RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different
2011/07/25 09:35:32
Nice post. Looks as though you had a good time. Used to see one passing over the Duman dam area on occasion. Have you ever gone up in a glider? As interesting as a ride hanging in a basket from a hot air balloon would seem to be, in all honesty I never have, and probably never will, feel comfortable rideing in or on anything that doesn't have some form of steering or brakes. I did take a ride in a helicopter along with my daughter while on a vacation trip in Alaska. Landed on a glacier. Really neat experience. Wouldn't hesitate to do that again.
Greatness is not measured by what we have,
but by what we give.
If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!