Total ahole on the yough.

Smallie Wader
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2011/07/17 13:30:57 (permalink)

Total ahole on the yough.

Did a float yesterday, coming through cedar creek, some hillbilly in a bass boat with at least 200 hp on the back launched and went ripping wot up river throwing big wake on all the canoes and kayaks. I hope he sheared a prop or worse upstream when it got really shallow. Seriously, wtf does that? Idiot.

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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/17 15:58:44 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Smallie Wader

    Did a float yesterday, coming through cedar creek, some hillbilly in a bass boat with at least 200 hp on the back launched and went ripping wot up river throwing big wake on all the canoes and kayaks. I hope he sheared a prop or worse upstream when it got really shallow. Seriously, wtf does that? Idiot.

    They do it to everyone everywhere. They really hammer fishermen at the Yough Dam,the Mon River and the Yough river.I have a 16'trihull with a 25 hp and they just got to show their horsepower muscles.Egotistical a holes with no sense of sportsmanship.
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/17 16:05:57 (permalink)
    Been happening a bunch to me when I am shore fishing the Ohio lately. Someones just always gotta buzz me wading or relaxing! Thats time for the biggest spoon I got to start ripping.
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/17 16:54:53 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: FreeballinPGH

    Been happening a bunch to me when I am shore fishing the Ohio lately. Someones just always gotta buzz me wading or relaxing! Thats time for the biggest spoon I got to start ripping.

    8 oz. sinker works for me!
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/17 16:57:07 (permalink)
    Yea, it happens alot anywhere HP is unlimited.  I can't believe how often another boat will come muscleing in on a spot I am fishing by boat.  From what I see on the 'burgh rivers, I'm not to proud to say I am a PA boater.  I could write a book on just this years Jackwagon behavior on the rivers.  Spot stealing, rude parking, hi speed wakes, Blaring rap "music" while skiing, jet skiers that own your fishing spot, etc.  I've come to the conclusion that when most people buy a boat they use their brain for a down payment.  That being said, I've had 2 boaters offer me assistance while I was pulling my boat out. 

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/17 17:54:17 (permalink)
    Where I fish the Allegheny River, which is Oil City-Franklin-Kennerdell, I'm sorry but if I coming through a riffle or shallow area with the jet, I'm not gonna slow down for a canoe or kayak.
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/17 18:30:18 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: capcity_tim

    ORIGINAL: Fishing24/7

    ORIGINAL: FreeballinPGH

    Been happening a bunch to me when I am shore fishing the Ohio lately. Someones just always gotta buzz me wading or relaxing! Thats time for the biggest spoon I got to start ripping.

    8 oz. sinker works for me!

    BS... like to see you cast an 8oz sinker needle dik

    Throw them all the time catfishin' boy!!! Want to see it pin dik come close and wake me. That way I can reach you with the 12 gauge I carry on aborad.Don't get in a name calling spat with me or any other confrontation!
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/17 18:45:02 (permalink)
    I don't have a big boat by any means (50HP), but one time on the Mon, I went past some folks on canoes and yaks and slowed down (as I always did) on my way to the ramp - they proceeded to pull up on the ramp after I was loaded up and thanked me for slowing down but said that I would actually make less of a wake staying at full power.  So that's what I've been doing since then.  Maybe it's because I have a smaller boat than the big boys?
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/17 18:49:04 (permalink)
     Pindik vs Needledik?

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/17 20:04:30 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: tull66

     Pindik vs Needledik?

    old screenames, new screenames, friends to the end...
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/17 21:24:06 (permalink)
    Throw tax rocks at them just sayin'

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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 01:40:07 (permalink)
    I had a kayaker swim between my bobber and a friends at Moraine. I was only fishing for bait but what a dumbazz.
    Smallie Wader
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 07:17:38 (permalink)
    Well, launching from cedar creek, you have about 4' of water. This jackhole had the motor trimmed up and was running wot so he never got on plane. With a boat that big, how far up river is he gonna get? Maybe a mile before he runs out of water?
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 09:05:05 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Mountian Man

    Throw tax rocks at them just sayin'

    Is that all you still got monkeyboy?
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 10:36:59 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: eyesandgillz

    Is that all you still got monkeyboy?


    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 11:13:11 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Smallie Wader

    Did a float yesterday, coming through cedar creek, some hillbilly in a bass boat with at least 200 hp on the back launched and went ripping wot up river throwing big wake on all the canoes and kayaks. I hope he sheared a prop or worse upstream when it got really shallow. Seriously, wtf does that? Idiot.

    A flysifherman would never act this way, just sayin'.
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 11:39:57 (permalink)
    No matter where you go at this time of the year, there are going to be idiots. I was trolling about 1.5 mph at Arthur. I see a pontoon boat full of yahoos coming in at full throttle about 400 yards away, thinking they're on a straight line to pretty close to where I'm going to be. This continues to about 100 yards out, and the guy on the front is waving his hands for me to get out of their way. Finailly about 30 yards away from me, they decided to go around, of course about 20 yards behind me where my lures are running.

    Some people just lack common courtesy is what it comes down to.

    When I am cruising on a lake crowded with unpowered craft, I intentionally go 100 yards out of my way to not buzz them. Not sure if the wake is any less on them, but it at least gives them a few minutes to adjust and brace for the wake. I also try to calculate where they are going and give them a good 50+ yard cushion. I extend the same courtesy to those anchored, shore fishing or trolling. I try to extend courtesy to just about anyone, but definitely times that I find myself in situations where I run a bit too close. Usually if it's windy out, and trying to use my trolling motor (haven't mastered the foot control!). Sorry to those on the red pontoon boat anchored that I got a bit close to (20 yards or so) on Saturday if you are on here... They seemed to be fine with it and gave me a wave, probably saw that I was doing zig zags right before it and figured that I didn't really want to be that close...

    Personally, I like to be off of the lake around Noon in the Summer and just not have to deal with the crowds...
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 12:25:03 (permalink)
    what rules did this guy break? other than doing something you didnt car for it doesnt seem that he did anything wrong. why would he not trim up his motor in shallow water? He must be a pinner
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 12:31:56 (permalink)
    Was it a jet?  those things only have 3, idle and wide open.
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 12:44:52 (permalink)
    ha! I call (repectfully) BS on that, (although maybe you are are being sarcastic as it is hard to tell on the internets) But i have seen plenty of passive agressive flyfishers in my day (check out elk creek in Oct if you do not believe me ) and this is coming from a guy who does not even own a spinning rod
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 13:14:29 (permalink)
    Biggest Jet I've seen on the water is a 115/90...though I suspect they can be bigger

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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 14:14:12 (permalink)
    psu, ever see the one that runs around Franklin with a 225 Evinrude E-Tec converted to a jet? Talk about HUGE, the boat itself looks like a barge. It's the guy who runs some sort of a guide/float trip service. Imagine the gas that thing burns........
    Troutabout is basically right, a jet has 3 speeds, off....idle....and wot, LOL.
    post edited by ready2fish - 2011/07/18 14:15:31

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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 15:35:06 (permalink)
    When I was kayaking out in Monterey the charters would blast past you full throttle. It wasn't anything personal, they just go like that.

    The sea lions though, thats another story. They'll jump right up on your yak and drop you in the drink.

    Sea lions are jagoffs.
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/18 15:52:06 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: psu_fish

    Biggest Jet I've seen on the water is a 115/90...though I suspect they can be bigger

    My jet boat had a 402 Chevy big block with Berkley Jetivater

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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/19 21:49:07 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: esbdmb

    I don't have a big boat by any means (50HP), but one time on the Mon, I went past some folks on canoes and yaks and slowed down (as I always did) on my way to the ramp - they proceeded to pull up on the ramp after I was loaded up and thanked me for slowing down but said that I would actually make less of a wake staying at full power.  So that's what I've been doing since then.  Maybe it's because I have a smaller boat than the big boys?

    It's not the size of the boat, or the speed of the boat that creates wake. It's the amount of boat in the water and the angle at which it is pushing the water. If you don't want to wake them, take the boat completely out of gear. When the boat settles flat, put it back in gear and idle past.

    In the episode you mentioned above, if you were on plane, and simply slowed down to let's say half throttle, you probably doubled your wake.

    As for unpowered craft, they seem to be growing in popularity and I have to wonder what some people are thinking. On Sunday evening, I saw two yahoos on the Mon with a barge passing on their right and several power boats on their left. I was driving a 30' Pontoon with a 90 on the back headed toward them. I understand their right to be there, but is really a good idea? I stopped. The people on my boat asked what I was doing. I pointed at the kayaks. They DIDN'T see them. Now if I didn't see them, this story would have gotten real ugly.
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/19 22:12:58 (permalink)
    A friend and I once had 2 bass boats tied together drive right over our lines while shorefishing catfish tourney. It was kinda classic though. They were wasted and had the whole river just to somehow end up right on top of us. The more they realized what was going on the worse they became at getting outta there. Went right over all 4 lines. Mine first and my friends second after they tried to get away from mine. hahaha. It's unavoidable, I guess.

    Tull, I'm with you on the inner city boaters. It was hell down there at times in a 14fter. I had to fire up and move just to break people's waves with my bow. Too bad I'm not down that away anymore now that I know there's at least one decent boater out there.  

    I'd rather be fishin...
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/21 16:52:09 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: ready2fish

    psu, ever see the one that runs around Franklin with a 225 Evinrude E-Tec converted to a jet? Talk about HUGE, the boat itself looks like a barge. It's the guy who runs some sort of a guide/float trip service.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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    RE: Total ahole on the yough. 2011/07/21 19:06:56 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: ready2fish

    psu, ever see the one that runs around Franklin with a 225 Evinrude E-Tec converted to a jet? Talk about HUGE, the boat itself looks like a barge. It's the guy who runs some sort of a guide/float trip service. Imagine the gas that thing burns........

    Troutabout is basically right, a jet has 3 speeds, off....idle....and wot, LOL.

    Not yet...I'll keep my eyes out for it. I've seen a 115/90 Tohatsu a few times. My 90/65 Merc will do 30mph and its got plenty of speed...a 225 would be sick
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