2F Bonus tags ???

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Dr. Trout
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/06 19:19:24 (permalink)
I'm a nitwit.. that's is so hilarious... have you looked at your avatar ???

you may have ALMOST a thousand post but 99% of them are far from adding anything other than BS to any topic... and I find it hard to believe you are still even able to post here because of some of them.. but that's not my call...

I have almost 4,000 posts and DONE of them are as ignorant as 90% of your..so I don;t see your point there at all...

your an ignorant guy and you love to make ignorant post.. so what ????

we all already know that ........

one last point.. you're pretty good at taking things out of context... if fact an expert at it...

show me ANYWHERE that I said I was against Sunday hunting because more deer would be killed.. I could care less if guys want to kill more deer so be it... I was mearly pointing out that is what will happen ... and so many guys are already complaining about the deer population.. I'm not complaining about the deer population and in fact know for a fact many areas around here still need reduced even more.......

I can't help it you took that as meaning I was against Sunday hunting for that reason.. I'm not... If you guys want more deer killed so be it.. it won't effect or "worry" me in the least.. I'll still get mine every year here in 2F with or without Sunday hunting..

you can talk to yourself now
and this post can die like so many other in this part of the board.....

post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/06 21:01:46
Outdoor Adventures
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/06 23:11:17 (permalink)
there's plenty of deer in most of 2F and I have been posting that for almost 10 years now...

If a hunter HUNTS in 2F and does not see deer he is simply hunting the wrong areas and needs to spend some time finding the areas that the deer are living in..

Hummmmm. Since there is so many deer,then tell us Trout how many bucks or even does have you killed in the past 10 years ??? Maybe hunting the wrong spot? Maybe the bucks only come out on Sundays ? Perhaps a little more time in the woods laying out mineral blocks and a little less time on the internet will get you some bone? Maybe ??

post edited by Outdoor Adventures - 2011/08/06 23:38:53
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 08:13:26 (permalink)
He seems to get kinda irritated when you point out the contradictions in his posts..

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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 08:55:48 (permalink)

I'm a nitwit.. that's is so hilarious...

There's something else we can agree on, but I don't find it funny.
Wait, let me put it in terms you can comprehend:
There;s another thing ===========we can agree about===
I doonot think its FUNNY========

and this post can die like so many other in this part of the board.....

Uhh, Doc....
All posts in all threads in all forums die.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 10:10:39 (permalink)
But if I stay out of them they never get active !!!!

In the past month there have been 9 discussions in the big game topic..

I started 5 of them.. and Bings has 2 == you have ZERO !!!!

In the general section --- 11 topics.. 4 of them mine with replies...

one is yours with a grand total of 8 replies and the lowsest visits of all the topics there and ..get this.. 5 of the 8 replies are YOURS ....

and you think the board would not be dead if I did not post..

what world are you living in...
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/07 10:21:51
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 10:37:18 (permalink)
I hope that all the extra licesnes sell in your WMU.  I also hope that each hunter enjoys at least the average success rate.
Then, in two years of the same, perhaps you will see what some of the rest of us have already expereinced.
It just might change your tune.
But I doubt it.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 10:47:19 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: Outdoor Adventures

For 2F ???

Since 2F had so few licenses to allocate last year they sold out before the non-residents and even some of the commonwealth residents could get one it is kind of hard to compare the past to this year’s sales. But, it is not entirely impossible to get a feel for a comparison between the two years either if you compare it apples to apples by looking at the sales for the same periods prior to unit 2F selling out last year.
Last year 2F had sold 20,842 licenses out of the 22,148 allocated by the end of the day on the first Thursday. The allocation was then sold out the next day and over a week before non-residents could apply. This year unit 2F had sold 18,743 licenses by the end of the day on the first Thursday (only a couple thousand fewer than during the same time frame as last year) but unlike last year this year there were still 15,257 licenses available at that time.
Though it is impossible to say with total certainty why the 2F sales were slightly lower this year, for the first few days, it seems logical that the reduction in sales was simply a result of some hunters who generally applied in 2F not doing so this year because they can’t harvest an antlerless deer the first week. I believe that suspicion is further supported in the fact that unit 2G, which generally parallels unit 2F in early sales activity (even though it has had the split season for all of the past few years), had slightly higher sales for the same time period, and before selling out, this year compared to last year.
R.S. Bodenhorn
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 10:52:35 (permalink)


But if I stay out of them they never get active !!!!

In the past month there have been 9 discussions in the big game topic..

I started 5 of them.. and Bings has 2 == you have ZERO !!!!

In the general section --- 11 topics.. 4 of them mine with replies...

one is yours with a grand total of 8 replies and the lowsest visits of all the topics there and ..get this.. 5 of the 8 replies are YOURS ....

and you think the board would not be dead if I did not post..

what world are you living in...

Kinda full of yourself aren't you ??

But thanks for saving us down here on the hunting boards.

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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 10:58:58 (permalink)

But if I stay out of them they never get active !!!!

In the past month there have been 9 discussions in the big game topic..

I started 5 of them.. and Bings has 2 == you have ZERO !!!!

In the general section --- 11 topics.. 4 of them mine with replies...

one is yours with a grand total of 8 replies and the lowsest visits of all the topics there and ..get this.. 5 of the 8 replies are YOURS ....

and you think the board would not be dead if I did not post..

what world are you living in...

Please pull your head out for a minute and try to follow along before you respond.
Every time I make a point, you dodge a question, pull things out of thin air, or change the subject matter.  You pulled off a hat-trick in your last post.
Where was it said, mentioned, or even hinted, ANYTHING about your participation, response, or starting a thread?
And now you claim "and now you think the board would not be dead if I did not post.."!  Where do you get this crap?
I consistently pull up your "heavily edited posts" to show what you've stated in the past.  You choose to make things up.
I'm convinced either you are influenced by drugs or delusional.
I'll have to spend more time starting threads so I can "measure up" to your lofty stature.

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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 11:01:42 (permalink)

you can talk to yourself now

Should we pigeonhole this under "lies" or "contradictions"? 

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
Dr. Trout
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 11:34:45 (permalink)

Dars =

Then, in two years of the same, perhaps you will see what some of the rest of us have already expereinced.

and in that statement is the root of the problem.. ""some of the rest of us ""

I have always known there are "some of you" complaining, I mention it often

The unfortunate thing is because this site allows so much personal attacking the side that supports the deer plan remains silent and just read the information..

And I am sure that "some of us" you mentioned wished we would abandon that postion and remain silent too... then it would appear that everyone here at this site is against the deer plan when it really is only about 7 people posting the negative stuff...

post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/07 11:35:59
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 15:39:52 (permalink)
And I am sure that "some of us" you mentioned wished we would abandon that postion and remain silent too... then it would appear that everyone here at this site is against the deer plan when it really is only about 7 people posting the negative stuff...

Actually the real interesting thing is the hunting boards have gotten a bad rap the last year or so because of the posting.
As you have stated YOU are the one who is taking credit for most of the threads and keeping the board active with your postings.
Regardless who the other person or persons posting are YOU are nearly always involved in fighting with them and when when getting buried with facts or your own counterdictory comments complaining about being bullied or picked on.
YET it is YOU who are nearly always the singular person in every hunting topic keeping the bickering going regardless of who the others are who happen to post on that particular topic.
Perhaps YOU should look in the mirror to see where the problem lies.
Dr. Trout
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 16:06:25 (permalink)
S-10 ..

YET it is YOU who are nearly always the singular person in every hunting topic keeping the bickering going regardless of who the others are who happen to post on that particular topic.

If that were in any way shape or form the truth -- I am sure those that run this board would have warned me or thrown me off the board long ago .. but that has not happened...

all they do is ask that I ignore the insults and bickering... and I try... but it is way to common of an occurance for me to just ignore.. and if it were you on the receiving end I am sure you would not sit back quietly either.

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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 16:48:42 (permalink)

The unfortunate thing is because this site allows so much personal attacking the side that supports the deer plan remains silent and just read the information..

If that were in any way shape or form the truth -- I am sure those that run this board would have warned me or thrown me off the board long ago .. but that has not happened...

Again, Docs "facts" change 180 degrees to suit his current bull, all in the same day, all in the same thread.
1st the site is too lenient...4 1/2 hours later the site would have "warned me or thrown me off".
S-10, you nailed the common denominator.
Doc sez: "all they do is ask that I ignore the insults and bickering..."
So you run to the "teacher" to squeal?   LMAO! 

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 17:04:05 (permalink)

In the past month there have been 9 discussions in the big game topic..

I started 5 of them..

In the general section --- 11 topics.. 4 of them mine with replies...

You mean this?  You did reply yourself there in the first one.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 17:06:05 (permalink)
But if I stay out of them they never get active !!!!

In the past month there have been 9 discussions in the big game topic..

I started 5 of them..

You also started 99% of the topics on your own site with no replys.
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 17:07:23 (permalink)
You beat me to it tull. LOL

Hey Trout still waiting to hear of all those deer you killed in 2F over the last ten years.
post edited by Outdoor Adventures - 2011/08/07 17:09:46
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 17:24:01 (permalink)

As for my harvests for the past 10 years of hunting (15 deer).. BUT .. here they all are since I move here 24/7.....

31 deer in 23 years of hunting since I moved here... and the last year I hunted and did NOT get a deer here was 1984 ...http://drsems.tripod.com/journals/myhjournals.html
post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/07 17:40:57
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 18:04:03 (permalink)
Just for fun..

I want you guys to do me a favor ... write this down somewhere where you can look at it years from now and compare your hunting to mine ... I'll be long gone ..

number of Pa. deer harvested after the age of 50 === 14 in 10 years
number of Pa. deer harvesetd after the age of 60 === 9 in 5 years.

YEP deer hunting in 2F really sucks

post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/07 18:07:15
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 18:29:52 (permalink)
Wow, 60 going on 11.
Teacher! Teacher!  Tull is picking on me again!   Please make him stand in the corner!

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 18:29:54 (permalink)
Not one buck in the last 10 years. I expected more from such a deer expert. Maybe you should stick to trout fishing. I'm sure Bings could teach you a few things there also. Really Trout, no bucks in the last 10 years ? WOW !!
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 18:35:01 (permalink)
well after you reach 60 and survive "quad" heart surgery we'll see how many deer you kill...and how much "traveling in the woods" you do by yourself ..

How many times do I have to post this statement... ghezz...

I kill the first deer I can.. could care less about antlers...

Has NOTHING to do with being an expert.. never claimed to be that or a "buck/trophy hunter.

I hunt the easiest I can with the best odds of shooting a deer... I hunt deer because I enjoy it and it puts meat on our table EVERY year....

In my younger, healthy days I did alright.. IMHO.. in the 5 years before HR and ARs I got 5 does and 4 bucks... and in the past 5 years I harvested 9 deer... traded the bucks for does but still had 9 in 5 years...

post edited by Dr. Trout - 2011/08/07 18:53:57
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 18:45:15 (permalink)
well I'm done on this one you folks have it right back to where it always goes .. doc and his deer hunting... nothing to do with the orginal topic...
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/07 21:34:32 (permalink)
Should we pigeonhole this under "lies" or "contradictions"?

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/08 07:41:45 (permalink)

well after you reach 60 and survive "quad" heart surgery we'll see how many deer you kill...and how much "traveling in the woods" you do by yourself ..

How many times do I have to post this statement... ghezz...

I kill the first deer I can.. could care less about antlers...

Has NOTHING to do with being an expert.. never claimed to be that or a "buck/trophy hunter.

I hunt the easiest I can with the best odds of shooting a deer... I hunt deer because I enjoy it and it puts meat on our table EVERY year....

In my younger, healthy days I did alright.. IMHO.. in the 5 years before HR and ARs I got 5 does and 4 bucks... and in the past 5 years I harvested 9 deer... traded the bucks for does but still had 9 in 5 years...

You "could care less about antlers" and "never claim to be ... a buck/trophy hunter," yet you support the PGC antler restrictions that require hunters to care about antlers and force those have the philosophy of "anlters don't make the deer, antlers make the deer legal," which what you are stating in a orund about way, even if you don't realize it.  Is that dichotomy confusing? 

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/08 08:00:03 (permalink)
Should we pigeonhole this under "lies" or "contradictions"?

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The closer we adhere to the Holy Bible and the US Constitution (as it was written) the closer we get to the model that made America great. The great American experiment worked, human nature just got in the way.
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/08 08:53:00 (permalink)


well after you reach 60 and survive "quad" heart surgery we'll see how many deer you kill...and how much "traveling in the woods" you do by yourself ..

How many times do I have to post this statement... ghezz...

I kill the first deer I can.. could care less about antlers...

Has NOTHING to do with being an expert.. never claimed to be that or a "buck/trophy hunter.

I hunt the easiest I can with the best odds of shooting a deer... I hunt deer because I enjoy it and it puts meat on our table EVERY year....

In my younger, healthy days I did alright.. IMHO.. in the 5 years before HR and ARs I got 5 does and 4 bucks... and in the past 5 years I harvested 9 deer... traded the bucks for does but still had 9 in 5 years...

You "could care less about antlers" and "never claim to be ... a buck/trophy hunter," yet you support the PGC antler restrictions that require hunters to care about antlers and force those have the philosophy of "anlters don't make the deer, antlers make the deer legal," which what you are stating in a orund about way, even if you don't realize it.  Is that dichotomy confusing? 

A person can certainly support the biological benefits of antler restrictions without caring about the size of antlers while hunting provided they have taken the time to learn why we have antler restrictions in the first place.
Antler restrictions were put in place because we were harvesting way too many of our bucks and ending up with a poor buck to doe ratio as a result. The poor buck/doe ratio before antler restrictions was resulting in areas where many of the does, including adult does were not being bred at all. The lack of bucks was also resulting in it taking five months or more to get the does bred while a correct buck/doe ratio results in most receptive does being bred in less than two months.
Antler restrictions were put in place, and remain in place, because it is beneficial to have more adult bucks in the breeding population for a correct biological and breeding balance of the deer herd. Antler restrictions are not about producing bigger antlers, and never were, even though having some older bucks in the population generally does result in having some bucks with bigger antlers than we had before antler restrictions.
Yep those that understand the real reason for antler restrictions and supports improved deer management practices most certain would be supportive of the antler restrictions even if they still preferred to shoot any legal buck and didn’t care about antler sizes.
R.S. Bodenhorn  
post edited by RSB - 2011/08/08 08:55:33
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/08 10:27:09 (permalink)



well after you reach 60 and survive "quad" heart surgery we'll see how many deer you kill...and how much "traveling in the woods" you do by yourself ..

How many times do I have to post this statement... ghezz...

I kill the first deer I can.. could care less about antlers...

Has NOTHING to do with being an expert.. never claimed to be that or a "buck/trophy hunter.

I hunt the easiest I can with the best odds of shooting a deer... I hunt deer because I enjoy it and it puts meat on our table EVERY year....

In my younger, healthy days I did alright.. IMHO.. in the 5 years before HR and ARs I got 5 does and 4 bucks... and in the past 5 years I harvested 9 deer... traded the bucks for does but still had 9 in 5 years...

You "could care less about antlers" and "never claim to be ... a buck/trophy hunter," yet you support the PGC antler restrictions that require hunters to care about antlers and force those have the philosophy of "anlters don't make the deer, antlers make the deer legal," which what you are stating in a orund about way, even if you don't realize it.  Is that dichotomy confusing? 

A person can certainly support the biological benefits of antler restrictions without caring about the size of antlers while hunting provided they have taken the time to learn why we have antler restrictions in the first place.
Antler restrictions were put in place because we were harvesting way too many of our bucks and ending up with a poor buck to doe ratio as a result. The poor buck/doe ratio before antler restrictions was resulting in areas where many of the does, including adult does were not being bred at all. The lack of bucks was also resulting in it taking five months or more to get the does bred while a correct buck/doe ratio results in most receptive does being bred in less than two months.
Antler restrictions were put in place, and remain in place, because it is beneficial to have more adult bucks in the breeding population for a correct biological and breeding balance of the deer herd. Antler restrictions are not about producing bigger antlers, and never were, even though having some older bucks in the population generally does result in having some bucks with bigger antlers than we had before antler restrictions.
Yep those that understand the real reason for antler restrictions and supports improved deer management practices most certain would be supportive of the antler restrictions even if they still preferred to shoot any legal buck and didn’t care about antler sizes.
R.S. Bodenhorn  

I'll call BS on this one.
Antler restrictions just had to be four points to a side in one part of the state for "biological" reasons, but only three in another, until it was proven that those in the west had worse eyesight and no longer needed to determine brow tines, while the eastern hunters, who obviously can see better need to carry on.
You see the problem is, some of use have an animal bioscience background and do understand the "real" reason for antler restrictions and it had nothing to do with biology.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/08 12:29:33 (permalink)
Antler restrictions were put in place, and remain in place, because it is beneficial to have more adult bucks in the breeding population for a correct biological and breeding balance of the deer herd. Antler restrictions are not about producing bigger antlers, and never were, even though having some older bucks in the population generally does result in having some bucks with bigger antlers than we had before antler restrictions.

Your own PGC research has proven that the first sentence is incorrect since all age classes of bucks share equally in the breeding and superior genetics are just that regardless of the age of the buck.

While the second sentence is correct that was not how AR was sold. It was sold with Alt holding his big set of 10 point antlers up for all to see while saying that was what we would be seeing in two years. Remember--World Class Deer Hunting---Best in the Nation--- and all his other pie in the sky promises. That is documented.

The real reason for AR besides taking our mind off the herd reduction for a couple years was to make it more difficult for a hunter to kill a buck in the hopes he would get discouraged and take a doe instead thereby reducing the herd quicker.

If doc wants to pretend he is just as happy with one of his baited doe pets as he would be with a buck that his his problem. He is in the minority for sure.
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RE: 2F Bonus tags ??? 2011/08/08 13:18:24 (permalink)
DarDys, I sure would like to know the non biological reason for antler restrictions.
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