"One Fly" Rendezvous 2011!

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2011/07/13 11:21:08 (permalink)

"One Fly" Rendezvous 2011!

Gentlemen and ladies, Attention, entries are closed except for legacy attendees.
In the days of the fur trappers; once a year they would gather at a place at a certain time to meet, greet, trade gifts and compete with each other. This was the one time each year when they would put names to faces and they called it a Rendezvous!
It gives me great pleasure to announce the sign-up for the 2011 edition of the "One Fly" Rendezvous. This will be the 7th open editon of the event and the 10th since it's inception. The rules for this event are simple: You get One Fly (of your choice) and about 4 hours to catch as many fish with it as you can. When you lose you fly you cannot count any more fish, for scoring purposes, but you can continue to fish in order to help your partner. If, in some way you manage to retrieve your broken off fly, (From a tree, or from a fishes' mouth) you may re-tie to the remains of your original leader. RE-RIGGING IS NOT ALLOWED.
This event is a fly fishing, catch and release event. the judges will determine what is/isn't a fly. If you have doubts, bring a pair of back-ups. A fish is considered caught when it is brough "to hand", or netted, and measured; then released. Only fair hooked fish may be counted.
The event is both an individual test and a team event. You will fish as two man teams (You may pick your teammate, or sign up as a single and pm other singles to find a partner). If all else fails we will try to find you a partner the day of the event. But you may find yourself fishing with a grumpy old fat man, or a kid who will catch all the fish.
SCORING: Will be as follows: You get 1 point for each inch of steelhead caught, and released, by 1/4 inch. (ie: a 20-1/2 steelie is 20.5 points). You get 2 points for each inch brown trout caught, and released (ie: a 20 brown is 40 points), and you get 1/4 point/inch for each non-salmonoid species caught, (ie: a 10" small mouth is 2.5 points). Only 1 smolt my be counted (for tie breaking purposes). Don't laugh, this was won by a gobie (1-1/4 points) one year.
ENTRY: There are multiple catagories for entry. The classes are: Sub Junior: for children under 10 years old; Junior: for those children who have not reached their 16th birthday; Women: for all female members of the fraternity. Open: for all people who are between the ages of 16 and 60, and those who have won a previous lower class. (So this year Skeeter and Jolene have to move up. Watch out men) and finally, Senior: For those hearty souls who are 60 years of age or older.
First OUT: Each fisherman will be required to bring an additional, identical, fly with them to be turned in at sign in to be placed in a box and given to the person who is the first to lose his/her fly. This is the "1st Out" prize, and was originally supposed to be a gag gift but when you have 135 people fishing it gets to be quite nice. There will be boxes for all classes.
PRIZES: This is a free event in as there is no entry fee. But since it is also a Rendezvous we do ask that, if you attend, you bring a fishing related prize to be given away to one of your fellows. However we will not turn away anybody. There will be a list posted and you can contact Rookie and Jokerball for donations or ideas. We always atempt to make sure that every child who attends gets an identical prize so if you want you can donate a collection of small prizes (flies, tools, Silverados) for the kids. Extras will be made into adult prizes.
OR: You can bring food for the picnic ( enough for you and a little more). Skip and Debi will be doing their usual EXCEPTIONAL organizing the food so you can pm them for ideas on food to bring.
The "Night Before": There will also be a gathering on Firday night "The Night Before" where you can meet and greet your friends and our honored guests; some members of the wounded warriors from the "Project Healing Waters", whose participation is being handled VERY well by Mikastorm. The "Night Before" is a pay-as-you-go, sit down dinner, at a local resturant. See sign-up sheet to be posted later.
We are also planning a Poker game to raise money for the Fruitbaskets program. This will be administered by Deetz!
Now the WHEN and WHERE: We will meet at Folley's End Campground, at the pavillion, starting at 6 am on Saturday the 8th of October. Sign in will be from 6 to 8am (please try to be early because it takes a while to get your ID badges handed out and your first out flies collected). FISHING: Will be from 8:30 to approx 1pm when we will all meet back at the pavillion for a picnic and games (organized by Doubletaper) and the awarding of prizes and drawings for the donated gifts. These activities will continue till approximately 5pm.
I am very Pleased to announce that we will be hosting 8 veterans from the "Project Healing Waters" Program. Volunteers will be partnering with them and guiding/assisting them in their participation in the event. Please be kind when you meet these honored guests. Mikastorm has been handling the co-ordination of their attendance and, with the help of many, has done a fantastic job. Give him a pat on the back and shake his hand when you see him.
If you plan on Camping during the event we recommend 'Uncle Johns' campground, or Folleys End, where the event is being held. If your stuck for a gift donation we recommend calling Fish USA for ideas. And a big thanks to them for providing the web space.
This is the sigh-in space so I'll start it. If you wish to attend just post your name and partners name here. NOTE: If you have not attended before, or if I don't recognize your screen name I will ask you to comfirm by a pm to me with a good e-mail or phone number. And I would like to get e-mails/numbers from everybody so I can keep track. Last year we had 22 people sign-up who didn't attend/cancell or which were bogus so 17 people had to be turned away. We have to limit this to 150 attendees so get your name in promptly. Please denote if female, senior, or junior.
I do need to add this: Police your own actions! You are responsible for everything you do. Watch the excessive alcohol consumption (and don't let the kids have any) and watch the language around the ladies. Be polite when you are on the streams. And enjoy yourselves. Remember: If I have to correct you; then it's already too late.

We are up to 130 total entries and 11 picnic only. Cut off is 150.

Do to the large amount of people who have to check work schedules The entry list is closed. Sorry to all


Indisguiz (sr) - Skeeter (jr)
Flytierwon - picnic only
TruckinRob - Chelle (f)
Troublem8ker -Wagtwin 1 (f)
Wounded warriors: 8 teams
Chaperones for above 2ea
Oldbrown trout - fry
Folleys end team (2 sr.)
Skip -Debi picnic only
Tippecanooe - Dingus (Jr)
Fisherlady (f) - Erie mako
Bings baits - HC Steel
Bulldog 1*
Jokerball (G)- Rookie(f)
Rookiemom - Autumn picnic only
kill3ducks1deer - bandcamp
Andylee - picnic only
flyfishindave (G)
fisherchic - Harry
mohawksyd - TheDuke (jr)
fishin coyote*- Worm waster? ? ?
Troutabout - patty picnic only
Deetz4352 - Steely34
Chuck H - Brian Anderson
Bowman DJK - TJ
Pa Wolfman* - Linda (picnic only)
Flipstick - 222
Ray (picnic only)
frost - Erin (f)
Slippery Smitt - old man
GC Steelie - Tyler (jr)
Doug - JT
Loomis - fishrman
Jah 1317
Mossy Oak (G) - 71 GTO
Fishmonger - ryan
bird dog *
Dardys - Drake (this team MUST use dry flies and 2wts LOL!)
Rockcutter - Bug (jr, f)
flyguy638 (G)
Erieboogyman - Jolene
Bugdrifter - Picnic, cooking, cherry juice monitor, and assistant to everyone!
Loopy (G) - Dano (G)
Schlemoc *
fisherofmen376 - Tyler
flyfisherman22 - bwayangler
Frisco - lil Frisco (jr)
Akitadog - Frisco Son-in Law
Horsefly - Horsefly son
Donkers - Daughter Donkers (f)
Kildeer - Kildoe (f)
Krott 243 (G) - Byahn 32
Anadromous (G)
Wally cat (sr) - Buddy (sr)
MX dad66 - Mr. Twister
Glen - Plumbob (sr)
SRflyfishin - Kyle (sub jr)
Old Dead eye - TBA (Jr)
PopsW (sr) - TBA (jr)
BarryB - TBA Jr.
Ron Stutz - Rich Cammisa
Wilbur_83 - daughter (f)
Matt Martin - TBA (Newspaper)
tctrout - ritchie
steeljunkie - devin
Edporanski* - Mark Jasen.
FishinFool 46 - Rj
Ron (sr) - Elaine Gaczkiwski (f, sr)
Randy - dar (f)
Outdoors addict - A.Kohl (Guys; Kohl in German means cabbage. = screenname?)
post edited by indsguiz - 2011/09/18 13:20:52

Illegitimis Non carborundum

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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 11:28:20 (permalink)
    I've been waiting for this since October of last year


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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 11:31:41 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Skip16503

    I've been waiting for this since October of last year

    Heck we've been planning it since October of last year LOL.

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 11:35:32 (permalink)
    Me and Dingus(Jr.)
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 12:06:41 (permalink)
    Jack... sign up myself (f) and Erie Mako (m)...

    vacation time already requested and we'll be available via phone/email/pm for whatever assistance is needed.
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 12:07:28 (permalink)
    Mark - Picnic only
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 12:13:19 (permalink)
    I'm in.

     I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 12:16:34 (permalink)
    Sign me up! I'll have to start gathering goat balls....
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 13:19:28 (permalink)
    I will be there with a box of butterworms.
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 13:22:53 (permalink)
    rollcaster - dad
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 13:25:00 (permalink)
    Lee - Paul
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 13:25:39 (permalink)
    I am in & one of the guides for our wounded solders that we are so proud of
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 14:45:31 (permalink)

    You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 15:06:30 (permalink)
    Myself & The Duke (Jr.) will be there. Thank you. Looking forward to it!

    "For the supreme test of a fisherman is not how many fish he has caught...but what he has caught when he has caught no fish." - John H. Bradley

    fishin coyote
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 15:07:19 (permalink)
    I'm in.

    Nothing is Free!!
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 16:31:11 (permalink)
    Patty and I will be there, but we won't be fishin'.
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 17:15:18 (permalink)
    Deetz4352 and Steely34  Lookin forward to it!!

    "They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it..... you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore."

    John Gierach

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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 17:18:38 (permalink)
    Sign me up with my partner Brain Anderson.
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 17:35:06 (permalink)
    Count me in with whoever doesn't mind if they don't win (cause we won't, guaranteed). 

    I don't give a crap if anybody listens to me or not.
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 18:33:23 (permalink)
    I cant wait to see all im back with my grandson TJ, Jack if he cant make it his younger brother Adam will take his place

    any day of fishing is a gift
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 19:06:43 (permalink)
    Had a good time last year but I going to step up my game and fish this year. It will be me and my wife (Linda) that will be there but I will be the only one fishing. She will just be watching or show up for the picnic.

    My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.-Thomas Jefferson
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 19:54:23 (permalink)
    sign me up and 222 will be there also.
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 20:09:31 (permalink)
    Jack how many times do you want Joker and I to split ourselves????

    We are on your list twice.

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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 21:55:47 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: rookie5781

    Jack how many times do you want Joker and I to split ourselves????

    We are on your list twice.

    That's because you're SPEciAl!

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 22:00:59 (permalink)
    Will be there,help as i can.Ray
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 22:30:14 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: indsguiz

    ORIGINAL: rookie5781

    Jack how many times do you want Joker and I to split ourselves????

    We are on your list twice.

    That's because you're SPEciAl!

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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 22:39:50 (permalink)

    Count erin (birthday girl) and myself in again.  We won't have to throw a surprise this year tho and we won't have to leave early either, (thanks again to yourself, skip and debi for all the work for last years party)...

    The worst day hunting or fishing will always be better then the best day at school or work!
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 22:41:30 (permalink)
    Hey, count the old man, myself and maybe the wife in. But, if skip and wifey wants, I'll just help cook.

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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/13 23:53:54 (permalink)
    Count me in!! And my nephew Tyler he is a junior, also my brother Doug and his partner JT. also will have one fly assortment and another nice prize as well, not sure yet but probably a gift certificate of some sort.
    mossy oak
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    RE: "One Fly" Rendezvous 2011! 2011/07/14 01:52:30 (permalink)
    Im in and Im helping with the veterans that day. Got to get in touch with 71GTO and tell him to register. Hold him 2 spots til i do Jack....


    so save your breath I could not hear, I think I made it very clear...

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