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Big Cat Hopefully
Okay I was fishing at a farm pond yesterday and had a herd of bluegills drawn in. I then proceeded to see a nice bass, swim up and chase little slabs around the bank. I hooked but he got off. Next, about 10 feet out I saw a huge black shadow swim left to right. Then he came back to the left closer and I noticed it is probably a huge channel? Anyways this pond was never stocked with fish, and hadnt been fished in 35 years. I throughout a booyah baby jig with a chigger craw and sure enough when I started to reel in he had already grabbed and I tried to set the hook but when I did nothing. I let it sink back to the bottom but nothing. I am ready to go back and catch em. I have 12 pound floro and a heavy powered 7 foot pool. Would this suffice to get em in? Hard to tell but he's pushing 40 inches def 36" Also any tips on the hook set: letting him run etc?
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/18 18:02:19
if there is no snags in the pond then you should be fine but if there is he might be able to run you into a snag before you tire him out.
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/18 18:04:33
i would catch one of those blue gills cut a chunk of of that or just cut it in half and throw that out.
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/18 18:13:05
I'd let him take it for a few sec, def use a blue gill, that big he may take a live one too, plus you may hook a lunker bass on a live one. They defiantly know where the snags are and how to use em. But it worth a shot right? Hope ya get him good luck!
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/18 21:07:44
Definately worth it. Had it not been for a microburst shutting down 68 and Meridian Road I would have been out there but go stuck at a pond fishing for bass and carp. Anybody else see that storm today? NUTS. Thanks for the tips I'll be going tomorrow if I get him I'll be sure to take pics. I honestly dont know though what to once I hook him. The space where we could pull him up cause of the cattails is smaller than him so we'll see.
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/19 13:07:22
you DO look like you're set for quite the adventure! trying to bring him through some little opening in the cattails might be interesting. On merely 12# test I would make sure your line is absolutely flawless, no knicks or abrasions. Make sure all the weeds around you are 'flexible', I lost a nice fish from morraine cuz of that. also helpful with a big fish on light line, is to try to maintain a certain level of tauntness. Any slack and when bring to bear all their wieght and brawn to the line- its goodbye fish. A long rod also helps keep the tension even. With catfish, you're going to have to discourage that kind of roll they do; give a little but maintain tauntness. hopefully if the only bearable way to handle the pressure of the line is through the cattails- your cat will make its OWN path through the shoreline weed bank... Good LUCK! PS. I've had my own sad broken line story recently... ONE heck of a fish it made the reel just sing and had lots of weight. So from experience, you just can't be too careful with line strength (getting rid of small abrasion knicks ) and the drag.
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/19 16:57:41
Ya. I had a huge channel cat out at Moraine break 25 lb braid. I'm really thinking of gearing up because today I got denied permission to fish the pond cause they were farming. He said come back next week so we'll see what happens. Moraine does hold some pretty nice cats.
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/19 20:27:24
ORIGINAL: SevenMileShowcase Ya. I had a huge channel cat out at Moraine break 25 lb braid. Adjust your drag.............
4 out of 3 people don't understand fractions.
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/20 00:37:55
Oh it was adjusted. I wrapped the line around my hands because picking up the pole just peeled drag and when he shook he cut my hands and everything snapped the line.
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/20 08:23:28
Never touch braid with tension on it always grab the spool of the reel when freeing a snag. But I guess u know that now huh? I'm gonna start wearing gloves while casting when I bank fish the river cuz last time I sliced my index finger pretty deep casting a big sunfish and 3oz
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/20 23:38:07
Ya know that know. Also I wasnt freeing a snag haha I was picking up the catfish a foot from the hook, cause it was breaking the pole. You get the picture? It was a fat one not one of the standard cats huge head and just looked disproportional.
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/21 09:20:08
Grab the fish not the line,  . I think channels get those big fat swollen heads around spawn time.
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/21 12:29:45
Hahaha the last time I grabbed a channel cat by the mouth I ended up with all 4 of my fingers cut up and got spined in my wirst and had to get stitches. He missed my vein by fractions of an inch. You could see my vein and tendons at first when it opend up and the blood hadn't filled up yet.
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/21 12:35:17
I give em the death grip keeping my fingers on either side of the spines works well for me took a lil practice and a few stabbings but I no longer have problems maybe u need a net huh? Channels and bullheads bite real hard flatheads not so much.
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/21 13:36:20
haha ya I have a net. Its a freaking curse. When I bring it I catch squat. When I dont stuff like that happens haha. Just another battle wound
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/23 13:20:21
ORIGINAL: FishinGuy Never touch braid with tension on it always grab the spool of the reel when freeing a snag. But I guess u know that now huh? I'm gonna start wearing gloves while casting when I bank fish the river cuz last time I sliced my index finger pretty deep casting a big sunfish and 3oz look up ...."breakaway cannon" there for casting with braid on spinners. been use them for some years now and love them!!! there know in surf fishing.... good luck sevenmile take a pic if you get him, agre with the live gill, he'll eat it up for sure.
your "game fish" is my flathead!!
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RE: Big Cat Hopefully
2011/07/23 23:36:31
I sure will. Only a matter of time before I get back out there. Hopefully Tuesday