Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different

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2011/07/18 11:42:07 (permalink)

Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different

My wife and I like to mark significant birthdays with "unique" experiences. For some reason or another, mine seem to be marked with a flight of some sort or another. An earlier milestone birthday was marked by a flight in a 1979 Russian MIG-29 fighter jet. One a little later was done in a 1942 Waco bi-plane. this one was celebrated with a hot air balloon ride over Happy Valley. I guess I am getting older as the flights seem to be getting more and more pastoral in nature.
The flight went from Pine Grove to nearly Bellefonte and passed over most of the University Park Campus and crossed Spring Creek near Bellefonte. It offered many great photo opportunities and I included a few of those photos here. 
Fill 'er up.

We are leaving the launch site, the chase vehicle and trailer can be seen below.

Old Main, Swab, and Willard.

One of the most disliked classrooms on the University Park Campus -- the Forum.  It is a strange from above as it was to have classes in.

The Bryce Jordan Center on a rare no event day -- it was the Arts Festival weekend.

Mount Nittany and Beaver Stadium.  Notice there are no lines on the field.

A view of the "tunnel" which, oddly enough, is not that much different than sitting in the top deck of the North endzone.

The entire Penn State University Park Campus, minus Innovation Park, and downtown State College from just beyond Beaver Stadium and Medlar Field.

With the winds, finding a landing zone got a little tricky.  We had to shoot the gap between the trees shown in the photo and actually brushed the bottom of the basket (yes, it is a ratan woven basket) on the tree tops.  Further along, we flew less than 20 feet over some houses and were going to put the balloon down in a yard right behind a trampoline, but the dogs in the next yard were not happy with us, so we flew a little further.  It was strange that the balloon is complletely silent, except for the heat blast, yet dogs barked wildly, cats ran like their tails were on fire, and cattle gathered in tight groups as we passed over.

Spring Creek anglers will recognize this section of stream near Bellefonte.  There was a pretty good sized party going on at the brick building, but they could not toss a beer up high enough for us to join them.  We could nto see nay fishing rising from where we were.

This is downstream of the previous photo and the property was reently purchased and gated.  We going to attempt to land in the cut straw behind the house, but power lines and the wind would not allow it.  So we aimed for a much smaller area to the right of that field.

We landed in the small area just beyond the barn roof.  The property owner came out and was none too happy that we did.  It was getting late and we didn't have much choice as the town of Bellefonte was coming up and unless we were goign to splash down in Spring Creek, there weren't a while lot of options left.

All in all it was a pretty cool experience that provided a very unique view.  I would recommend it.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 11:47:28 (permalink)
    Great pics. I too didnt care much for the Forum building while taking my chem and biology classes
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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 11:52:22 (permalink)
    Cool trip.

    Is it standard policy to just wing the landing spot?

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 11:57:36 (permalink)
    Very nice pictures! What a cool birthday gift.

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 12:05:33 (permalink)
    That was indeed very nice! Always wanted a ride in one. Happy Birthday!

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 12:12:51 (permalink)
    Happy birthday, Shawn. Did you happen to spot any big suckers while you were up there?
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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 12:31:52 (permalink)
    Nice Shawn. What day did you go ? I see them all the time. If I'da known it was you, Ida pulled out my 9 and gave her a big D.

    Do they have a set track ? I'd like to take one down tussey.

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 12:32:51 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: RhnstnCowboy

    Cool trip.

    Is it standard policy to just wing the landing spot?

    I believe that it is.  The pilot, especially since this a commercial venture, tries to secure as many landing spots as possible, but you are really at the mercy of the wind.  This was the first time he ever landed in this spot.
    This is what led to the tradition of carrying champagne on the balloon for a post flight toast.  Back in the day, farmers were none too happy that balloons were landing in their crop fields and causing damages, so aeronauts were often greeted with pitchfork wielding farmers that shredded their balloon.  They started to carry champagne tied to the sides of the basket and would ask the farmer if they could land in exchange for dropping a bottle or two.  With everyone a little toasted, permission was granted.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 12:33:56 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: thedrake

    Happy birthday, Shawn. Did you happen to spot any big suckers while you were up there?

    We didn't spot any sucker per se, but did see one gentleman, a believe using a 5-weight Winston with a Cortland line who was battleing a monster one.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 12:35:43 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: SilverKype

    Nice Shawn. What day did you go ? I see them all the time. If I'da known it was you, Ida pulled out my 9 and gave her a big D.

    Do they have a set track ? I'd like to take one down tussey.

    We went Friday evening.
    No two flights are the same, and there is really no steering involved other than adjusting the altitude in order to try to find a wind shear that is blowing the direction you sort of want to go.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 12:37:14 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: DarDys

    ORIGINAL: thedrake

    Happy birthday, Shawn. Did you happen to spot any big suckers while you were up there?

    We didn't spot any sucker per se, but did see one gentleman, a believe using a 5-weight Winston with a Cortland line who was battleing a monster one.

    If you were in the air on Friday, you probably did see said gentleman.
    post edited by thedrake - 2011/07/18 12:38:06
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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 12:39:14 (permalink)
    What are you like, 40 now ? I'd like to try pine grove to spruce creek. Think we'd get fined if we landed at the espy barn ? I can't get the wife to ride water slides because of heights, so no luck there.

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 12:41:47 (permalink)
    Happy 75th!
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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 12:50:06 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: DarDys

    A view of the "tunnel" which, oddly enough, is not that much different than sitting in the top deck of the North endzone.

    Yeah, I've had seats in the nosebleeds in which the tunnel was but a wee little speck.

    post edited by Bogeyjoker - 2011/07/18 21:13:10
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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 14:57:15 (permalink)
    Happy birthday! Hope you live long enough to try a jetpack!

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 16:45:06 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: tull66

    Happy birthday! Hope you live long enough to try a jetpack!

    I seem to be going the other direction -- jet to bi-plane to hot air balloon.  I suspect my next flying adventure for a birthday will entail holding my arms out and making an airplane sound.
    post edited by DarDys - 2011/07/18 17:17:18

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 16:47:06 (permalink)
    My wife and I took a helicopter ride in Hawaii, on our honeymoon. I'll never do that again...

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 16:53:27 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: DarDys

    ORIGINAL: tull66

    Happy birthday! Hope you live long enough to try a jetpack!

    I seem to be going the other direct -- jet to bi-plane to hot air balloon.  I suspect my next flying adventure for a birthday will entail holding my arms out and making an airplane sound.

    I would prfer to see that on video if you please.

    Very cool pics.

    We have an army of Paragliders around here.
    They have 2 seaters for taking up passengers....

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 17:12:41 (permalink)
    "We have an army of Paragliders around here."

    We have a jackazz with an ultra light aircraft that continually circles around. Didn't bother me at first, but he goes up almost every evening and just buzzes around the same path don't even feel comfortable taking a leak behind the barn anymore. Thought about printing up a big banner that says "This airspace posted". I told my wife that I'm gonna take my motorcycle over and ride circles around his house and see how long it takes for him to get upset...

    Have a friend with a hot air balloon, never had the urge to go up though. They're famous around here for their "bombing" runs...

    Oh, Happy Birthday DarDys!!
    post edited by bulldog1 - 2011/07/18 17:13:28
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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 17:16:37 (permalink)
    There are 6 of them that fly here bout everynight.
    Will bring you right off of the couch when they buzz the house, which they do at very low altitude.

    Thought about putting a reducer in the Potatoe gun to shoot golfs balls...

    P.S. Happy B-day Dardys

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 17:18:26 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: bingsbaits

    ORIGINAL: DarDys

    ORIGINAL: tull66

    Happy birthday! Hope you live long enough to try a jetpack!

    I seem to be going the other direct -- jet to bi-plane to hot air balloon.  I suspect my next flying adventure for a birthday will entail holding my arms out and making an airplane sound.

    I would prfer to see that on video if you please.

    Very cool pics.

    We have an army of Paragliders around here.
    They have 2 seaters for taking up passengers....

    Probably not if you knew that the plan for the airplane sound involved cans of black beans and some stale, warm beer.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 17:19:37 (permalink)
    "Thought about putting a reducer in the Potatoe gun to shoot golfs balls... "

    I like it... May have to put together one of those, just shoot off some blanks and act like you just missed them...
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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 18:11:01 (permalink)
    Really nice pictures! You're braver than me. I like my feet planted firmly on terra firma.
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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 18:34:26 (permalink)
    There is a very interestiong side light to this post. Right after I read this I went to facebook and a friend had posted a picture of the balloon over the engineering building on campus. So I sent him a link to this post. How bout THAT for a co-inkydinky!

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 21:17:30 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: bulldog1

    don't even feel comfortable taking a leak behind the barn anymore.

    Stagefright or are you just shy?
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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 21:21:01 (permalink)
    BEAUTIFUL pictures!

    My Wife said, if I go fish'n one more time, she'll leave me! God, I'm going to miss her!
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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 23:06:21 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Bogeyjoker

    ORIGINAL: bulldog1

    don't even feel comfortable taking a leak behind the barn anymore.

    Stagefright or are you just shy?

    Makes the horses envious!

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/18 23:39:21 (permalink)

    Thanks for sharing the pictures and story!

    One of my best friends is a retired twenty year US Airforce pilot that flies for Southwest Airlines.
    He says he would never go up in a hot air baloon. I'm glad you did it!

    changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes....nothing remains quite the same

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/19 07:20:48 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: D-nymph

    Happy 75th!

    I wish that were the case, then I would have a valid reason to be as stiff, sore, hard of hearing, fat, lazy, smelly, rude, uncaring, and grumpy as I am.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    RE: Spring Creek Anglers and PSU People -- Something a little different 2011/07/19 07:21:44 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: RhnstnCowboy

    My wife and I took a helicopter ride in Hawaii, on our honeymoon. I'll never do that again...

    Do tell, why not?
    We thought of doing the chopper thing somewhere.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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