who don't know the market value of hackle
    now claiming "I'm not invloved in the fashion industry, i'm a fly shop and need feathers for flies"

    hey kj; not for nothing, but I've seen some of your posts about selling saddles on ebay for high dollar amounts. Why should someone else be ridiculed for it? For all you know the guy was in a bind and needed the money for taxes, food; etc... business is business man. Just saying....
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 09:45:12 (permalink)
    1- i have not sold any saddles on ebay

    2- this guy is a fly shop... with access to industy pricing... which he used to clear out his inventory at top dollar(he made a profit of over 16k!!!).

    Now he wants more saddles and claims they are for flies, luring unsuspecting customers to sell there hackle WAY below fair value...the market value that he enjoyed... and who knows where the feathers will really go

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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 09:50:08 (permalink)
    yea what an evil deed to try and make enough money to keep the business open.  you know it was a bad spring with all the rain, the stream was blown out and no one was fishing, sales were way down and this may have been to only way to make ends meet.  do you fault someone for that?  but it's ok for you jkh to may a hugh profit because in your mind its ok because you were up front.  what did you do, tell the buyers of your hackle that you've inflate the price by a factor of 10n or more just because you can and you are willing to pay that?  ot did you just put a price on it and sold it to whoever gave you the cash.  so it's ok for you to take advantage of a glich in the system but not for someone that must live in that system every day to make a living.  are you one of the ones that espouses to use local fly shops because they have a hard time competing against the big box stores, if so then you are a hypocrite.
    when i was in the shop in early spring the prices on the hackle that was on the wall was normal.  so do you condem Folleys then for selling out to the hair people?  you'll say no because he did not know but what if he did, do you thing the price of hackle would of went up?  if not then he would of made a big mistake. 
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 10:01:07 (permalink)

    I'm sure this will not be liked by all... but

    F Neshannock Creek Fly Shop

    That guy sold all his hackle to the fashion industry months ago for about $300 a saddle (60 saddles worth)
    he was bragging about it to anyone who would listen

    now he realizes his business needs the hackle and want to buy back from his customers
    only problem... he's trying to buy back from unspespeting people who don't know the market value of hackle
    now claiming "I'm not invloved in the fashion industry, i'm a fly shop and need feathers for flies"

    The guy is just stupid if he sold all his stock but didn't keep enough on hand to satisfy his tying needs.
    Those dry fly saddles are only good for dries and a few big fish patterns. Like you said, there are substitutes available for those.
    So, the guy now has to use neck feathers to hackle his dries. Big Deal....That's the way we used to do it 15 years ago.
    He will loose a bit of profit per fly but more than make up for it from his previous sale to the fashion industry.
    I have no problem with his asking for feathers,,,,just as long as he is "up front" with his customers.
    He could still get necks for his dry flies. He just has to tie them the old fashion way
    post edited by dano - 2011/07/22 10:15:26
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 10:05:40 (permalink)


    1- i have not sold any saddles on ebay

    2- this guy is a fly shop... with access to industy pricing... which he used to clear out his inventory at top dollar(he made a profit of over 16k!!!).

    Now he wants more saddles and claims they are for flies, luring unsuspecting customers to sell there hackle WAY below fair value...the market value that he enjoyed... and who knows where the feathers will reallys go

    Hey kj; I've quoted 2 of your posts in the fly tying board in which in one of them; YOU stated that you sold one saddle for 35 times the price you paid for it. Come on man; give it rest
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 10:16:17 (permalink)
    But not on eBay
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 10:23:01 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: dano

    I have no problem with his asking for feathers,,,,just as long as he is "up front" with his customers.

    ... and thats my issue
    sell your hackle... make as much as possible... doing it with industry pricing is a bit shady and will **** people off

    but when you are asking customers to sell you their hackle back and then claiming you are just a fly shop and these feathers are for flies... thats BS

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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 10:29:57 (permalink)
    I sold my stuff to ebayers.
    I sent messages and pics to loosing bidders, those who put in very high bids on other auctions, but lost out at the end.
    This way I avoid the 9% ebay commission.
    The one that I thought would get top dollar and actually did put up for bid, disappointed.
    I still have one left but need it for tying.
    Something that shop owner could and should have done.
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 10:32:31 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: dimebrite


    1- i have not sold any saddles on ebay

    2- this guy is a fly shop... with access to industy pricing... which he used to clear out his inventory at top dollar(he made a profit of over 16k!!!).

    Now he wants more saddles and claims they are for flies, luring unsuspecting customers to sell there hackle WAY below fair value...the market value that he enjoyed... and who knows where the feathers will reallys go

    Hey kj; I've quoted 2 of your posts in the fly tying board in which in one of them; YOU stated that you sold one saddle for 35 times the price you paid for it. Come on man; give it rest

    For Selling a saddle for 3500% more than you paid; then ridiculing someone else for their actions?????? I call that bs partner
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 10:36:07 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: dano

    I have no problem with his asking for feathers,,,,just as long as he is "up front" with his customers.

    ... and thats my issue
    sell your hackle... make as much as possible... doing it with industry pricing is a bit shady and will **** people off

    but when you are asking customers to sell you their hackle back and then claiming you are just a fly shop and these feathers are for flies... thats BS

    In the Business world, the 3 keys to success are; Lie,,,Cheat,,,and Steal.
    He was the victim, selling for only 300 per unit. Now he wants to try a more successful approach.
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 10:40:00 (permalink)
    Big difference between a shop selling and an individual.
    If the shop wants to tie flies he should have kept enough for that purpose.

    Selling at the inflated prices and trying to buy back from unaware customers at what used to be retail is a scam.

     I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 10:41:05 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: dimebrite

    For Selling a saddle for 3500% more than you paid; then ridiculing someone else for their actions?????? I call that bs partner

    READ and UNDERSTAND what I am saying... i have nothing against him selling hackle at high prices

    i think it is BS that he is trying to take advantage of his customers with deceptive practice and being untruthful

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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 10:46:47 (permalink)


    ORIGINAL: dimebrite

    For Selling a saddle for 3500% more than you paid; then ridiculing someone else for their actions?????? I call that bs partner

    READ and UNDERSTAND what I am saying... i have nothing against him selling hackle at high prices

    i think it is BS that he is trying to take advantage of his customers with deceptive practice and being untruthful

    whatever dude; maybe he has strong ties with some of his loyal customers as I do with mine. There's nothing wrong with asking for help every now and then. We all need it in these times.Give the guy a brake. Its not like he's demanding people to sell them back. He's being honest and giving people the option. As I said whatever man.
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 10:55:05 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: dimebrite
    whatever dude; maybe he has strong ties with some of his loyal customers as I do with mine. There's nothing wrong with asking for help every now and then. We all need it in these times.Give the guy a brake. Its not like he's demanding people to sell them back. He's being honest and giving people the option. As I said whatever man.

    no he's sitting on 16k+ in tax-free profit... thats more than some guys make in 6months

    and he's not being "honest"
    post edited by KJH807 - 2011/07/22 10:56:08

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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 11:06:13 (permalink)
    i don't tie many dries so i don't really have too much invested in this deal, but i go to neshanock creek fly shop just about every week even if i dont need anything just because he has always been good to me.  everyone's intidialed to their own opinion and that is mine.  just keep in mind it's a business why not make money.    
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 11:55:42 (permalink)


    ORIGINAL: dimebrite
    whatever dude; maybe he has strong ties with some of his loyal customers as I do with mine. There's nothing wrong with asking for help every now and then. We all need it in these times.Give the guy a brake. Its not like he's demanding people to sell them back. He's being honest and giving people the option. As I said whatever man.

    no he's sitting on 16k+ in tax-free profit... thats more than some guys make in 6months

    and he's not being "honest"

    maybe you should've been an irs agent.

    3500% mark up; how much profit on that transaction for you???besides; do you know how much his overhead and operating costs are? Lastly, in my opinion its pretty shallow to bash someone's business on the internet
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 11:59:55 (permalink)
    Lastly, in my opinion its pretty shallow to bash someone's business on the internet

    I have no opinion on the topic at hand. Let me just take this opportunity to step in and bash someone's business. DON"T EVER STAY AT THE EL PATIO IN ERIE! THEY ARE CROOKS AND OVERCHARGED MY CREDIT CARD AND THE CREDIT CARDS OF OTHERS THAT I KNOW.

    Thank you.

    "Part of being a Leftist is the smug conviction that you and people like you are smart, while everyone else is stupid and/or evil"
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 12:09:02 (permalink)

    READ and UNDERSTAND what I am saying... i have nothing against him selling hackle at high prices

    i think it is BS that he is trying to take advantage of his customers with deceptive practice and being untruthful

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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 12:21:33 (permalink)
    so kjh,

    do you know for a fact the NCFS is buying hackle from customers and reselling at 1000% profit, like you have, or is he using them to tie flies?  by callin Bob a lier you must know something no one else does.  have you call Bob a lier to his face or just behind his back?
    btw,  how's the view from that high horse you're sitting on?
    post edited by RIZ - 2011/07/22 12:22:28
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 12:58:31 (permalink)

    1- i have not sold any saddles on ebay

    2- this guy is a fly shop... with access to industy pricing... which he used to clear out his inventory at top dollar(he made a profit of over 16k!!!).

    Now he wants more saddles and claims they are for flies, luring unsuspecting customers to sell there hackle WAY below fair value...the market value that he enjoyed... and who knows where the feathers will really go

    do you know where the feathers are really going to go? Question mark? I'll still stand by my first point which is the fact that you sold feathers yourself for very high dollar amounts and have benefited yourself. And in my opinion you have no business mocking anyone else no matter what it is for doing the same. you are just as much of a sell out as anyone else selling feathers for high dollar amounts. but that's okay you can keep yourself up on the pedestal and think that you are always right for doing what you do.

    post edited by dimebrite - 2011/07/22 13:03:50
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 13:08:20 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: SilverKype

    Some shops recognize that this is a fade and have kept the hackles behind the counters for their long-term customers. Others are sellouts, trying hard for the short-term gain. Hope they made enough to retire as I hope the fly tyers tell them to stick it.

    I understand the business side trying to make a dollar but the fly shops that fail to value customer loyality I won't return to. At least the ones I know that sold out...aka soul doubt.

    Flyfishers paradise racks are empty. I haven't been into spruce creek outfitters. Couldn't imagine Alan putting up with that ****. Course, I didn't think Steve would have either.

    I have to wonder what this does to the price of hackles in the long term. Bet they never drop to the previous values again.

    Allan is still well stocked, and hasn't raised the prices as far as I can tell. I've seen a lot of shops in my travels over the past month that are sold out.

    I'm moving next month.. when I was organizing my fishing stuff to pack up for the move, I found 2 saddles that I barely touched. Totally forgot I had them. I doubt they'll be going anywhere.
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    RE: Hackle 2011/07/22 13:19:00 (permalink)


    this guy is a fly shop... with access to industy pricing... which he used to clear out his inventory at top dollar(he made a profit of over 16k!!!).

    Now he wants more saddles and claims they are for flies, luring unsuspecting customers to sell there hackle WAY below fair value...the market value that he enjoyed... and who knows where the feathers will really go

    ...just thought this one deserved a quote.
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